Colonial Propaganda -


APK: Activation of Prior Knowledge

Write at least 2-3 sentences about a time…

When you were influenced, inspired, motivated or angered by something someone wrote.

Question of the Day

What effect did propaganda have on colonists during the time of great struggle in the American colonies?


Michael Quinones, NBCT

How early writers inflamed the masses

What is propaganda?

Speech intended to sway opinion.

Often [if not always] inflammatory, sarcastic or exaggerated.

Sometimes “scary.”

Propaganda in early America

Thomas Paine published a

pamphlet titled Common

Sense in January of


Published anonymously.

Advocated a separation by America from England.

Common Sense

To Paine it was “common sense” to seek independence.

England was exploiting the riches and resources of


“We no longer need her protection.”

Power of the Press

Peter Zenger, a newspaper editor, printed a series of articles.

Critical of New York’s royal governor.

Accused of seditious libel.

Arrested and tried.

Found not guilty.

Boston as Bastion of


Sam Adams, cousin of John

Adams, was active in propaganda.

He was the leader of a group of Boston

“troublemakers” named the

Sons of Liberty

Publication of many pamphlets and newspapers spread word.

Patrick Henry

A member of Virginia’s House of


Advocated military attack on

British forces in March of 1775 in the Virginia Resolves .

 “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?

Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death !”


Creating Colonial Propaganda

• Colonial Propaganda Poster

• Congratulations, you have been chosen by fellow colonists to create a propaganda poster to help recruit support for or against colonial rebellion in your colony. Your job is to encourage your fellow colonists to support your argument and gain a better understanding of your colony’s views and way of life.

• In your poster you need to include the following:

• Name of colony or group you represent

• Argument for or against rebellion that is backed historically

• Five (5) valid reasons to support your side

• 1-3 illustrations

• Make poster look real for the time period

• In your propaganda poster you need to pick a date from the Seven Years’ War to [1763] the

Declaration of Independence [1776] to argue and encourage support for your cause.

Remember to be creative, accurate and have fun!

• Due Date:

•Source: sources/2libertybell.gif
