Dr Mary McCreery.Ph.D Clinical Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian Blackrock Clinic Dublin History of bread Early 20th century health experts said that industrially-baked bread was the responsible thing to serve, especially to children. Home made Bread In 1890, 90 percent of families baked their own bread. Sliced Pan By 1930, 90 percent of families bought industrial white bread. Energy Intake Bread was 30 % of caloric intake and industrial bakeries made it safe and plentiful Now only 10% Status Symbol The rich ate white bread and the poor ate darker denser chewier stuff. 1970’s-1980’s 1970s natural food movement, industrial bakers started putting whole wheat breads on supermarket shelves in 80s. Bread Making The bread machine fad of the early 90s created an interest in more rustic, handmade breads. Late 1990’s and early 2000 white bread held its exalted status. La Brea Bakery Los Angeles pioneered a retail resurgence in the art of hand-made loaves. Nutritional content The kind of flour used and the addition of nutrients to restore those lost during milling, rather than the bread making process itself, have the most significant impact on total nutrient content of bread. Studies have not found significant differences in the nutrient content of bread made using the ‘modern’ CBP or more traditional methods. Dept Health The Department of Health guidelines on using the food pyramid clearly shows both white and brown bread as being part of the major food groups that should be included on a daily basis.(Dept of Health and Children.2012) Food Safety Authority The Scientific Guidelines for Healthy Eating in Ireland 2011 as published by The Food Safety Authority of Ireland state that: • Bread, cereals and potatoes should provide the main source of calories and carbohydrate in the daily diet. It is recommended that 45 to 65% of daily calories should come from carbohydrates. • Bread, cereal and potato group, apart from being a good source of carbohydrate, fibre, and B vitamins these foods should provide about half of an individual’s daily energy needs Changes Dire warnings starting cropping up: White Bread was nutritionally-deficient compared to whole wheat; It made you fat per Atkins, South Beach and Sugar Busters; “Gluten,” the protein found in wheat could be making you sick/bloated/fatigued. White flour became nutritionally suspect. Fat Advice All bread can be included in a well balanced diet. Recent research IUNA Nutrition facts about Bread and Irish Adults 90% of adults consume white bread.(1.5 slices/d) 72% are consumers of wholemeal bread(1 slice/d) White bread provides more Iron than meat and Fish and provides 11% of the total Iron Intake White bread makes a significant contribution to fibre intake( 9%) Wholemeal Bread provides 12% of fibre intake White and wholemeal bread contributed to 17% of folic acid intake Bread is the second highest provider of Calcium in the Irish diet Myths Myth – Bread causes bloating and other digestive problems There have been media reports that bread and in particular bread made with the Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP), a process commonly used in modern bread making, can make us feel bloated. However, a recent review of this topic by the British Nutrition Foundation concluded that there is no scientific evidence that regular consumption of bread, whether produced by the ‘modern’ CBP or by traditional methods, causes bloating or gastrointestinal discomfort. Myth - White bread is bad for you because it has a high GI The glycaemic index (GI) of a food is a measure of how quickly glucose is released into the bloodstream after eating. Both white and wholemeal bread have a relatively high GI. However, the addition of fat and protein slows down the absorption of carbohydrate. Therefore, if bread is eaten with a meal or in combination with other foods (e.g. a sandwich), the carbohydrate is broken down more slowly and glucose enters the bloodstream at a slower rate. Myth – Bread is bleached and blanched European Union (EU) regulations prohibit the use of flour bleaching agents. In terms of food-technology blanching is a process where a food is parboiled for a short period of time. Blanching is not used in the production of white, brown or wholemeal bread White bread is not fattening Italians eat semolina pasta, Chinese eat white rice and the French eat white bread. None of these countries share our obesity rate. Latest News BritishDieteticAssoc @BrDieteticAssoc “It is a common misconception that bread is fattening,” Myths Myth – Wheat allergy and intolerance is on the increase . Prevalence of wheat allergy and intolerance is estimated to be low, although it is difficult to estimate the proportion of the population affected. As with other forms of allergy, it seems that the proportion of people who perceive they are allergic to wheat is clearly higher than the actual prevalence of wheat allergy. If wheat allergy or intolerance is suspected this needs to be diagnosed using standardised tests delivered by a qualified health professional before deciding to avoid wheat and unnecessarily restricting the diet without actually being allergic. Myth: We eat too much bread According to Irish statistics bread consumption per person has been steadily falling over the last thirty years. Myth: Brown bread is more nutritious The key nutrients lost through milling – must be restored to white and brown bread flour by law . This ensures that white and brown breads contain similar levels of these key nutrients to wholegrain bread All Bread is Nutritious Energy as Carbohydrate Source of protein Source of Iron Source of Calcium Source of B Vitamins Source of Fibre