Module IMPLICATIONS WP8- SERVICES WP9-SOCIOECON WP10-VALUATION add your Logo in the slide master menu Structure add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP8 SERVICES add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP8 SERVICES Objective of the Work Package • Quantitatively assess the effects of multiple stressors on the freshwater ecosystem services from a biophysical point of view. Main ecosystem services considered in this WP from a quantitative point of view are the following: water provisioning, sediment retention, water purification, storm peak mitigation – flood dissipation, habitat quality – diversity, opportunities for recreation. • Develop integrative models to simulate the effects of multiple stressors on the ecosystem properties and then on ecosystem services, linking outcome from BIOL and ECOSYSTEM (receptors) with the SOCIOECON and VALUATION (implications) and INTEGRATION. • Provide support for the prioritization of stressor impacts on human wellbeing, in order to support management actions and water policies improvements. add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP8 SERVICES Tasks of the Work Package Task 8.1. Integrative statistical models for ecosystem services at the basin scale. - quantify the freshwater ecosystem services at a broader scale in terms of space (basin) and time (annual to decadal) with statistical models, linking information on stressors with delivery of freshwater ecosystem services. Task 8.2. Integrative mechanistic models for ecosystem services at the river segment scale. -The models will be spatially explicit and dynamic and will simulate key ecosystem services such as water purification in river segments affected for example by invasive species and flow regulation add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP8 SERVICES Tasks of the Work Package Task 8.3. Assessment of implications of multiple stressors on biodiversity and human wellbeing. -Investigate the linkage between the biophysical models with socioeconomic information to generate holistic models providing quantitative information on the effects of stressors on human wellbeing and biodiversity to prioritize the impact of stressors, and therefore design management actions to counteract their impact. add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP9 SOCIOECON add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP9 SOCIOECON Objective of the Work Package To estimate how changes in the supply, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, of the important water-related ecosystem services, might affect the socio-economic development in selected GLOBAQUA river basins (GARBs). add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP9 SOCIOECON Tasks of the Work Package Task 9.1: Development of an integrated methodology for sustainable environmental and socioeconomic management of freshwater ecosystem services in accordance with ecosystem services approach and the economic principles adopted by the WFD. -This methodology will be consistent with (a) the economic principles adopted explicitly by the WFD, with the ‘Total Economic Value of Water Resources’ used as the underlying framework of analysis; (b) the 3-step WFD implementation approach suggested in the WATECO document, (c) the Ecosystem Services Approach to valuing freshwater goods and services to humans. This is the first deliverable (due November): it is almost done add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP9 SOCIOECON Tasks of the Work Package For this purpose we created: • XLS template for data collection (water uses, land uses, profile of the river basin, ecosystem services, residential statistics)XLS file • Policy and Institutions Questionnaire (Saleth & Dinar, 2004) This information will be available for all relevant projects. add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP9 SOCIOECON Tasks of the Work Package Task 9.2: STEP 1A: Assessment of the importance of freshwater ecosystem services to the economy and socio-economic development of the GARBs under the status quo. Task 9.3: Step 1B: Developing and quantifying a socio-economic reference scenario and a limited number of alternative scenarios to capture main uncertainties. - This assessment will initiate investigations of likely trade-offs between socio-economic development and freshwater services protection. - Socio-economic scenario that takes into account demo-graphic factors, economic growth and activity composition as well as land planning guidelines. add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP9 SOCIOECON Tasks of the Work Package Task 9.4: Step 2: Assessment of current levels of recovery of the costs of freshwater ES in GARBs and development of appropriate PoMs for achieving full cost recovery. - To what extent are financial, resource, environmental costs recovered given the current policy scheme. Task 9.5: Step 3: Economic assessment of PoMs (cost-effectiveness) and identification of cost disproportionality and time derogations (CBA). -Assess the cost and the impact of proposed measures. Define the leastcost measures via cost-effectiveness analysis. Identify winners and losers and conduct cost-benefit analysis. add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP10 VALUATION add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP10 VALUATION Objective of the Work Package •Valuation of ecosystem services aligned with the TEEB initiative Assessment: mapping and quantification of ES; Valuation: assigning (relative, nominal, monetary) values to services. •Stakeholder’s workshop to elicit ( co-construct) and validate values of ecosystem, to comments on scenarios and to test the plausibility of computer based model output. •To assess case study population understanding and perception of water scarcity and water quality degradation and reaction towards policy and PoMs aimed at the recovery of ecosystems (via a medium scale Social survey i.e questionnaire based). •To comment on research findings and to test acceptance for proposed measures with local stakeholders. add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP10 VALUATION Tasks of the Work Package Task 10.1. Conceptual framework of the ecosystem services: Economical valuation of ecosystem services aligned with the TEEB initiative. -Description of method of valuation, types of services Task 10.2. Preliminary valuation of ecosystem services. - analysis of ecosystem services in each case study. - the preliminary quantification in physical term of perceived value - the preliminary assessment of a monetary value to ecosystem services add your Logo in the slide master menu MODULE: IMPLICATION- WP10 VALUATION Tasks of the Work Package Task 10.3. Stakeholders workshop to elicit and validate preliminary values of ecosystem and to comments on scenario. Task 10.4. Questionnaire based survey (500 valid questionnaires): perception of ecosystem valuation, multi stressor interactions, testing PoMs. - implementation of the questionnaire in each the 6 case study areas - questionnaire coding from paper to XL spreadsheet - results analysis and interpretation Task 10.5. Stakeholder validation workshop of preliminary valuation of ecosystem services and PoMs. - the valuation of ecosystem services, the PoMs and final scenarios are presented and discussed with Local Stakeholders and decision makers. add your Logo in the slide master menu