Drought and the Great Depression

The Boll Weevil
• Cotton has always been an important crop in
It is because of the cotton crops that agriculture
thrived in Georgia in the 19th and early 20th
However, the end of World War I brought the
severe fall of cotton prices.
The cotton industry suffered again in 1921.
Nearly half of the cotton crop was destroyed by
the boll weevil.
The Boll Weevil
• The boll weevil is a small beetle, which most
likely came from Mexico.
It spread to the southern United States and
devastated the cotton crop in 1922.
Adult boll weevils puncture cotton buds and lay
eggs inside.
The larvae hatch inside the bud and feed on the
cotton bolls.
Because the larvae stay inside the buds,
insecticides cannot kill boll weevils.
• During World War I, farmers were encouraged
to expand and produce as much as possible.
In states such as Oklahoma and Texas,
overworking of the soil combined with strong
winds and low rainfall led to the creation of the
Dust Bowl.
In Georgia, drought was not a problem, but the
increase in cotton production meant an overuse
of the land.
Eventually, the soil was exhausted and would
not yield crops.
• A combination of exhausted soil from overuse,
and the destruction by the boll weevil forced
many farmers to leave their farms.
Some of the poorer farmers even left the state
Even before the Great Depression, Georgian
agriculture was suffering from a farm depression
that would change farming in Georgia from then
The Great Depression
• In the United States, it is normal for the
economy to go through highs and lows.
• When the economy is at a high point, it is
called a peak.
• A low point in the economy is called a
The Great Depression
• When a trough is extreme, the economy is
said to be in a depression.
• During times of depression,
unemployment is high and people cannot
afford many goods and services.
• Businesses suffer greatly or fail altogether.
The Great Depression
• The worst depression in the United States
occurred in the 1930s.
• It was caused by a chain of events
beginning after World War I.
• The countries involved in World War I
faced several different trials and
The Great Depression
• The era preceding the depression is
known as the Roaring Twenties.
• During this time, many people were not
postponing purchases, but were buying
things on credit instead.
• As businesses made large profits, average
consumers actually plunged into debt.
The Great Depression
• Consumers were confident in national
businesses, which led to investment in
these companies.
• This consumer support helped the
economy to grow quickly.
• Unfortunately, such swift growth is not
always a good thing. In this case, it led to
a stock market crash.
The Stock Market Crash
• Consumer confidence led to investment.
• People thought they could make a profit
when the stock’s value increased.
• Many people borrowed money in order to
buy shares.
• The value of the stocks dropped
considerably on October 29, 1929, a day
now known as Black Tuesday.
The Stock Market Crash
• Many people tried to sell their stock at the same
time when they thought the shares they owned
would not increase in value.
Soon, banks could not collect on loans because
the people had no money to pay them back.
The banks ran out of money and many lost their
savings from their accounts.
This meant they could no longer make payments
on their possessions bought by credit.
The Stock Market Crash
• Many Americans were forced to sell all of
their possessions in order to pay for
necessities like food, clothing, and heat.
• Many had to sell their homes and farms
for their best offer.
• Soon, businesses were suffering because
people could no longer afford luxury
goods, and unemployment increased.
The Stock Market Crash
• The businesses that did survive had to cut
their production drastically because there
were so few left who could afford to buy
anything but the essentials.
• This period of over ten years in which the
economy was slow, unemployment was
high, and everyone suffered is known as
the Great Depression.
The Great Depression and the New
• In 1932, in the midst of the Great Depression, Franklin
D. Roosevelt of New York was elected president.
When he took office, Roosevelt took steps to fulfill his
promise of “a new deal for the American people.”
He gathered a group of advisers from all over the
country. With their help and at Roosevelt’s urging,
Congress passed a series of laws that came to be
known as the New Deal.
The purpose of these laws was to bring about
economic recovery, relieve the suffering of the
unemployed, reform defects in the economy, and
improve society.
• The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a New Deal
program that provided jobs for young single men building
forest trails and roads, planting trees to reforest the land and
control flooding, and building parks.
CCC projects in Georgia included
– construction of sewer projects
– flood control and drainage projects such as Tybee Island’s
– recreational facilities such as ball fields, band stands, and
– Augusta’s Savannah River Levee, Atlanta’s Municipal Auditorium,
St. Simons’ airport, Macon’s airport, Stewart County’s courthouse
and jail, and renovations of Dalton’s city hall.
– build, expand, or improve schools and hospitals throughout the
– Much of the work on Grady Hospital in Atlanta was done by the
• The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
was created in March 1933.
• The AAA paid farmers not to plant crops on part of
their land.
• The legislation created price supports (guaranteed
higher prices) to farmers who agreed to cut back
their cotton and tobacco crops.
• The idea was to raise farm prices by limiting
• The plan worked, and farm income improved.
• One drawback of the AAA was that farm subsidies
(grants of money from the government) went to
landowners rather than to the tenant farmers,
who were predominantly black.
• The tenant farmers who worked the land never
saw any of the money.
• With decreased production, many tenant farmers
were without work.
• The AAA was eventually declared unconstitutional
by the U.S. Supreme Court because it was not
• Rural electrification was an important New Deal program.
• In the 1920s, power companies mainly ran lines to towns and
Because the rural population was spread out, power lines
were expensive to build and maintain.
The Rural Electrification Authority (REA) reportedly was a
result of President Roosevelt’s first night at Warm Springs,
He was sitting on the porch of his small cottage, trying to
catch a breeze on a hot, sultry summer night.
He noticed that no lights were showing from neighboring
• Roosevelt never forgot that night, and on May 11,
1935, he signed into law the act creating the REA.
The REA loaned over $300 million to farmers’
cooperatives to help them extend their own power
lines and buy power wholesale.
This program was one on the most important and farreaching of the New Deal programs.
By 1940, a significant percentage of farmers in
Georgia and other parts of the nation had electricity.
Electric water pumps, lights, milking machines, and
appliances made farm life much easier.
• New Deal relief efforts, however, could not reach
those people who could not work--children, the
blind, widows with small children, and the elderly.
workers needed some protection against
In 1935, Congress passed the Social Security Act.
The federal government would provide retirement
and unemployment insurance from taxes paid by
both workers and their employers.
Farm workers were not covered by the new
WW II and Neutrality
• President Roosevelt watched as Japan, Italy, the
Soviet Union, and Germany carved up the world.
Most Americans felt strongly that we should not
get involved, but Great Britain was an ally and
Roosevelt wanted to help.
He thought that only the British could stop Hitler
from crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
In the 1930s, Congress had passed neutrality acts
to keep the United States out of another war.
One of those acts would not allow the president to
sell weapons to any warring nation.
Lend Lease Act
• In 1939, Roosevelt asked for and got a new law that allowed
the Allied Powers to buy arms if they paid cash and carried
them in their own ships.
In 1940, Roosevelt gave Great Britain old weapons and traded
fifty destroyers for British bases in the Western Hemisphere.
In early 1941, when the British ran out of cash with which to
buy American supplies, Congress authorized Roosevelt to lend
or lease arms to them.
After Germany turned on and invaded the Soviet Union in
June 1941, Roosevelt gave lend-lease aid to the Soviets as
Roosevelt also ordered the U.S. Navy to convoy (escort)
British ships part of the way across the Atlantic.
• Meanwhile, American-Japanese relations got worse.
• To protest Japanese expansion, the United States
stopped exporting airplanes, metals, aircraft parts,
and aviation gasoline to Japan.
After Japan invaded French Indochina in 1941,
Roosevelt seized all Japanese property in the United
Badly needing the oil that Roosevelt had cut off, Japan
decided to invade the Dutch East Indies (now
Indonesia) in late 1941.
The only force that could stop the Japanese was the
U.S. Navy stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
• December 7, 1941, was a peaceful Sunday
• Many of the sailors stationed on the island were
eating breakfast or going about their early
morning routines.
• Suddenly, around 8:00 am., the air was filled with
the sounds of machine gun fire and low level
• The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was over by
10:00 am., but the damage to the Navy’s Pacific
fleet was incredible.
• On December 8, Congress declared war on Japan,
and the United States entered World War II.
• A few days later, Germany and Italy declared war
on the United States.
• Now it was a full-fledged war between the Allied
Powers led by the United States, Great Britain,
and the Soviet Union and the Axis Powers of
Germany, Japan, and Italy.
• Joining the Allies meant the United States had to
fight on two fronts, facing Germany and Italy in
Europe and Africa and Japan in the Pacific.
Bell Aircraft
• After Pearl Harbor, the federal government decided to build
additional aircraft plants to manufacture the B-29 bomber.
Bell Aircraft Company of Buffalo, New York, won a contract to build
the B-29 in a new plant in Marietta.
The Marietta facility was the largest aircraft assembly plant in the
By the time the plant closed at the end of 1945, Bell Aircraft had
built 668 planes.
In 1950, the Air Force convinced Lockheed Aircraft Corporation to
reopen the Marietta plant. The plant is still open and is operated by
the Lockheed Martin Corporation.
• World War II brought prosperity to Georgia.
• Millions of federal dollars poured into the state,
strengthening the economy.
• Because of its climate and the influence of
politicians like Senator Richard Russell, Jr. and
Representative Carl Vinson, the state became the
site of several military installations.
• Major military bases included Fort Benning in
Columbus, Camp Gordon in Augusta
• Fort Benning was the largest infantry center in the
• A number of industries in Georgia were contributing to
the war effort.
One effort was the building of Liberty ships at
Brunswick and Savannah shipyards.
President Roosevelt named the cargo ships “Liberty
ships” after Patrick Henry’s famous quotation, and the
ships were essential to the war effort.
The first of Georgia’s Liberty ships was launched in
November 1942—the U.S.S. James Oglethorpe, which
was sunk by a German submarine the next year.
Eighty-eight Liberty ships were built in Savannah by
15,000 workers, many of whom were women.
• In 1986, the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust
was established “to take lessons from the history of
the Holocaust and use them to help lead new
generations of Georgians beyond racism and bigotry.
Through a variety of programs, the Commission
fosters tolerance, good citizenship and character
development among the young people of the state.”
Each year, the Commission sponsors an art and
writing contest for Georgia middle and high school
• Franklin D. Roosevelt began visiting Warm Springs as
treatment for his polio.
He made so many trips to the springs that he built a
comfortable but small house there in 1932.
When he became president, it became known as the “Little
White House.”
On March 30, 1945, the president returned to the Little White
He had suffered a massive stroke and died.
As Roosevelt’s body was carried by train from Warm Springs
back to the nation’s capital, the tracks were lined by
thousands of crying Georgians who had come to think of
Roosevelt as one of their own.
• Describe the impact of the Boll Weevil and
drought on Georgia.
• Describe the economic factors that led to
the Great Depression.