Orthophotography and LiDAR Programs

State of Indiana
Orthophotography and LiDAR
R.N. Wilkinson
Special thanks to:
Jim Sparks
Jim Stout
Phil Worrall
Indiana’s Statewide
GIS Framework Data
At the edge of
some great
Statewide GIS Initiatives
• IndianaMap Data Sharing Initiative
• Broadband Mapping Program
• Local-Resolution NHD Development
• Orthophotography & LiDAR Program
• IGIC/ISPLS Height Modernization
Pilot & the INDOT CORS Network
• The New IndianaMap Viewer R3
Program History
• 2005 Statewide Imagery Project
– DHS Grant was stimulus
– Program the result of the IGIC Orthophoto
– Primary goal was a one-year statewide acquisition
– $8.5 Million cost
– Completed in 2006
2005 Ortho Project Benefits
$1.7 Billion worth of
project and operations
2011 Indiana Statewide Program
Deliverables • Orthophotography
– ECW files
• Compressed files
– GeoTiff
• Located geographically
– Metadata
– Tile Index
• 5000 x 5000 index
– Digital Elevation Models
• DEMs
– LAS files
– Hydro Line Work
• Used to hydro flatten
water bodies
– Tile Index
• 5000 x 5000 index
2011 Indiana Statewide Program
 Administered through Indiana Office of Technology – State
Geographic Information Officer – Jim Sparks
 Base Products
 1’ Pixel Resolution – 4-Band Imagery
 USGS-compliant, 1.5 meter post spacing LiDAR
 Digital Elevation Model
 Available Buy-up Options
 6”-inch Resolution Ortho
 3”-inch Resolution Ortho
 1-meter post spacing LiDAR
What is an Orthophotograph?
A digital (electronic) aerial photograph that
has been modified to remove distortion
from the camera & airplane and adjusted to
fit the ground surface.
It is a photo that can be used as a
Cameras Distort Images
All imagery has
spatial error due
to the distorting
nature of
Don’t forget
Terrain Distortion
2002 Orthos with
old DEM
2003 Orthos with
new DEM
Orthophoto Uses
Orthophotography has the geometric characteristics of
a map and the image qualities of a photograph.
• distance measurements
• area calculations
• determination of feature shape
• direction calculations
• determination of coordinates at a location
• analyze change
• Deliverables
– 4-Band 1”=200’ scale
seamless orthoimagery
– GeoTIFF format
– Enhanced Compression
Wavelet (ECW) format
– 5,000 X 5,000 tiles
– +/- 5.0 horizontal accuracy
– NSSDA Standards
– FGDC Metadata
Orthoimagery: Base Resolution 12-inch
Orthoimagery: Optional Resolution 6-inch
Orthoimagery: Optional Resolution 3-inch
Indiana LiDAR Program
• Capture 1/3 of state/year
• Base LiDAR product is:
– LiDAR Point Cloud
1.5 Meter Post Spacing
1st & Last & Intensity
(LAS v12 format)
– Digital Elevation Model
5-foot pixel, 5k-foot tiles,
(ERDAS Imagine IMG format)
• Buy-up:
– 1-meter LiDAR
– Contours
Statewide LiDAR Data Sources
 Blue counties (new 2011 -2013 LiDAR
capture planned)
 Other Counties (recent County LiDAR
 Other Areas (recent FEMA LiDAR
projects )
 All data homogenized into statewide
data product / delivery standard
Indiana LiDAR Program
• New LiDAR data – with many benefits
beyond standard DEM and DTM
production, especially when combined
with 4-band imagery:
Automatic Feature Extraction
Change Detection
Impervious Surface Analysis
Land Use/Land Cover Extraction
Forestry Analysis
Flood Analysis
Line of Site Analysis
 Light Detection and Ranging – laser range
finding from an airplane or helicopter.
 Builds a “cloud” of X,Y,Z points reflected
back to the receiver.
 Captures all reflective surfaces (ground,
buildings, trees, utility lines). Not water.
 Reflectivity can be used to determine type
of surface.
LiDAR Cloud Profile of Indy
LiDAR shaded blue to red,
oblique view. Arrow shows
perspective of next slide.
LiDAR of tree stand, oblique view. Note Cyan dots
represent points on the ground. So, about 1/1000
points get to the ground through dense forest.
Definition – Digital Elevation Model
 A 3D computerized representation of the
variation of relief of the earth’s surface in
the form of points of elevation (often
supplemented by breaklines depicting
severe changes in slope).
 Used for:
- Rectifying aerial photography.
- Calculating ground contours.
- 3D modeling of slope and drainage.
Uses for LiDAR Data and DEM’s
Point elevations
Warp correction on imagery
Building outline detection
Forestry production determination
3d Modeling
3d Mapping
Change detection on built up areas
Indiana LiDAR Program
LiDAR shaded red to blue elevations. Trees are easily identifiable.
Depth Grids
• Depth of flooding derived from subtracting WSEL and
terrain grids
• To be a standard deliverable for FEMA Flood
Insurance Study modeling under RiskMAP
• Also a standard input for HAZUS-MH to determine
flood loss impacts
Natural color ortho draped
over LiDAR cloud, oblique
Contours from LiDAR
(with Breaklines)
Access to Data
• IU Indiana Spatial Data Portal
– Single file download
– Multi-file download tool
Indiana Map
State of Indiana
County Governments
Open Topography website
IGIC Corporate or Institutional Members
– Hard drives available through Phil Worrall
Indiana LiDAR Program
Indiana Map
Internet dependant
Indiana Map
Through the Layer Gallery
• State of Indiana – GIO office
• County Govt –
– Check with local government for availability
– Each County got their data delivered on hard
Introducing the
Open Topography
Server for Indiana
The Open Topography Server for
The Open Topography Server for
The Open Topography Server for
The Open Topography Server for Indiana
Open Topography Server
Classes of data types available
• LiDAR point cloud data
• Standard digital elevation models (DEMs)
• For LiDAR point cloud data, web-based tools
are also available to process these data into
custom DEMs.
The Open Topography Server for
The Open Topography Server for
The Open Topography Server for
The Open Topography Server for
The Open Topography Server for Indiana
The Open Topography Server for Indiana
Open Topography Server for Indiana
TOOLS in Open Topography
Open Topography Server for Indiana
 Download and do some