Development of Spatial Decision Support System for Landslide Vulnerability Study, Management & Mitigation By L.P.Sharma, Contents of presentation Data Collection Digitization, attribution, edition & updation Assignment of Weights on Each parameters Analysis Buffer Analysis Overlay Analysis Calculation of Landslide Information Value on the basis of weights assigned. Refinement of Study Area for detailed investigation Study of role of Soil Parameters in the refined study areaa Works Done So Far Data Collection Geological Data (Rock Type, Foliation) (Mines & Geology Department, Govt. of Sikkim) Landuse & Land Cover Data (GIS Div. NIC HQ., New Delhi) Road Network (GIS Div. NIC HQ., New Delhi) Drainage Network (GIS Div. NIC HQ., New Delhi) Soil Parameters Map (GIS Div. NIC HQ., New Delhi) Landslide is a disaster of Big Concern in the hilly states. Since 1968 Sikkim has witnessed various landslide hazards that tool the lives of many with tremendous loss to public and private properties and physical as well as mental disturbance in public lives. Landslide probability is studied in many countries using the Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System Tools and Techniques. Factors Causing Landslides CONDITIONING FACTORS Slope Rock Formation Soil Characteristics Land Use and Land Cover Geomorphology Seismicity Tectonic Activities TRIGGERING FACTORS Anthropogenic Activities Rainfall Earthquake Deforestation Road Construction Unmanaged Road Condition and Utilization. Unmanaged Drainage System Data Used Sl. No. Name of Thematic Layer Map Scale 1:50,000 Data Source 1 Slope Map DEM/50k Topo Map NIC-GIS 2 Land Use & Forest 1:50,000 3 Geology 1:250,000 4 Soil Map 1:50,000 GSI/Mines & Geology NIC-GIS 5 Road Map 1:50,000 NIC-GIS 6 Drainage Map 1:50,000 NIC-GIS 7 1:25000 Topo- 1:25000 RMDD Digital Terrain Model-East Sikkim After Overlaying all the Layers Division into Revenue Circles Calculation of Landslide Information Value for Each Parcel 15 LSIV= Σ Wi i=1 Where W1 to W8 = weight on depth, inner texture, erosion, stoniness, drain, slope, depth texture and hydraulic conductivity of the soil W9 to W15= weight on rock type, geological fault, foliation, slope, buffered drainage, buffered road and land use. Categorization of Parcels based on Landslide Information Value LSIV<=14 Stable/Data Unknown Zone: No occurrence of landslide . However, parcels with non-availability of data may also fall under this category and it demands a detailed study at micro or meso level (<1:5000 scale) to declare these are as stable and safe zone. LSIV>14 and LSIV <=23 LSIV>23 and LSIV<=27 Unstable Zone: Least Probability of Landslide Vulnerable Zone: Higher Probability of Landslide LSIV>27 Most Vulnerable Zone: Highest Probability of Landslide REFINED STUDY AREA: Sang Revenue Circle-Block Boundaries Over DTM Soil Maps- Sang Revenue Circle Soil Maps- Sang Revenue Circle Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 391 97.67 15% Stable 2 158 136.74 21% Unstable 3 486 175.81 27% Vulnerable 4 466 240.92 37% Most Vulnerable Total 1401 651.14 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0 0% Stable 2 181 104.24 37% Unstable 3 124 76.07 27% Vulnerable 4 171 101.42 36% Most Vulnerable Total 476 281.73 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 259 25.06 9% Stable 2 158 22.27 8% Unstable 3 726 89.08 32% Vulnerable 4 806 141.98 51% Most Vulnerable Total 1949 278.39 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0% Stable 2 72 13.44 8% Unstable 3 218 70.56 42% Vulnerable 4 262 84.01 50% Most Vulnerable Total 552 168.01 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0% Stable 2 33 73.72 36% Unstable 3 94 100.35 49% Vulnerable 4 38 30.72 15% Most Vulnerable Total 165 204.79 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0% Stable 2 124 40.62 22% Unstable 3 331 134.79 73% Vulnerable 4 47 9.23 5% Most Vulnerable Total 502 184.64 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 124 13.31 8% Stable 2 18 4.99 3% Unstable 3 235 53.25 32% Vulnerable 4 306 94.85 57% Most Vulnerable Total 683 166.40 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 142 24.24 11% Stable/Unknown Data 2 201 28.65 13% Unstable 3 660 110.20 50% Vulnerable 4 337 57.30 26% Most Vulnerable 1340 220.39 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 193 19.31 9% Stable 2 121 23.60 10% Unstable 3 383 40.77 19% Vulnerable 4 797 130.88 61% Most Vulnerable Total 1494 214.56 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 5 0.00 0 Stable 2 128 36.86 19% Unstable 3 456 95.06 49% Vulnerable 4 357 62.08 32% Most Vulnerable Total 946 193.99 100 Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0 Stable 2 131 15.29 8% Unstable 3 635 91.74 48% Vulnerable 4 437 84.10 44% Most Vulnerable Total 1203 191.13 100% Phygyong Sl.No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0 Stable 2 56 86.47 35 Unstable 3 146 135.88 55 Vulnerable 4 47 24.71 10 Most Vulnerable Total 249 247.05 100 Tirkutam Sl.No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0 Stable 2 85 34.96 27 Unstable 3 194 82.03 61 Vulnerable 4 46 17.48 13 Most Vulnerable Total 325 134.47 100 Nazitam Sl.No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0% Stable 2 165 39.37 17% Unstable 3 419 141.28 61% Vulnerable 4 259 50.95 22% Most Vulnerable Total 843 231.60 100% Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Hectares. Percentage Area Stability Zone 1 0 0.00 0% Stable 2 437 192.56 19% Unstable 3 995 344.58 34% Vulnerable 4 924 476.33 47% Most Vulnerable 2356 1013.46 100% Landslide Probability MapsRevenue Circle Wise Figure 4 (a) Rumtek Revenue Circle . Legend CHINZE CHUBA LINGDUM NAMIN NAMLI RAWATE-RUMTEK REY SAMLIK-MARCHAK SHYAGYONG-RUMTEK TEMPHYAK-MENDU TUMLABUNG Figure 4 (b) Legend Block Boundaries Stable/ Data Unknown Unstable Vulnerable Most Vulnerable Map Composed at Geo-Informatics Cell, NIC Sikkim Landslide Probability MapsRevenue Circle Wise Landslide Probability MapsRevenue Circle Wise Landslide Probability MapDuga Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Maps-Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Maps-Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Maps-Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Maps-Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Maps-Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Map-Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Map-Revenue Circle Landslide Probability Map-Revenue Circle Study of Role of Soil Statistics in Landslide Vulnerability Methodology Followed: After the study area is divided into smallest number of polygons with respect to all the available thematic input layers, weights on eight important soil parameters are separately assigned and then the soil stability value (SSV) is computed. Zonation is done based on SSVs to prepare SSVzonation map The SSV-zonation map is compared with LSIVzonation map produced with Multi Criteria Stability Value. Percentage of agreement between the two maps is calculated. Study Area.. Soil Parameters Considered Sl.No Soil Depth Stability Stability Weight 1. 2 3 4 Deep Moderate Deep Moderate Shallow Shallow Most Unstable Unstable Stable Most Stable 4 3 2 1 Sl.No 1 2 3 Soil Texture Stability Stability Weight Sandy/Coarse/Gravel Most Unstable 3 Loam Silty Loam Moderately 2 Stable Clay/Fine Loam Stable 1 Soil Parameters Considered.. Sl.No Soil Erosion Stability Stability Weight 1. Severe Unstable 3 2 Moderate Moderately Stable 2 3 Low Stable 1 Sl.No 1. 2 3 Soil Surface Texture Stability Stability Weight Sandy/Coarse/Gravel Loam Most Unstable 3 Silty Loam Moderately Stable 2 Clay/Fine Loam Stable 1 Soil Parameters Considered.. Sl.No Soil Stoniness Stability Weight Stability 1. Slight/Low Most Unstable 3 2 Moderate Unstable 2 3 High Stable 1 Sl.No Soil Slope Stability Weight Stability 1. Very Steep (>50%) Most Unstable 3 2 Steep (30% to 50%) Unstable 2 3 Moderate Steep (15% to 30 % Stable 1 Soil Parameters Considered.. Sl.No Soil Drainage Stability Weight Stability 1. Excessively Drained Unstable 3 2 Somewhat Excessively Drained Moderately Stable 2 3 Well Drained Stable 1 Sl.No Hydraulic Conductivity Stability Weight Stability 1. High Unstable 3 2 Moderate Moderately Stable 2 3 Low Stable 1 Parameter Wise Thematic Maps Parameter Wise Thematic Maps Calculation of Soil Stability Value For each polygon of the study area, the Soil Stability Value (SSV) is calculated as 8 SSV= ΣWi i=1 Where W1 = stability weight of the soil based on the depth of the soil W2= stability weight of the soil based on the texture of the soil W3= stability weight of the soil based on the surface texture of the soil W4= stability weight of the soil based on the erosion of the soil W5= stability weight of the soil based on the stoniness of the soil W6= stability weight of the soil based on the slope of the soil W7= stability weight of the soil based on the drain of the soil W8= stability weight of the soil based on the hydraulic conductivity of the soil Zonation on SSV Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Square KM. Soil Stability Value (SSV) Stability Zone 1 6 2 Unknown Stable/Unknown 2 48 19.84 15-16 Unstable 3 17 5.92 17-19 Vulnerable 4 14 11 20-22 Most Vulnerable Total 85 38.76 100 Calculation of Multi-criteria Stability Value (LSIV) 5 LSIV=SSV+ΣWp P=1 Where W1 is the stability weights based on the rock type and the geological factor W2 is the stability weights based on the land use type W3 is the stability weights based on slope of the area W4 is the stability weights based on availability of roads within a buffer distance of 40 meters W5 is the stability weights based on availability of unprotected drainage within a buffer distance of 30 meters Zonation on Landslide Information Value (LSIV) Sl. No No of Polygons Area in Square KM. Landslide Information Value (LSIV) Stability Zone 1 1114 1.98 Unknown Stable/Unknown 2 3499 11.98 4-14 Unstable 3 6226 14.90 25-28 Vulnerable 4 3645 9.9 29-36 Most Vulnerable Total 14484 38.76 100 Zonation Maps based on SSV & LSIV Agreement Between SSV & LSIV based Vulnerability Zones Sl.No. Stability Zones Area Area Percentage (Sq.Km) (Sq.Km) of based on based on Agreement SSV LSIV 2 1.98 1 Unknown 2 Less Vulnerable 19.84 11.98 60% 3 Moderately 5.92 Vulnerable Most Vulnerable 11 14.98 39% 9.9 90% Sum 38.76 72% 4 38.76 Future Plans Preparation of Zonation maps based on Information Value theory, Regression Model, Fuzzy Logic, ANN, Monte-Carlo Simulation etc. Development of Software Model (SDSS) for zonation, management & mitigation of landslide hazard.