بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َّ ْ ُ ْ ُ َّ َ َّ ُ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ ْ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َّ ات ِلك ِ ِل صب ٍار “ ألم تر أن الفلك تج ِري ِفي البح ِر ِب ِنعمت الل ِ ِه ِلي ِريكم ِمن آيا ِت ِه ِإن ِفي ذ ِلك ِلي ٍ َ ُ شكو ٍر ” صدق هللا العظيم (لقمان – )31 تقييم جيوبيئى لمحور تنمية منطقة قناة السويس – المخاطر مصر- اقليم القناة وسيناء- والفرص Geoenvironmetal Impact Assessment of Suez Canal Corridor Development Area, Challenges and Opportunities, Suez Canal and Sinai Province, Egypt Geriesh, M.H., El-Rayes, A.E., Kaiser, M.F., Mansour, B. MH., and Abd El-Aleem, M. Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt ISMAILIA, 2014 Talk Outline Location, Problem Definition and aim of work Prevailing forms of geoenvironmental hazards Physiography and Geology Tectonic framework & Seismic activities Hydrogeologic setting Water Quality and Hydro-Chemical Facies Hazards of water logging , Sea shore erosion and soil salinization Challenges of flash flood hazards Challenges of water resources pollution Management - Conclusions Location البحر المتوسط منطقة الدراسة شبه جزيرة سيناء االسماعيلية Isthmus Stretch قناة السويس The Suez Canal Corridor Area Project Project aim • The project aims to increase the role of the Suez Canal region in international trading and to sustainably develop the Suez Canal Corridor area in a safe environment. Aim of work The present work is an integral study environmental analysis and management to: of 1- Asses prevailing geoenvironmental hazards with an emphasis on problems associated with soil desertification, land erosion, water logging, tectonic activity, pollution and flash flood hazards. 2- Propose adequate and economic safe designs to mitigate the prevailing geoenvironmental hazards. Description of the new Suez Canal Route من البحيرات المرة جنوبا وتنتهى قرب يبلغ طول القناة الجديدة حوالى 72كم تبدأ بحيرة البالح شماال مرورا بتلك البحيرات مع تعميق المجرى المالحى الحالى والجديد معا الى مايقرب من 24مترا ليسمح للسفن ذات الحموالت الكبيرة بالمرور فى القناه فى االتجاهيين معا.. )New canal length 72 km (35 km dry and 37 km wet drilling sections Shale New canal route Prevailing forms of geoenvironmental hazards 1 1 2 3 Sinai 2 3 Northern Sector 4 4 5 5 6 7 water logging and soil salinization along the middle and northern irrigated areas 6 8 9 11 7 2 4 6 8 10 10 F8 12 Bitter Lack 13 14 Southern Sector Fayed 16 15 F10 F9 Auger hole Infiltration test Infered fault Losses of fertile soil and great amount of water due to water logging and high evaporation Risky level of water pollution and land degradation due to miss land use planning strategy. Geology & Physiography the area is covered by Quaternary deposits with variable thickness. K = 10 Hydrography and suitability of tunnels construction Hydrographic basins of the project area Tectonic framework & Seismic activities التراكيب الجيولوجية االقليمية المتقاطعة والموازية لمجرى قناة السويس الجديدة خريطة مراكز هزات الزالزل بمنطقة االقليم (معدل – ابوالعلى )1994 N Magnitudes (Mb): ;≤ 3 3.1 - 4.4 ≥ 4.5 موقع آمن النشاء االنفاق موقع غير مستقر ويحتاج لدراسة دقيقة 29/04/74 02/01/87 29/03/84 12/10/92 مراكز الهزات االرضية و التراكيب الجيولوجية االقليمية المتقاطعة والموازية لمجرى قناة السويس الجديدة من خالل الرصد المغناطيسى الجوى Hydrogeological cross-section parallel to the canal course Ion concentrations in epm 200 TDS in ppm 9870 160 Ca 120 HCO3 SO4 9120 Mg 5712 5120 80 3814 Na 40 Cl 1560 1560 1195 1095 W 74 W83 W84 1640 1720 0 W 82 Depth relative to sea level 200 W 75 W 79 W56 W57 W 62 W 68 W 65 Wadi Tumilat 100 Ismailia Canal WT 0 WT El-Manzala Lake Holocene aquitard discharge zone -100 -200 Pleistocene aquifer -300 -400 0 -500 5 10 15 20 km Pliocene aquiclude Hydrogeological cross-section parallel to the eastern canal bank Meters above sea level 50 South North Sinai Canal 25 12 11 + 10 9 8 WT 0 5 2 3 25 50 75 S' Explanation Marly Limestone Mud Calcareous loamy sand Eolian sand Gravelly sand Calcareous loam Screen position Infered fault 0 5 10 km S Ion concentrations 15830 300 200 Na Cl 7400 100 4112 1492 2382 1720 0 W 20 W 67 W61 El-Qantara El-Matria W.T Suez Canal Holocene aquitard 200 Pleistocene aquifer 30° 00' 400 600 31° 00' 32° 00' C lioce ne a quic lude 100 elt a Present-day shore line 80 n Asthmus basi 200 km ic tit n an a i h s .P de W en 6441 .M W 6122 ic c nit i a sa HCO3 .T elu P W . Ca W. Sebenitic ic op an .C W W. D 31° 00' 100 D c 800 1000 W 4748 umilat W. El-T Mg SO4 Na Cl 60 2622 2478 30° 00' 0 TDS in ppm 40 20 -0 تتواجد المياه الجوفية بمنسوب يتراوح مابين م من سطح البحر وعلية فان العمق لسطح1.0 المياه الجوفية يعتمد اعتمادا رئيسيا على تضاريس وجيومورفولوجيا سطح االرض المار به مجرى . مترا بطول القناه15-5 القناه والذى يتراوح بين Mediterranean Sea P W .A tri bi ti meters below sea level W 68 Hydrogeologic setting Abadia 0 Ion concentration in epm W 66 East Mahmoudia 32° 00' W40 W 42 W45 West 200 1669 1215 Memphis 50 km 1674 High Neogene ridges 1120 440 2711 ملوحة المياه متفاوتة بين العذبة والمالحة طبقا لنوع الرواسب الحاملة وعمق المياه من سطح .االرض Nile 0 East West Wadi El-Tumilat Sweet Suez Canal Meters above sea level El-Manaief Canal 25 + 0 29 156 123 92 93 88 50 1 4 Suez Canal Route Qm 50 Explanation 100 11 Qt - 25 75 82 Qt = Tumilat aquifer Qm = Quaternary main aquifer 0 Evaporitic loams Mud Eolian sand dunes Gravely sand 5 10 km screen position Fig. (13): Hydrogeochemical cross sections along the coastal zone (A, present work) and Wadi old Nile branch (B, after Geriesh, 2000). Buried river NileEl-Tumilat channel crossing the canal route from west to east زيادة النشاط السكانى والتوسع الزراعى والرى بالمنطقة الشرقية لقناة السويس يساعد على ظهور البرك والمستنقعات الحديثة نتيجة الرتفاع منسوب المياه الجوفية ووجود طبقات طينية تحت التربة الرملية المروية مما قد يلعب دورا هاما فى تكثيف عمليات التكسية وحوائط الحماية للمجرى الجديد وأخذ ذلك فى االعتبار عند اقامة مشروعات .التنمية والتوسع الزراعى بالمنطقة Alexandria Idiku Lake Marute Lake Rosetta Branch Distribution of the Holocene and Pleistocene hydrochemical facies Holocene Aquifer Ismailia 30 30 N 31 00 E 30 00 E Tanta Suez Canal 31 00 N 32 00 E Mediteranean Sea Damieta Rosetta Scale (A) Alexandria legend Idiku Lake Ca-HCO3 Cairo 0 10 20 30 Km ____________ Pleistocene Aquifer Na-HCO3 Na-mix NaCl+ NaCl- (Ca>Mg) NaCl- (Mg>Ca) Marute Lake 31 00 N 31 00 E Suez Canal Rosetta Branch 30 00 E Tanta Ismailia 32 00 E Mediteranean Sea Damieta Rosetta Alexandria 30 30 N Idiku Lake Marute Lake Scale (A) legend Ca-HCO3 Cairo Na-HCO3 Na-mix NaCl+ 0 10 20 30 Km ____________ NaCl- (Ca>Mg) Suez Canal Rosetta Branch 31 00 N Tanta Ismailia NaCl- (Mg>Ca) 30 30 N 31 00 E 30 00 E 32 00 E Mediteranean Sea Rosetta Damieta Ancient groundwater flow to Sinai Scale (B) Cairo 0 10 20 30 Km ____________ Hydraulic balance along the new canal route Discharge zone Isthmus Stretch West 50 East Suez Canal New Discharge zone courses Old 0 masl Aquitard Return flow direction Return Flow direction Clay -100 Pleistocene aquifer Miocene limestone 0 5 10 km Fault قطاع هيدروجيولوجى عمودى على قناة السويس بمنطقة سرابيوم Results of hydrochemical and stable isotope analyses Well No. ID NO3 (mg/l) X Y m Late. N Long., E Total Depth, TDS (mg/l) Ion concentration in mg/l Ca 1 W45 105 30 47 57.40 32 21 44.53 32 2 W51 35 30 45 59.66 32 22 26.27 11 3 W6 20 30 42 31.78 32 23 00.1 14 4 W5 100 30 39 47.29 32 23 31.82 6 5 W44 90 30 5606. 76 32 30 03.18 16 6 W39 10408 5722 6074 2862 5012 -2.9 Mg Na HCO3 2H SO4 Cl 440 232 3085 142 2165 4342 21.0 70 108 1955 171 534 2870 9.1 324 234 1670 116 446 3273 50 38 922 244 475 1124 112 48 1512 120 1190 2020 -2.9 -2.9 18O نتائج التحاليل:)1( جدول الكيميائية للمياه الجوفية شرق المجرى المالحى الجديد 3.46 1.76 -2.29 -2.9 -2.9 -2.9 -2.9 -27.5 -2.9 -2.9 No We ll ID Ag Zn B Ba Cd Co Cr Cu Fe In K Li Mn P Pb Sr Th Tl 3 W6 < 0.002 0.005 0.373 0.084 < 0.002 < 0.002 0.021 < 0.003 0.001 < 0.011 6.425 0.012 0.001 < 0.011 < 0.007 1.329 0.009 < 0.011 4 W5 < 0.002 0.89 8 0.846 0.038 < 0.002 < 0.002 0.031 < 0.003 0.015 < 0.011 24.280 0.040 0.001 < 0.011 < 0.007 9.769 0.02 6 < 0.011 5 W44 < 0.002 0.019 1.590 0.029 < 0.002 < 0.002 0.019 < 0.003 0.001 < 0.011 23.090 0.038 0.003 < 0.011 < 0.007 6.118 0.016 < 0.011 نتائج تحاليل :)2( جدول العناصر الشحيحة للمياه الجوفية شرق المجرى المالحى الجديد )لتر/(التراكيز بالميكروجرام Hydrochemical profiles along the new canal route (mg/l ). Distributions of heavy metals parallel to the eastern side of Suez Canal 0.04 0.03 0.02 Th 0.01 Cr 0 North W6 W5 W44 South Recent water 30 %° SMOW 20 10 Old water 2H 0 ID W45 W51 W6 W5 W44 18O W39 -10 -20 -30 TDS (mg/l) 12000 North South 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 ID W45 W51 W6 W5 W44 W39 Thorium distribution along the eastern side of the Suez Canal Route Distributions of radioactive minerals (Thorium) along the eastern side of Suez Canal 0.03 0.025 (mg/l). 0.02 MCL Th 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 North W6 W5 W44 South 19 Hazards of water logging and soil salinization من%30 فاقد عن طريق البخر (حوالى الموارد المائية المتاحة cracks Soil salinization Desertification Water losses accedes 2 billion cubic meters/year Wetland covers increased in surface area due to various processes occurring on the El-Tina plain including a sea / groundwater level rise and land subsidence 1984 2014 Supervised classification for 1984 is seen in (A) and for 2014 in (B) on the El-Tina plain (red color indicates wetlands) Water logged areas increased from 4% (25km2) at 1984 to 28% (180km2) of ElTina plain area at 2014 (before and after El-Salam Canal construction) Increase of water logged areas from 1987 to 2012 along the middle sector The wetland areas increased from 56 km2 in 1987 to 150 km2 in 2012 22 Shore erosion along El –Tina Mediterranean shore line (1984-2003) 23 Field verifications, collection of surface water samples, digging of auger holes, collection of soil samples and measuring Ec and PH of samples. Water logging hazards along the northern sector 25 Changes of groundwater levels and salinity along the Suez Canal during the last two decades Increase of groundwater level Changes of groundwater levels in some wells during the last two decades Changes of groundwater salinity in some wells during the last two decades Predicted changes of water logging during the next two decades along the middle sector 18 16 130 120 14 Ground elevation in masl 110 12 10 8 6 100 90 80 non-measured 70 (mountainous region) 60 50 40 non-susceptable soil (good drainable soil) 30 20 moderately susceptable (need good drainage system) 10 Highly susceptable area 0 4 -10 2 Bit ter La ck 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Km Proposed dewatering design to manage water logging in the project area Cross section of dewatering design NW Gravel Pack 15 Perforated Tube Collecting sump Collecting Tube 10 SE Submersible Pump To the nearest Drain 5 0 5 10 15 0 500 1000m LEGEND Gravely Sands (Main Aquifer) Evaporitic Loams (Aquitard Layer) Loose Sands (Perched Aquifer) قطاع رأسى يوضح احد المصارف المغطاة المقترحة وتأثيرة على خفض مناسيب المياه الجوفية بمناطق الرشح شرق القناه G.S W.T X Impermeable layer Cross - section of the proposed underground drinage design. 29 Success implementation (case study) of the proposed design in urban areas, west of the canal route Challenges of flash floods along the northern west Gulf of Suez Industrial region 150 million cubic meters of runoff expected to cross the area per one rainfall event (48mmlday). Wadi Ghewabah hydrographic basin, 3000 km2 31 Deficiencies of the existing dam maintains and flash flood mitigation 32 Flash flood hazards, risk map وادى غويبة درجات خطورة السيول بالوادى ومنابعه الفرعية فاقد عن طريق السيول 33 Proposed flood control measures Locations of dams and flood control structures at Wadi Ghewaba, South west Gulf of Suez 34 Capacity of the proposed flood control measures Dam efficiency to mitigate floods in Wadi Ghewaba area Storage capacity increased from 2.9 to 11 million m3/one rainfall event Proposed runoff harvesting and groundwater recharge, models 36 Proposed flood mitigation canal along the downstream areas Mitigation canal increases flood control efficiency by 3.8 million m3/one rainfall event Challenges of water resources pollution in the project area Pollution threats along El-Salam Canal 39 Increases of salts content of the transported El Salam Canal water to the eastern side of Suez Canal Route Cl Sodium Absorption Ratio Na 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Sample No. 5 4 3 2 Sources of water pollution of El-Timsah lake مخاطر تلوث القناة والبحيرات: -1فقد كمية كبيرة من مياه النيل سدى -2القضاء على الثروة السمكية -3تقليل فرص العمل للصيادين -4ضرر مباشر على النشاط السياحى -5انتشار العديد من االمراض -6زيادة احمال الترسيب الغرينى والعناصر السامة بقاع البحيرات والقناة Discharge of 1.3 million m3/day of polluted drain water to the canal route Timsah Lake Sources of water pollution of El-Timsah lake Algae and Nile flowers Death of fishes اذدهار الطحالب وورد النيل اسماك نافقة Sources of water pollution of El-Timsah lake Swimming in polluted water مياه صرف ) على الشواطىء%60 (نسب الخلط لمياه المصرف مع بحيرة التمساح تصل الى Sources of water pollution of Sinai Canal Solar energy plates Recharge basin Pre- filter Control weir 1 Distribution pipe 600m 2 Pump Slow sand filter 3 Tile drain To the plant 800m Flow direction supply canal Proposed design for water purification in the project area Cross-section of the proposed design Recharge basin To the plant Pre- filter Slow sand filter 1 2 Flow direction 3Tile drain Multi filtering water purification model 46 CONCLUSION Data integration and analysis indicate that the area is under threats by five types of geoenvironmental hazards which are; Water logging and soil salinization along the middle and northern newly irrigated areas; flash floods hazards along the northwestern Gulf of Suez industrial area; moderate to low seismic activity along the canal main course; pollution threats for both saline and fresh water resources; land subsidence and Mediterranean coastal area. degradation along the northern 47 CONCLUSION The area witnessed a rapid agricultural development in the past three decades, and the environmental changes were very remarkable therefore, the present study gives some applicable mitigation measures for the predicted hazards. The seismic activity hazard should be taken into consideration during the selection of tunnel sites, especially those proposed for the southern parts of the project area. In conclusion, the project area could be ranked from the geotechnical point of few as medium to low risk ranked area, therefore, the proposed mitigation measures could easily mange most of these prevailing hazards. 48 Thank you