TURAS Work Package Leaders Meeting: Dublin - April 2013 Work Package 2 – progress report TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY WP 2 Task progress TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.2 – Universal evaluation model for green infrastructure drivers and barriers Task leaders: Rome (supported by Uni of La Sapienza) Timetable: M1 – M24 [Deliverable M16] Delivered: Italian version comprehensive evaluation of Rome green infrastructure English version - universally applicable framework to evaluate green infrastructure implementation in TURAS in WP2 partner cities Annex - a comprehensive bibliography of international urban green infrastructure guidance, policy and best practice. TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.2 – Universal evaluation model for green infrastructure drivers and barriers Activities – still to be completed: Encapsulate ecosystem service value into arguments and supportive data to favour the retention of green spaces and land. Assessment of transferability of economic evaluation model to London greenspace (IfS?); Development of universal urban assessment model and impact on reduction of urban ecological footprint. Green wall - Rome www.feelhomeinrome.com TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Task leaders: Stuttgart Group (supported by UEL & Barking Riverside). Timetable: M1 to M24 [Deliverables M18, M20] Activities: Stuttgart: Ongoing negotiations for location of green wall following competition Legal and council approval problems with original site Hope to have it resolved soon and begin installation. New proposed green wall location - Rathausplatz Ludwigsburg TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Activities: Stuttgart: A prototype wall has been built at the Helix Pflanzen GmbH site in Kornwestheim at their own cost. Data on water and temperature being generated. Establishing research projects at the University of Stuttgart. Baumwand – prototype green wall TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Activities: Stuttgart: Helix is also engaged in the maintenance process of the baubotanical Platanenkubus in Nagold. Plane-Tree-Cube Nagold Represents an additional opportunity to collect climate data to inform the research on green walls and urban comfort zones. TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Activities: London: The Phase 1 green roof experiment at Barking Riverside continues to be monitored and results disseminated through a variety of formats. This has included: Using the site as a case demonstration facility for international visitors; Undergraduate and postgraduate research projects; A TURAS site meeting for Work Package leaders; Development of best practice guidance documents for Local Authorities; Barking Riverside Phase 1 green roof experiment TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Activities: London: The Phase 1 green roof experiment at Barking Riverside continues to be monitored and results disseminated through a variety of formats. This has included: Development of guidance for developers and architects on design of urban green infrastructure for biodiversity. Dissemination to WP4: green infrastructure design for water attenuation and development of secondary waste products as green roof construction elements. Barking Riverside Phase 1 green roof experiment TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Activities: London: Phase 2 green roof experiment - to manipulate the water retention capacity of a series of experimental green roof test platforms and monitor the performance of vegetation and colonisation by flora and targeted fauna. Series of delays but almost there: Original school site development delayed. Temporary buildings unable to take loadings. Cost of purchasing containers beyond TURAS budget. Weather delayed containers positioning on site. H&S issues of working on a large scale construction site. www.organicroofs.co.uk TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Activities: London: Phase 2 green roof. Expected completion end May 2013. Barking Riverside Phase 2 green roof experiment construction TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.3 – Design and establish field experiments investigating state-of-the-art in urban green infrastructure design (green roofs & walls) Activities – still to be implemented: Journal publication (in preparation) Dr Chloe Molineux – Development of alternative sustainable aggregates for use as green roof substrates AND microbial communities of green roofs. Dr Gyongyver Kadas – survey methodologies for green roofs and invertebrate diversity dynamics in relation to green roof age. Kinga Owczarek – investigating the link between green roof water attenuation and age AND the use of novel recycled products as green roof construction elements. Caroline Nash – floral availability and green roof design TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.4 – Landscape design: incorporating art, creativity and regional habitat charateristics Task leaders: UEL (supported by IfS, Barking Riverside). Timetable: M1 to M24 [Deliverables M24] Activities: Barking Riverside: 2012 monitoring of landscaping completed including establishing an experimental control area on nearby ‘soft‘ landscaping area of Barking Riverside development; Interim report produced for Natural England as part of support agreement for urban ecology PhD studentship (£10K). Brownfield landscaping @ Barking Riverside TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.4 – Landscape design: incorporating art, creativity and regional habitat charateristics Task leaders: UEL (supported by IfS, Barking Riverside). Timetable: M1 to M24 [Deliverables M24] Activities: UEL: Creation and monitoring of the Beetle Bump brownfield nature reserve Planning installation of Green Man sculpture as the first art showcased at the reserve Times Higher Education Award Shortlist Design publication in Essex Naturalist journal. UEL’s Beetle Bump TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.4 – Landscape design: incorporating art, creativity and regional habitat charateristics Task leaders: UEL (supported by IfS, Barking Riverside). Timetable: M1 to M24 [Deliverables M24] Activities: Urban landscaping guidance document Institute for Sustainability & UEL: Guidance document produced to disseminate TURAS best practice for urban GI design into the Poplar HARCA redevelopment case study. Uploaded on TURAS website. TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.4 – Landscape design: incorporating art, creativity and regional habitat charateristics Activities – still to be implemented: Projects are currently in development to further the study of recycled substrates as habitat to support biodiversity to link to WP4. Dissemination of T2.3 research throughout the TURAS project network and through journal publication. Journal publication in preparation – Nash & Connop, Urban landscape design for brownfield biodiversity. TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.5 – Pilot test design tools from T2.3 & T2.4 at Barking Riverside and disseminate Task leaders: UEL (supported by Barking Riverside). Timetable: M18 to M36 [Deliverables M30] Activities: Working with developers, architects and landscape designers to identify opportunities to feed into Barking Riverside masterplan Feeding biodiverse landscape design guidance into Poplar HARCA case study site. Identifying additional opportunitites for implementation (e.g Sainsburys on Sanofi site). SuDs guidance for London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Newham. Barking Riverside Development (artists impression) TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.5 – Pilot test design tools from T2.3 & T2.4 at Barking Riverside and disseminate Activities – still to be implemented: Experimental results only just starting to emerge, so too early for delivery of Task 2.5. Work still outstanding includes: Disseminate best practice design from T2.2 through landscape-scale installation of green roof systems and landscape design from Barking Riverside. Monitoring of the case study installations to investigate real-time benefits of green roof systems and landscape-scale connectivity of green infrastructure at the case study site. We are very much on track to deliver this both at the Barking Riverside site and further afield. TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Task 2.6 – Visions, feasibility strategies and guidance tools Task leaders: La Sapienza (IFS, UEL, Univ. of Stuttgart). Timetable: M12 to M60 [Deliverables M36] Activity pending as dependent on integration of other WP2 Tasks: It has been agreed that the format of Task 2.6 will be an urban GI design handbook. To include: Model for urban GI implementation. Summary of TURAS WP2 case studies and results. All WP2 partners to identify local and international case study examples of innovation in urban GI design and management (and other TURAS partners??) Olympic Park – Green roof TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY WP 2 Significant results Preparation of the green infrastructure model for local authorities; Establishment of the design principles for novel green roof experiment centre at Barking Riverside. Determination of Ludwigsburg to be involved with TURAS and host the experimental green wall system. Establishment of Beetle Bump at UEL which led to an Higher Education Award shortlisting. The landscape design and green roof experimentation received a Highly Commended Award in the 2012 Integrated Habitats Design Competition. After only one year of the project and very early in the experimental process, interest in WP2 of TURAS, use of Barking Riverside as a dissemination showcase, and demand for green infrastructure design guidance has exceeded expectation. TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Actual/Foresact delivery date Dd/mm/yyyy Public 36 30/09/2014 Not submitted Comments Delivery date from Annex 1 (proj month) R Status No submitted/submitteed Dissemination level D2.3 Report and 2 recommendations for other participating cities Nature Lead beneficiary Deliverable name Del. no. WP 2 Deliverables On target for deadline TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY WP 2 Milestones TABLE 2. MILESTONES Milestone no. MS 7 MS 8 MS 9 MS 10 MS 11 MS 12 MS 13 MS 14 Milestone name Lead beneficiary Delivery Achieved Actual / date from Yes/No Forecast Annex I achievement dd/mm/yyyy date dd/mm/yyyy Comments Economic evaluation model Establishment of new green roof design test facility 2 Month 16 Yes Available on TURAS PPA website 2 Month 18 No Design guidelines Multidisciplinary approach guidelines Case study Multifunctionality guidelines Facilities testing showcase Synergistic evaluation of data dissemination 2 Month 20 Phase 1 experimental facility operational, landscaping experimental area operational plus additional area on UEL campus. Phase 2 green roof experiment under construction (for more details see description for London in Task 2.3 progress) On target 2 Month 24 On target 2 2 Month 24 Month 30 On target On target Month 30 On target Month 36 On target 31/05/2013 TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY Future planning Experimental and case study monitoring and data analysis. Journal article publication. Working with all WP2 partners towards dissemination targets, with particular focus on Task 2.6. Continuing to develop current and future dissemination opportunities: Transport for London; Olympics Park design and management; Bouygues (London Rd Barking); Drain London; Thames Water; SuDs guidance; London Business Districts; Poplar HARCA; Taylor Wimpey (Barking); Greater Thames Marshes Nature Improvement Area, V&A and Natural History Museum and Tate Modern. Investigation of poor uptake of green wall competion. Identifying opportunities for collaboration and integration with other WPs. Identification of further funding opportunities to provided added value and scope to TURAS outputs. TRANSITIONING TOWARD URBAN RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY