Project Life+ CYPADAPT

Presentation of the LIFE+ project:
Development of a national strategy for adaptation
to climate change adverse impacts in Cyprus
Prof. Maria Loizidou
National Technical University of
School of Chemical Engineering
Nicosia, Wednesday 2nd November 2011
Area of implementation: Cyprus
Project Budget: 1.358.847,00 € (50% EC funding)
Start date: September 1st, 2011
End date: March 31st, 2014
Duration: 31 months
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Project partners
Coordinating beneficiary:
Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture,
Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus
Associated beneficiaries:
National Technical University of Athens
National Observatory of Athens
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Aims & Objectives
The CYPADAPT main aim is to strengthen and increase Cyprus
adaptive capacity to climate change impacts through the
development of a National Adaptation Strategy.
This is expected to be achieved through the following specific objectives:
Describing climate change and its impacts
Projecting future climate changes and providing estimates of potential
Assessing the sensitivity of different systems, sectors or communities
to climate change
Assessing adaptive capacity, vulnerability and opportunities associated
with climate change
Proposing appropriate actions that should be taken immediately as
well as policies for future actions.
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Engaging stakeholders
Methodology for adaptation
Assessing current climate
changes and risks
Projecting future climate
changes and risks
Assessing current socioeconomic conditions
Projecting future socioeconomic conditions
Current impact and
vulnerability assessment
Future impact and
vulnerability assessment
Assessing adaptive capacity
Formulation of an adaptation strategy
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Climate change adaptation
policy areas
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 1: Preparatory actions
Start date: 01.09.2011, End date: 29.02.2012, Duration: 6 months
Activity 1(a): Review of the observed changes and responses to climate change
worldwide and especially in Cyprus. Observed impact, vulnerability and
adaptation assessment for the case of Cyprus
 Recording of the observed impacts of climate change in different sectors
including water resources, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, marine and
coastal zones, freshwater and terrestrial biological systems, human
 Vulnerability assessment on the basis of several impact characteristics
such as magnitude, timing, persistence, reversibility likelihood
Activity 1(b): Examination and analysis of European and international policies
and legislative framework with respect to climate change
Rules, institutions and procedures governing the international climate
change regime (UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol)
Proposals and consultation for action in adaptation to climate change
(White, Green Paper)
Sector/risk specific directives including adaptation measures (Water
Framework Directive, Floods Directive)
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 2: Review of existing national adaptation
plans worldwide and assessment of relative measures
implemented in Cyprus
Start date: 01.10.2011, End date: 31.03.2012, Duration: 6 months
Activity 2(a): Review of existing national and regional adaptation strategies and
practices as well as guidelines on the development of adaptation plans
 Review of applied National and Regional Adaptation Plans (NAPs and RAPs) for
developed countries, National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) for
Least Developed Countries
 One trip to Finland will be realized in order to come into contact with the
competent authorities and discuss on the adaptation policies and the potential
barriers met during the implementation of the National Adaptation Plan .
Activity 2(b): Assessment of past responses to adapt to the adverse climate change
impacts in Cyprus
 Evaluation of existing plans, strategies and measures implemented in Cyprus
to reinforce the adaptive capacity of different sectors
 Identification of potential barriers to implement adaptation measures (e.g.
legal, policy, institutional, social, economic, cultural)
 Gap analysis between the existing policies in Cyprus and the respective EU
and international legislative policy aiming to determine complementary
measures for the elaboration of the national adaptation plan in Cyprus
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 2: Review of existing national adaptation
plans worldwide and assessment of relative measures
implemented in Cyprus
Start date: 01.10.2011, End date: 31.03.2012, Duration: 6 months
Activity 2(c): Development of a database consisting of adaptation measures
applied worldwide
 Categorization of adaptation measures considering:
 National and Regional Adaptation Plans in developed countries
 National Adaptation Programmes of Action in developing countries
 Measures and policies implemented by countries that have not yet
adopted an integrated adaptation plan
 Categorization of
 location (longitude, latitude),
 climatic conditions (average temperature, precipitation),
 population,
 economy (GNP, per capita income)
 The database will be a helpful tool for the development of adaptation plans by
identifying suitable adaptation measures of countries or regions with similar
characteristics of the examined area.
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 3: Prediction of future changes and
responses due to climate change in Cyprus
Start date: 01.04.2012, End date: 31.12.2012, Duration: 9 months
Activity 3(a): Literature review and evaluation on the state-of-the-science computerbased climate simulation models
 Evaluation of existing Global and Regional Climate Models (GCMs, RCMs) used for
the projection of climate change variables (temperature, sea level, precipitation
rate, rainstorm events occurrence)
 Selection of the appropriate models for the projection of climate change in Cyprus
Activity 3(b): Projection of climate change in Cyprus with the use of selected regional
climate models
 The projection will be based on the IPCC emission scenarios which represent
consistent developmental paths for the key factors which drive emissions of
greenhouse gases (i.e. demographic, social, economic & technical development)
 The output of the models will include temperature changes, precipitation variation
changes in the hydrological cycle, socio-economic impacts etc.
Activity 3(c): Future Impacts and Vulnerability Assessment due to climate change in
 Impact assessment based on climate change projection in Cyprus
 A 2nd vulnerability assessment will be performed for each sector and
compared to the existing situation which is considered as the baseline
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 4: Development of a multi-criteria
analysis tool for the elaboration of the
adaptation plan for Cyprus
Start date: 01.01.2013, End date: 31.09.2013, Duration: 9 months
Activity 4(a): Literature review on the state of the art multi-criteria analysis tools
used for the development of adaptation plans worldwide
 Identification of the most prominent multi-criteria analysis (MCA)
tools used in the field of adaptation planning to climate change
 Comparison between MCA tools
advantages and disadvantages
Activity 4(b): Development of a multi-criteria analysis tool for the selection of the
most appropriate set of adaptation options. Implementation for the case of Cyprus
 Development and Use of a multi-criteria analysis tool for the
prioritization of the alternative adaptation options that have been
identified. The stakeholders participation is considered of
paramount importance
 The structure of the MCA tool will be based on objectives,
alternative measures/options/interventions, criteria and weights
applied to the criteria
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 4: Development of a multi-criteria
analysis tool for the elaboration of the
adaptation plan for Cyprus
Start date: 01.01.2013, End date: 31.09.2013, Duration: 9 months
Activity 4(c): Preparation of the software operation manual and demonstration video
 To attain highest diffusion and easiness to the application of the developed
multi-criteria analysis tool, an operation manual and a demonstration video
will be prepared
Activity 4(d): Evaluation and optimization of the MCA tool
 The MCA tool will be uploaded at the project website and at the interactive blog
for a period of two months for public consultation aiming to evaluate its
 Questionnaires will be developed aiming for a more specific evaluation approach.
Activity 4(e): Two (2) 1-day training seminars/workshops
 to present the aims and objectives of the project,
 to introduce and demonstrate the capabilities of the MCA,
 to train the relevant operators of the software in order to gain sufficient
knowledge in operating, maintaining and altering the software,
 to enhance awareness on issues related to climate change.
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 5: Elaboration of a National
Adaptation Plan for Cyprus
Start date: 01.10.2013, End date: 31.03.2014, Duration: 6 months
Activity 5(a): Elaboration of a National Adaptation Plan for Cyprus
 The output of the multi-criteria analysis will be used for the
preparation of a draft adaptation plan for Cyprus.
 Stakeholders will evaluate the adaptation options proposed by the MCA
tool on the basis of their contribution to climate change adaptation,
the potential barriers for their implementation, the cost effectiveness
and viability
 Selection of a set of measures that will be incorporated in the National
Adaptation Plan for Cyprus
 Distinction between urgent and less urgent policies that address the
current adverse impacts of climate change (based on projected
 Development of a draft adaptation plan
 Public consultation for a period of two months
 Submission of the revised adaptation plan for endorsement to the
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 5: Elaboration of a National
Adaptation Plan for Cyprus
Start date: 01.10.2013, End date: 31.03.2014, Duration: 6 months
Activity 5(b): Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the National
Adaptation Plan in Cyprus
 Development of monitoring indicators
 In order for an effective implementation of the developed NAP to be
achieved, the adaptation efforts and effects must be thoroughly
monitored and evaluated on the basis of meaningful indicators and
follow up measures making it possible to clearly identify the progress
made and the remaining need for action.
 A set of indicators will be developed by which the performance of
adaptation activities will be assessed. These indicators will provide the
basis for before and after analyses and describe the effects (positive
and negative) of project interventions.
 The formulation of a monitoring and evaluation committee composed of
a number of concerned institutions and stakeholders will be proposed,
within, or under the jurisdiction of, a competent ministry (e.g., MANRE).
The committee will use the produced indicators in order to monitor and
evaluate the respective adaptation needs and activities.
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Action 6: Dissemination
Start date: 01.09.2011, End date: 31.03.2014, Duration: 31 months
 Launching Event (22/09/11, Nicosia, Cyprus)
 Development of an interactive website and blog
 Development and distribution of informative material &
publications/notice boards/posters
 Publications in national and international scientific and technical
 Organization of (1-day) events
 Organization of an international conference
 Cyprus national adaptation plan distribution to the public
 Layman’s report
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Networking with other projects
Start date: 01.09.2011 End date: 31.03.2014 Duration: 31 months
 ADAM project. The project intended to support the EU in the
development of post-2012 global climate policies, the definition of
European mitigation policies to reach its 2020 goals, and the
emergence of new adaptation policies for Europe with special
attention to the role of extreme weather events.
 CIRCLE-MED is a geographical group in the frame of CIRCLE ERA-Net.
It aims at creating a Mediterranean research community network
through collaborative research projects on Climate Change Impact
Research, with the objective to bring the results of this research to
policy and decision-makers.
 AQUIMED. Its objective is to develop capacity building methods for
water users to define and discuss possible strategies of adaptation to
future changes including climate change.
 CANTICO. Its objective is to develop a methodology to assess and
prioritize risks from combined Climate Change and anthropogenic
impacts on coastal areas (create decision support tools).
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Networking with other projects
Start date: 01.09.2011 End date: 31.03.2014 Duration: 31 months
 MAREMED. The project focuses on those constituents of maritime policy with a
strong transnational dimension, namely Integrated Coastal Zone Management,
pollution, adaptation to climate change in coastal areas, fisheries, coastal and
maritime data management.
 REGIOCLIMA. The overall objective of the project is to assist societies to adapt to
the new climate conditions both by minimizing the risk of damage and exploiting
the new opportunities arising from a changing climate.
 COASTANCE. The main project aim is to develop mid and long term Integrated
Coastal Zone Management Plans. The results produced will be used as Public
Policy Tools for erosion control by regional, national, EU administrations.
 SESAME. The general scientific objectives of the project are to assess and predict
changes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea ecosystems as well as changes in
the ability of these ecosystems to provide goods and services.
 CARBONTOUR. The project objective is to develop a strategic approach for CO2
offsetting and carbon neutrality for the tourist accommodation industry which
will provide guidelines for the reduction of tourism contribution to climate
LIFE+ Environment project: LIFE10 ENV/GR/000723
Thank you for your attention!
More information on the project available at: