Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 5 Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 5.1 In order to create an accurate model one first needs to understand all of the relevant factors in the watershed. 1960s › Harvard, Stanford, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pioneered hydrologic computer modeling. › The first available model was: Hydrologic Simulation Program – FORTRAN (HSPF) 1970s › Increasing interest in water quality spurred more models. Breakdown of computer modeling software packages. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 5.2 1. Select model based on study objectives and watershed characteristics, availability of data, and project budget. 2. Obtain all necessary input data— rainfall data, digital topography, land use and soils, infiltration, channel characteristics, streamflow data, design floods, and reservoir data. 3. Evaluate and refine study objectives in terms of simulations to be performed under various watershed conditions. 4. Choose methods for determining subbasin hydrographs and channel routing. 5. Calibrate model using historical rainfall, streamflow, and existing watershed conditions. Verify model using other events under different conditions while maintaining same calibration parameters. 6. Perform model simulations using historical or design rainfall, various conditions of land use, and various control schemes for reservoirs, channels, or diversions, to the extent possible. 7. Perform sensitivity analysis on input rainfall, routing parameters, and hydrograph parameters as necessary. 8. Evaluate usefulness of the model and comment on needed changes or modifications. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 5.3 Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 5.4 Simulation of watershed runoff and streamflow. 2. Determination of flood flows at various locations. 3. Evaluation of land use or topographic changes. 4. Simulation of flood control measures. 5. Computation of damage frequency curves. 1. HEC-HMS uses parameters averaged in space and time to simulate the runoff process. Each watershed is divided into relatively small homogeneous subbasins because of the limitations of UH theory. › 1-10 mi2 per subbasin P is computed for each of those subbasins from either historical or synthetic storms. › Can be input in many different forms: Incremental P for a time in each subbasin Total cumulative P and time distribution Historical gage data and areal weighting (Thiessen) coefficients for each subbasin HEC-HMS can also do snowfall and snowmelt. Initial and Constant HEC exponential SCS Curve Number Holtan Method Green and Ampt Deficit/Constant Soil Moisture Accounting Clark hydrograph method (TC&R method) Snyder unit hydrograph method SCS method (CN method + SCS UH) Kinematic wave for overland hydrograph ModClark User-specified S-graph 4.3 mi2 80% Devel. SCS curve # 94 The larger the TC value the flatter the UH response. Three parameters: › Q0 flow in channel prior to start of rising limb › Ratio of recession flows at t=1 (RTIOR) › QR recession threshold Q0 = starting baseflow Q = baseflow rate at end of nΔT RTIOR = ratio of recession flows at t =1 hr increment apart. For urban channels it can work to just use a constant value. Brays Bayou, Houston Flood routing analyzes the movement of a flood wave as it travels from reach to reach through a stream or river. Methods for Flood Routing in HEC-HMS Muskingum Modified Puls Kinematic Wave Muskingum – Cunge 8-point Lag Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Chapter 5.5 HEC-1 Watershed Hydrology (1981) › There has since been HEC-2, HEC-3, HEC-4 There have been numerous other HEC releases. › HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, HEC-GeoRAS, HEC-SSP, HEC-RPT, HEC-ResSim, HEC-ResPRM, HEC-EFM, HEC-FDA, HEC-DSS HEC-HMS (1998, 2006, 2010) › Major releases: 1998, 2006, 2010 A project consists of three separate parts: › The Basin model › The meteorological model › The control specifications Result data for every object can be obtained. Example Output Hydrograph