CITY OF TULSA Fee-in-Lieu of Detention, Tulsa, Oklahoma: Best Management Practice William H. Robison, PE, CFM, City of Tulsa Janet K. Meshek, PE, CFM, Meshek & Associates, PLC Chris S. Hill, GISP, CFM, Meshek & Associates, PLC 1437 SOUTH BOULDER AVE., SUITE 1080 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74119 918.392.5620 (P) 918.392.5621 (F) WWW.MESHEKENGR.COM CHRIS S. HILL, GISP, CFM Senior Engineer for City of Tulsa GISP Manager for Meshek & Public Works Department Been with City since 1988 Extensive experience in stormwater engineering design & construction, Community Rating System (CRS), Hazard Mitigation including FEMA grant applications, construction management & multiple software programs BS, Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University JANET K. MESHEK, PE, CFM Founder of Meshek & Associates & Principal Engineer 32 years experience in stormwater planning, management, design & hydrologic & hydraulic modeling Associates, PLC Been with Meshek & Associates for 10 years Involved in numerous mapping & GIS projects for communities throughout Oklahoma Expertise in project mapping, data visualization, project data organization & project administration Currently Adjunct Professor teaching Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at Tulsa Community College B.S. in geography with minor in interdisciplinary perspectives on environment, University of Oklahoma ABOUT THE SPEAKERS WILLIAM H. ROBISON , PE, CFM floods – 3 dead & $55 million damage 1977 Earth Change & Drainage Ordinances 1978 Design Criteria Manual – established feein-lieu of detention as “trade-off” option 1984 “worst” flood - 14 dead & $150 million damage Post-1984 Flood Watershed Development Ordinance FEE-IN-LIEU HISTORY 1974 & 1976 devastating No downstream adverse impact Proposed fee structure $25,000/ac.-ft. or $0.20/sq. ft. Adopted fee structure - $0.10/sq. ft. additional impervious area 2003 increased to $0.20/sq. ft. Fee significantly less actual costs 2009 RESULTS & RECOMMENDATIONS Increase fee to $0.73/sq. ft. Implement over 3 years Update regularly FEE-IN-LIEU HISTORY 1994 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CRITERIA MANUAL CURRENT CONSTRUCTION COSTS Storage volume estimated Unit costs from current City construction projects Used 5 detentions Ranging in size from 50 ac.-ft. to 122 ac.-ft. City “as-builts” & surface acres Calculation of average actual construction costs CURRENT LAND VALUES Based on County Assessor’s property tax base data Calculation of average land costs for detentions STUDY METHODOLOGY DETENTION SITES STUDY METHODOLOGY 5 DETENTIONS CITYWIDE Alsuma Brookwood Haikey Turner Park Heatherridge 6 STUDY METHODOLOGY CONSTRUCTION COSTS Example - Haikey Creek Detention Facility 50 ac.-ft. storage volume 7 Current construction costs were projected: 50 ac.-ft. at $19,000/ac.-ft. Amount of additional impervious area computed: 50 ac.-ft./0.3 ac.-ft. = 166.67 ac. or 7,260,000 sq. ft. STUDY METHODOLOGY PROJECTED CURRENT CONSTRUCTION COSTS – HAIKEY CREEK Current construction costs were projected: 50 ac.-ft. at $19,000/ac.-ft. Amount of additional impervious area computed: 50 ac.-ft./0.3 ac.-ft. = 166.67 ac. (7,260,000 sq. ft.) To mitigate 1 acre of additional impervious area: $19,000 X 0.3 ac.-ft. = $5,700/ac. To mitigate 1 sq. ft. of additional impervious area: $5,700/43,560 sq. ft. = $0.13/sq. ft. of additional impervious area Actual construction cost = $0.13/sq. ft. STUDY METHODOLOGY PROJECTED CURRENT CONSTRUCTION COSTS - HAIKEY CREEK Range in actual total costs of construction of 5 detentions $0.13/sq. ft. to $0.38/sq. ft. Actual average total cost of construction $0.26/sq. ft. of additional impervious area STUDY METHODOLOGY PROJECTED TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS – HAIKEY CREEK Assessor’s data valuable resource - Verifiable & defensible database GIS valuable tool for real estate data GIS demonstration to follow 2 adjustments due to nature of publicly-owned land Surrounding real estate basis for cost projections Cost adjustment of 2.5 factor for eminent domain STUDY METHODOLOGY PROJECTED CURRENT LAND COSTS – HAIKEY CREEK STUDY METHODOLOGY HAIKEY CREEK –LAND COSTS BEFORE ADJUSTMENT Total surrounding land value divided by total number of square feet = average of $4.20/sq. ft. land cost Adjusted land cost is $4.20/sq. ft. X 2.5 = $10.50/ sq. ft. Current land costs = total surface acreage multiplied by adjusted cost per square foot 396,573 sq. ft. X $10.50/sq. ft. = $4,164,018 Projected cost to mitigate 1 sq. ft. of additional impervious area: $4,164,018/7,260,000 sq. ft. = $0.57/sq. ft. STUDY METHODOLOGY PROJECTED CURRENT LAND COSTS – HAIKEY CREEK Range in actual total cost of land for 5 detentions $0.20/sq. ft. to $0.63/sq. ft. Actual average total cost of land for 5 detentions $0.48/sq. ft. of additional impervious area STUDY METHODOLOGY PROJECTED TOTAL LAND COSTS – HAIKEY CREEK Average actual total construction & land costs to mitigate 1 sq. ft. of additional impervious area Average total construction costs = $0.26 Average total land costs = $0.48 $0.26 + $0.48 = ~$0.73/sq. ft. of additional impervious area STUDY METHODOLOGY PROJECTED ACTUAL TOTAL COSTS – ALL DETENTIONS STUDY METHODOLOGY 16 current construction and land costs Easy to update data with minimal effort to input new data, including GIS services Cost-effective Fees reflect actual public costs METHODOLOGY ADVANTAGES Valid and reliable data based on actual Current actual total cost of $0.73 is significant increase Possible difficulty in implementing due to magnitude of increase CONSEQUENCES NO INCREASE INCREASE Fee will defray only part of total actual public costs Costs not paid by development community will become future public costs INCREASE IS DIRECT RESULT Lack of periodic fee review Historical fees not reflective of total actual public costs Development community influential in decisionmaking OTHER CONSEQUENCES Proliferation of onsite nonregional detentions can result in negative impacts Objections to implementation likely RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS INCREASE IS SIGNIFICANT Sept. 2009 – Board approved fee increase over 3 years Apr. 2010 – City Council approved implementation effective immediately April 2011 & 2012 - Incremental increases - $0.18/sq. ft. per year IMPLEMENTATION THE END OF THE STORY Matrix developed to determine when use of Fee-InLieu is appropriate - Developer may implement Best Management Practices to assure no adverse downstream impact & no requirements If not, issues to consider before using Fee-in-Lieu: - Any increase in impervious area? - Any downstream structures that flood? Downstream damages? Capacity of downstream system? - Compliance with Master Drainage Plan? Based on the above, Fee-in-Lieu may be an option SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATION OF OTHER ISSUES SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION – OTHER CONSIDERATIONS DECISION MAKING PROCESS PERMITTING FEE-IN-LIEU OF DETENTION DECISION MATRIX TO DETERMINE USE OF FEE-IN-LIEU Uses existing accessible and reliable databases Allows quick & easy updates at minimal cost Uses actual public costs Promotes development without public cost Fees based on original intent of “trade-off’ Has applicability to other communities Use of decision matrix QUALIFICATIONS Should be an option – not mandated Should consider adverse downstream impact in approval process BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE EXCELLENCE CITY OF TULSA GIS presentation follows Fee-in-Lieu of Detention, Tulsa, Oklahoma: Best Management Practice William H. Robison, PE, CFM, City of Tulsa Janet K. Meshek, PE, CFM, Meshek & Associates, PLC Chris S. Hill, GISP, CFM, Meshek & Associates, PLC 1437 SOUTH BOULDER AVE., SUITE 1080 TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74119 918.392.5620 (P) 918.392.5621 (F) WWW.MESHEKENGR.COM