CAB Abstracts

CABI – Knowledge for Life
CABI is a not-for-profit organisation, specialising
in scientific research, publishing and communication
Provision of applied scientific expertise and
information to solve problems in public health,
agriculture, sport, tourism and the environment
Celebrating 100 years of CABI: 1910-2010
44 member countries
Our database CAB Abstracts is our flagship
CABI Publishing Products
CAB Abstracts (with Full Text Select Database
integrated since Sept. 2008)
Global Health (with Full Text Select Database
integrated since Jan. 2009)
8 Internet Resources
48 Abstract Journals (print + online as subset
CABI Full Text Databases package
CABI Books
CAB eBooks
5 Compendia (interactive multimedia scientific
Sport, tourism and sport
nutrition at CABI
CAB Abstracts
Global Health
Internet resources:
Nutrition and Food Sciences Database (NFS)
Leisure and Tourism Database
Books and e-books
CAB Abstracts
Key Facts
comprehensive and conclusive coverage of
Applied Life Sciences (over 6 million records)
essential coverage of international and nonjournal literature
Over 304,000 new records in 2009
Over 85,000 Full Text records now in database
7,176 indexed serials (6,000+ core journals ;1st
Increasing focus on key topics (Climate Change,
Biofuels, Biodiversity)
2,300 Cover-to-Cover
CAB Abstracts – Тематическое покрытие
 Crop sciences
Human Medicine
 Crop protection
Food and Nutrition in Humans
 Forestry, forest products &
Economics and Social Sciences
Leisure and Tourism
Environmental Science
Soil Science
 Animal sciences
 Animal health & veterinary
 Agricultural Engineering
CAB Abstracts – Тематическое покрытие
 Crop sciences
 Human Medicine
 Crop protection
 Food and Nutrition in Humans
 Forestry, forest products &
 Economics and Social Sciences
 Animal sciences
 Animal health & veterinary
 Agricultural Engineering
 Leisure and Tourism
 Environmental Science
 Hydrology
 Soil Science
Виды спорта, включеных в базы данных
Motor cycling
Ball games
Winter sports
Motor racing
Competitive sports
Animal sports
Combative sports
• Entertainment
• Indoor recreation
• Leisure activities
• Olympic games
• Outdoor recreation
• Physical fitness
• Play
• Recreation
• Recreation activities
• Sports organisations
• Three-day events
• Sociology of sport
• Sport performance
• Sport policy
• Sport theory
• Sport tourism
• Sport centres
• Sport equipment
• Sports facilities
• Sports grounds
• Sports medicine
• Water recreation
Global Health – основные факты
 Единственная в мире база, полностью ориентированная на
общественное здравоохранение
 1.4 млн. записей
“Текущий файл ” - 1973 до настоящего времени
 Международная и неопубликованная литература
 Международное и мультидисциплиннарное тематическое покрытие
 351,000 уникальных научных журналов, которые недоступны в Embase
и Medline
 Уникальное тематическое покрытие
 4, 000 полнотекстовых документов (кажды год мы добавляется 2000
CAB Abstracts
•Animal sciences
•Plant sciences
•Natural resources
• Leisure tourism
• Crop protection
• Rural development
•Food technology
Global Health
•Water quality
•Medicinal plants
entomology and
diseases of man
•Human nutrition
• Food science
Human health:
•Bacterial diseases
•Viral diseases
•Rural health
• Public health
•Health promotion
•Disease prevention
•Occupational health
•Environmental Health
Global Health – спортные темы
Epidemiology of sports injures
Trauma treatment
Pain coping
Herbal drugs
Traditional medicine
Health promotion and sport
Sport for healthy lifestyle
Behaviour change and sport и др.
Другие базы данных CABI
8 специализированных Интернет ресурсов:
 Рефераты + дополнительное полнотекстовое
Environmental Impact Resource
Agricultural Biotechnology
 Human Nutrition and Food Sciences
Animal Health and Production
 Leisure, Recreation and Tourism
Organic Research
Forest Science
VetMed Resource
Why Nutrition and Food Sciences Database?
Nutrition and food sciences database is unique in
that it encompasses food and nutrition, covering
food “from farm to fork” and beyond.
No other database has this range.
This breadth is key for topical issues such as food
safety which impacts at all stages of food
production, processing and consumption
Human Nutrition and Food Sciences
Food supplements by athletes
Effects of food and nutrients on sport performance
Nutrient and diet effects on endurance and fatigue
Diets of athletes
Sport drinks
Eating disorders in sport people
Body image in sport people
In a nutshell….
• Over 800,000 bibliographic records going back to 1973, with
more than 50,000 added each year
• More than 5,000 serials currently indexed, sourced from 125
countries plus non-serial publications including books, reports,
theses and conferences
• More than 9,000 full text documents linked from the database
• Over 85 CAB Reviews articles: specially commissioned, peer
reviewed articles written by specialists in their field
• More than 150 news updates a year, including links to relevant
database records
Subjects covered- overview
Food products
Techniques and analysis
Food technology
Food science
Food quality
Food safety and hygiene
Food economics (includes sustainability)
Nutrition and health
Nutrition and disease
Nutrition physiology and biochemistry
Coverage – Sport Nutrition
 We cover everything about sport nutrition!
 Sport nutrition would include:
 use of food supplements by athletes
 effects of foods and nutrients on sport
 nutrient and diet effects on endurance and
 diets of athletes
 sports drinks
 eating disorders
 body image, etc.
Main serials covering sport nutrition
 International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
 Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise
 International Journal of Sports Medicine
 Journal of Sports Sciences
 International Journal of Sport Nutrition
 British Journal of Sports Medicine
 Current Sports Medicine Reports
 Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
 Journal of Applied Physiology
 Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness
 Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
 Sports Medicine
 Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte
 Research in sports medicine
Searching for food safety
Search Examples
Sport - Human physiology and biochemistry
(sport or athletes) refine with cc:(VV120) 3,269 records (CAB abs)
Nutrient supplements in sports people
(sport OR athletes) AND de:supplements and cc:(vv100 or vv120 or vv110 or vv130 or
vv140) - 971 records (CA)
Sports Performance
Search on (endurance or fatigue or “sport performance”) and cc:(vv120 or vv140)
(pulls out nutrition and endurance, fatigue) 2113 records (CA)
Muscle physiology
muscles and cc:(vv140 or vv120) 14,000 records (CA)
Search for meat hygiene
Nutrition and Food Sciences Full text
Full text documents include conference papers, journal articles
and bulletins, for example:
Food Technology and Biotechnology
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
Ciencia y Tecnologia Alimentaria
Journal of Health Population and Nutrition
Nutrition & Food Sciences Fulltext
Focussing on reviews
Leisure and tourism database
 All sports are included
 Economics (e.g. impact of sport or an event on local/regional economy;
supply and demand for sport facilities)
 Policy and planning (incl. finance)
 Management (e.g. of facilities, services and visitors, safety and quality
 Sociology (social and cultural impact of sport; social factors affecting
participation such as religion, race, etc.; sport and gender)
 Psychology (body image, eating disorders, attitudes, coach athlete
relations; coping strategies, stress, anxiety, motivation)
 Marketing (incl. sponsorship, merchandising, advertising)
 Education, training, research
 Employment (labour market for e.g. footballers; contracts, wages)
 Environmental impact (of sports, sporting events and sport facilities)
 Health (injuries; sport for healthy lifestyle)
 Sport tourism
Books and reference works
 Approximately
70 new titles each year
 Over
700 titles in back-list
Publishing Online Bookshop
 Selected
titles available to read online before you
buy via the Reading Room
eBooks Platform Launched February 2008
CAB eBooks
Key Facts
 Dynamic, subscription based front file (2005+ ) and static,
one-off purchase back file (2000-2004)
 Subject coverage and metadata fully complementary to CAB
Abstracts – key access point
 Over 270 titles and 5,000 records (front file); over 250 titles
(over 4,200 chapters in back list)
 Unprecedented granularity; all titles indexed and available as
chapters, resp. fully searchable
 E-books displayed as a PDF
Subject Collections
• Agricultural
• Rural Studies
CAB e-books Archive
Static Back File
CAB e-books Full Front File Collection
Dynamic Front
Animal &
Vet Science
• Equine Science
• Conservation
• Animal
Production and
• Organic Farming
& Sustainable
• Parasitology and
• Forestry
• Aquaculture &
• Veterinary
• Entomology
• Soil Science
Human &
Food Sci
Leisure &
• Human Nutrition
& Food Science
• Leisure &
• Public Health
• Tourism
• Biotechnology,
Breeding &
• Forestry
• Crop Protection
• Biodiversity
• Horticulture
• Ecology
• Crop Science &
Plant Biology
• Soil Science and
• Environment
• Organic Farming
& Sustainable
Thank you!
Any questions or comments, very happy to hear from you!