Nagyméretű, ritka gráfok moduláris, játékelméleti és perturbációdinamikai elemzése biológiai és más valós hálózati problémák megoldásában Prof. Csermely Péter Semmelweis Egyetem, LINK-csoport Advantages of network multi-disciplinarity Networks have general properties • small-worldness • hubs (scale-free degree distribution) • nested hierarchy • stabilization by weak links Karinthy, Watts & Strogatz, 1929 1998 Barabasi & Albert, 1999 Csermely, 2004; 2009 Generality of network properties offers • judgment of importance • innovation-transfer across different layers of complexity Example to break conceptual barriers Aging is an early warning signal of a critical transition: death ecosystem, market, climate • slower recovery from perturbations • increased self-similarity of behavior • increased variance of fluctuation-patterns Nature 461:53 Prevention: central elements with less predictable behavior • omnivores, top-predators • market gurus • stem cells Farkas et al, Science Signaling 4:pt3 Less predictable (creative) elements have a large dynamic centrality Creative: few links to hubs, unexpected re-routing, flexible, unpredictable Distributor: hub, specialized to signal distribution, predictable change of roles Csermely, Nature 454:5 TiBS 33:569 TiBS 35:539 Problem solver: specialized to a task, predictable Creative elements are central and… Cyt-P450 (CYP2B4) Creative amino acids • centre of residue-network • in structural holes Creative proteins • stress proteins • signaling switches drug-binding Csermely, Nature 454:5 TiBS 33:569 TiBS 35:539 oxidation Creative cells • stem cells • our brain Creative persons • firms • societies mobile Creative elements of social networks Ron Burt, Structural holes, Harvard Univ. Press 1992 Robert: broker – netokrat James: looser 3 examples of network modelling • topological centrality is central in network perturbations (Turbine: • community centrality: prediction of survival importance (ModuLand: • game-centrality: prediction of biological regulators (NetworGame: Turbine algorithm assessing network perturbation dynamics any real networks can be added, modified normalizes the input network any perturbation types (multiple, repeated, etc.) any models of dissipation, teaching and aging Matlab compatible Farkas et al, Science Signaling 4:pt3 Hubs + inter-modular nodes are primary transmitters of network perturbations Start: module-center hub Farkas et al., Science Signaling 4:pt3 Starting node: bridge 3 examples of dynamic centrality • topological centrality is central in network perturbations (Turbine: • community centrality: prediction of survival importance (ModuLand: • game-centrality: prediction of biological regulators (NetworGame: Importance of modular overlaps of protein-protein interaction networks in stress networks: • STRING 7 (5329/190018) • BioGRID (5329/91749) • Ekman (2444/6271) resting protein weight mRNA expression multiplication average resting link-weight weights: • equal units • proteins (Nature 441:840) • mRNA-s continuous weights discrete weights unique stress average stress stressed protein weight multiplication average stressed link-weight 13 stress conditions, 65 experiments (Gasch et al, Mol. Biol. Cell 11:4241) 6 stress conditions, 32 experiments (Causton et al, Mol. Biol. Cell 12:323) (Cell 95:717) Mihalik & Csermely PLoS Comput. Biol. 7:e1002187 analysis of overlapping network modules: ModuLand method ModuLand method family detects ovelapping network communities community heaps of all nodes/links community landscape communities as landscape hills network hierachy Kovacs et al, PLoS ONE 5:e12528 network of network scientists; Newman PRE 74:036104 Community heaps: NodeLand method startingzones node influence community-44: 1127 schoolchildren, 5096 friendships; Add-Health ModuLand method family detects ovelapping network communities community landscape community centrality: a measure of the influence of all other nodes community heaps of all nodes/links communities as landscape hills network hierachy available as a Cytoscape plug-in Kovacs et al, PLoS ONE 5:e12528 network of network scientists; Newman PRE 74:036104 Changing community centralities reflect the importance of survival in stress protein synthesis protein degradation survival processes energy distribution energy distribution Mihalik & Csermely PLoS Comput. Biol. 7:e1002187 • yeast protein-protein interaction network: 5223 nodes, 44314 links • stress: 15 min 37°C heat shock • link-weight changes: mRNA expression level changes Changes of yeast interactome in crisis: a model of systems level adaptation • BioGrid yeast interactome: 5223 nodes, 44314 links • stress: 15 min 37°C heat shock + Gasch et al. MBC 11:4241 • link-weight changes: mRNA expression level changes Stressed yeast cell: • nodes belong to less modules • modules have less intensive contacts smaller overlaps between modules Mihalik & Csermely PLoS Comput. Biol. 7:e1002187 1. Stress-induced overlap decrease is general • proteins: water, stretch • brain: disease states, such as Alzheimer • animal compementary coop.: alpha-male • social dimensions: dissociate in stress, firms • ecosystems: patch separation in desiccation 2. Topological phase transitions reflect the overlap-decrease at one level higher network diameter degrees of freedom stress apoptosis assembly > disassembly disassembly > assembly Derenyi et al. Physica A 334:583 Csermely: Weak Links (Springer 2009) Crisis survival: of creative elements Consequences network crisis cell death creative elements* stress network desintegration increased network flexibility • spared links • noise and damage localization • modular independence: larger response-space and better conflict management *Schumpeterian destruction Szalay et al, FEBScreative Lett. 581:3675; Palotai et al. IUBMB Life 60:10 Mihalik & Csermely. PLoS Comput. Biol. 7:e1002187 Bridges of Met-tRNA-synthase network identify signaling amino acids Ghosh et al. PNAS 104:15711 signaling amino acids other amino acids Szalay-Bekő et al. in preparation Overlaps of signaling pathways are most pronounced in humans growing prevalence of signaling cross-talks Korcsmaros et al, Bioinformatics 26:2042; PLoS ONE 8:e19240 – 2010 version: 646 proteins, 991 links in humans 3 examples of dynamic centrality • topological centrality is central in network perturbations (Turbine: • community centrality: prediction of survival importance (ModuLand: • game-centrality: prediction of biological regulators (NetworGame: NetworGame program • any model or real networks can be added (weighted, directed) • any game types (prisoners’ dilemma, hawk-dove, stag hunt, etc.) • any strategy update rules • synchronized, asynchron, semi-synchron update • starting strategies can be set individually by elements Farkas et al., Science Signaling 4:pt3 Q-learning helps cooperation regular network small world network PD-game best-takes over replacing 37 links from 900 3.5% cooperators 18% cooperators PD-game Q-learning replacing 37 links from 900 18% cooperators Wang et al. PLoS ONE 3:e1917 18% cooperators Q-learning 1. helps cooperation even at high temptation levels 2. stabilizes cooperation at different network topologies 2 1 SAME with • other short term strategy update rules • other network topologies • other games (extended-PD or Hawk-Dove) Wang, Szalay, Zhang & Csermely PLoS ONE 3:e1917 Long-term learning 1. helps 2. BUT does not stabilize cooperation 1 2 SAME with • other short term strategy update rules • other network topologies • other games (extended-PD or Hawk-Dove) Wang, Szalay, Zhang & Csermely PLoS ONE 3:e1917 Long-term learning + innovation 1. helps cooperation even at high temptation levels 2. stabilizes cooperation at different network topologies 2 SAME with • other short term strategy update rules • other network topologies • other games (extended-PD or Hawk-Dove) Wang, Szalay, Zhang & Csermely PLoS ONE 3:e1917 1 Learning + innovation expand cooperative network topologies learning + innovation Q-learning learning imitation (best-takes-over) SAME with • other short term strategy update rules • other network topologies • other games (extended-PD or hawk-dove) Wang, Szalay, Zhang & Csermely PLoS ONE 3:e1917 we are do not depend (that much…) on the network around us Game-centrality: prediction of key nodes of social regulation I. hispanic old union leaders: strike BC BC sociogram leaders: work BC young Farkas et al., Science Signaling 4:pt3 Michael’s strike network; Michael, Forest Prod. J. 47:41 Hawk-dove game (PD game: same) Start: all-cooperation = strike Strike-breaker: defects BC-s are the best strike-breakers Game-centrality: prediction of key nodes of social regulation II. doves BC BC instructor BC BC hawks hawk-dove game: 50-50% random starting D/C recovers network modules administrator prisoners’ dilemma/stag hunt games most influential single defective elements BC Farkas et al., Science Signaling 4:pt3 Zachary karate club network; J.Anthropol. Res. 33:452 largest betweenness centrality Game-centrality: prediction of key nodes of biological regulation • Met-tRNA-synthase protein structure network signaling amino acids (Ghosh, PNAS 104:15711) largest game-centrality • yeast protein-protein interaction network amino acids regulating evolution (Levy, PLoS Biol 6:e264): large game centrality Farkas et al., Science Signaling 4:pt3 A könyvek innen tölthetőek le: Bemutatkozás Acknowledgments Stress Ágoston Mihalik Aging maybe You as a collaborator Eszter Hazai Shijun Wang Gábor I. Simkó Turbine: perturbation NetworGame István A. Kovács Kristóf Z. Szalay ModuLand Robin Palotai Máté Szalay-Bekő half from the BME… Turbine algorithm: perturbation model dissipation of perturbations ‘learning’ – ‘aging’: changes of link weights attenuation of other links, if a link gains weight Es, free energy of starting node; Ee, free energy of the other node on the link; l, degree; w, link weight; D0, dissipation constant; Cs, amplification constant; A, aging sensitivity; Cw, attenuation constant if perturbation exceeds a limit: links are exchanged to half as many random links Farkas et al., Science Signaling 4:pt3 Game rules • canonical Prisoner’s Dilemma game: CC:R(3); CD:S/T(0/3-6); DD:P(1) extended PD game: CC:R(1); CD:S/T(0/1-2); DD:P(0) Hawk-Dove game: CC:G/2 (C>G); CD:G; DD:-(G-C)/2 • 2,500 agents are tied to network nodes (no evolution) • agents can play with their neighbors only • they can either defect or cooperate • 50-50% defectors and cooperators start at a random distribution • 5,000 plays, % of cooperators on last 10 rounds • average of 100 games is displayed Wang, Szalay, Zhang and Csermely PLoS ONE 3:e1917 Strategy update rules • short-term strategy update: best takes over (imitation, copy the richest neighbor) replicator dynamics (pair-wise comparision dynamics; copy randomly selected neighbor, if richer); proportional updating (spread to all neighbors, if richer) • long-term learning, innovative strategy update: Q-learning (a type of reinforcement learning optimal strategy to maximize total discounted expected reward; annealing temp 100, discount factor 0.5) • long-term learning: accumulated payoff not only last round • innovation: opposite of agent’s strategy with p (0.0001) probability • synchronized update, averaged payoffs Wang, Szalay, Zhang and Csermely PLoS ONE 3:e1917