Grand Challenge in Comparative Endocrinology MICROBES Frontiers in Comparative Endocrinology Bioinformatics, genomics GPCR Models Molecular Comparative Identifying and Mapping New Comparative Genomes: Novel Receptors can be identified from where they are annotated as to their sequence and their percent identity Comparative Use of gene prediction models; Phylogenetic analysis Genomes Receptors of interest can be cloned, expressed and tested for function Compare to newly sequenced genomes Endocrinology Structure-Activity Relationships Example: NOVEL RECEPTORS ARE IDENTIFIED Bioinformatics MOLECULAR COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY: Site-directed mutagenesis GPCR Models Medical & Therapeutic Development Pharmacological Studies Molecular Identify binding sites Biology Determine activation, binding sites and signaling pathways Propose new ligand molecules Structure-Activity Relationships Implementation of Grand Challenges in Comparative Endocrinology Basic, Applied and Therapeutic/Medical Models Discovery of Novel Hormones and Signaling pathways; Discovery of New Pharmaceuticals to treat human disease; Hormonally based strategies for pest control; Development of “Endocrinomics”—high through put analysis Support New Key/alternate model organisms in evolution; Dissemination of Comparative Endocinology Information to public; scientists Mechanisms of Evolution via genome discoveries Comparative Endocrinology Research Cooperative Networks Highlight Cutting Edge Discoveries North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE) Purpose: To promote the study of hormones, hormone action in diverse animal species; to foster interdisciplinary collaborations; to promote the development of databases and other research tools for comparative endocrinology; to advocate for funding for comparative endocrinology research The society will include scientists from Canada, the USA and Mexico. Co-chairs of the organizing committee: Bob Denver, Univ. of Michigan, USA Vance Trudeau, University of Ottawa, Canada The NASCE will become incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the spring of 2010. A website is under development and a solicitation for charter membership will be sent out at this time . Meetings of the NASCE will be held once every two years in the summer, to alternate with meetings of the European Society of Comparative Endocrinologists. Frontiers in Comparative Endocrinology Neuroendocrine System Organismal Form, Comparative Endocinology CLIMATE CHANGE Function, Developmental, Survival Physiology Behavior Comparative Endocrinology Interactions with the Environment