AP Bio discusion notes mon 18 thru wed 20

AP Biology Discussion Notes
Monday 8/18-Wednesday 8/20
AP Biology with Ms. Jacobs
Sit anywhere for today. 
Goals for Today:
1.Get excited about AP Bio!
2.Get to know each other
3.Understand that we ARE scientists
Key to Being Successful in AP BIO
● Be in Class!
○ Be prepared & Bring your best self
○ Don’t get behind
● Ask Questions
○ What is biology?
● Another suggestion for success on the AP
BIO Exam......
and avoid the
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology
#1 - The process of evolution
drives the diversity and unity
of life.
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology
#1 - The process of evolution
drives the diversity and unity
of life.
We’re ALL Scientists!!
●Let’s Practice being scientists! 
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology
#1 - The process of evolution drives the
diversity and unity of life.
What does diversity mean
Goals for Today:
1.Get excited about AP Bio!
2.Get to know each other
3.Get to know class format &
4.Make & understand classroom
Classroom Rules
1.Have Respect.
–For yourself
–For your classmates
–For the classroom
–For the teacher
2. Follow all RHS handbook rules
Questions of the Day
Each day in class there will be a class QoD
•Students will be responsible for writing the
question & their best answer.
•After each student has answered the
question on their own we will discuss it as a
•QODs will be collected for points!!!
Question of the Day
What are the 5 most important things you
expect from your classmates?
What are the 5 most important things you
expect from me?
Species of the Day:
Species of the Day:
Cicada:Tibicen pruinosus (Say)
Goals for Today:
1.Get excited about AP Bio!
2.Get to know each other
3.Learn some themes of biology
Question of the Day
How do you typically take notes?
Summarize the article’s main idea about
What are your thoughts on the note-taking
Note Taking Strategies
● Summarize information!
- Do not write word for word!
-make your own meaningful
● Indicate important information
● Underline vocab words
● Indicate questions or things you want to
come back to
0Please write this email address
in your planner now. Contact
your teacher or Mrs. Benz when
you have questions about
registering for May’s AP exam.
0We will register in March. The
cost is around $90 per exam.
Email or speak to Mrs. Benz
today if you qualify for
free/reduced lunch. She will
check that all of your
paperwork is complete so
that your exams are free.
Mark these test dates in your
8 a.m.
May 4
Chemistry, Environmental Science
May 5
May 6
English Literature
May 7
Computer Science, Spanish Language
May 8
US History
May 11
Biology, Music Theory
May 12
US Government
May 13
English Language
May 14
World History
May 15
Human Geography
Physics 1
Email Mrs. Benz today if you
need accommodations due
to a documented disability.
When students have documented physical or
learning disabilities that impair their ability to
demonstrate their true academic aptitude
without accommodations, they should contact
Mrs. Benz right away.
If you are on an IEP or 504, you are included.
Communicate with Mrs. Benz today if
0 you qualify for free/reduced lunch. She will
check that all of your paperwork is complete
so that your AP exams are free;
0 you need testing accommodations for your
AP exams due to a physical or learning
impairment and/or if you are on an IEP or
504 Plan.
Mrs. Benz, RHS AP Program Director
“Big Ideas” for AP Biology
#1 - The process of evolution
drives the diversity and unity
of life.
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#1. New properties Emerge at Each Level in
the Biological Hierarchy.
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#1. New properties Emerge at Each Level in
the Biological Hierarchy.
What is Biological Hierarchy?
What is this term referring too?
Organize the Following:
Organs &
Organ Systems
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#1. New properties Emerge at Each Level in
the Biological Hierarchy.
-> Emergent Properties - there are novel
properties at each level of the hierarchy
due to the arrangement/organization and
interactions of parts as complexity
Ex. Brain Injuries (Tissues -> Organs )
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#2. Organisms Interact with Other
Organisms and their Physical
-Both the organism and the environment are
affected by the interactions between them.
Ex. Plants & other photosynthetic
organisms have generated oxygen in the
air which allows other organisms to
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#3. Life requires Energy transfer and
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#3. Life requires Energy transfer and
How do we get our energy?
How does this plant get it’s energy?
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#4. Structure and Function are correlated at
ALL levels of Biological Organization
-> Analyzing a biological structure gives us
clues about what it does and how it works.
(the opposite can also be true)
Ex. What kind do you think the function of
this was?
Give evidence of why you think so.
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#5. The Cell is an Organism’s Basic Unit of
Structure and Function
The cell is the smallest unit that can perform
all activities required for life
2 main types of cells:
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#6. The continuity of Life is Based on
Heritable Information in the Form of DNA
DNA is the basis of inheritance, and
responsible for growth and repair in all
Themes of Biology a quick guide
#7. Feedback Mechanisms Regulate
Biological Systems.
-> Key to self-regulating (____________)
Feedback - the output, or product, of a
process regulates that very process.
Species of the Day:
Cicada Killer!
Species of the Day:
Cicada Killer:Sphecius speciosus
What do you know about
this cicada killer based on
the Themes of Biology?
-Go through the 2 themes we discussed today and say
one things you know about the cicada killer based on
each theme.
Ex. #7. (Feedback Mechanisms Regulate Biological
Systems. ) - The cicada regulates things in its body
using feedback mechanisms/feedback loops