Nutrition for Older Adults Presented by Janice Hermann, PhD, RD/LD OCES Adult and Older Adult Nutrition Specialist Nutrition Needs with Aging Nutrition Needs With Aging Most nutrient needs do not change with aging; however, some changes do occur Calories Calorie needs decrease with age Careful planning needed to get all the nutrients needed in fewer calories Carbohydrates Carbohydrate provides energy Most carbohydrate should come from the grains, fruit and vegetable groups Sugar rich foods should be kept low Protein Protein needs do not decrease with age Protein is important for older adults Protein comes from the: Meat & bean group Milk group Fat High fat is a risk factor for health conditions Fat comes from: Higher fat choices from food groups Oils Solid fats Fiber Fiber is helpful for many conditions Fiber comes from: Whole grains in grain group Fruit group Vegetable group Vitamins and Minerals Some changes in need occur with age: Decreased need Vitamin A Iron (women after menopause) Increased need Calcium Vitamin D Decreased absorption Vitamin B12 Balanced diet will meet needs Water Older adults need 6 to 8 cups of water daily Water can come in many forms USDA Daily Food Plan Guide for planning a healthful diet Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Some May Benefit From a Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Low food intake Poor diet Choosing A Supplement Look for USP code Variety of vitamins and minerals No more than 100% recommended amounts You Can Get Too Much Large amounts can be harmful Overdoses happen easier with supplements than food You Have To Judge Not all claims on supplements are FDA approved Drugs are tested for safety before they can be sold. Supplements are not tested for safety before they are sold. Supplements Do Not Replace Diet “Supplements” are not a diet “Replacement” Dehydration Dehydration Although many forms of fluid are available, many older adults become dehydrated Older Adults at Higher Risk of Dehydration Many factors increase the risk of dehydration: Thirst sensation Body water Water loss Fluid intake Reaching fluids Symptoms of Dehydration Some symptoms of dehydration are: Weakness Headache Increased body temperature Increased breathing and pulse rate Dizziness Risks Associated With Dehydration Dehydration can also cause other serious health problems. Dehydrated older adults are at higher risk of: Urinary tract infections Pneumonia Pressure ulcers Confusion Disorientation Tips to Help Fluid Intake Have fluids at meals and snacks Keep fluids close in a pitcher or glass If a person is very weak using a small glass or straw can help with fluid intake Factors Which Affect Food Intake Factors Which Affect Food Intake Good nutrition can help keep the body healthy However, many factors can decreased ability or desire to shop, cook or eat: Physical Social Emotional Mental Medications Money Physical Factors •Muscle mass •Bone mass •Joint problems •Vision •Taste and smell •Saliva •Tooth and mouth •Digestion •Intestinal motility Social Factors Loneliness Emotional Factors Depression Medication Factors Medicines can lower appetite in several ways Money Factors Many older adults have limited funds which can affect shopping, cooking and eating Strength, Coordination, Dexterity and Nutrition Changes in Muscles, Bones and Joints Changes in muscles, bones and joints can get in the way of good nutrition Changes in Muscles and Bones Muscle, bone mass and body water tend to decrease with age Muscle loss can result in decreased strength, coordination and range of motion. Bone loss can increase the risk of fractures. Changes in Joints Arthritis is a problem for many older adults Changes in Muscle, Bone and Joints Changes in strength, coordination and range of motion can make grocery shopping, cooking and even eating more difficult Maintaining Muscle and Bones Good nutrition helps maintain muscle and bones Protein Calcium and vitamin D Maintaining Muscle and Bone Physical activity helps muscle and bones Strength training Build muscle Lower body fat Weight bearing and resistance Build muscle Build bone Added Bonus: Building muscle can help increase body water Tips for Changes in Muscles, Bones and Joints Keep a supply of food on hand Arrange the house for safety Assistive technology devices Changes in how food is prepared or served Vision and Nutrition Changes in Vision Changes in vision with age can get in the way of good nutrition Changes in Vision Changes in vision can affect grocery shopping Changes in Vision Vision changes can affect cooking: Reading small print recipes Seeing oven flames Seeing oven temperatures and timers Tips if Vision is a Problem Magnifying glass Use care around flames Use colored tape on temperatures dials Assistive technology devices Taste, Smell and Nutrition Changes in Taste and Smell Changes in taste and smell can get in the way of good nutrition Changes in Taste and Smell Taste and smell tend to decline with age Many medicines older adults use can also affect taste Tips if Taste and Smell Decrease Using herbs and spices Try growing herbs for added enjoyment Include a variety of flavors, colors, shapes, textures and temperatures. Chewing, Swallowing and Nutrition Chewing and Swallowing Problems Chewing and swallowing problems can get in the way of good nutrition Changes in Saliva Saliva moistens food and makes swallowing easier Saliva tends to decrease with age Changes in Teeth Tooth loss Gum disease Unable to adjust to dentures or dentures that do not fit Tips if Chewing and Swallowing Is a Problem Drink beverage with meals Make sure dentures fit properly Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly Watch for signs of choking Tips for Modifying Foods if Chewing or Swallowing is a Problem Use gravy or sauces Mash foods if it is an acceptable form Shred raw vegetables or fruits and use in salads, gelatins or stir-fry Tips for Modifying Foods if Chewing or Swallowing is a Problem Thin meat slices Precut meats in casseroles, soups or stews Softer meats or meat alternatives Digestion, Food Tolerance and Nutrition Changes in Digestion and Food Tolerance Changes in digestion and food tolerance can get in the way of good nutrition Decreased Stomach Acid Stomach acid may decrease with age This can cause feelings of indigestion Atrophic Gastritis Atrophic gastritis affects many older adults This condition can hinder vitamin B12 absorption Vitamin B12 may be better absorbed from dietary supplements than food Changes in Fat Tolerance Fat tolerance may decrease with age Fat intolerance can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea Tips if Fat Intolerance is a Problem Decrease fat added to foods Choose lower-fat foods Use low-fat preparation methods Changes in Lactose Tolerance Tolerance of milk and milk products may decrease in age Lactose intolerance can cause abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea Tips if Lactose Intolerance is a Problem Smaller amounts or milk or milk products Fermented milk products Consuming milk or milk products with a meal Lactaid or Dairy Ease Constipation Constipation Constipation is a common problem for adults Constipation Several lifestyle factors can help combat constipation Fiber Fiber can help reduce constipation Foods are the best way to increase fiber Fruits Vegetables Whole grains Dried peas and beans Nuts and seeds Fiber Increase fiber in the diet slowly Drink plenty of water when increasing fiber Check with your doctor before increasing fiber Water Water can help reduce constipation Older adults need 6 to 8 cups of water daily Water can come in many forms: Water Juice Milk Soups Coffee Tea Soft drinks Physical Activity Physical activity can help reduce constipation. Be physically active Dietary Guidelines recommend: 150 minutes moderate-intensity physical activity a week or 75 minutes vigorous-intensity physical activity a week Medicines and Nutrition Medications and Nutrition Some medications can get in the way of good nutrition Older Adults and Medicine Use Older adults may be at higher risk for medicines affecting nutrition Prolonged Medicine Use Prolonged use of some medicines may affect nutrition Tips for Taking Medicines Eat a healthful diet Follow medicine directions Do not take over-the-counter medications frequently on your own Tell your doctor about all medicines you take Tell your doctor if any new symptoms occur Social Changes and Nutrition Social Changes and Nutrition Loneliness is a problem for many older adults Loneliness does not only relate to living alone Social Changes and Nutrition Loneliness can affect food intake Social Changes and Nutrition Loneliness can lead to poor dietary habits Eating the same foods. Snacking instead of eating meals. Eating easily prepared foods. Emotional Changes and Nutrition Emotional Changes and Nutrition Although not inevitable, depression is a common problem for many older adults Emotional Changes and Nutrition Depression can cause decreased interest in shopping, cooking and eating Tips if Social and Emotional Changes Affect Food Intake Have others over to share meals Eat out with others Tips if Social and Emotional Changes Affect Food Intake Senior meal sites provide a social setting to eat Some medicines can cause depression, check with your doctor about the medicines you use. Tips for Caregivers if Social and Emotional Changes Affect Food Intake Serve food attractively Serve foods with a variety of flavors, colors, temperatures and textures Don’t serve the same food day after day Make the surroundings pleasant Tips for Caregivers if Social and Emotional Changes Affect Food Intake Have older adults help plan and prepare meals Watch for signs of loneliness and depression Help older adults get involved in activities Check with doctors about medications For Caregivers Mental Decline and Nutrition Weight Loss and Aging Unintentional weight loss is a concern among older adults Mental Decline and Weight Loss Mental decline is a leading cause of weight loss among older adults Caregiver Tips if Mental Decline Decreases Food Intake Dehydration can make things worse Make meals a routine Have the main meal at noon Avoid distractions at meals Caregiver Tips if Mental Decline Decreases Food Intake (continued) Allow plenty of time for meals Serve familiar foods in familiar ways Offer fewer choices and smaller portions Serving one food at a time Tips for Caregivers if Mental Decline Decreases Food Intake (continued) Messiness or spills may happen Be aware a person may not know what should or should not be eaten Check food temperatures Tips for Caregivers if Mental Decline Decreases Food Intake (continued) Foods may need to be modified is choking is a problem If food intake remains low talk with a doctor about supplemental nutrition Tips if Feeding is Required by a Caregiver Preserve the person’s dignity People should be sitting upright Only feed small amounts of foods Tips if Feeding is Required by a Caregiver (continued) Don’t feed too fast Avoid straws the supply liquid too fast Stop feeding if a person appears to be choking or coughing Tips if Feeding is Required by a Caregiver (continued) Choose nutrient dense If a person displays difficult eating behaviors A person may spit out food because they are having a hard time eating