بسم هللا الرحمن الرحیم dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman سالم به همکاران عزیز dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman DYSPNEA by Dr Asadollah Asadian dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman Dyspnea - common complaint/symptom • “shortness of breath” or “breathlessness” Defined as abnormal/uncomfortable breathing Multiple etiologies • 2/3 of cases - cardiac or pulmonary etiology dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman HOW TO DESCRIBE THESE SENSATIONS Cannot get enough air Air does not go all the way down Smothering feeling in the chest Tightness in the chest Fatigue in the chest dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman Normal person may experience the physiologic dyspnea during heavy exercise dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Composed of four general categories • • • • Cardiac Pulmonary Mixed cardiac or pulmonary non-cardiac or non-pulmonary dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman PULMONARY ETIOLOGY COPD Asthma Restrictive Lung Disorders Hereditary Lung Disorders Pneumonia Pneumothorax dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman CARDIAC ETIOLOGY CHF CAD MI (recent or past history) Cardiomyopathy Valvular dysfunction Left ventricular hypertrophy Pericarditis Arrhythmias dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman MIXED CARDIAC/PULMONARY ETIOLOGY COPD with pulmonary HTN and/or cor pulmonale Chronic pulmonary emboli Pleural effusion dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman NONCARDIAC OR NONPULMONARY ETIOLOGY Metabolic conditions (e.g. acidosis) Pain Trauma Neuromuscular disorders Functional (anxiety,panic disorders, hyperventilation) Chemical exposure dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman TOXIC DYSPNEA In the metabolic acidosis (uremiaand diabetic acidosis, the acid metabolites stimulate the respiratory center, causing deep and regular respiration (Kussmanul) with snoring. dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman ACUTE DYSPNEA PTE Pneumonia Asthma Anxiety MI dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman There is no one specific cause of dyspnea and no single specific treatment Treatment varies according to patient’s condition • chief complaint • history • exam • laboratory & study results dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman نا رسایی تنفسی dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman انواع نارسایی تنفس هیپوکسمیک (تیپ) 1 هیپرکاپنیک (تیپ)2 dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman نا رسایی حاد تنفسی =po2<60mmgh wنارسایی تنفسی هیپوکسمیک FIO2=>50 PCO2.>45mmgh+acidosisهیپرکاپنیک نارسایی تنفسی= dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman علل هیپوکسی کاهش FIO2 اختالل دردیفیوژن شنت هیپوونتیالسیون V/Q mismatch dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman شایع ترین علت نارسایی تنفسی در ICUشنت است dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman علل شنت intracardiac • any cause of a right to left shunt eg Fallot's tetralogy, Eisenmenger's syndrome pulmonary • pneumonia • pulmonary oedema • atelectasis • collapse • pulmonary haemorrhage • pulmonary contusion dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman تهویه بدون پرفیوژن هوا واردریه می شود ولی تبادل گاز صورت نمی گیرد(به علت فقدان پرفیوژن)در نتیجه الوئولها همانند راه هوایی عمل میکنند() (physiological dead space علل -نارسایی قلبی ( )low cardiac output افزایش فشارداخل الوئولی (تهویه مکانیکی) dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman CAUSES OF HYPOVENTILATION Brainstem • brainstem injury due to trauma, haemorrhage, infarction, hypoxia, infection etc • metabolic encephalopathy • depressant drugs Spinal cord • trauma, tumour, transverse myelitis Nerve root injury Nerve • trauma • neuropathy eg Guillain Barre • motor neuron disease Neuromuscular junction • myasthenia gravis • neuromuscular blockers Respiratory muscles • fatigue • disuse atrophy • myopathy • malnutrition Respiratory system • airway obstruction (upper or lower) • decreased lung, pleural or chest wall com dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman NERO-PSYCHOGENIC DYSPNEA Patient suffer from hysteria will be seen repetitive deep, signing respiration with numbness of extremities or lips, spasm. dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman HAEMATOLOGICL DYSPNEA The decrease of oxygen-carrying capacity and oxygen content develop abnormal respiration and increase heart rate, such as severe anemia, carbon monoxide. Hypotension can stimulate respiration when patient suffer from shock. dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS Paroxysmal dyspnea with wheezing, It is present in bronchial asthma and cardiac asthma. Paroxysmal severe dyspnea is often seen in acute larynx edema(spontaneous pneumothoraxmassive pulmonary embolism. dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS Dyspnea with chest pain. It is frequently observed in lobar pneumoniapulmonary infarction(), spontaneous pneumothorax, acute exudative pleurisy), acute myocardial infarctionand bronchial carcinoma``````````````````````` dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS Dyspnea with fever. It is commonly noted in pneumonia, lung abscesspulmonary tuberculosispleurisy, acute pericarditisand nervous system diseases. dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS Dyspnea with cough and purulent sputum. It is often present in chronic bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary emphysema with infection, purulent pneumonia, and lung abscess; Dyspnea with large amount of foamy sputum is often seen in acute left ventricular heart failure and organophosphorus poisoning dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS Dyspnea with coma. It suggests cerebral hemorrhage(pneumonia with shock, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and acute poisoning. dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman COMMON CAUSES OF TYPE I (HYPOXEMIC) RESPIRATORY FAILURE Chronic bronchitis and emphysema (COPD) Pneumonia Pulmonary edema Pulmonary fibrosis Asthma Pneumothorax Pulmonary embolism Pulmonary arterial hypertension Pneumoconiosis Granulomatous lung diseases Cyanotic congenital heart disease Bronchiectasis Adult respiratory distress syndrome Fat embolism syndrome Kyphoscoliosis Obesity dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman COMMON CAUSES OF TYPE II (HYPERCAPNIC) RESPIRATORY FAILURE Chronic bronchitis and emphysema (COPD) Severe asthma Drug overdose Poisonings Myasthenia gravis Polyneuropathy Poliomyelitis Primary muscle disorders Porphyria Cervical cordotomy Head and cervical cord injury Primary alveolar hypoventilation Obesity hypoventilation syndrome Pulmonary edema Adult respiratory distress syndrome Myxedema Tetanus dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman EASILY PERFORMED DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Chest radiographs Electrocardiograph Screening spirometry dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman ABGS Commonly used to evaluate acute dyspnea can provide information about altered pH, hypercapnia, hypocapnia or hypoxemia normal ABGs do not exclude cardiac/pulmonary dx as cause of dyspnea • Remember- ABGs may be normal even in cases of acute dyspnea dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman Bilateral airspace infiltrates on chest radiograph film secondary to acute respiratory distress syndrome that resulted in respiratory failure dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman A 44-year-old woman developed acute respiratory failure and diffuse bilateral infiltrates. She met the clinical criteria for the diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome. In this case, the likely cause was urosepsis dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman با تشکر از توجه شما dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman QUESTIONS? dr asadian amoli 1391-24 bahman