Ramona Sunderwirth, MD
Global Health Fellowship
Lecture Series
St Lukes/Roosevelt Hospital Center
Nutrient Deficiencies
Surveillance & Monitoring
1- Initial Assessment
6- Health Care in EM phase
2- Measles Immunization
7Control of communicable diseases & epidemics
3- Water & Sanitation
4- Food & Nutrition
8- Public health surveillance
5- Shelter & Site Planning
9- Human resources & training
10- Coordination
Food security refers to the availability of food & one's access to it. A household is considered food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation .
Hunger is a feeling experienced when one has a desire to eat .
Malnutrition is the insufficient, excessive or imbalanced consumption of nutrients .
Food & nutritional security threatened
Malnutrition, disease & death
Refugees need partial/full food support (acute phase), +/- nutritional rehabilitation
Objectives of food intervention programmes
Ensure adequate nutritional general food ration (GFR)
2,100Kcal/person/day → Prevent malnutrition/mortality
↓ Prevalence/mortality from malnutrition
Role of health agencies:
Rx of malnutrition/nutritional deficits
Selective feeding programmes
Monitor regularity & adequacy of food rations
May take charge of general food distribution
MOU (WFP & UNHCR) establishes responsibilities & coordination mechanisms for meeting food & nutritional needs of refugees
UNHCR food & nutritional coordinator - responsibility for coordination of all aspects of the program
Refugees (women) must be involved
Nutrition education
Aim of food programs:
Restoration & maintenance of sound nutritional status
Food ration that meets
Assessed requirements
Nutritionally balanced
Palatable & culturally acceptable
Phase I
Early, quick evaluation → severity of global picture
Need for rapid intervention
Facilitate planning necessary resources
Based on observation, interviews/discussions key informants
Phase II
Quantified data gathered on nutritional situation
Decides type & size of nutritional programs
Prevalence of malnutrition, food available/accessible, factors affecting nutritional status
Expensive, time consuming, not always feasible
Numbers & demographics
Current nutritional status
Milling possibilities
Food preferences
Family capacity to prepare, store, process food
Access to fuel, utensils, containers
Local food availability
Present/over time
Local food for purchase
Ease of access
Groups at risk
Who/ how many
Self reliance & coping strategies
Health status & services
Availability of human resources
Environmental health risks
Storage capacity & quality
Community structure
Delivery schedule of food & non food commodities
Food distribution systems
Social-economic status
Logistics constraints
Security constraints
Other agencies activities & assistance provided:
Quantity, items, frequency
Selective feeding programs
Quantity/quality food (usually insufficient w/out distribution)
Initial data:
Food distribution already taking place
Food ration, frequency of distribution, distribution agency, target group
Assessment of local market
Food basket of individual households (by sample survey)
Food sources often diverse: food aid, shared w/ locals, food purchased/bartered for/ gathered
How to measure malnutrition
W/H index most reliable: reflects present situation, most sensitive to rapid change
Oedema → severe malnutrition (Kwashiorkor)
MUAC: quick, high variability, rapid assessment tool
Implementation of nutritional survey
Sample of children 6mo-5yrs w/ W/H index
How to express malnutrition rates: Z scores
Global malnutrition: % children <-2 Z scores and/or oedema
Moderate malnutrition: % children < -2 Z scores > 3 Z scores
Severe malnutrition: % children < -3 Z scores and /or oedema
U5 Moderate Severe
W/H % of median value 70-79%
W/H in Z scores
< 70%
-3 to -2 Z < -3 Z (edema)
MUAC 115 - <125 mm < 115 mm (edema)
BMI (wt in kg)/(ht in m)2 16-17 < 16
MUAC (pregnant women)
Contextual factors
Mortality figures
Majors disease outbreaks (measles, cholera, diarrhea, etc)
Micronutrient deficiencies
Housing conditions
Water supply & sanitation
Climate & geography
Customary diet of population
Security situation
Provisions of local health services
Essential indicators
Global acute malnutrition rate : 5% common in Africa/Asia, 5-10% should act as warning, > 10% serious
Severe acute malnutrition rate
Bias in estimating severity
Very hi MR among most vulnerable: under estimates malnutrition
Timing & season of the year
Distribution of malnutrition in population
Age grp, date of arrival, ethnic grp, camp section, etc
Helps target programs
Three main contextual factors
Mortality figures
General food rations & food accessibility
Major outbreaks of disease
Based on demographic information & prevalence of malnutrition from nutritional survey
If presumption of major nutritional emergency, assume:
U5: 15-20% of total pop
Pregnant: 1.5-3% of total pop
Lactating: 3-5% of total pop
15-20% moderate malnutrition
2-3% severe malnutrition
Quantity of Commodity Required=
Ration/person/day X no. benef. X no. days
General food distribution
Ensure adequate food rations for all
Selective feeding programs
Targeted Supplementary feeding programs (SFP)
Moderately malnourished U5, selected pregnant /nursing women, referrals from TFP, other malnourished people & medically referred
Blanket SFP
Children <3 or 5 yrs age, all pregnant/nursing women, other at risk groups
Therapeutic feeding programs (TFP)
<5yrs severely malnourished, idem other age grps
LBW infants
Unaccompanied minors/orphans <1yr age
Mothers of <1yr infants w/ breastfeeding failure
General food ration available
2,100Kcal/person/day for all refugees
Malnutrition rate
Indicates level of intervention required
Aggravating factors: requiring ↑ level intervention
CMR > 1/10,000 day, ↑ level malnutrition
Inadequate food ration < 2,100Kcal/person/day
Epidemics: measles, cholera, shigella , pertussis, etc
Severe cold & inadequate shelter, ↑ level activity/males
Unstable situation: new influx of refugees
Wastage (grinding, poor storage), losses, ↑ barter for non food items
Other considerations
Vulnerabilities of specific grps, logistical constraints, agencies capacity, security, food basket unfamiliar to refugees, local nutritional status, etc
Food availability at household level
< 2100 kcal/person/day
Malnutrition rate (GAM) under 10
% with no aggravating factors
Action required
Improve general rations until local food availability and access can be made adequate
- Attention to malnourished individuals through regular community services [2] .
Malnutrition rate (GAM) 10 – 14
% or 5 – 9 % plus aggravating factors
Malnutrition rate (GAM) ≥ 15 % or 10 – 14 % with aggravating factors [1]
Supplementary feeding targeted to individuals identified as malnourished in vulnerable groups
Therapeutic feeding for SAM individuals
General rations ; plus
Supplementary feeding for all members of vulnerable groups.
Therapeutic feeding for SAM individuals
[1] Aggravating factors are: i) General food ration below the mean energy requirement (<2100 kcal/kg/person), ii) Crude Death Rate greater than 1/10 000/day and iii) Epidemic of measles or whooping cough.
[2] This may include therapeutic care integrated into primary health system (hospitals and health centres).
Food aid agencies
Health agencies
Minimum 2,100Kcal/per/d
10-12% protein energy, 10-17% fat energy
Classic food basket : 6 ingredients
Fortified cereal blend
Sugar & salt
Complementary food items
Fortified blended foods or staple foods to vulnerable grps
Essential vitamins &
minerals: fresh foods, vegetables, fruits, fortified cereals, blended foods, condiments, tablets
Banned distribution dried milk powder (except in TFP) bottle- feeding to be avoided
Sometime fish/meat
Grinding facilities if whole grain Culturally Acceptable & Familiar food
Adding micronutrients to foods
Iodized salt
Fortified blended food
Fortified blended foods
A flour composed of pre-cooked cereals + a protein source, mostly legumes
Fortified with vitamins + minerals
E.g.: corn soya blend (CSB) wheat soya blend (WSB) plumpynut
Political willingness (donors)
Adequate planning & good logistical organization
Registration of refugees, ration cards
Distribution system: equity, representative, head of family
(natural unit targeted for distribution) registered
Good organization: regular distributions, well- planned site
(1/20,000-30,000 refugees)
Regular monitoring of ration
Clear definition of the agreed responsibilities of partners w/ effective coordination
Gaps in food supply/delivery
Lack of funds, insufficient supplies, poor management
Food losses
During transport, warehousing, distribution, storage of large amounts food
→ security problems
Inadequate nutrient content of ration (long term programs)
Food diversion
By households in exchange for non food items/complementary food items: positive effects
By powerful grps → inequities in access: security problem, detrimental effects
Poor organization of distribution & logistical problems : ↓security
Lack of coordination among partners supplying all items regularly
Problems w/ food preparation
Lack cooking utensils/fuel
Lack of knowledge to prepare items distributed
Opportunities for refugees to acquire food by themselves
Cash distributions
Distributions of food items w/ hi economic value & local demand
Income-generating programs & support for individual efforts to grow foodstuffs
Food-for-work programs
Mass preparation of cooked meals
Rare situations of great insecurity, temporary solution
Heavy logistical requirements, negative psychosocial consequences for population
Not a substitute for inadequate general ration
Extra ration provided must be additional to, not a substitute for the general ration
Based on prevalence of malnutrition & aggravation factors
High MR
High prevalence of infection
General ration below minimum requirements
Active identification and F/U those at risk
House to house visits
Children U5, elderly, malnourished, ill
Mass screening of all children
Screening on arrival w/ registration
Referrals by community /health services
Wet rations
Prepared in feeding centre kitchen, consumed on site twice/day
Beneficiary has to come for meals to feeding center, every day
May substitute for a regular meal at home
Dry rations
Hi protein source & hi energy source (oil)
Premixed cereal or blended food as base/Plumpynut
Take home for preparation & consumption
Rations distributed once weekly
Easier to organize, less staff, lower risk transmission infection
Less time consuming for mother, family life preserved, food shared
On site wet feeding (therapeutic milk F75 & F100)
Intensive medical care
Infection & dehydration
Psychological stimulation during rehabilitation phase
3-4g protein/kg/d
Frequent meals
Phase I: 8-10 meals/24h (usually lasts 1 week)
Phase II (rehabilitation): 4-6 meals/24h
Vit A (xerophthalmia)
Low content in GFR
Poor health/nutritional status
Vit B1 (beriberi - thiamin)
Ration based on polished rice
Vit B2 (ariboflavinosis)
Ration based on cereal flour unfortified w/ B2
Vit B3 (pellagra – niacin )
Ration based on maize w/ limited amounts of groundnuts /fish/meat
Vita C (scurvy)
Semi-desert area w/ limited provision of animal products
(milk), fresh fruits & vegetables
Iron (anemia)
Ration limited in meat content
Iodine (goitre, cretinism)
Pop living in area w/ low iodine soil content & w/ no iodine salt fortification of food
Good surveillance system
GFR quality monitoring
Early detection of cases in refugee pop, clear case definitions
Prompt implementation of Rx & preventive measures
Ensure food diversification
Varied items & fresh food
Food fortification
Provision of fortified blended food
Vit/mineral supplementation ( Vit A, F, Folate, Iodine)
Estimate of Vit A content in GFR
Food items w/ hi Vit A content in local market
Record cases of xerophtalmia, report to health agency
Few cases indicate Vit A reserves of most pop depleted
Treat all clinical cases immediately
Emergency Phase
Supplementation: mass distribution ages 6mo-15 yrs (measles immunization)
Breastfeeding best source of Vit A for infants < 6 mos age
Post Emergency Phase
Mass distribution Vit A (every 4-6 mos if < 50% RDA in ration)
Drug supplementation (none for pregnant women, infants < 6 mos age)
Food fortification + food diversification (best solution: red palm oil, fresh fruits/vegetables)
Care: Vit A quickly destroyed by heat
Vit B1 (beriberi): RDA 1.1 mg/per/d
Assessment/surveillance of GFR: rice based (milling/polishing)
Cases recorded/reported, Rx PO/IM
Food diversification (groundnuts/beans) best strategy
Food fortification: blended food fortified w/ thiamin (60g/per/d of CSB)
Outbreak: weekly mass drug supplements
Vit 3 (PP or niacin-pellagra ): RDA 15mg/per/d
A/S of GFR: maize based
Cases definition, record, report, Rx PO Vit B3 + B complex
Food fortification (blended cereals, maize flour) best strategy
Food diversification (groundnuts, dried fish/meat)
Outbreak: weekly mass drug supplementation
Vit B2 ( ariboflavinosis- neuropathy, glossitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis )
A/S of GFR: refined/unfortified cereal w/ ↑ proportion carb/fat & proteins
Rx cases, mass supplementation
Clear case definition for scurvy, routine surveillance
Preventive measures
Drug supplementation to vulnerable grps
Food fortification: (Vit C destroyed by heat) blended foods
Food diversification: fresh fruit/vegetables/milk
Daily mass Vit C drug distribution, weekly/bi-weekly
Most prevalent nutrient deficiency
Associated w/ folate deficiency
Malaria & hookworm exacerbate nutritional anemia
A/S of GFR if ↑ cases reported to health services
Prevention intervention
Supplementation (iron + folate) to hi risk grps: pregnant/lactating women, and moderately malnourished
Fortification: blended food( CSB, CSM)
Diversification: provision of meat to GFR
30% world’s pop live in I-deficient environments
Goitrogens in local diet: thiocyanate in cassava
IDD under reported
(goitre, ↓ psycho-motor development, cretinism)
A/S in post emergency phase
National control programmes
IDD prevalence in pop
Goitre by clinical examination of school children (<5%)
Urinary I
Availability of iodine (seafood/ I salt)
Presence of goitrogens in local food basket
Iodized oil administered periodically to vulnerable grps
Iodization of salt: safest/cheapest solution
Iodine PO to goitres
Food availability & accessibility
Actual amount & quality that reaches families
Data gathered at different levels of food chain
Information from distributing agencies, beneficiaries
Health & nutritional status
Nutritional surveys repeated regularly (q 3mos)
Monitor trends malnutrition
Morbidity (outbreaks) & mortality (CMR, U5MR )
Feeding programs
Monitoring feeding centers
Proper registration
Proportion of recoveries, deaths
Attendance rates, coverage of target grp
Average Wt gain in TFP
Monitoring program effectiveness : Health Status
Food availability & accessibility
GF distribution (agencies & at distributions points)
Other sources of food (farming, income-generating activities)
Market availability & prices
Information from refugees
Household availability survey
Health & nutritional status
Nutritional survey (q 6 mos)
Malnutrition cases
Food & nutritional situation of local population
Feeding programs
Refugee Health, an approach to emergency situations
Medecins sans Frontieres 1997
UNHCR Handbook for emergencies, 2 nd ed. 2000, 3 rd ed. 2007