Food & Nutrition in Emergencies


Ramona Sunderwirth, MD

Global Health Fellowship

Lecture Series

St Lukes/Roosevelt Hospital Center

Emergency Food & Nutrition in

Refugee Situations

 Objectives

 Assessment

 Interventions

 Nutrient Deficiencies

 Surveillance & Monitoring

Refugee Crises

Emergency Phase Top 10 Priorities

 1- Initial Assessment

 6- Health Care in EM phase

 2- Measles Immunization

 7Control of communicable diseases & epidemics

 3- Water & Sanitation

 4- Food & Nutrition

 8- Public health surveillance

 5- Shelter & Site Planning

 9- Human resources & training

 10- Coordination



Food security refers to the availability of food & one's access to it. A household is considered food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation .

Hunger is a feeling experienced when one has a desire to eat .

Malnutrition is the insufficient, excessive or imbalanced consumption of nutrients .


 Food & nutritional security threatened

 Malnutrition, disease & death

 Refugees need partial/full food support (acute phase), +/- nutritional rehabilitation

Complex Causes of Malnutrition


 Objectives of food intervention programmes

Ensure adequate nutritional general food ration (GFR)

2,100Kcal/person/day → Prevent malnutrition/mortality

↓ Prevalence/mortality from malnutrition

 Role of health agencies:

Rx of malnutrition/nutritional deficits

 Selective feeding programmes

 Monitor regularity & adequacy of food rations

 May take charge of general food distribution

Organization of Food Support

World Food Program & UN High Commissioner for Refugees

MOU (WFP & UNHCR) establishes responsibilities & coordination mechanisms for meeting food & nutritional needs of refugees

UNHCR food & nutritional coordinator - responsibility for coordination of all aspects of the program

Refugees (women) must be involved

Nutrition education

Aim of food programs:

 Restoration & maintenance of sound nutritional status

 Food ration that meets

 Assessed requirements

Nutritionally balanced

Palatable & culturally acceptable

ASSESSMENT of Food & Nutritional Situation

(part of Initial Health Assessment)

 Phase I

 Early, quick evaluation → severity of global picture

Need for rapid intervention

Facilitate planning necessary resources

Based on observation, interviews/discussions key informants

 Phase II

 Quantified data gathered on nutritional situation

 Decides type & size of nutritional programs

 Prevalence of malnutrition, food available/accessible, factors affecting nutritional status

 Expensive, time consuming, not always feasible



t : Basic Information

Numbers & demographics

Current nutritional status

Milling possibilities

Food preferences

 Family capacity to prepare, store, process food

 Access to fuel, utensils, containers

 Local food availability

 Present/over time

 Local food for purchase

 Ease of access

 Groups at risk

 Who/ how many

 Self reliance & coping strategies

Assessment: Other Important Information

 Health status & services

 Availability of human resources

 Environmental health risks

 Storage capacity & quality

 Community structure

 Delivery schedule of food & non food commodities

 Food distribution systems

 Social-economic status

 Logistics constraints

 Security constraints

 Other agencies activities & assistance provided:

 Quantity, items, frequency

 Selective feeding programs

Food availability & accessibility

 Quantity/quality food (usually insufficient w/out distribution)

 Initial data:

 Food distribution already taking place

 Food ration, frequency of distribution, distribution agency, target group

 Assessment of local market

 Food basket of individual households (by sample survey)

 Food sources often diverse: food aid, shared w/ locals, food purchased/bartered for/ gathered

Nutritional status of refugee population: prevalence of acute malnutrition in U5 yrs age

 How to measure malnutrition

W/H index most reliable: reflects present situation, most sensitive to rapid change

Oedema → severe malnutrition (Kwashiorkor)

MUAC: quick, high variability, rapid assessment tool

 Implementation of nutritional survey

 Sample of children 6mo-5yrs w/ W/H index

 How to express malnutrition rates: Z scores

Global malnutrition: % children <-2 Z scores and/or oedema

Moderate malnutrition: % children < -2 Z scores > 3 Z scores

Severe malnutrition: % children < -3 Z scores and /or oedema

Key Nutritional Indicators

 U5 Moderate Severe

W/H % of median value 70-79%

W/H in Z scores

< 70%

-3 to -2 Z < -3 Z (edema)

 MUAC 115 - <125 mm < 115 mm (edema)

 Adults

 BMI (wt in kg)/(ht in m)2 16-17 < 16

 MUAC (pregnant women)

Other information

 Contextual factors

 Mortality figures

 Majors disease outbreaks (measles, cholera, diarrhea, etc)

 Micronutrient deficiencies

 Housing conditions

 Water supply & sanitation

 Climate & geography

 Customary diet of population

 Security situation

 Provisions of local health services

Interpretation of results

 Essential indicators

Global acute malnutrition rate : 5% common in Africa/Asia, 5-10% should act as warning, > 10% serious

Severe acute malnutrition rate

 Bias in estimating severity

Very hi MR among most vulnerable: under estimates malnutrition

Timing & season of the year

 Distribution of malnutrition in population

Age grp, date of arrival, ethnic grp, camp section, etc

Helps target programs

 Three main contextual factors

 Mortality figures

General food rations & food accessibility

Major outbreaks of disease

Planning quantity of food

 Based on demographic information & prevalence of malnutrition from nutritional survey

If presumption of major nutritional emergency, assume:

 U5: 15-20% of total pop

 Pregnant: 1.5-3% of total pop

 Lactating: 3-5% of total pop

 15-20% moderate malnutrition

 2-3% severe malnutrition

Quantity of Commodity Required=

Ration/person/day X no. benef. X no. days

Selective feeding programmes

Class ical Emergency Food Interventions

 General food distribution

 Ensure adequate food rations for all

 Selective feeding programs

Targeted Supplementary feeding programs (SFP)

 Moderately malnourished U5, selected pregnant /nursing women, referrals from TFP, other malnourished people & medically referred

Blanket SFP

 Children <3 or 5 yrs age, all pregnant/nursing women, other at risk groups

Therapeutic feeding programs (TFP)

<5yrs severely malnourished, idem other age grps

LBW infants

Unaccompanied minors/orphans <1yr age

Mothers of <1yr infants w/ breastfeeding failure

How to decide on the Intervention

General food ration available

 2,100Kcal/person/day for all refugees

 Malnutrition rate

 Indicates level of intervention required

 Aggravating factors: requiring ↑ level intervention

CMR > 1/10,000 day, ↑ level malnutrition

Inadequate food ration < 2,100Kcal/person/day

Epidemics: measles, cholera, shigella , pertussis, etc

Severe cold & inadequate shelter, ↑ level activity/males

Unstable situation: new influx of refugees

Wastage (grinding, poor storage), losses, ↑ barter for non food items

 Other considerations

 Vulnerabilities of specific grps, logistical constraints, agencies capacity, security, food basket unfamiliar to refugees, local nutritional status, etc

Responding To Crisis

Simplified Decision Tool


Food availability at household level

< 2100 kcal/person/day

Malnutrition rate (GAM) under 10

% with no aggravating factors

Action required

Improve general rations until local food availability and access can be made adequate

- Attention to malnourished individuals through regular community services [2] .

Malnutrition rate (GAM) 10 – 14

% or 5 – 9 % plus aggravating factors

Malnutrition rate (GAM) ≥ 15 % or 10 – 14 % with aggravating factors [1]

Supplementary feeding targeted to individuals identified as malnourished in vulnerable groups

Therapeutic feeding for SAM individuals

General rations ; plus

Supplementary feeding for all members of vulnerable groups.

Therapeutic feeding for SAM individuals

[1] Aggravating factors are: i) General food ration below the mean energy requirement (<2100 kcal/kg/person), ii) Crude Death Rate greater than 1/10 000/day and iii) Epidemic of measles or whooping cough.

[2] This may include therapeutic care integrated into primary health system (hospitals and health centres).

Responsibilities & Coordination




 Food aid agencies

 Health agencies

Quality of GFR

 Minimum 2,100Kcal/per/d

 10-12% protein energy, 10-17% fat energy

 Classic food basket : 6 ingredients

 Cereal

 Pulse


Fortified cereal blend

 Sugar & salt

 Complementary food items

 Fortified blended foods or staple foods to vulnerable grps

 Essential vitamins &

minerals: fresh foods, vegetables, fruits, fortified cereals, blended foods, condiments, tablets


Banned distribution dried milk powder (except in TFP) bottle- feeding to be avoided 

Sometime fish/meat

Grinding facilities if whole grain  Culturally Acceptable & Familiar food

Feeding programme foods

 Fortification

 Adding micronutrients to foods

Iodized salt

Fortified blended food

 Fortified blended foods

 A flour composed of pre-cooked cereals + a protein source, mostly legumes

 Fortified with vitamins + minerals

 E.g.: corn soya blend (CSB) wheat soya blend (WSB) plumpynut

Implementation of GFR distribution

Main Factors for success

 Political willingness (donors)

 Adequate planning & good logistical organization

 Registration of refugees, ration cards


Distribution system: equity, representative, head of family

(natural unit targeted for distribution) registered

Good organization: regular distributions, well- planned site

(1/20,000-30,000 refugees)

 Regular monitoring of ration

Clear definition of the agreed responsibilities of partners w/ effective coordination


Gaps in food supply/delivery

 Lack of funds, insufficient supplies, poor management

Food losses

 During transport, warehousing, distribution, storage of large amounts food

→ security problems

Inadequate nutrient content of ration (long term programs)

Food diversion

By households in exchange for non food items/complementary food items: positive effects

By powerful grps → inequities in access: security problem, detrimental effects

Poor organization of distribution & logistical problems : ↓security

Lack of coordination among partners supplying all items regularly

Problems w/ food preparation

 Lack cooking utensils/fuel

 Lack of knowledge to prepare items distributed

Alternative to General Food


 Opportunities for refugees to acquire food by themselves

 Cash distributions

 Distributions of food items w/ hi economic value & local demand

 Income-generating programs & support for individual efforts to grow foodstuffs

 Food-for-work programs

 Mass preparation of cooked meals

 Rare situations of great insecurity, temporary solution

 Heavy logistical requirements, negative psychosocial consequences for population

Supplementary Feeding Programs

 Not a substitute for inadequate general ration

 Extra ration provided must be additional to, not a substitute for the general ration

 Based on prevalence of malnutrition & aggravation factors

 High MR

 High prevalence of infection

 General ration below minimum requirements

Identifying those Eligible

 Active identification and F/U those at risk

 House to house visits

 Children U5, elderly, malnourished, ill

 Mass screening of all children

 Screening on arrival w/ registration

 Referrals by community /health services

Supplementary (selective)


Wet rations

 500-700Kcal

Prepared in feeding centre kitchen, consumed on site twice/day

Beneficiary has to come for meals to feeding center, every day

May substitute for a regular meal at home

Dry rations


Hi protein source & hi energy source (oil)

Premixed cereal or blended food as base/Plumpynut

Take home for preparation & consumption

Rations distributed once weekly


Easier to organize, less staff, lower risk transmission infection

Less time consuming for mother, family life preserved, food shared

Therapeutic Feeding Programs

 On site wet feeding (therapeutic milk F75 & F100)

 Intensive medical care

 Infection & dehydration

 Psychological stimulation during rehabilitation phase

 150Kcal/kg/day

 3-4g protein/kg/d

 Frequent meals

Phase I: 8-10 meals/24h (usually lasts 1 week)

Phase II (rehabilitation): 4-6 meals/24h

Selective Feeding Programs exit criteria

NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES predictable & preventable

 Vit A (xerophthalmia)

 Low content in GFR

 Poor health/nutritional status

 Measles

 Vit B1 (beriberi - thiamin)

 Ration based on polished rice

 Vit B2 (ariboflavinosis)

 Ration based on cereal flour unfortified w/ B2

 Vit B3 (pellagra – niacin )

 Ration based on maize w/ limited amounts of groundnuts /fish/meat

 Vita C (scurvy)

 Semi-desert area w/ limited provision of animal products

(milk), fresh fruits & vegetables

 Iron (anemia)

 Ration limited in meat content

 Iodine (goitre, cretinism)

 Pop living in area w/ low iodine soil content & w/ no iodine salt fortification of food


 Good surveillance system

 GFR quality monitoring

 Early detection of cases in refugee pop, clear case definitions

 Prompt implementation of Rx & preventive measures

 Ensure food diversification

 Varied items & fresh food

 Food fortification

 Provision of fortified blended food


Vit/mineral supplementation ( Vit A, F, Folate, Iodine)

Vit A

 Estimate of Vit A content in GFR

 Food items w/ hi Vit A content in local market

 Record cases of xerophtalmia, report to health agency

Few cases indicate Vit A reserves of most pop depleted

Treat all clinical cases immediately

 Prevention

 Emergency Phase

 Supplementation: mass distribution ages 6mo-15 yrs (measles immunization)

Breastfeeding best source of Vit A for infants < 6 mos age

 Post Emergency Phase

Mass distribution Vit A (every 4-6 mos if < 50% RDA in ration)

Drug supplementation (none for pregnant women, infants < 6 mos age)

Food fortification + food diversification (best solution: red palm oil, fresh fruits/vegetables)

Care: Vit A quickly destroyed by heat

Vit Bs: water soluble avoid well refined/polished cereal

Vit B1 (beriberi): RDA 1.1 mg/per/d

Assessment/surveillance of GFR: rice based (milling/polishing)

Cases recorded/reported, Rx PO/IM

Food diversification (groundnuts/beans) best strategy

Food fortification: blended food fortified w/ thiamin (60g/per/d of CSB)

 Outbreak: weekly mass drug supplements

Vit 3 (PP or niacin-pellagra ): RDA 15mg/per/d

A/S of GFR: maize based

Cases definition, record, report, Rx PO Vit B3 + B complex

Food fortification (blended cereals, maize flour) best strategy

Food diversification (groundnuts, dried fish/meat)

Outbreak: weekly mass drug supplementation

Vit B2 ( ariboflavinosis- neuropathy, glossitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis )

 A/S of GFR: refined/unfortified cereal w/ ↑ proportion carb/fat & proteins

 Rx cases, mass supplementation

Vit C:

RDA > 15mg/per/d

 Clear case definition for scurvy, routine surveillance

 Preventive measures

Drug supplementation to vulnerable grps

Food fortification: (Vit C destroyed by heat) blended foods

Food diversification: fresh fruit/vegetables/milk

 Outbreak

 Daily mass Vit C drug distribution, weekly/bi-weekly

Minerals: Iron deficiency


 Most prevalent nutrient deficiency

 Associated w/ folate deficiency

Malaria & hookworm exacerbate nutritional anemia

A/S of GFR if ↑ cases reported to health services

Prevention intervention

Supplementation (iron + folate) to hi risk grps: pregnant/lactating women, and moderately malnourished

 Fortification: blended food( CSB, CSM)

 Diversification: provision of meat to GFR

Minerals: Iodine (IDD)

 30% world’s pop live in I-deficient environments

Goitrogens in local diet: thiocyanate in cassava

 IDD under reported

(goitre, ↓ psycho-motor development, cretinism)

 A/S in post emergency phase

National control programmes

IDD prevalence in pop

Goitre by clinical examination of school children (<5%)

Urinary I

Availability of iodine (seafood/ I salt)

 Presence of goitrogens in local food basket

 Intervention

Iodized oil administered periodically to vulnerable grps

Iodization of salt: safest/cheapest solution

Iodine PO to goitres


Emergency Phase

 Food availability & accessibility

Actual amount & quality that reaches families

Data gathered at different levels of food chain

Information from distributing agencies, beneficiaries

 Health & nutritional status

Nutritional surveys repeated regularly (q 3mos)

Monitor trends malnutrition

Morbidity (outbreaks) & mortality (CMR, U5MR )

 Feeding programs

Monitoring feeding centers

Proper registration

Proportion of recoveries, deaths

Attendance rates, coverage of target grp

Average Wt gain in TFP

Monitoring program effectiveness : Health Status

Surveillance & Monitoring

Post Emergency Phase

 Food availability & accessibility

 GF distribution (agencies & at distributions points)

 Other sources of food (farming, income-generating activities)

Market availability & prices

Information from refugees

Household availability survey

 Health & nutritional status

Nutritional survey (q 6 mos)

Malnutrition cases

 Food & nutritional situation of local population

 Feeding programs


 Refugee Health, an approach to emergency situations

Medecins sans Frontieres 1997

 UNHCR Handbook for emergencies, 2 nd ed. 2000, 3 rd ed. 2007
