Typical Career Path - Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Scottish Developing Practice
Stakeholder Event
1st July 2010
Dr Carol Evans
10.00 John Cromarty (Scottish Board) – Open Event
10.10 Vision for Developing Practice and Overview of current
structures – Carol Evans
10.30 Scottish Hospital Pharmacy Vocational Training Scheme - Fiona
10.55 Issues and Opportunities for a common pharmacy career path &
consistent credentialing – John Cromarty
11.10Community perspective, current career paths and the issue and
opportunities from both an employer and employee perspective –
George Romanes
11.30 Primary Care Scotland - opportunities for a common GB career
path – Alpana Mair
11.45 Q&A
12.00 Discussion: Career path for pharmacy
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Discussion: Credentialing
15.10 Group feedback
15.40 Actions and next steps and agree priorities
15.50 Summary and Close
Overview of Career Paths
Medic Career Path – Clearly
Pre-registration house officer (1 year)
Senior house officer (2 to 3 years)
● Train in a number of specialties
● Consider career path e.g. GP or speciality consultant
Specialist registrar (4 to 5 years) or GP registrar (1
to 2 years)
● Specialist training
● Royal college exams for chosen specialty
Consultant or GP Principal
● Postgraduate training in chosen specialty
Medical Credentialing & Support
Strong Support via Royal Colleges
Credentialing in the various specialism's via
clearly defined curriculum
Well defined assessment process
Tendency toward over specialisation
● Can be hard to change track
Nursing Career Path
Modernising Nursing Careers
Level 5 – Registered Practitioner
Level 6 – Senior Practitioner
Level 7 – Advanced Practitioner
Level 8 – Consultant Practitioner
Level 9 – Senior Leader
Capability, skills and knowledge
development and assessment
Supported by RCN
Pharmacy Career Pathways
Different across the sectors
Hospital Pharmacy - Typical Career
Path (Approx 15% of pharmacists)
Band 5 – pre-reg
Band 6
Band 7
Band 8a
Band 8b - Specialist
Band 8c - Consultant or team manager
Band 9 - Consultant (England) or Chief
Opportunity for flexible working, often good
support staff, good carer structure, NHS
Salaries may be lower, especially in lower
Community Pharmacy - Typical Career Path
60-65% Pharmacists
Around 14% (7000) own their pharmacies
Years 1-30
● Responsible Pharmacist
● Locum
● Pharmacy owner
Years 4-30 – Managerial Path
● Superintendent Pharmacist
● Pharmacy Manager
● Several shops or area manager
Opportunities to be own boss, salaries start higher
Less defined career structure, pharmacist must be on
premises at all times, may work in isolation
Academic Pharmacy - Typical Career
Path. (Approx 3000 pharmacists)
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy
Chair / Reader in Pharmacy
Head of Pharmacy School
Career expanded to include clinical practitioners who
pursue careers in academic pharmacy.
Some teacher practitioner posts.
● Most split with NHS or funded by multiples e.g. Boots
The academic pharmacy disciplines include:
● pharmacy practice, biological sciences, clinical science,
continuing education, experiential education, drug
discovery, pharmacology etc
Work is varied, possibilities to peruse research, opportunities
for self development, currently good employment
● Teaching post often full time
Industrial Pharmacist - Typical Career
Path (Approx 2800 pharmacists)
Approx 2000 pharmacist
3-7 Years – Qualified Person
7years+ – Band Director
Typical roles include:
Quality assurance, development, production,
registration, marketing research, sales, drug
information, clinical trials.
Career path usually management or leadership
related and determined by the organisation.
Travel often possible, perks of a large organisation
May need to move to forward your career, post may
be limited
Many other areas where pharmacist are
employed e.g.
● Primary Care
● Prison
● Government
● Consultant
● Director of pharmacy
Pharmacist have potential for broad and varied
careers with many moving between the
different sectors.
The majority work in community.
Many definitions, most recognised in NHS is:
“The formal accreditation of capabilities at
defined points within a career pathway that
takes into account knowledge, capabilities,
behaviours, attitudes and experience”
DH Literature Review Relating to Credentialing
in Medical Training Feb 2010 suggests the
following benefits for credentialing:
Supports professional development trough
Could support revalidation
A means of demonstrating achievement in
competence areas not currently or
consistently recognised
Providing employer confidence in workforce
Providing better patient care and outcomes
(evidence in US)
Specialist Career Path and
There are large number of specialist groups
Mostly hospital sector based
Many have curriculum, assessment processes
and credentialing.
● Specialist Curriculum Group (SCG) support
development, assessment and credentialing
for various specials groups.
● Critical care group assessment process
● Collage of Mental Health pharmacists
Credentialing in other Sectors
● PhwSI (England only)
● Pharmacy prescribers (numbers still low
1000 , approx 100 practising)
● Qualified Person
● Professor
What is the problem for Pharmacy?
Lack of clear career pathways (unlike medicine)
Where career pathways do exist (NHS) they have
been established by the employer for their needs.
Career progression not based on professional
competence as no recognised framework for post
registration development and assessment
No recognised way to “carry” knowledge and
capabilities from between sector or country.
What’s the Solution?
Developing Practice Project
Developing Practice Vision
To lead and support development of a
flexible and sustainable workforce in order
to deliver high quality services to patients
and public across the entire profession.
Developing Practice Mission
Providing consistent, portable
acknowledgement of practice through
credentialing of individual achievement,
recognized through professional
designations applicable to all sectors.
Success is members working towards and
achieving professional designations.
Employers seek to employ those with RPS
(Royal Pharmaceutical Society)
Aim to establish clear, common levels of practice
across profession.
Develop an inspirational career ladder (especially in
community), building on what has worked.
Encourage and enable pharmacists to pursue
professional development post registration through
clear advancement mechanisms in addition to CPD
Critical to up skilling workforce and achieving the
flexibility needed in economically challenging times.
Coordinate /harmonise process across different sectors,
interests and specialism's in pharmacy
Seek external views from all countries and sectors
● where this “fits” in workforce planning- advancement
rather than the focus on specialization
● the benefits to patients and public rather than a focus
on self interest (badge collecting)
Work to date
TransCom report on Improved, Advanced
and Specialist practice.
Work on-going within and across specialist
PLB project started July 2009
5 Project meetings and a stakeholder
Output from ASP meetings:
July 30th, 1st & 29th October 09
Proposed ASP Governance structure
Reviewed existing framework approaches plus
open consultation with reference group
Created professional designations paper for wider
consultation and engagement.
Reviewed existing models for specialist
curriculum development.
Reviewed various curriculum assessment process
Developing Practice Project Progress
26th November & 13th January 2010
Created engagement plan
Definition of faculty approach and possible structure.
Agreed personal specifications and experience needed for roles on
the governance bodies.
Reviewed current processes for recognition of prior experience for
professional designations
Proposed model for individual assessments at the lower
Renamed the project Developing Practice
Stakeholder Event 23rd February 2010
Over 100 attendees
Discussions flowed and positive feedback
Key points
● Keep it simple and relevant
● Sense check across the sectors and public
● We can learn from QP, skills and competency
that is key rather than how you achieved it.
● PLB have a key role in moving this forward
● No conclusion on levels or designations.
Next Steps
Build on the hard work to date
Engage widely with the profession via
stakeholder events and engagement
● listen and get views
● all sectors, 3 countries, employers, profession
In-depth internal project reviews
Build further evidence base
● Evaluate available methods of assessment and
● Seek agreement around levels and labels
● simple is best
Pharmacy career paths are less defined than
medical or nursing pathways.
● Hospital has most definition
● Current paths are employer driven
● No recognised professional driven paths
across all sectors
No consistent, recognised, post graduate,
● Most credentialing in hospital sector
Create a clear, recognised professional career path for
all pharmacists in all sectors.
Path way to facilitate more easy movement between
● recognition of professional advancement from job to
● Facilitate a more flexible work force
Opportunity for consistent, nationally recognised
credentialing via RPS professional designations
● Improved patient care
● Raise the profile of pharmacy through raised profile
of pharmacists.
What are your thoughts?
What do you want from your future career?
What would be use full for you to support this?
What do you want your future workforce to be
able to do?
How could a common professional career path
with consistent credentialing help?
● Professional Designations
How can we work together on this?
Scottish Hospital Pharmacy
Vocational Training Scheme
Fiona McMillan
Discussion Groups – Career Paths
Strengths, weaknesses, issues and
opportunities for a common, national career
path for Pharmacy across all sectors.
Considerations for Scotland?
How to move forward the opportunities?
How to get employers on board?
Future pharmacy workforce?
How to engage community & other sectors?
Your future career aspirations?
Role of new Society?
Lunch 1-2pm
Group Discussion - Credentialing
What are the specific considerations for
consistent, credentialing of post graduate
advancement via professional designations
Community pharmacy and other sectors?
The chronic disease agenda?
Pharmacy future workforce?
How could consistent credentialing help?
How many levels of credentialing?
What credentialing for your career?
What support would be useful?
Feedback from groups
5min per group
Actions and Next Steps
Summary of today pulled together
Article in enews
Slides to all participants
Similar events in Wales and England
Report from all events key findings
Further sector, employer, commissioner
engagement plus wider profession.
Objectives of Meeting
Overview career paths the various sectors.
The issues and opportunities for a common career
path with consistent credentialing in each sector.
● Discussion on ways we can move forward to
support advancing pharmacists’ practice.
● Discussion on ways to consistently recognize
practitioners who have advanced.
● How this could support specific needs such as
community pharmacists and the chronic disease
agenda etc.
Thank you
Feedback forms