
OneWorldDr Medical Services Overview
OneWorldDr Medical Services (OWD) is a Mobile phone and SMS based
service that connects patients to medical personnel and their caregivers
electronically via existing technology platforms
Service places outbound calls /SMS/emails (at preset intervals) to check on patients
(or subscribers) who are able to respond via SMS
If response provided is outside set parameters, the system will send outbound
messages (calls/SMS/email) to the Physician or Caregiver, triggering an immediate
Requests for diagnosis can also be SMS'd to a central repository by medical
personnel – with accompanying patient symptoms and data readings (BP, BS, Temp,
Weight, medications)
The OWD technology is commercially available in the United States and
successfully used by leading Nigerian Hospitals, a multinational corporation
and multitudes of patients doctors and nurses
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Key OneWorldDr Medical Services Features
OWD Intelligent algorithms drive key functions like
Remote health monitoring
Patient healthcare triaging
Chronic care management
General messaging services including, medical alerts and follow ups, appointment reminders,
medication reminders, etc.
OWD platform is able to integrate with 3rd party systems
OWD driven messages and other functions can be delivered through 3rd party bulk
SMS providers
Reporting on OWD activity can be delivered in multiple formats including SMS, email
(PDF), or directly to proprietary systems
OWD platform supports 2-way messaging which enables better interactivity
between patients and providers
Functionality enables delivery of simple or complex surveys
Patient referrals to in-network doctors
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OneWorldDr Medical Services Architecture
Provides electronic link between
Care Sponsor
Family & Friends
Medical Providers
Remote health monitoring
Patient healthcare triaging
Chronic care management
Electronic Medical /Health Records
Disease management
Integrates with
existing Cell
phone systems
such as MTN
Service Providers
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In a demonstration project, OWD was able to monitor daily BP and Blood Sugar
readings for Hypertensive and Diabetic patients. Patients input their data into the
OWD system via low-tech SMS (text) messaging. Physicians where alerted
when anomalies occurred enabling them take preventive actions before
emergencies arose. OWD provided clients a portal where they could monitor
their patients’ charts
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Actual BP and BS readings from OWD enrolled
Blood Sugar Readings
Patient 1
Blood Pressure Readings
Patient 3
Patient 2
Patient 4
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