So we are using the same terms to describe the same
things, we need to have a brief discussion about…
Slang for these sexual activities:
Rank in order of intimacy:
Vaginal sex
Holding hands
Anal sex
Mutual masturbation
Oral sex
French kissing
Genital contact
◦ Which count as
◦ Which count as
Rank in order of risk:
Vaginal sex
Holding hands
Anal sex
Mutual masturbation
Oral sex
French kissing
Genital contact
Write a number
1-8 next to each
 One is the
MOST risky
(spread disease)
 Eight is the least
What’s being swapped?
Ranked in order of risk
Holding hands – whatever is on skin
Kissing – whatever on the lips
French kissing – whatever is on the lips or in the mouth
Mutual masturbation – whatever is on skin fluids (vaginal secretions
& semen)
Genital contact – whatever is on the skin (vagina & penis) and fluids
(vaginal secretions & semen)
Oral sex – whatever is in the mouth and fluids (vaginal secretions &
Vaginal sex - whatever is on the skin (vagina & penis) and fluids
(vaginal secretions & semen)
◦ With lubrication there are minimal tears
Anal sex whatever is on the skin (anus & penis) and in the rectum,
and fluids (semen)
◦ Very delicate tissue that tears very easily! Lubrication a must but
doesn’t stop the tearing!
◦ Moist skin can pick up infection easily
Cuts or Tears in the skin
Mouth – flossing or eating food (such as
potato chips) causes small, non-bleeding cuts
that take several hours to heal
 Vagina – anything entering may produce
small, non-bleeding cuts, especially of there is
not lubrication
 Urethra – rubbing near the opening may
produce small, non-bleeding cuts
 Rectum – anything entering produces small,
non-bleeding cuts, especially of there is not
Not engaging in any sexual activity
 The only way to be sure you will be
disease (and pregnant) free
Other things you can get…
For each disease, list every way it can be spread.
For nasty photos of infected genitals go to:
Bacteria (cured by antibiotics)
◦ Urethra and Rectum in both sexes
◦ Cervix in women
◦ Can also infect throat, lungs, liver and eyes
Symptoms (if present): burning, unusual discharge,
 Reproductive damage (esp. women) and increases the
risk of other STDs
 Most people have no symptoms (70% ♀ and 25% ♂)
 Infection happens when the bacteria comes into
contact with another moist, warm area where it can
Bacteria (cured by antibiotics)
◦ Urethra, Rectum, Anus, Cervix in women
◦ Can also infect throat (or eyes)
Symptoms (if present): burning, unusual discharge
(yellow or green)
 Reproductive damage (esp. women) and increases
the risk of other illness
 Most people have no symptoms
 Infection happens when the bacteria comes into
contact with another moist, warm area where it
can survive
Bacteria (cured by antibiotics)
◦ Vagina, cervix, penis, anus
◦ Mouth
Symptoms (initial stage): Small, painless bumps or
 Eventually it can destroy the nervous system (this
takes years)
 Symptoms are very slow progressing
 Infection happens when the bacteria comes into
contact with another moist, warm area where it
can survive
Human Papilloma Virus
(Genital Warts)
Virus (no cure)
◦ Vaccine can prevent infection!
◦ Warts can be burned off
◦ Skin around genitals
◦ Occasionally in the urethra, anus, vagina, cervix
Symptoms (if present): pink or white lumps that grow
and may block passageways
 Greatly increases the risk of cancer (70% of cervical
cancer is caused by HPV)
 Most people have no symptoms
 Infection happens with skin to skin contact (more
likely when fluids are involved)
Virus (no cure)
◦ Vaccine available for some types
◦ Blood & body fluids
Symptoms (if present): mild, flu-like
 Liver damage
 Most people have no symptoms
 Infection happens when infected blood
enters the body or when infected
semen/vaginal secretions enter a cut
Herpes/Cold Sore/Fever Blister
Virus (no cure)
◦ Drugs can suppress blister outbreak
Infect - Two types with preferences
◦ HSV2: Genitals
◦ HSV1: Mouth, lips and nose (may infect other areas)
Symptoms: itching, blisters that leave open sores
(outbreaks common when first infected and when
stress increases)
 Most people have no symptoms (up to 80%)
 Infection happens through when there is a blister or
sore) skin contact with cells that have the virus (it’s
more likely
 Can be passed even when there are no symptoms
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome
Virus (no cure)
◦ Drugs can slow the destruction of the immune system
◦ Blood & body fluids
◦ HIV takes over white blood cell and forces it to make
copies of the virus
Symptoms: Low white blood cells (part of the
immune system that fights illness)
◦ When white blood cell count gets low the person has
Most people have no symptoms for (3 to 10) years
Infection happens when infected blood, semen/vaginal
secretions or breast milk enters a cut in the skin
Cuts or Tears in the skin
Mouth – flossing or eating food (such as
potato chips) causes small, non-bleeding cuts
that take several hours to heal
 Vagina – anything entering may produce
small, non-bleeding cuts, especially of there is
not lubrication
 Urethra – rubbing near the opening may
produce small, non-bleeding cuts
 Rectum – anything entering produces small,
non-bleeding cuts, especially of there is not
Not engaging in any sexual activity
 The only way to be sure you will be
disease (and pregnant) free
What’s being swapped?
Ranked in order of risk
Holding hands – whatever is on skin
Kissing – whatever on the lips
French kissing – whatever is on the lips or in the mouth
Mutual masturbation – whatever is on skin fluids (vaginal secretions
& semen)
Genital contact – whatever is on the skin (vagina & penis) and fluids
(vaginal secretions & semen)
Oral sex – whatever is in the mouth and fluids (vaginal secretions &
Vaginal sex - whatever is on the skin (vagina & penis) and fluids
(vaginal secretions & semen)
◦ With lubrication there are minimal tears
Anal sex whatever is on the skin (anus & penis) and in the rectum,
and fluids (semen)
◦ Very delicate tissue that tears very easily! Lubrication a must but
doesn’t stop the tearing!
◦ Moist skin can pick up infection easily