EARLY INTERVENTION IN CEREBRAL PALSY HOW EARLY CAN WE INTERVENE ? Dr. Pradeep Dubey MD (Ped.), DCH. Cons. Developmental Ped. “DEVCHHAYA” Early Intervention Centre Prem Mandir Chowk, Wright Town Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician FOLIC ACID 400 mcg. Start before conception Birth defects by 30% Mandatory food fortification in US & Chile Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician MATERNAL BLOOD GROUP Mother – Rh negative Precautions for Rh incompatibility Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician DYSKINETIC - C.P. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician STAGES OF BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Formation of Medula, pones & fore brain Differentiation of Neurons in to various nuclie Hypothalamus, Thalamus etc. Neo cortical layer & formation of Gyrie & Sulcie. Establishment of synapses & Myelination of brain stem. Functional development of mid brain & fore brain. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician MATURITY vs NEUROLOGICAL OUTCOME NEURO. INSULT (Hypoxia / Infection / Hypothermia) nNOS + Free Radicals Neuronal Necrosis Pre Term Babies Term Babies Periventricular infarction Cortical Necrosis Periventricular Hem. Status marmoratum Subcortical Necrosis Focal & Parasag. Necrosis eNOS – ER2 receptors Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician PREMATURITY & LBW Anatomical Peculiarities Intracranial Hemorrhage & periventricular Leukomalacia . NEURO. DEFICIT : Birth wt. 800 – 1000 gms. 6 – 8% Birth wt. 800 gms. & less 20 – 40% US spending 26 billion $ (120,000 Crores Rs.) annually on Preterm babies and their related problems Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician OUTCOME OF H. I. E. Normal population 1-5 – 2/1000 L.B. Asphyxia 50 – 100/1000 L.B. Mild Asphyxia all are normal. Mod. Asphyxia – about 1/5 develop CP. Severe asphyxia – most of the survivors develop CP. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician HIGH RISK CONDITIONS Low birth weight babies. Severe H.I.E. Severe neonatal jaundice Persistence of Abn. Neuro signs after 2 wks. Hypodensisties in Ct. even after 4 wks. Oliguria (<1ml./kg./ hr.) for 24 hrs. associated with H.I.E. Low apgar (0-3) after 20 mts. Late seizures in a depressed NB Background abnormalities in interictal EEG. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician ALARMING SIGNS Responsiveness / Alertness Spontaneous motility Persistant hyper excitability Feeding difficulty Constant fisting Abnormal movements / convulsions. Abnormal postures Abnormal Head circumerence Abnormalities of tone Ocular abnormalities Lack of response to sound. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician NEUROPLASTICITY Brain tissues are plastic and responsive . Adequate and repeated stimuli can modify brain physiology as well as morphology Brain port in patient with Vestibular damage – Secondary pathways unmasked. Grey matter mass of Med. Students brain increase in months of exam. “DO WE MAKE THE ROAD BY WALKING.” Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician CRITICAL PERIOD IN BRAIN MATURATION Kitten blind folded after birth for 3 months developed acquired amblyopia, Visual Cortex start processing auditory information. Strabismus in infants leads to acquired amblyopia Congenital deafness – auditory area process visual information. “WE USE IT OR WE LOSE IT” Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician STRABISMUS IN C.P. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician HEMIPLEGIC C.P. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician FOLLOWUP OF HIGH RISK INFANTS NICU SURVIVORS – LONG TERM FOLLOWUP Cerebral Palsy - 4% Mental Retardation - 5% Seizure Disorder - 3.9% Hearing Impairment - 1.5% Learning Problems - 14% ROP in VLBW babies - 24% Majority of these babies were LBW & Preterm. Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician EARLY INTERVENTION - AIMS THE PRINCIPLE OF NEUROPLASTICITY FORMS THE BASIS OF EARLY INTERVENTION 1. Early identification of neuro developmental disorders. 2. Minimisation of persistant abnormalities & detection of transient neurological abnormalities 3. Prevention of asymmetries & abnormalities of development. 4. Stimulation along channel of normal development Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician PRIORITIES OF MANAGEMENT Communication Socioemotional Development Maximal independence in ADL As near normal appearance as possible Mobility Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician AGE FOR ASSESSMENT AMIEL TISON - 2 MTHS, 7 MTHS, 12 MTHS P.G. I. CHANDIGRAH – 9 MTHS. OTHERS - 8 MONTHS Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician NEURO DEVELOPMENTAL EXAMINATION METHODS AMEIL TISON’S METHOD VOJTA’S TECHNIQUE CAPUTE AND ASSOCIATES INFANT NEUROLOGICAL INTERNATION BATTERY (INFANIB) Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician AMIEL TISON’S METHOD A. GENERAL DISCRIPTION Head – size shape, fontanell sutures Eyes – Setting sun, Strabismus, nystagmus Skin abnormalities – Cafeaulet, Nevi etc. Cranial nerves Altered mental status Spine Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician AMIEL TISON’S METHOD 1. Tone - Scarf sign heel to ear leg abduction, Popliteal angel - dorsoflexion of foot Pull to sit. prone, sitting position - atnr, 2. Vestibular - Side ways sparachute, backward & Function forward parachute, body rotative 3. Lethargy/Hyper excitability 4. Vision & Hearing 5. Developmental delay Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician PROGNOSIS FOR WALKING IN CP Hemiplegia 100% Diplegia (Paraplegic) 90% Ataxia/ Dyskinesia 80% Quadriplegia 18% Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician INTERVENTION - MODALITIES Vestibulo Kinesthetic stimulation Tactile stimulation Auditory & Visual stimulation Cognitive stimulation Management of associated medical, neurological & behavioral problems Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician WE ARE GUILTY OF MANY ERRORS AND FAULTS, BUT OUR WORST CRIME IS ABANDONING OUR CHILDREN, NEGLECTING FOUNTAIN OF LIFE. MANY THINGS WE NEED IN LIFE CAN WAIT, THE CHILD CAN NOT. RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME – HIS BRAIN IS GROWING , HIS BLOOD IS BEING MADE. HIS SENSES ARE BEING DEVELOPED. TO HIM WE CAN NOT ANSWER TOMORROW HIS NAME IS “TODAY” GABRIELA MISTRAL (NOBEL LAURIET FROM CHILE) Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician “DEVCHHAYA” Early Intervention Centre Prem Mandir Chowk, Wright Town www.healthychildindia.com Dr. Pradeep Dubey - Consultant Pediatrician