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Uncontrolled/Involuntary passage of urine by
Children aged 5 or over
In absence of physical disease
DSMM defines nocturnal enuresis as wetting
at least x2/wk in the above group
Day or night?
85% nocturnal enuresis
Daytime enuresis more likely associated with
Potentially large effect on family
Bullying, problems with schoolwork, social life
Nocturnal enuresis
Common - approx 15% of children experience
it, rising to 75% if both parents had it.
Disorder of sleep arousal, a low nocturnal
bladder capacity and nocturnal polyuria
History needs to distinguish b/w primary and
secondary nocturnal enuresis.
Primary - bladder control has never been
Secondary - lost after having had bladder
control for at least 6 months
Nocturnal enuresis
15% of 5 year olds
5% of 10 year olds
Teenagers 1-2% occasionally wet the bed
Yearly spontaneous remission rate is 15%
Usually can be considered a variation of the
normal rate of maturation
Girls usually ahead of boys
23% of nocturnal enuresis is associated with
encopresis and daytime incontinence
Contributing factors
Genetics - 70% have +ve family history
Emotional stress
ADHD, premature delivery
Organic pathology
Disturbed sleep, mother young or smoker
Organic causes
1-2% have underlying physical cause
Chronic constipation
Bladder overactivity
Renal failure
Congenital anomalies eg ectopic ureter
Neurological disorders eg neural tube defect
Sleep apnoea
Assessment - History
Age of child
Nocturnal or daytime or both?
Primary or secondary?
Other urinary symptoms? (UTI, bladder
Hx of constipation/soiling?
Sx of diabetes or of sleep apnoea?
Family history?
Girls: early morning wetting? (ectopic ureter)
Assessment - history
How many dry nights past wk/month?
Any potential causes of emotional distress
Fluid intake at bedtime
Diet - caffeine containing foods eg chocolate
Impact on family
Any strategies tried so far, ways parents
respond to the wetting
Abdo exam - distended
Inspect perineum/genitals
Check lower limb neurology
Growth chart
Urine for glucose, protein, C&S in more or less
If daytime enuresis - consider USS abdo to
exclude anatomical abnormalities/residual
If indication of underlying cause manage/refer
as appropriate Eg deal with constipation/UTI
Most children with enuresis are normal
<5 yrs no need to treat
<7 yrs and parents/child coping ok often no
need to treat
>10 treat promptly
Management - advice
Primary enuresis - occurs because the volume
of urine produced at night exceeds the bladder
capacity and the sensation of a full bladder
doesn’t wake the child
Not done out of defiance/contrariness
Try not to be angry with the child, stress
aggravates the situation
Try to reinforce success
Give it time if child is young
Simple advice for all
Empty bladder before bed
Avoid drinking after 1hr before bed
Otherwise don’t restrict fluids - encourage
regular intake throughout the day but avoid
any containing methylxanthines
Check access to bathroom at night
Waterproof covers for bed
Involve child in cleaning up mess but not as
Enuresis alarms
Tx of choice for long-term Mx.
Children >7yrs. Needs to be a well-motivated
child and family; Usually needed for 3-5
months. 30-50% of children relapse
Sensor in pad under child or attached to
Alarms if gets wet - child has to get up to stop
it. Parents must hear it too (eg baby monitor).
Child to help with cleaning up.
Child learns to waken before alarm sounds or
to sleep through night without passing urine
Enuresis alarms
If dry for 14 nights in a row can stop alarm
Can be used together with drug treatment of
Treat relapses promptly
“Overlearning” - once dryness achieved
encourage drinking at bedtime to “overcondition” bladder, stop once 14 dry nights.
Avoid if child shares a room, more than one
child has enuresis at once, unmotivated
Star charts
Alternative to enuresis alarm
Involves a wall calendar and star stickers
If dry in the morning child gets a sticker on the
chart and praise as a reward
Child responds to rewards - reinforce success
As wetting less frequent can increase rewards
If bed is wet - no punishment but stay calm
and practical
2nd line treatment
In general practice use as short-term measure
School trips, sleepovers, holidays
Effective in 70% but high relapse rate once
stop use
Can be used longer term but not initiated in
primary care
May be useful adjunct to alarm treatment
Synthetic version of antidiuretic hormone
Reduces amount of urine produced increased water resorption from distal tubules
and collecting ducts
Taken at night as tablet or a melt
SEs - headache, nausea, congestion,
nosebleeds, sore throat, cough, mild abdo
Risk of water overload - need to counsel
parents and child - limit fluid intake to 1 cup
from 1hr before to 8hrs after taking tab
Preferably use in >7yr olds
Never use for daytime enuresis due to risk of
fluid overload
Usual dose 200mcg tab/120mcg sublingual tab
at bedtime
To determine dose and effectiveness trial of
2wks desmopressin. If not enough can try
2wks at double dose
Once effective dose established can prescribe
it for intermittent use when needed eg school
Secondary enuresis
If wets after being dry for min 6 months
Look for underlying cause physical/emotional
Treat when able but consider referral for some
causes or if can’t identify cause - enuresis
clinic/paediatrics/child psychologist
Daytime enuresis
Rule out organic causes
Refer on to secondary care
MSU + dipstix
Usually USS
Star charts/bladder training/pelvic floor
When to refer
Most cases can be managed in primary care
Failed trials of alarm/star chart/desmopressin
If parents not coping
If suspicion of underlying cause
Older children
Daytime enuresis
Severe psychological distress
Secondary nocturnal enuresis if caused by
emotional distress, cause not clearly identified
or enduring/big impact
Who can you involve?
Health visitor if child is pre-school
School nurse
Local enuresis clinic
Voluntary groups eg ERIC for support and
advice for parents
ERIC - Education and Resources for
Improving Childhood Continence
Clinical Knowledge Summaries
Tayside intranet - Bedwetting leaflet in
Children’s hospital section wih local clinic
Oxford Handbook of General Practice
DXS has selection of leaflets/evidence