
all involve the inappropriate elimination of urine or feces
and are usually first diagnosed in childhood or adolescence.
Enuresis 307.6 (F98.0)
• Individual with enuresis wet the bed
or urinate in their clothing after
they have reached the age of 5
years, when they should be
completely toilet trained.
• To receive this diagnosis, the child
must show symptoms of enuresis
for three consecutive months.
Encopresis 307.7 (F98.1)
• A child who is at least 4 years old
repeatedly has bowel movements
either in his or her clothes or in
another inappropriate place.
• Approximately 20 to 25 percent of 4-year old children still wet the
bed, and 30 percent of children 3 years old still soil (von Gontar,
• By the age of 5, enuresis affects approximately 5 to 10 percent of the
population and continues to decrease until the prevalence is about 1
percent in individuals 15 years and older.
• Boys are more likely than girls to experience this condition (Brown,
Pope, & Brown, 2011) and over the past 15 years, there is a trend for
children to be diagnosed at younger ages (Kushnir, Kushnir, & Sadeh,