Health Impacts relative to Obesity and Excessive

Health Impacts relative to
Obesity and Excessive Body
Presented by:
Health Initiatives Committee
Charles A. Christopher, MD
Surgeon General
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Life Expectancy (in years)
White females
African-American females
White males
Black males
The Choice is Yours!!!!
What is Obesity?
Obesity is a disease that affects nearly
one-third of the adult American population
(approximately 60 million).
The number of overweight and obese
Americans has continued to increase since
1960, a trend that is not slowing down.
Today, 64.5 percent of adult Americans
(about 127 million) are categorized as
being overweight or obese.
Obesity (Con’t)
Each year, obesity causes at least
300,000 excess deaths in the U.S.,
and healthcare costs of American
adults with obesity amount to
approximately $100 billion.
Obesity (Con’t)
Obesity is the second leading cause
of unnecessary deaths.
– Despite its toll taken in death and
disability, obesity does not receive the
attention it deserves from government,
the health care profession or the
insurance industry.
– Research is severely limited by a
shortage of funds.
– Inadequate insurance coverage limits
access to treatment.
Obesity (Con’t)
– Health insurance providers rarely pay
for treatment of obesity despite its
serious effects on health.
– The tendency toward obesity is fostered
by our environment: lack of physical
activity combined with high-calorie, lowcost foods.
– If maintained, even weight losses as
small as 10 percent of body weight can
improve one’s health.
Obesity (Con’t)
– Discrimination and mistreatment of persons
with obesity is widespread and often
considered socially acceptable.
Did you know?
– Obesity is a chronic disease with a strong
familial component.
– Obesity increases one’s risk of developing
conditions such as high blood pressure,
diabetes (type 2), heart disease, stroke,
gallbladder disease and cancer of the breast,
prostate and colon.
Obesity (Con’t)
– The National Institutes of Health
annually spends less than 1.0 percent of
its budget on obesity research.
– Persons with obesity are victims of
employment and other discrimination,
and are penalized for their condition
despite many federal and state laws and
What is BMI?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a
mathematical calculation used to
determine whether a person is
Being obese and being overweight
are not the same condition. A BMI of
30 or more is considered obese and
a BMI between 25 to 29.9 is
considered overweight.
There are many factors that impact a
person’s health risk relative to their
BMI such as waist size, smoking, the
types of foods someone eats
regularly, exercise, and medical
conditions associated with obesity
including diabetes, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol and
coronary heart disease.
Diabetes and African Americans
Affects 3.2 million or 13.3 percent of
all African Americans aged 20 or
African Americans are almost twice
as likely to have diabetes as whites.
1 out of every 4 African Americans
between the ages of 65 and 74 have
1out of every 4 African American
women over 55 has diabetes.
There are two (2) types of diabetes:
– Type 1 starts in childhood and is
something that a person is born with
and has no way of preventing or curing.
– Type 1 diabetics need to get regular
insulin shots.
– Type 2 diabetes typically starts in adulthood,
but more children are now developing it
because of the increase of obesity and
decrease in exercise.
– Type 2 is the most common type of diabetes
and the one that’s related to being overweight.
– Insulin shots may also be necessary for people
that develop Type 2 diabetes but in most
cases,Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by
maintaining a healthy weight, eating the right
foods and being physically active.
“High Blood
American Heart Association recommended
blood pressure levels
Blood Pressure
(Upper Number)
(Lower Number)
less than 120
Prehypertensive 120 – 139
Stage 1
140 – 159
Stage 2
160 or higher
and less
than 80
80 – 89
90 – 99
100 or
Risk factors for High Blood Pressure
Lack of exercise/physical activity
Unhealthy diet
Smoking or using tobacco products
Race: African Americans have higher
Age: Older than 55
Family history of high blood pressure
Sensitivity to sodium (salt)
Polycystic kidney disease ( and other
types of kidney disease)
Cushing’s disease
Medication side effects (e.g.
antidepressants, cold medicines, oral
Recreational drug use (e.g. cocaine)
Prostate Cancer
Some things we should
know as African
American Men
The Prostate Gland
What Are The Symptoms Of
Prostate Cancer
Unfortunately, prostate cancer can
progress without symptoms or show
symptoms that occur with other
conditions – as a result, many men
with prostate cancer never know it
until it is too late!
What Are The Symptoms
Major symptoms are:
1. slow urinary flow
2. feeling of incomplete emptying of the
bladder after urinating
3. painful urination
4. blood in urine or semen
5. back pain
6. thigh pain or
7. impotence
These symptoms can also be caused by BPH (Benign
Prostate Hyperplasia), a benign enlargement of the
prostate gland.
Commonly Used Steps In
Diagnosing Prostate Cancer
Digital rectal examination (DRE)
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
Transrectal ultrasound
Age-adjusted Normal PSA Range
Age (yr)
Normal Range (ng/ml)
40 – 49 0-2.5 (0-2.0 for AA & Others
at risk)
50 – 59 0-3.5 (0.3.0 for AA & Others
at risk)
60 – 69 0-4.5 (0.4.0 for AA & Others
at risk)
70 – 79 0-6.5
AA = African Americans
Source: Mayo Clinic
What You Should Know
PSA is not prostate cancer-specific.
One test out of range may have
various causes.
The real value of the PSA test is in
serialization: Testing year to year and
observing the rate of change.
Causes of Prostate Growth
For most men, during the first 40 years of
life, the prostate is on its best behavior.
After age 40, many men (approx. 80%)
will develop benign prostatic hyperplasia
BPH is an irritating condition that causes
the prostate to swell and interfere with
urine flow.
Sometimes, BPH leads to urinary tract
infections, in rare cases it cause damage
to the bladder or kidney
BPH is a condition that needs to be
Causes of Prostate Growth
Prostatitis refers to an inflamed, swollen, and
tender prostate. This painful condition can be
caused by an infection.
Symptoms may include pain in joints, muscles,
lower back, fever and chills, and urinary trouble.
Prostatitis may be detected by bacteria in the
Prostatitis is not contagious, and it can not be
transmitted to a man’s sexual partner
Treatment is to combat the bacteria and thus
stop the infection
Being physically active is like
attaching a charger to your battery
while at the same time giving your
body a complete tune-up.
Exercise can change you on the
inside and the outside and totally
energize you!
Lower the risk of cancers of the
colon, prostate and uterus.
Bottom line: regular exercise is one
of the best things you can do not
only to lose weight, but to live a
longer and healthier life.
Why should we exercise?
Before starting your active program of
exercise and dietary changes, visit your local
physician for an overall health
It’s up to you!!!!!
Lose weight (healthy diet/exercise)
Stop smoking
Manage stress better
Avoid excess alcohol
Decrease sodium (salt) intake
Take medications only as your doctor
Thank you, My Brothers