CF Concepts for NBCD

CF Concepts for NBCD
107 NBCD 01
Purpose of NBC Defence
Introduction to NBC Warfare
Local Alarms
Warning Signals
Survival Rule
Immediate Actions
• The strategic priority of DND is to maintain a multi-purpose, combat
capable force to meet the objectives the Government set out in the
1994 Defence White Paper. Thus the CF will need to be able to operate
with modern armed forces against a capable opponent.
• Given the world-wide proliferation and subsequent availability of NBC
weapons to a capable opponent, the CF shall be prepared to survive
and be confident of continuing combat operations in an NBC
• In certain circumstances such as Cyprus and Vietnam, chemical agents
and defoliants were used and there has since been confirmation of the
use of chemical agents by countries such as Iraq and Iran in more
recent conflicts.
• We have only to look at current events to realize today’s very real NBC
threat to our soldiers in the field.
• Even though Canadian Government policy does not allow Canada to
initiate NBC warfare, it is essential that all our personnel be able to
recognize the threat, so they can protect themselves against such
attacks and maintain combat effectiveness
Canadian Forces Policy for
NBCD Defence
• Biological Weapons
– Canada does not possess any biological or toxin-based weapons,
and will not develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, or use such
• Chemical Weapons
– Canada does not possess any chemical weapons other than the
devices used for crowd and riot control. Canada has renounced
both the use of chemical weapons in war and the right to develop,
produce, acquire, or stockpile such weapons for use in warfare,
unless these weapons are used against the military forces or the
civilian population of Canada or it’s allies.
Standardized warning systems have been established to warn
troops who are potential targets. Details of these warning
devices and the actions to be taken are normally given in Unit
Standard Operating Procedures and/or Unit Standing Orders
• Threats of attack
– When there is a threat of an attack, units are responsible for warning their
personnel. The unit will give the local alarm.
General Indicators of a Biological or
Chemical Attack
Suspicious liquids or solids on the ground or on
Unexplained smoke or mist
Dead or sick animals or birds
Suspicious odors
Chemical Agent Indicators
Irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and skin
Headache, dizziness and nausea
Difficulty with, or increased rate of breathing
A feeling of choking or tightness in the throat or chest
Strange or out of the ordinary orders
Strange flavours in food or water
Biological Agent Detection
• An increase in sick or dead animals
• Unusual or unexplained increase in the number of insects
• Enemy fire that does not seem to have an immediate casualty effect
Chemical Agent Characteristics
Nerve Gas
Breathing difficulties, tightness in chest,
nausea, excessive sweating, vomiting, cramps,
headache coma, convulsions, drooling
Administer atrophine
Blister agents, Mustard
and Arsenical agents
Eyes enflamed, burning, blisters and tissue
Apply protective Ointment
to exposed areas
Choking Agent
Difficulty in breathing, tightness in chest
Loosen clothing, avoid
unnecessary exertion and
keep warm
Blood agents, Cyanide,
arsine gases
Breathing difficulties, tightness in chest
Administer Amyl Nitrate
and artificial respiration
Ear Agents
Eyes water, intense eye pain, irritation of upper
respiratory tract
Air skin, flush irritated
surfaces with water
Vomiting agents
Sneezing, nausea, salivation, vomiting
Vigorous activity helps
reduce nausea and it’s
Abnormal behaviour, muscle weakness, central
nervous system disorders
Support first aid and
physical restraints in some
Survival Rules
• A.R.O.U.S.E.
Artillery or other enemy bombardment
Raids or other hostile acts by enemy aircraft against your unit
Odours, liquids or solids which are suspicious are detected
Unusual bomblets or missiles are seen
Smoke or mist from an unknown source
Effects on your body, on others or on animals or plants are noticed
Immediate Actions
Mask up
Take cover
Check detector papers
Perform decontamination
Administer atropine (if needed)
Purpose of NBC defence
CF policies for NBC defence
Indicators of a NBC attack
Survival rule
Immediate actions