Naturopathic Medicine- Treating the Whole Scleroderma Patient Dr. Sara Korsunsky, B.Sc., N.D. The Centre for Natural Medicine 1218 Lorette Avenue WHAT IS NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE? What is Naturopathic Medicine? A primary health care profession Combines effective traditional therapies with current advances in modern medicine Focuses on prevention and treatment of illness What is a Naturopathic Doctor? Licensed Naturopathic Doctor's (ND's) are the most highly trained practitioners in the broadest scope of natural medical treatments. ND's are required to complete at least 3 years of standard premedical studies at a recognized university before going on to 4 years at an accredited Naturopathic medical school. Principles of Naturopathic Medicine First, do no harm. Address the causes of disease. Heal the whole person. Cooperate with the healing power of nature. Teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine. Naturopathic Medical Training Basic medical sciences Medical diagnostics Full physical exams Laboratory diagnostics Phlebotomy Pharmacology Radiology Naturopathic Treatment Options ◦ Herbs ◦ Clinical Nutrition & Neutraceuticals ◦ Homeopathy symptom specific, no interactions with medications ◦ Acupuncture ◦ Lifestyle Coaching stress reduction, balance, wellness ◦ Prevention early screening and education, proactive medicine The Naturopathic Profession Today: Increased demand For supportive medications and alternatives Treatments for stress related illnesses Preventative medicine Covered by private health insurance Regulated, safe ◦ Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), Manitoba Naturopathic Association (MNA) What is Health? - Health IS NOT the absence of dis-ease - Having a diagnosis does not exclude health • Physical • Mental • Emotional • Energetic BALANCE What is Health? A state of balance and good function that permits a person to achieve their ultimate purpose of existence. A place where there is spiritual fulfillment. It is a changing process that requires persistent effort to maintain. Education, Commitment, Choices HEALTH AND DISEASEA NEW PARADIGM FOR THE 21ST CENTURY? TM The River of Health Program Health and wellness is a process 1-The Source- optimal physical, mental, emotional health, healthy lifestyle and self care 2- Upstream- good physical health, underlying mental or emotion issues, lacking in some self care and healthy lifestyle habits The River of Health Program 3- Mid stream- moderate physical health with several symptoms, mental or emotional issues, poor mood or energy, unhealthy lifestyle choices 4- Down stream- polluted body, many symptoms, unhealthy lifestyle choices 5- End of the river- degeneration or death, body cannot cope The Source of the River: Clean, clear, ideal terrain Midstream- Impurities, toxins Downstream- Polluted waters End of the River Where are you…. In the River of Health? Where would you like to be? The Foundations of Health Proper Hygiene Regular Movement/ Exercise Adequate Rest & Quality Sleep Healthy Nutrition & Digestion Effective Stress Management Functional Organs = Anti-inflammatory lifestyle Factors that Contribute to Disease ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Poor digestion (malnutrition) and elimination Immune system malfunction or suppression Toxic exposure Unhealthy lifestyle Genes Stress Factors that Contribute to Disease ◦ Poor digestion and elimination Bad breakdown- bloating and promotion of unhealthy microbes Bad absorption- low levels of nutrients, weight loss or obesity Bad bowel movements- toxins reabsorbed or nutrients blood lost, pain. ◦ Immune system malfunction or suppression Poor recovery, autoimmunity, sclerosis, ◦ Both can present through skin Factors that Contribute to Disease ◦ Environmental toxins Chemical, pollution, pesticides, etc. ◦ Unhealthy lifestyle Lack of movement, poor mental health, drugs, alcohol Unhealthy diet- low in nutrients, high in fat/ sugars/ salt, skipping meals or overeating Factors that Contribute to Disease ◦ Lack of rest or quality sleep Affects adrenal stress glands Increases inflammation ◦ Genes Not a definitive outcome, can be turned on or off ◦ STRESS! Contributes to every single disease Is inflammatory The Root Causes of Scleroderma Genetics (HLA) Infections Toxins (environmental) Stress- oxidative, other? Scleroderma Problems and Immunity Overactive T- lymphocytes- T helper, CD +, IL-2 (infections and self- non-self) Fibroblasts display cell growth abnormalities- proto oncogene c-myc Platelet derived growth factor alpha receptors are increased (accelerates growth of collagen, regulator of cell division) Natural medicines can influence these Infections & Poor Microbiology (Microbiome) Bacteria Viruses Parasites Fungi Lack of healthy levels of good bacteria/ overgrowth of poor microflora Very common Diagnosis by stool culture (CSDA) or ELISA/ PCR bloodwork Infections & Poor Microbiology (Microbiome) Research shows distinct improvement using probiotics in Scleroderma ◦ After 2 months use, significant improvements were seen in scores of total gastrointestinal symptoms, reflux, and bloating/distention. Frech TM, Khanna D, Maranian P, Frech EJ, Sawitzke AD, Murtaugh MA. Probiotics for the treatment of systemic sclerosis-associated gastrointestinal bloating/distention. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2011;29(Suppl 65):S22-S25. Nutritional Medicine, a textbook by Dr. Alan R Gaby M.D. Infections Release inflammatory toxins Steal nutrients Block immune system Suboptimal bacterial levels lead to greater risk for infections Immune support is important Toxins Environmental Chemicals Ingested Medications ◦ Detoxification to relieve the body of toxins and impurities can benefit pathophysiology of autoimmunity1 1. Crinnion WJ. Results of a decade of naturopathic treatment for environmental illnesses: a review of clinical records. J Naturopathic Med 1997;7:21-27. Stress Adrenal gland- deals with stress daily Dysfunction caused by chronic: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Anger, sadness, grief Insomnia Overwork Surgery Trauma, injury, chronic illnesses Symptoms of Stress Gland Dysfunction Fatigue, Sleep disturbances Anxiety/ low mood Overweight Heart palpitations Poor memory/ focus Headaches Dizziness standing up Low blood pressure Propensity for autoimmune and liver diseases Naturopathic Approach to Health No referral needed 60-75 minute initial visit ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Thorough history Physical Exam Review records Appropriate laboratory testing Diagnosis Treatments Visits may be weekly, monthly, seasonally Clinical Nutrition- Why? Better function (enzymes, energy) Malnutrition in Scleroderma Of 160 consecutive Italian patients with systemic sclerosis, 15% had evidence of malnutrition. Malnutrition was significantly associated with disease activity, and was nonsignificantly associated with gastrointestinal involvement. Caporali R, Caccialanza R, Bonino C, Klersy C, Cereda E, Xoxi B, et al. Disease-related malnutrition in outpatients with systemic sclerosis. Clin Nutr 2012;31:666-671 Vitamins, minerals, other nutrients Oral or injected Nutritional Tips for Healing Avoid inflammatory foods ◦ Trans fats, deep fried foods, charred foods ◦ Sugar- stops white blood cell response- The Loma Linda study ◦ Refined grains and flours (ie Not WHOLE) ◦ Red farmed meats ◦ Secondarily: dairy, nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants), corn ◦ Food sensitivities or intolerances Nutritional Tips for Healing Whole Grains Healthy fats and oils Natural sugars only Fish, lean meats, vegetarian protein Increased organic vegetable intake Water, water, water Green or herbal teas Nutritional Tips for Healing Diets rich in bioflavonoids benefit inflammation, immunity, blood vessels ◦ Virtually all fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices contain antioxidants ◦ Non-toxic, best absorbed with food ◦ Avoid overcooking foods ◦ Examples: quercetin, carotenoids, isoflavones ◦ Caution with high fiber diets!! Nutrition: patients/nutrition.htm Scleroderma Specifics Vitamin D: often low in scleroderma, autoimmunity and MB. Vitamin E supplementation resulted in improvements in the skin of scleroderma patients, including morphea, calcinosis cutis, and Raynaud’s phenomenon. Zinc improves Morphea Don’t self- prescribe high doses. ND’s check interactions with medications!!! Natural Treatments TREATMENT DOSAGE RATIONALE Fiber Use with caution Decreased colonic motility Para-aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) 12 g/day KPABA (potassium-PABA) Anti-fibrotic Vitamin E 200-1,200 IU/day orally; topical application Antioxidant; anti-fibrotic, dermatologic improvements Vitamin D 0.25-1.25 mcg/day calcitriol OR 1,0004,000 IU/day D3 (not studied) Immunoregulatory; inhibition of fibroblast growth and collagen synthesis GLA (sources; black currant, borage, or evening primrose oil) 540 mg/day GLA (evening primrose oil used in the studies) Converts to prostaglandin E1 to increase capillary flow and decrease inflammation; especially for patients with concomitant Raynaud’s phenomenon. Estriol 2 mg/day orally OR 10-20 mg/week subcutaneously Mechanism unknown N-acetylcysteine IV infusion of 15-150 mg/kg/hour for five days. Mechanism unknown IV infusion of 600 mh/day followed by 400mg three times daily Mechanism unknown 50-160 mg/day enterically coated Mechanism unknown 300-600 mg/day Mechanism unknown 15-60 mg/day zinc; 1-4 mg/day copper Correct a deficiency, aids morphea Sadenosylmethionine (SAMe) Bromelain Avocado/Soybean Extract (unsaponifiable) Zinc/copper Stop inflammation Fish oils- high dosage Turmeric- bonded to a lipid (fat) Boswellia, cayenne, licorice Flaxseed, hemp Ginger Stress management- counselling, spirituality, energy medicine Meditation Improving Energy and Sleep Treat Adrenal gland dysfunction ◦ Testing- Adrenal Stress Index Treat Anxiety Correct dysfunction (gut, brain) Natural options: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Lifestyle Herbs, vitamins Homeopathy Acupuncture Why Consult an ND? Integrative ◦ Science, medical technology and nature ◦ Work with MDs to support health Safe ◦ NDs do not remove medications ◦ NDs know interactions and side effects ◦ Standardized training, licensure Options ◦ where possible, fewer medications is advantageous Improved lifestyle ◦ Improved body physiology means reduced symptoms Naturopathic Medicine IS IT FOR ME? A medical process, not a magic quick fix Reduces toxins and harm from medications Patient-centered care & participation Whole person focused Time taken to listen, discuss Naturopathic medicine treats all health concerns: from pediatric to geriatric, from irritating symptoms to chronic illness and from physical to the psychological. ND’s attend to your individual physical, mental & emotional harmony Optimal Health Care ND’s work with you to meet your health goals Results: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Better energy Fewer symptoms Treatment options Empowered patients Reduced disease Contact Information Dr. Sara Korsunsky BSc, N.D. The Centre for Natural Medicine 1218 Lorette Avenue 204-488-6528