EPF Regional Advocacy Seminar Budapest, 26 October 2010 Patients’ Involvement in EU-level Health Policy Kaisa Immonen-Charalambous, EPF Policy Officer The Presentation 1. Overview of the EU’s main institutions 2. EU activities in the field of health 3. Examples of our key policy areas and recent achievements European Commission Independent of national governments, promoting the “common interests of all Europeans” Executive body of the EU, sole legislative initiative 27 Commissioners, Directorates-General for policy areas Directorate-General responsible for Health and Consumers – DG SANCO o Divided into units according to area of responsibility o Supported by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) - implementation of health programme through funding & management of EUfunded projects http://ec.europa.eu/ http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/index_en.htm Structure of DG SANCO Director General Food & Veterinary Law Food Safety Pharmaceutic als Strategy & systems Animal Health Determinants Threats Public Health Information Health programme Consumer Affairs Deputy D-G Food Chain Risk assessment Deputy D-G Consumers & Health Online EU health resources A Europe for Patients http://ec.europa.eu/healtheu/europe_for_patients/ index_en.htm Health EU Portal http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/ Youth Health Portal http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/youth European Parliament Directly elected body, represents EU citizens 736 members – MEPs Organised in 7 Europe-wide political groupings Shares legislative power with Council Powers have increased with each Treaty Acts as democratic supervisor of other EU Institutions, decides EU annual budget with Council www.europarl.europa.eu Structure of the EP BG RO SL HU CY GR ... 736 MEPS – 7 Political Groupings Committee Health Committee Research Committee Social Affairs Meeting in Brussels Plenary Session STRASBOURG Committee Petitions … (20) The Council Council of Ministers and European Council Main decision-making body, representing the intergovernmental aspect of the EU (27 Member States) Founded by the Treaties in 1958 Meeting place: Brussels or Luxembourg Rotating presidency (6 months) organised in trios – 18month common programme Current trio – Spain-Belgium-Hungary www.consilium.europa.eu Structure of the Council European Council EU strategy, top decisions, broad lines Council of EU 27 Ministers 10 configurations Adopts legislative and non-legislative proposals in specific policy areas Committee of Permanent Representatives – COREPER I, II Committees and Working Parties of the Council of the EU Prepares work and tasks for the Council of Ministers Articulation of interests and demands (positions) of MS – ”expert level” EU Legislation Primary legislation – Treaties (the constitutional law of the European Union) Secondary legislation and non-legislative instruments o Regulations – “European laws”, immediately enforceable in o o o o all MS Directives – “framework laws”, transposed into national law Decisions – legally binding, addressed to MS or individuals Recommendations – no legal force, but political weight Opinions, white and green papers EU legislative process European Commission Public consultation EPF National patients’ organisations European Parliament Draft Directive changed Council Health Ministers approve / reject / amend Draft Directive Final Directive Transposition into national law in all MS Limits of EU Action in Health Principles of subsidiarity and proportionality Legal basis for actions in public health: Article 168 of the Treaty “A high level of health protection in all EU policies” Responsibility for organisation of health systems and delivery of healthcare is the competence of Member States EU action shall complement and support MS action, foster cooperation between MS -- non-legislative instruments only Some areas of exception: Medicinal products and devices Safety and quality of blood, tissues and organs EPF works with all EU Institutions Commission: participation in working groups; consultation and on key patients’ concerns, upcoming legislative proposals, etc. o Patient safety working group (DG SANCO), Access to medicines initiative (DG Enterprise), personalised medicine (DG Research)... Parliament: input into legislative process – working with Rapporteurs, involving MEPs into supporting EPF’s work o Cross-border healthcare, pharmaceutical package.... Council: working through successive EU Presidencies on key priority areas o Sweden: VALUE+; Belgium: Cross-border healthcare; Hungary... EPF Patients’ Manifesto Campaign EPF’s major campaign in 2008-2009 targeted at politicians at national and EU levels – called for: Equal and timely access to diagnosis, treatment and support Better information and resources for patients A strong patients’ voice More than 100 MEPs committed themselves to supporting EPF Patient Safety and Quality of Care EPF involvement in Patient Safety Working Group Contributed to Commission Communication and Council Recommendation on Patient Safety (June 2009) Meaningful involvement of EPF in this process from the start – a step forward for patients’ involvement Stimulated debate on quality of care – Council supported a Joint Action on Safety and Quality of Healthcare Triple aim: implementation of PS; start cooperation on Quality; promote patient involvement and empowerment EPF involved as stakeholder representing patients Cross-Border Healthcare Draft Directive launched by EC in June 2008 , first reading by the European Parliament in April 2009 Council common position in June 2010 Parliament 2nd reading – December 2010 EPF position: o Rights-based, value-based approach: quality, safety, equity, o o o o patient-centred Patients should not pay for treatment upfront National Contact Points – information for patients Importance of eHealth and interoperability More cooperation between MS towards better quality of care for all patients The “pharmaceutical package” Three proposals launched by EC in 2008: Pharmacovigilance – preventing side effects of medicines and harm to patients o EPF advocated for direct patient reporting of adverse events – draft Directive endorsed by European Parliament in September 2010 Counterfeiting and illegal distribution of medicines o EPF promotes patient involvement – ongoing negotiations between Parliament and Council Information to patients on prescription medicines o EPF succeeded in shifting focus on patients’ rights – controversial proposal, first reading vote end November eHealth and Telemedicine EU strategic framework – European eHealth Action Plans Commission Recommendation on interoperability of health systems & Communication on telemedicine for the benefit of patients, health systems, society (2008) eHealth High Level Governance established Council Conclusions on eHealth (2009) Joint Action and Thematic Network (current) EPF leading role with other stakeholders regarding ‘Trust and Acceptability’ EPF in several projects – Chain of Trust, CALLIOPE, Renewing Health... Members’ input is key The EPF Mailing has updates on policy developments and projects, events and topical themes We also send out consultation documents to our members on all major policy issues – recent examples: clinical trials in third countries; initiative on eHealth We welcome your input! More info? Thank you! Visit us at: www.eu-patient.eu