Late onset slow weight gain Jack Newman MD, FRCPC A typical case Mother 29 years old, no medical problems First pregnancy, no complications Baby Born at term Healthy Birth weight 3.5 kg (7lb 11oz) Starting out breastfeeding The baby is tried immediately at the breast. He takes it, suckles a few minutes and then falls asleep The baby receives a little 5% glucose by cup once during the first 24 hours of life “He wasn’t settling. The nurse said that some glucose water would calm him down” Questions 1. 2. Was this the best approach to dealing with a baby who wouldn’t settle? What might have been another, perhaps better, approach? Answers No, s/he could have proceeded in a different way The fact that s/he didn’t give a bottle, the fact that s/he didn’t use formula, does not mean that this was the best approach What would have been better? Before giving anything: Fix the latch With a better latch, the baby gets more milk Teach the mother how to know the baby is actually getting milk (not just sucking) Teach the mother to use compression Switch sides when the baby doesn’t drink any more Do not limit time on breast 2. Video clips of drinking or not Video of 10 and40 hour old baby Don’t limit time on breast? If we don’t limit time on breast, if the baby stays on the breast, usually he won’t cry or become “unsettled” So let him stay on the breast If the latch is good, the mother shouldn’t be sore If necessary, give extra 5% glucose water with a lactation aid After discharge from hospital Mother had sore nipples for 10 days, then got better Was this necessary? Baby weighed 3.5 kg at birth Breastfeeding exclusively, the baby weighed: 4.5 kg at 1 month 5.5 kg at 2 months 6.0 kg at 3 months 6.0 kg at 4 months Video clip of a baby “jiggling” at breast At our clinic, 2 days after the last weight (6.0 kg), the baby weighs 6.1 kg Is this possible? Did the baby really gain 100 grams in 2 days? Probably not So what happened? Different scale Error in writing down weights (our clinic or doctor’s office) What does the 100 g increase mean? Nothing Should we be reassured? No! So why the slow gain? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Possibilities: The mother goes on the birth control pill The mother is pregnant Maternal medications other than hormones Maternal illness Can an emotional “shock” dry up the milk? More possibilities 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Feeding one breast only at each feeding Using bottles more than occasionally Mother trying to be a “supermother”? Other (unknown or same as 10.?) Babies pull away from the breast when the flow slows down 1. The birth control pill Decreased milk supply with any type, even progestin only pills Seems less common with progestin only pill, but this may be because it is less commonly used Medroxyprogesterone (Depo Provera) cannot be taken away once given If hormones must be used for some reason, try the oral progestin only pill first If no decrease, maybe try Depo Provera 1. The birth control pill The decrease can be unpredictable Not all women get this Some have breastfed fine with it for previous babies, but start the same pill at the same time, and get a significant decrease within a week of starting Waiting until the baby is older (4 or 5 months) does not prevent the problem 1. The birth control pill What if the mother gets a decrease while on the pill? Stop the pill, any time; it doesn’t have to be at the end of the cycle Start domperidone [or metoclopramide (Reglan)—less desirable, more side effects] With domperidone, return of milk supply is often very rapid (within days) 1. The birth control pill There are other ways of conception control beside hormonal ones Breastfeeding itself gives considerable protection Baby is under 6 months Mother hasn’t had a normal period yet Baby is exclusively breastfed Barrier methods for those not convinced 1. The birth control pill Other preparations of hormones, even estrogens, probably do not affect milk supply because blood levels achieved with these preparations are negligible Vaginal creams We have heard from many mothers about significant decreases in milk supply after insertion of the Mirena IUD Skin creams 2. A new pregnancy Luckily, if a mother is breastfeeding exclusively, pregnancy before 6 months is unusual, but does occur Thus the baby is usually eating solids, and the mother can increase the intake of solids if the baby is not content at the breast After 6 months, formula is not necessary if the baby is eating a variety of foods in adequate amounts Homogenized milk is perfectly adequate 2. A new pregnancy Giving bottles will not make the situation better Milk can be given by cup or added to solids If the baby is fussy at the breast, then give some food first, then offer breast He is less likely to demand rapid flow, if he is not very hungry If the baby is young (under 4 months or so)lactation aid to supplement Even by three months, though, some babies don’t like the lactation aid 2. A new pregnancy Some babies or toddlers will refuse the breast, however, if the milk supply, and milk flow are slow, and wean themselves There is no reason, though, that weaning is necessary if the mother is pregnant There is no evidence that the foetus will suffer There is no evidence for increased risk of spontaneous abortion 3. Medications other than hormones Several drugs can significantly decrease the milk supply Bromocriptine and cabergoline Pseudoephedrine? Antihistamines? Diuretics? SSRI antidepressants? Others? (several mothers questioned the possibility that antibiotics, particularly cloxacillin, would have decreased their supply) 3. Medications other than hormones Pseudoephedrine and antihistamines are both commonly used, often in combination, in cold and allergy medicines Look for alternatives Vasoconstrictive nose and eye drops Nasal and opthalmic antihistamines Steroid nose drops, inhalers Cromolyn 4. Maternal illness Most often associated with blocked ducts and/or mastitis Unusual, but not rare, and in some rare cases, in both breasts, even if the mother had mastitis in just one Why? Prevent blocked ducts and mastitis Good latch “Finish” one side before offering the other 4. Maternal illness Any febrile or “flu-like” illness seems capable of decreasing the mother’s milk supply Luckily, again, this is unusual Due to… Stopping breastfeeding? Inadequate intake of fluid? Do not stop breastfeeding for illness, take baby into bed, nurse frequently and around the clock 5. Emotional shock At first, I never believed this one, but with time one runs across situations that cannot be put down to mother’s “imagination” Lactation consultant feeding a 3 month old baby No problems, baby gaining beautifully LC’s mother dies suddently and unexpectedly milk supply dries up suddenly (no drinking) milk returns within 24 hours with domperidone Thankfully, this appears to be quite uncommon What about chronic stress? 6. One breast at a feeding Used as a “treatment” for colic It can help, but… Finish one side before offering the other, and let the baby have it if he wants it Use compression to help the baby finish Keeping to one side is not appropriate No more than saying to a mother you must feed both sides No rules, puleeze! 6. One breast at a feeding “Give the baby just one breast at a feeding, so that he gets the hind milk” Secret! If the baby is not getting any milk at the breast, he is not getting hind milk A little knowledge is a dangerous thing “the breast is never empty” + “milk increases in fat as the baby sucks longer”error Variation in fat content during a single feeding Forget hind milk! If the baby drinks enough low fat milk, he will still gain There is no such thing as “no fat” breastmilk, even the first milk has some fat If the baby isn’t doing the “pausing type of suck”, he is not getting milk! Is this possible? According to one mother, this is the advice she received from a breastfeeding hotline for her slow gaining 3 week old: To make sure the baby gets the hindmilk, pump off the first ounce from each breast How can someone even imagine this would be a good idea? Let’s give the baby two ounces of breastmilk less at each feeding and he’ll gain better 7. Using bottles, pacifiers more than occasionally A big problem in the US and other countries where many mothers have unacceptably short maternity leaves Even in Canada, though, mothers think babies need bottles, even if they are over 6 months old But also mothers use bottles to stretch out feedings, or try to make the baby sleep through the night Counselling Help improve the “efficiency” of breastfeeding (See Protocol to increase breastmilk intake by the baby) 7. Using bottles, pacifiers more than occasionally Even young babies (<3 or 4 months old) can learn to cup feed Mothers can find ways to combine work and breastfeeding Some can bring baby to work Have baby brought during breaks and lunch Go to day care centre to feed the baby Some babies actually will wait for their mothers 7. Using bottles, pacifiers more than occasionally Once the baby is older, there is no need for bottles It is a measure of how pervasive our bottle feeding mentality is that we believe that babies need bottles to feed If the baby is eating solids, milk can be mixed in with his food The baby can learn to drink from a cup From an email I have a 10 week old daughter and have breastfeeding her since the beginning, supplementing one formula feeding per day. We have been giving her the supplement in a bottle since she was 3 weeks old, finger feeding before that. We decided to supplement her by choice, since she wasn’t gaining very well at the start. Email continued In the past day or so, she has been extremely fussy at the breast, coming on and off continuously for an hour or more, refusing it. I have really been trying to get through it, continuing to breastfeed despite her fussiness, but I’m getting very frustrated. I have tried to change positions, feed her before she becomes really hungry and burp her more frequently, and it works sometimes, but not always. I would like to continue breastfeeding, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Analysis of email Was the appropriate response to “she wasn’t gaining very well at the start” to give a bottle? Could one bottle a day really cause all this problem? What else would be involved? Baby’s behaviour changes with time Milk supply decreases? 8. Trying to be a “supermother” Too easy to fall into the trap We expect so much from mothers… Let the housework go Home delivery of food not such a bad thing Laundry is for others to do Fathers can do lots to help (and that does not mean giving a bottle) Is it really necessary to return to work or school early? 9. Unknown Sometimes the mother’s milk just decreases 3 to 6 months postpartum, sometimes around 9 months, for no obvious reason This is not a growth spurt, since the baby does not drink at the breast He may even lose weight He may fuss at the breast Domperidone does work well here 10. Baby’s behaviour changed Babies’ behaviour often changes In the first few weeks, babies generally tend to fall asleep at the breast when the flow slows After the first few weeks, they tend to pull away from the breast when the flow of milk slows Some babies do not follow this pattern, but many do So? If the baby starts to pull away from the breast when the flow of milk slows down, he may not have “drained the breast” as well as he could have Most mothers will then offer the other side The baby may pull off when the flow slows on the second side The baby has “half emptied” the breasts And so? The milk supply decreases a little For some babies, whose mothers have an abundant milk supply, this may not matter even in the long run Over a short period of time, this may not make much difference either, but with time, the supply decreases more and more Even then many babies may still grow well But… For some, the situation results in the milk supply decreasing significantly so that the weight does become an issue Even if there is still plenty of milk in the breast, babies respond to flow, not what’s in the breast The baby pulls off before “draining the breast” Often in just a few minutes Mothers will say… That the baby will stay on the breast only a few minutes, and then pull off and suck his hand Babies of 3 or 4 months may not cry if they are hungry, content to suck a finger If offered the other breast, the baby may take it for a short period of time (as long as the flow is rapid), and then pull off Prevention? Maintain flow during feedings? A good latch results in the baby “emptying” the breast better. “Finish” the first side before offering the second Mothers need to know how to know a baby is getting milk from the breast (and not just sucking) Use compression if necessary Just keeping the baby there may not be enough Observing a feeding This may be very difficult because most babies of 4 months, say, are distractible when breastfeeding If the flow of milk is slow, they are even more so, and observation of a feeding may be difficult But… Poor weight gain + history of short feedings + baby sucking hand=decreased intake of milk Email received re: baby seen in first week (for mother’s sore nipples) “Our son is nearly four months old. He was putting on weight nicely for the first two months, but has held steady at 11.5 pounds since then. He is cranky much of the time, and is up numerous times at night.” Email received re: baby seen in first week (for mother’s sore nipples) “My wife has implemented three changes in the last number of weeks to address this problem. (cranky baby) 1. She is nursing every three hours instead of every two She is taking three tablets of Blessed Thistle and two of Fenugreek, each three times a day She is nursing on one side only at each nursing session, to prevent the baby from ingesting too much foremilk 2. 3. My wife is taking birth control pills, and we have heard that that may reduce the milk supply” Comments? 1. 2. 3. Arrrrggggh!! Double arrrrggggh!! I always tell mothers, whatever problem they come in for, how to latch a baby on, how to know a baby is getting milk, how to use compression, etc Triple arrrrggggh!! This is the 3rd baby (out of 4) of this same mother for which I have seen her at our clinic Treatment Formula by bottle is not the answer! Why is it not the answer? 2. It’s not necessary There are other ways to deal with this situation There may not be such a thing as nipple confusion, but it is interesting how often babies started on the bottle for such a situation, will refuse to breastfeed, usually within a very short time (days) It’s not the baby who is confused 1. What to do? 1. 2. 3. 4. Review possible causes of a decreased milk supply with mother, and correct what can be corrected (stop pill, stop other medications, feed both sides etc) Consider the possibility that the baby may have a medical condition (e.g. UTI) Follow Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby (adapted to the older baby) If the above don’t work, and the mother is not pregnant, domperidone will often work very well Note Stopping the birth control pill does not always result in a rapid increase in milk supply The same may be true with other medications I almost always will start domperidone at the same time as suggesting stopping the hormone treatments Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby 1. Get the best latch possible. The better the latch, the more of the mother’s milk the baby will get However, a baby of 4 or 5 months may not want to change what he does It’s worth a try, but don’t force the baby if he’s reluctant Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby 2. Know how to know the baby is getting milk If the baby is not drinking at the breast, it doesn’t help for the mother to try to keep him there longer Watch for the pause in the baby’s chin (video) Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby 3. Use breast compression when the baby no longer drinks on his own Begin fairly early, as soon as drinking slows, before the baby pulls off the breast Compression is like pumping, but instead of pumping into the bottle, the mother “pumps” milk directly into the baby May not work that well or quickly enough, if the milk supply is very low (just as pumping may not work that well) Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby 4. When the baby no longer drinks even with compression, or starts to pull off the breast, switch sides and repeat Sometimes, though the baby will not take the second side and will prefer to suck his hand Less likely to happen if the mother takes him off before he pulls off Try switching back and forth, but do not force the baby to the breast Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby 5. Breastmilk production should be increased Herbs (fenugreek and blessed thistle) do not usually work at this age, but occasionally they do Domperidone is far superior to the herbs Domperidone can avoid need to add calories Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby 6. If extra calories are thought to be necessary The baby should receive food off a spoon There is nothing magical about cereal (banana, avocado, mashed potato, meat are fine if the baby is over 4 months of age) Breastmilk or other milk can be mixed with the solids Formula is not necessary if the baby is over 6 months of age and is getting breastmilk and a variety of solids as well Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby 7. If, and only if, it is urgent (rare) to increase the baby’s intake: A lactation aid can be used to supplement Many babies this age will not accept the lactation aid Often, the cup or spoon will work Remember mixing milk with solids It is important to avoid the bottle, so if there appears to be no choice, stop bottle as soon as it is practical What about pumping? Nothing wrong with this, but it takes time, and often doesn’t work Better to use compression, if it works Pumping also doesn’t always achieve the hoped for results If the mother expresses, the milk should not be given by bottle (it usually is feasible not to use bottles) What about feeding more? Many of these babies are sleeping through the night Certainly it may not hurt to wake the baby during the night for more feeds But, feeding very little more frequently may not help Like pumping, it doesn’t always work Some mothers will not follow this advice Domperidone Prescribed to increase breastmilk is an “off label” use Available in Canada as a prescription Available in some countries (UK, Netherlands, Belgium) In the US, available at compounding pharmacies, with a physician’s prescription No drug is 100% safe, but domperidone is much safer than most Domperidone We usually start with 30 mg 3 times a day We now go up as high as 40 mg 4 times a day Expect, in this situation, a response within a couple of days Continued increases may occur for several weeks Mothers should continue on it as long as necessary to increase their milk supply and maintain the dose for several weeks Weaning off domperidone Start when milk supply is well established again, and baby is drinking well at the breast, and has been for a couple of weeks (verify by following weight gain as well) We usually suggest dropping one 10 mg pill every 4-7 days If the mother gets down to no domperidone, without a decrease in her milk supplyideal If milk supply decreases again, up the dose to the previous effective dose, and wait a couple of weeks before trying to wean down again Domperidone Some mothers may have to use domperidone long term Can be used for long periods of time (months or longer) Metoclopramide (Reglan) may be used, but has more side effects, especially with long term use and so is less desirable Still, it can be used temporarily until mother can get domperidone Getting domperidone in the US Some compounding pharmacies will still provide domperidone if the mother has a physician’s prescription. You can find compounding pharmacies by clicking Click “For Patients, Pet Owners” in the red box on the left side of the page , then click “Finding a Compounding Pharmacist Near You”. You will need to sign in and then you can find your nearest compounding pharmacy. Please note, however, that not all compounding pharmacies in the US carry domperidone. If not, it can be had over the internet. For the latest information, check In House Pharmacy (for getting domperidone without a prescription) Case study (continued) Two weeks after first visit The mother believes the baby is breastfeeding better and longer (careful) The baby still sucks his hand after feeding Weight today is 6.3 kg (increase of 200 grams in 2 weeks) Observation shows the baby does, in fact, nurse better and longer Case study (continued) Two more weeks later All the previous signs that things were going better were there (stays on breast longer, better, etc) Weight today is 6.8 kg (6.3 kg two weeks before) Observation shows he drinks well and is less distractable when nursing What about the baby who won’t eat? 1. 2. Based on my experience, there are two groups of babies over 6 months who refuse food Those who are gaining well Those who are not gaining well 1. Those who are gaining well There is no reason to do anything with these babies except monitor their weight gain and make sure they continue to gain adequately Pushing these babies to eat rarely works, and can actually make the situation worse They eventually start eating, usually by a year or so If there is any concern about iron (interestingly, though, they rarely show iron deficiency), they can be given medicinal iron 2. Those who are not gaining well These babies often spend long periods of time on the breast Observation of a feeding (not always easy) shows they are rarely drinking, but most of the time “nibbling” at the breast The mother’s milk supply has usually decreased significantly for various reasons Suckling at the breast without actually getting milk can substitute for eating food 2. Those who are not gaining well Approach to fixing the problem Eliminate any reason the milk supply might have decreased Follow the Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby (see information sheet) Let the baby stay at the breast (both sides) as long as s/he drinks, but do not allow the baby to “nibble” at the breast without drinkingtake baby off the breast and offer food Sometimes offering food before the breast may be helpful 2. Those who are not gaining well Drug treatment? Domperidone can be helpful to increase the mother’s supply (30 mg tid to start) I use it frequently (if the babies eat more, then they often eat more) Does zinc deficiency aggravate the problem? Maybe Treatment with zinc may help, won’t hurt