Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA From: Kigali-Rwanda FIP Member Volunteer: FIP Pharmabridge Contact person/Eastern African Country: Farmacie Mondiaal Pharmacist in Charge: MULTIPHAR RWANDA 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 1 Preliminary • By the end of 2011: Came across with Farmacie Mondiaal (FM) via Pharmabridge. • Through the message, I made clear that there are many needs in ameliorating the pharmaceutical care in Rwanda, both in a practical way as in a more abstract and structural way. • To get a better picture in which way FM could be of any help, FM board member undertook some kind of investigation and fact finding mission. • Period: 08-02-2012 until 20-02-2012, by Richard van Slobbe, pharmacist, board member FM. • Mr. Jurdas Sezirahiga functioned during this period as an important key figure in realising meetings with different persons and institutions. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 2 INTRODUCTION • Due to a strong government, return of many (educated) Rwandan refugees and external aid Rwanda shows very good progress in fighting poverty, illiteracy and health care challenges. • The country is developing fast ........ focus on ICT....... Fast internet and a mobile phone network are widely available Political stability and external aid really work in getting ahead. • Rwanda is strongly looking for contacts with Anglophone countries. There is a great desire to get in contact and learn from abroad. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 3 Pharmaceutical Aspects: Pharmacists: about 450 pharmacists in all of Rwanda. Pharmacy education: National University of Rwanda (NUR), Huye. The program: 5 years leading to the BSc-degree. There MSc-program : No real Master’s program National Health Insurance: over 85% Pharmaceutical firm: No Medicines: 98% of the medicines are imported Counterfeit medicines is the main challenge 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 4 ... The pharmaceutical sector is under strong government attention and regulation (by the Pharmacy Task Force) as it sees that it is an important area for realising better health care and avoiding problems and risks. The Rwandan Biomedical Centre (Former Camerwa) functions as the National Wholesale firm. Whereas RAMA: It is in the way to be privatized. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 5 WORKING CONDITIONS • About 2/3 of the pharmacies visited used some kind of stand alone software to keep track of stock, to produce order forms and to make the paper bills necessary for the insurance company. • However, With this program no patient files with the patients medication history are recorded. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 6 VISITS 1-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF RWANDA (NUR) Meeting in Butare with Dr. Patrick Kyamanywa (Head of Medicine Faculty) and Dr. Egide Kayitare (head of Pharmacy department) , brougt into contact with Dr. Herman Woerdenbag of the University of Groningen. 2- LADAMET LADAMET coordinator Dr. Charles Karangwa, Pharmacist and toxicologist. LADAMET is an NUR related laboratory. Brought into contact with Dr. Oscar Smeets of the Dutch Pharmacists Laboratory. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 7 … 3-HOSPITAL KIBOGORA: Meeting with Eugene Kayitesi being the hospital Pharmacist and Sheila , the former director of the hospital and still active on the management team. -Software: MSAcces, but no real knowledge of that System. 4-HOSPITAL KIBUNGO: meeting with hospital director and the central pharmacy. Not hospital pharmacist. No computer programme was used to keep track of stock. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 8 … 5-District pharmacy: We spoke with Fiacre Rutaganda, District Pharmacy Director in NGOMA District. 6- Ministry of Health (MOH): Meeting with John Patrick Mwesige (Head of Pharmacy Task Force) and Joseph Katabende (Head of Inspectorate of Pharmacy). 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 9 MoH of Rwanda… • The MOH welcomed FM’s initiative. Help was needed for National Quality Assurance Lab. I brought Joseph into contact with Oscar Smeets. • Furthermore Joseph was interested in regulatory affairs and legislation concerning pharmaceutical matters. FM is trying to realize a contact between Joseph and the Dutch inspectorate. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 10 … 7-Different pharmacies: About 6 different private pharmacies were visited. 8-ISHYIGA SOFTWARE: Meeting with the director of Ishyiga : Mr. Aimable Kimenyi. - Made clear that at that moment Ishyiga had no operational patient files. -Developing new features such as an central product database in the cloud. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 11 … • February 19th there was a meeting with the Minister of ICT, Ishyiga-users, officials from insurance companies to talk about to future plans. • FM was able to tell about the importance of having a central product database (with for each item the necessary pharmaceutical relevant properties) and thus enhancing the level of pharmaceutical care because the computer helps. • We tried to realise contacts between Rwanda and institutes like Z-index and HealthBase in Holland. • ISHYIGA tool has the advantage that it is produced in Rwanda and that Rwanda: the Pharmacist implementation and after sales Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ 4/6/2015 12 are a lot easier Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal … • The mission resulted in getting a good picture of the Rwandan pharmaceutical landscape and were the needs. • For direct aid projects (in hospitals): Ishyiga in test. • With success: It will be implemented in Ruhango Hospital and DP of Ruhango. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 13 CONCLUSION • Rwanda is a beautiful and safe country where a lot of positive energy is put into the further development. It was a very useful mission where lot of contacts were made. • Hopefully the seed of the contacts will grow prosperously. 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 14 ... KINDLY THANK YOU!!! GOD BLESS YOU. MURAKOZE!! 4/6/2015 Rwanda: Pharmacist Jurdas SEZIRAHIGA/ Pharmabrdge and Farmacie Mondiaal 15