Belgium - City of tomorrow

in the future
The City of Tomorrow
Institut de la Providence
1) What is Telehealth ?
2) Gerontotechnologies to take care of old
3) Robotics
4) New health applications on mobile phones
5) Nursing home of the future
What is Telehealth ?
Telehealth is the use of electronic information and
telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical
health care, patient and professional health-related education,
public health and health administration. Technologies include
videoconferencing, the internet, store-and-forward imaging,
streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications.
Gerontotechnologies to take care of old
Gerontotechnologie is used to :
- prevent social isolation :
Different easy tricks are offered to ederly to help them
to avoid loneliness:
-Phones with big keys, with a picture of a member of
- the family or of a friend.
- avoid falls :
The tango stick: stand up and prevent elderly people
from bending down to pick up the stick.
There are other systems of intelligent sticks for elderly
people to take:
-someone’s pulse
-someone’s blood pressure
-someone’s temperature
with the help of sensors on the forearms.
to help elderly people with memory losses with the guardian
-angel wristwatch
Not bigger than a watch, it has 3 functions:
- Mobile phone for emergency calls
- Alarm system
- GPS localisation system
Robotics (1)
Robotics, application of the future :
- Domestic robots give medical assistance.
There are robots that help walking: walking frame with mobile
monitoring system to prevent falls and control physiological
- Domestic robots as domestic help: household robotics is used to
automate simple home tasks. Thanks to the « smart » tea kettle,
for instance, a member of the family can know if his parent is
being active through an everyday life task such as the preparation
of a cup of tea.
-Hubots or human robots that are able to realize some home
tasks and some medical cares.
Robotics (2)
Humanoid robot or hubot
to take care at home of
old people
(Swedish tv serie :
New health applications on mobile
phones (1)
This App is a medical
dictionary. The user will find
everything he needs to
know about the structure
and the functioning of the
body in general and of each
organ in particular. He will
also learn more about the
causes, the symptoms and
the treatments of the
illnesses, affections and
traumas that disturb the
health of the body and the
New health applications on mobile phones (2)
This App enables you to have your medical
file on your smartphone (with personal
New health applications on mobile
phones (3)
This App allows you to assess
the risk of colorectal cancer
for you and your close
New health applications on mobile
phones (4)
This App is very useful
when you’re on travel
abroad. It helps you
finding the equivalent of
your medicine at the local
New health applications on mobile
phones (5)
This App is used to
assess the pain felt
by the elderly
presenting troubles
of verbal
New health applications on mobile
phones (6)
Thanks to this App, you
can note down the time on
which the baby was fed
and also the quantity
absorbed. It enables you
to plan the next feeding
New health applications on mobile
phones (7)
Thanks to this App, you
can easily and quickly
inform the emergency
services by simply
pressing on the picture
corresponding to the
accident, escpecially for
deaf and mute people or
old people with verbal
communication problems.
New health applications on mobile
phones (8)
Thanks to this App,
your headaches can
be very accurately
followed up by noting
down their frequency.
New health applications
on mobile phones (9)
Actelin for the diabetics in association with the european center
of studies for diabetics.
-A follow-up notebook (blood sugar level, sports activities, meals).
-A bolus assistant.
-The possibility to evaluate the quantities of sugar in meals.
-The geolocalisation of a diabetologist or a chemist’s.
Carehome of the future
The House of the Future Foundation was founded early ‘90s by
Frank Belien. The first project, called “Living Tomorrow 1 –
The House of the Future” was opened officially in Brussels on
March 16th, 1995, in presence of Bill Gates, Chairman Microsoft
and 1.500 national and international guests.
From this first House of the Future on the projects got broad media
attention and hosted millions of visitors and -even more
important- decision makers experiencing the Future.
During the second project in Belgium, the House extended with
an Office of the Future. The next project was released in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands and remained open until 2007.
During that year, Living Tomorrow III started in Brussels as the largest
innovation- and demonstration center globally connecting over 390
partners. Until today over 3 million visitors visited at least one House
of the Future-project.
Carehome of the Future, a Living Tomorrow Project, is a unique open-innovation
centre about care, wellness, comfort and health.
The project intends to realize a real-life environment focused on quality of life,
comfort, care and health enabled by new technologies, products and services.
Together with its 60 participants, each leading in their field of expertise,
the project will be realized and opened for 3 years for professionals and decision
makers in healthcare (health centers, companies, knowledge centers, government,
care workers, doctors pharmacists,...). It will act as an innovation demo-platform,
a living lab and a synergy- and meeting platform supporting visions, new-market
introductions and market development.
in the
- Bedside Terminal, with touchscreen to keep contact with external world
- Future Surface, with interactivewall and motion recognition
The nurse and the medicart : the
medicart has a computer to follow-up
the files of the patients and the
Bathroom in the carehome
Shower Trolleys : The
shower trolley is ideal
for efficiently showering
residents with a low
mobility level.
Central bathing area
The bathing process promotes a sense of
resident well-being. A warm bath smoothes muscles and
relaxes the mind. ARJO provides a wide range of
bath tubs suitable for both independent and very
dependent residents.