Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD) Scale

Pain Management 101:
Basic Skills for Opioid Prescribing
Anthony J. Caprio, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Geriatric Medicine
Center for Aging and Health
Palliative Care Consultation Service
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Examine the concept and assessment of pain
Illustrate the differences between physical
dependence, tolerance, addiction, and pseudoaddiction.
Practice prescribing opioids for chronic and
acute pain, titrate for adequate pain relief, and
incorporate special dosing considerations
Convert between different opioids and between
different routes of administration
Anticipate and treat side effects of opioids
“Illness is the doctor to whom we
pay most heed; to kindness, to
knowledge, we make promise only;
pain we obey.”
-Marcel Proust
Case: “Please Help Me!”
Mrs. D. has breast cancer with bone
Received radiation to femur and ribs
Pain previously controlled using
◦ Morphine Extended Release 30mg po q12h
◦ Morphine Immediate Release 5mg q4h prn pain
Now has “excruciating” back and leg pain
 “Please help me! I just want to die!”
 What do you do?
Types of Pain
Nociceptive Pain
1) Somatic: Caused by activation of pain receptors
(nociceptors) in the cutaneous or deep tissues
2) Visceral Pain: Poorly localized pain sensation from
internal organs and structures (chest, abdomen, pelvis)
Neuropathic Pain:
Results from injury to nervous system (burning or tingling)
Pain and Suffering
Suffering is more than the physical
experience of pain
Physical, Emotional, Social, Existential
contributions to the experience of
Duty of physicians to alleviate suffering
Suffering can never be completely relieved
by opioids
Reduced effectiveness over time
Tolerance to side effects is favorable
Tolerance to analgesia is rarely significant
When increasing doses required, suspect
worsening disease rather than tolerance
Physical Dependence
Withdrawal Symptoms produced by
abrupt cessation, rapid dose reduction,
decreasing blood level of the drug and/or
administration of an antagonist
Inevitable physiologic change from use of
NOT evidence of addiction
Psychological dependence
Genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors
Characterized by one or more of the following:
impaired control over drug use, compulsive use,
continued use despite harm, and craving.
Non-adherence to a therapeutic regimen
Differentiate from under-treatment of pain,
criminal drug diversion, and family dysfunction
Mimics addictive behavior, but is due to
the under treatment of pain
◦ hoarding medication
◦ seeking prescriptions from multiple providers
◦ repeatedly requesting more medication
Behavior disappears with proper
Assessing Severity of Pain
Numerical Rating
 Do you have pain?
 How bad is your pain?
 1 (mild) – 10 (severe)
Another way to think
about pain severity:
Mild (1-3)
Moderate (4-7)
Severe (8-10)
Pain is Personal
Pain ratings are relative to an individual
One person’s “4/10” may be acceptable
(allowing them to function reasonably well),
while another person’s “4/10” may be
You need to understand and negotiate the
level of pain control which will allow the
patient to tolerate the pain and function
reasonably well.
WHO 3-Step Analgesic Ladder
WHO: World Health Organization (see
Starting Opioids
Pick one drug and stick with it
◦ Avoid using multiple opioids simultaneously
◦ You won’t know which one is working or which one is
causing adverse effects
◦ Very confusing (and expensive) for patients
If effective, titrate drug for optimal effect
If not effective (after appropriate dose escalation)
or if limited by side-effects, switch to a different
Acute pain and chronic pain will have different
dosing considerations
Opioid-Induced Constipation
Never become tolerant and not necessarily dosedependent
ALL opioid prescriptions should be linked to a bowel
regimen (make it routine)
Stimulant laxative is often needed
◦ Stool softener may be helpful, but avoid “All Mush and No
◦ Schedule senekot (Senna) and titrate as needed
Give a specific plan: “If no BM in x days then take y; if still
no BM, then take z”
Methylnaltrexone is a peripherally-acting mu-opioid
receptor antagonist
Acute Pain Crisis
“An event in which the patient reports pain
that is severe, uncontrolled, and causing
distress for the patient, family members, or
Requires a “rapid response”
Reassess quickly and repeatedly
◦ frequency is determined by time to peak
concentration of the opioid
JAMA. 2008;299(12):1457-1467
Many Opioids Demonstrate
First Order Kinetics
Peak Plasma
Concentrations (Cmax)
Oral: 60 to 90 min
SC or IM: 30 min
IV: 6 minutes
Half-Life (t1/2)
◦ Often depends on renal
◦ Generally 3-4 hrs
◦ Many have active metabolites
Source: Emanuel LL, von Gunten CF, Ferris FD. EPEC curriculum, 1999.
Managing an Acute Pain Crisis
Administer double the rescue (breakthrough)
dose intravenously.
Repeat same dose in 15 minutes if there is no
or minimal pain relief.
If pain persists at 7 or higher on a 10-point
scale without adverse effects, increase the
intravenous rescue dose by 50%.
Continue to administer this dose every 15
minutes until patient experiences more than
50% pain relief or adverse effects develop.
JAMA 2008;299:1457-1467
Titrating Opioids for Pain Relief
For ongoing moderate to severe pain increase
opioids doses by 50-100%
For ongoing mild to moderate pain increase by 2550%
When dose escalating long-acting opioids or opioid
(continuous) infusions, do not increase the longacting drug or infusion basal rate more than 100% at
any one time
Use short-acting medications for breakthrough pain,
keep track of these extra doses and use this
information to adjust doses
Source: Fast Fact #020
Breakthrough Medications
Generally 10% of the total daily dose
Divided into intervals based on the route of
administration and onset to peak analgesia
(ie. q4hours for oral medications)
More frequent intervals may be necessary
Generally, if a patient is requiring more than 3-4
breakthrough doses per day, you should
consider increasing the long-acting dose
Other Dosing Considerations
Theoretically no ceiling dose for opioids
Lower doses of any drug may be necessary
Caution with NSAIDs (bleeding and renal effects)
Tylenol 3g/day maximum
Caution with neuropathic pain medications (start low and go slow;
avoid tricyclic antidepressants)
Renal failure
Consider 25-50% dose reductions for opioids
Fentanyl and methadone are safest
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is a reasonable choice
Oxycodone should be used with caution (can accumulate)
Do Not Use meperidine (Demerol)
Changing Route of Administration
Parenteral (IV/IM) is more potent than oral
Intravenous and subcutaneous dosing are
usually similar
Oral : Parenteral
3 :1
5 - 8 : 1 (wide range)
Case: Mrs. D.
Calculate 24-hour oral morphine use:
Morphine 30mg po q12h = 60mg/24h
Morphine 5mg every 4h (prn)  30mg/24h
Total: 90mg oral morphine equivalents/24h
Convert to IV morphine
90mg oral morphine = 30mg iv morphine
Calculate Breakthrough Dose
10% of 30mg = 3mg iv (give q10-15min prn)
Case: Mrs. D’s Pain Crisis
Pain is 10/10
Double dose of the prn
Give at least 6mg iv x 1 now
Re-evaluate in 15 minutes
Pain still rated 10/10
Give another 6mg iv x 1
Re-evaluate in 15 minutes
Pain rated 8/10
Consider giving 9mg iv (50% increase)
Re-evaluate pain in 15 minutes
Pain rated 5/10
50% reduction of her pain with 21mg iv morphine over 45 minutes
Indications for Changing Opioids
Intolerable adverse effects
2) Poor analgesic efficacy despite dose titration
3) Drug-drug interactions
4) Preference or need for a different route of
5) Change in clinical status or clinical setting that
necessitates an opioid with different
6) Financial or drug-availability considerations
J Pain Symptom Manage 2009;38:418-425.
Common Adverse Effects
Common adverse effect, not an allergy
Try antiemtics, trying other opioid or adjusting dose
Likely will become tolerant to these effects
Consider other causes of nausea like chemo and constipation
Tolerance usually develops in 24-72 hours
Appears well before respiratory depression
Decrease dose or increase interval
Caution when starting neuropathic pain medications
(additive effects)
◦ Consider other sources of fatigue and sedation
(disease progression, process of dying)
Other Adverse Effects
Urinary retention
◦ Consider rotating opioid, try lower doses
◦ Avoid anticholinergics and sedatives
◦ observed with renal insufficiency, hepatic
insufficiency, and high opioid doses
◦ Switch opioids, correct electrolytes if possible
◦ Benzodiazepines may be helpful
Equianalgesic Dosing
No “one-size fits all” approach
◦ Genetic differences may account for variance
◦ Pain is complex and often has many components
Starting doses and equianalgesic conversions
are educated guesses (at best)
Assume that you will need to adjust up or
down based on clinical judgment
Equianalgesic Table
Not based on much evidence
 Large variability observed
 Table does not replace clinical judgment
You need to think and reassess, not just
plug-in numbers and write orders!
J Pain Symptom Manage 2009;38:426-439
UNC HealthCare “Pain Card”
Equianalgesic Dosing:
More Than Just Reading the Table
Step 1:
◦ Calculate equianalgesic dose from table
◦ Apply “safety factor”: 25 - 50% automatic reduction to account
for incomplete cross-tolerance and individual variation
Exceptions: methadone (reduce more), transdermal fentanyl patch (safety factor
built-in to conversion tables) and transmucosal fentanyl (use lowest dose)
Step 2:
◦ Consider severity of the pain and other medical or psychosocial
factors that potentially alter potency or shift the likelihood that the
initial dose of the new drug will be analgesic, relatively free of
adverse effects, and unlikely to precipitate withdrawal
◦ Determine whether to apply an additional increase or decrease
of 15% - 30%
J Pain Symptom Manage 2009;38:418-425.
Case: Mrs. D.
Eventually titrated to morphine PCA 6mg/h iv
over then next 2 days with better pain control
but increased itching and “jerking” noted
Convert to oral oxycodone
Morphine iv 6mg/h x 24h = 144mg
Oral morphine equivalents = 432mg
Oxycodone (oral) : Morphine (oral) = 1 : 1.5
Set-up ratio and then X= 432/1.5 = 288mg
Oxycodone equianlagesic dose = 288mg
Case: Dosing Considerations
Reduce dose by 50% for incomplete cross-tolerance
Increase dose by 20% based on your clinical judgment
Normal renal and hepatic function
Severe pain coming into hospital, still not optimally controlled
No problems with sedation
Good social support and will be monitored at home
Net effect is dose reduction by 30%
◦ 30% of Oxycodone 288mg ≈ 200mg
◦ Oxycodone Sustained Release 100mg po q12h
◦ Oxycodone Immediate Release 20mg po q4h prn breakthrough pain
(10% of 200mg = 20mg)
Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
◦ Quick administration
◦ Patient “in-control”
◦ Record of demands to help with dose titration
◦ can’t be used by delirious patients or those with an altered LOC
◦ reduces an important element of nursing pain assessment
◦ patient may avoid demands
Dosing considerations
◦ basal vs. demand
◦ basal + demand
Need to review PCA logs and interpret the MAR
Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Orders
Continuous infusion Rate: mg/hr or mcg/hr
-Depends on whether patient is opioid naïve, nature of the pain, and any
previous information about opioid needs
Demand Dose: mg or mcg
(‘patient initiated dose,’ ‘patient demand dose,’ or ‘bolus dose’)
-Based on patterns of breakthrough pain, consider a bolus dose of 50% 150% of the hourly rate
Dosing Interval (Delay Interval): minutes
-Peak analgesic effect from an IV bolus dose is 5-10 minutes
-Should be in the range of 10-20 minutes
Hour Limit: mg or mcg
-Maximum amount of drug to be dispensed in a defined period of time
-Often set to deliver 3-5 times the estimated required hourly dose
NMDA receptor antagonist and mu-opioid receptor agonist
◦ Decreasing opioid tolerance
◦ Attenuating neuropathic pain
No active metabolites, not removed by dialysis
Inexpensive and Long-acting
Non-linear conversion
Risk for overdose (by both prescribers and patients)
Many drug interactions
QTc prolongation
ASK for help with dosing!!
Under-treated pain
◦ Avoiding opioids or not increasing the dose of an opioid
◦ Too long of an interval between breakthrough doses
Long-acting vs. short-acting opioids
◦ Starting long-acting opioids in a opioid-naïve patient
◦ Using long-acting medications for breakthrough pain
Precipitating opioid-withdrawal by abruptly stopping (or dosereducing) opioids
Treating patients with opioids but missing other sources of suffering
Methadone dosing without understanding pharmacokinetics
Potentially exceeding 4g of acetaminophen/day (3g/day in elderly)
Mrs. D.
PCA morphine is reduced and then discontinued
after po oxycodone sustained release is started
Myoclonus and itching resolve
Pain is generally 2-3/10 with exacerbations up to
6/10, treated with immediate release oxycodone
Also started on dexamethasone and evaluated for
additional radiation therapy
Discharged home with outpatient follow-up
Taking about 2-3 immediate release oxycodone
daily and able to care for herself and family
All patients on chronic opioid therapy will
develop physical dependence
◦ Tolerance develops
◦ Withdrawal symptoms if opioid is stopped
Few patients will become addicted to
opioids with appropriate prescribing and
Pseudo-addictive behavior related to the
under-treatment of pain
Summary (cont’d)
Pain crisis may require repeated q15min iv
opioid dosing until pain <7/10 or 50%
reduction in pain scores
Titrate opioids based on severity of pain
Breakthrough about 10% of total daily dose
given as short-acting opioid PRN; for oral
opioids generally no longer than q4h dosing
If >3-4 breakthrough doses per day, need to
titrate long-acting opioids
Summary (cont’d)
Try to use only one drug at a time
Parenteral is more potent than oral
Use equianalgesic tables with caution
◦ Automatic dose reduction by 25-50%
◦ Increase or decrease by 15-30% based on clinical
◦ Dose-reduce for advanced age and renal impairment
Ask for help with methadone dosing
Bowel regimen with every opioid prescription!!
Closing Thoughts
Patients are different; pain relief and side effects will
vary with the same dose of the same medication
Incomplete or inconsistent literature regarding
dosing, conversions, and equianalgesic tables
Clinical judgment is key; no card, lecture, or
consultant can replace good judgment
Good judgment comes from thoughtfulness, careful
observation/assessments, and lots of practice
Suffering is more than the physical experience of
pain; suffering can never be completely relieved by