RHP 12 Learning Collaborative Package One Debra Flores, Ph.D. Participants will: 1) Participants will name and describe the different types of self-management support systems 2) Participants will compare and contrast traditional patient education and self-management education 3) Participants will compare and contrast traditional care and collaborative care in chronic illness 4) Participants will have a general understanding of motivational interviewing 5) Participants will describe the components of Patient Activation 6) Participants will review patient activation tools Patient Education Self-Management Education Problem Solving and Goal Setting Behavioral Techniques (Motivational Interviewing) Peer support (Navigation) Role Negotiation (Patient Activation) In the Clinical Setting In the Acute Care Setting Post Hospitalization ◦ Select an aim of what the focus of the education will involve, i.e. Diabetes, Hypertension, CHF. ◦ Select the team member that will be designated to deliver the education ◦ Create a script with materials if available to deliver the education ◦ Deliver the education ◦ Keep a record of the patients educated Issue Traditional Patient Education Self-Management Education Information and technical skills about the disease Problems reflect inadequate control of the disease Skills on how to act on problems Relation of education to the disease Education is disease-specific and teaches information and technical skills related to the disease What is the theory underlying the education? Disease-specific knowledge creates behavior change, which in turn produces better clinical outcomes Education provides problem-solving skills that are relevant to the consequences of chronic conditions in general Greater patient confidence in his/her capacity to make lifeimproving changes (self-efficacy) yields better clinical outcomes What is the goal? Compliance with the behavior changes taught to the patient to improve clinical outcomes A health professional What is taught? How are problems formulated? Who is the educator? The patient identifies problems he/she experiences that may or may not be related to the disease Increased self-efficacy to improve clinical outcomes A health professional, peer leader, or other patients, often in a group setting Issue Traditional Care Collaborative Care What is the relationship between patient and health professionals? Professionals are the experts who tell patients what to do. Patients are passive Shared expertise with active patients. Professionals are experts about the disease and patients are the experts about their lives Who is the principal caregiver and problem solver? Who is responsible for outcomes? The professional The patient and professional are the principal caregivers; they share responsibility for solving problems and for outcomes. What is the goal? Compliance with instructions. Noncompliance is a personal deficit of the patient The patient sets goals and the professional helps the patient make informed choices. Lack of goal achievement is a problem to be solved by modifying strategies. How is the behavior changed? External motivation Internal motivation. Patients gain understanding and confidence to accomplish new behaviors How are problems identified By professional, eg, changing unhealthy behaviors By the patient, eg, Pain or inability to function; and by the professional How are problems solved? Professionals solve problems for patients Professionals teach problemsolving skills and help patients in solving problems. http://vimeo.com/56949751 Patient activation is a critical component of chronic disease management and transitional care Activation- “having the information, motivation and behavioral skills necessary to self-manage, chronic illness, collaborate with health care providers, and access appropriate care” Level One Building knowledge and confidence Individuals do not feel confident enough to play an active role in their own health. They are predisposed to be passive recipients of care Level Two Building knowledge and confidence Individuals lack confidence and understanding of their health or recommended health regimen. Level Three Taking action Individuals have the key facts and are beginning to take action but may lack confidence and the skill to support their behaviors Level Four Maintaining Behaviors Individuals have adopted new behaviors but may not be able to maintain them in the face of stress or health crisis Healthy behaviors such as diet and exercise Disease selfmanagement such as adherence to drug regimens, monitoring and management of symptoms Medical encounter behaviors Seeking health information Improved adherence to medications Increased likelihood to eat healthier and engage in physical activity Increased presence in workforce and increase job satisfaction Decreased likelihood of ED usage and readmissions post discharge Increase engagement with clinicians Study Setting Intervention Results “Self-Management for Patients with HF” (2013) Shively & Colleagues Hospital (N=82, 41 participants in intervention group & 41 in control group) Blood Pressure cuff, weight scale, & pedometer, selfmanagement DVD and Education booklet Patient Activation could be improved through a targeted intervention and the effect was more pronounced for the medium-level activation “Development of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM): conceptualizing and measuring activation in patients and consumers” (2004) Hibbard et al Clinical (N=479 controlled and randomized trail) Self-Management tailoring care plans to activation levels Positive impact of tailored interventions with improved clinical indicators such as blood pressure and lipids “Self-management counseling in patients with HF: The Heart Failure adherence and retention randomized behavioral trail” (2010) Powell & Colleagues Hospital (N=902) Efficacy of selfmanagement HF counseling and education No remarkable results “How do people with different levels of activation self-manage their chronic conditions?” (2009) Dixon, Hibbard & Tusler Outpatient (N=27) Management of chronic conditions with different activation levels Self-Management support needs to be tailored for the different levels of activation Measurement for Research Measurement for Learning and Process Improvement Purpose To discover new knowledge To bring new knowledge into daily practice Tests One large "blind" test Many sequential, observable tests Biases Control for as many biases as possible Stabilize the biases from test to test Data Gather as much data as possible, "just in case" Gather "just enough" data to learn and complete another cycle Duration Can take long periods of time to obtain "Small tests of significant changes" results accelerates the rate of improvement Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease.pdf English Self-Efficacy for Diabetes.pdf MOS_adherence_survey.pdf PatientActivation-1.pdf RAND 36-MOS-Measure of Patient Adherence.docx Spanish Chronic Disease Self-Efficacy.pdf Spanish Diabetes Self-Efficacy.pdf