Powerpoint - Park County Chiropractic

A collective of health practitioners
mentoring one another in topics related
to nutrition.
who wishes to join –
You select yourself
Second Monday each Month 1 - 2pm
To share and build understanding of
the common and uncommon
knowledge of the practice of
nutrition in the care and treatment of
ourselves and the patients under
our care.
your knowledge with each
Competition and knowledge
hording only supports lost
knowledge. This group endeavors
to share knowledge and clinical
experience to serve not only
ourselves, but all people.
“If you want to learn
something read about it. If
you want to understand
something, write about it. If
you want to Master
something, teach it.”
Yogi Bhajan
At some point we ask you to present a topic for
presentation to the group. This presentation
need only be 30-35 minutes in length with a
power point or notes available in Word for the
group. You should be able to do a Q&A with
the group to follow.
 Everyone will be encouraged to participate in
the Q&A and it is asked that this become a
roundtable type Q&A.
 If you chose not to present, that is your
decision and you will not be ousted from the
 Push *6 now to mute your line
 When the speaker is finished, if
you have a
question or wish to add to the discussion,
press *6 to be put in the queue.
James Parish
Atrium Health Services
St Louis, MO
practitioner with a penchant for
 Logan Graduate
 Internship at Park County Chiropractic
• Livingston, MT
 Packers
• 13-0 baby!!!!
 According
to CDC in 2007
• 223,000 men were diagnosed with Prostate
• 29,000 men died from the disease
 African
American Men are more that
twice as likely as Caucasian men and five
times as likely as males of Asian descent
to develop prostate cancer
 The
likelihood of developing prostate
cancer increases greatly with age
• Prevailing wisdom is that if you live long enough, you
will likely develop prostate cancer
• .1% of 30 year old males will develop prostate
cancer in the next ten years.
• 6.6% of 60 year old males will develop prostate
cancer in the next ten years and 17% will develop it
in the next 30 years.
in 6 men will develop prostate cancer and
1 in 36 will die from prostate cancer in their
 Diagnosed
with advanced prostate
 Doctor’s told him there is no reason he
should be alive
 Attributes it to decreasing carbohydrate
load to near zero for thirty years
 Must hear his story
 Increased
frequency and decrease
inability to urinate
 Sexual Dysfunction
 Unremitting low back pain
 Pelvic discomfort
 Blood in Urine
 PSA over 4
• Controversial. Will discuss in a bit.
 Elevated calcium levels concomitant
elevated PSA
 Elevated PTH
• Skinner and Schwartz study
 Elevated Acid Phosphatase
• Significant elevation has strong correlation with
metastatic prostate cancer
 And
of course…………..
 Validity
of PSA has come into question as
of late
• A study of men with PSA’s over 4, only 25% had
prostate cancer.
• Often after high PSA, other procedures follow
 Transrectal ultrasound, biopsy
 Some evidence biopsy increases likelihood of
prostate cancer
 Need
for better screening procedures
 “The
Relation of Serum Parathyroid
Hormone and Serum Calcium to Serum
Levels of Prostate-Specific Antigen: A
Population-Based Study.”
• A population based study looking at the relationship
between elevated PSA, PTH, and serum calcium.
• Found a direct correlation between elevated PSA and
elevated PTH.
 We already know there is a correlation between elevated
serum calcium and elevated PSA levels.
 When calcium is elevated, we would expect to see PTH
levels that are low and Calcitonin levels that are
high….This doesn’t seem to be the case
 Instead
what we find is that when PSA
and calcium is elevated, so is PTH.
 Explanations?
• Hyperparathyroidism may help to explain this
• Increased PTH due to failure of calcium sensing
cells in the parathyroid cause increased levels of
calcium in bloodstream
So a possible explanation for this finding is that
a hyper parathryroid gland is at least implicated
in prostate disease.
 Some questions that come to mind
• Are calcitonin levels elevated at the same time as PTH in
these cases- One could reasonably expect that to be the
• Is prostate disease, in part, caused by
hyperparathyroidism, sub clinical or pathological?
• Is there a mechanism for prostate to signal the need for
tissue calcium to parathyroid? i.e. is prostate driving
“hyperparathyroidism” (thanks Steve)
• Thoughts in the discussion
 Tomato
• Much has been made of the benefits of lycopene
in the prevention of prostate cancer. But is it the
• One study found that there was no difference in
rates of cancer among rats that were fed
lycopene supplements.
• However, the rats in the study that were fed
tomato powder has significantly lower incidence
of prostate cancer…Why? As if we didn’t know.
Boileau TW, Liao Z, Kim S, et al. Prostate carcinogenesis in N-methyl-Nitrosourea (NMU)-testosterone-treated rats
fed tomato powder, lycopene, or energy-restricted diets. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003; 95:1578-1586.
 Saw
Palmetto has been used as a herbal
therapy for many years
•The liposterolic fatty acid
levels in Saw Palmetto
(LESP) are the compounds
around which most of the
research has revolved.
•Evidence is abundant of
Saw Palmetto’s ability to
decrease urinary
symptoms in BPH sufferers
 Much
of the research has focused on the
inhibition of 5-alpha reductase as a
mechanism of action for Saw Palmetto
• Research has been mixed as to the level of
effectiveness on 5-alpha reductase.
 Other
research focused on the possibility of
LESP blocking the formation of Leukotriene
B4 and Prostaglandin E2.
• One study found LESP to be an effective
lipooxygenase inhibitor, thus reducing the proinflammatory Leukotriene B4
 Stinging
Nettle (Urtica Dioica) has been
extensively studied in the treatment of
cases of BPH.
• Focus initially was on the role as a 5-alpha
reductase inhibitor in the body.
• More recent research is focusing on the ability of
9-hydroxy-10-trans-12-cis-octadecadienic acid
(HOA) to act as an aromatase inhibitor.
 First one to say of 9-hydroxy-10-trans-12-cisoctadecadienic acid 5 times fast wins a bottle of
Prost-X!!! (Legal Disclaimer: This is not a real offer.)
 Increased
estrogen levels in men is
positively correlated with increases in BPH
 Aromatase is an enzyme responsible for the
conversion of androgens into estrogens.
• Testosterone
• Androstenedione
blocks the action of Aromatase as a
means of reducing estrogen concentrations
in the body.
 Palmettoplex
is the perfect support for
the prostate gland.
Saw Palmetto
Stinging Nettle
Tomato Powder
Bovine Prostate PMG™
 This
is a great prophylactic or
therapeutic product
• 1-2 TID
 Problem: Too
much calcium in the
• Two main stores of calcium: The tissues and the
bones. We gotta put this stuff somewhere!
 As
before, we know serum calcium has a
correlation with high PSA and prostate
dysfunction and disease - reduce the
calcium floating around
 Prost-X™ and Cataplex F
Cataplex F
• Vitamin D and Vitamin F
work in synergy.
• D brings the calcium
through the gut and into
the blood. F takes it out
of the blood and puts it
in the tissue i.e. prostate.
 A rich source of
phosphatase, Prost-X
allows for proper
calcium assimilation
and transport of
calcium into bone.
 Also helps to drive
calcium back into the
prostate for utilization.
Reducing BPH.
 Cataplex
 2-3 TID
 Prost-X
 1-2 TID
 Prosta-Co
• Contains Saw Palmetto and Stinging Nettle in
greater concentrations compared to
 Equivilent of 1070 mg vs. 320 mg of Saw Palmetto
 Equivilent of 666 mg vs. 220 mg of Stinging Nettle
• Also contains Pumpkin seed oil and Crataeva
stem bark
 Cranberry
Complex to prevent Urinary
tract infections
 Gut Flora Complex if Candida becomes a
 And of course Immuplex, Thymex,
Andrographis Complex, and Echinacea
Premium for up-regulation of immune
 Dr. James
• Atrium Health Services
• St. Louis, MO
• (314) 872-9955
 And
GO PACKERS!!!!!!!! 16-0 BABY!!!!!!!