The BIO-X® program Turning market needs into investment opportunities BIO-X theme BIO-X call Identify and address needs of a target market Nationwide campaign for project proposals BIO-X project selection Stringent selection process Project period Funding and support The BIO-X program – a well-defined process Investment opportunity STOP! BIO-X projects Idea & preliminary data BIO-X® Project Technical evaluation Development Market introduction • First step in a typical industrial development model Every application put through a stringent selection process First round selection Application extension Applications reviewed and ranked BIO-X coach Matchmaking Expert advice 5 – 8 months Final selection Application review Oral presentations Finalize plan and contracts Final review by awarding bodies BIO-X projects • Funds and experienced support for the first step towards commercialization • Increased chance of success – Supported throughout by experienced BIO-X coaches and project partners from relevant sectors • An opportunity for ideas to become real-world solutions that benefit individuals and society BIO-X ® call May 2014 ICT-healthcare solutions to improve personalised treatment and care What do we mean by personalised treatment and care? • Everyone wants to make the right decision for treatment and care of the individual • Every individual should derive maximum benefit from any treatment or care regime • Risks of harmful or adverse events must be minimized ICT solutions can help • Support healthcare professionals, individuals and carers • Better tools for – Timely communication between everyone involved – Access to all relevant information – Effective data collection Do you know of a problem that hinders personalised treatment or care? • The problem could be – at any stage in the healthcare process – associated with multiple or specific disease(s)/patient group(s) Can you suggest a ICT-based solution? • Proposal should be a novel, ICT-based idea with potential to benefit healthcare in general and become a commercially-viable solution • Your solution must give direct benefit to the individual receiving treatment or care, e.g. – Increase cure rates or survival times, reduce risk of side-effects, minimize discomfort – Empower individuals to participate in management of their own health e.g. through self generated data – Support medical providers or caregivers in making correct decisions for treatment, care, and/or medication tailored to the individual Apply for funding and support • • • • Visit Get detailed information Download your application form Submit your application Call closes 26 August, 17.00 CET Think about your application • Preliminary data must be available to indicate feasibility • Proposal must include verification aspects – Think about • involving end-users from the beginning • biological end-points • verification by groups of end-users, e.g. carers,patients or nurses, in terms of usability or behaviour Think about the solution Data transfer Data collection Other data sources Data evaluation by decision-maker Data generation Benefit individual receiving treatment or care