Health Access Centre (GP walk-in service) Accrington Victoria Community Hospital November 2013 Save Our Walk In Centre Walk in centre could face cuts “Provide clear, simple and concise information outside of the surgery…educate and empower those who are capable of helping themselves and free up valuable GP time and services for illness, disease and needs that GPs can help with…” “You have to book an appt on the morning of that day, ringing from 8am and then when you get through there aren’t any appointments left and you are told to start all over again tomorrow” “The walk in centre at AVH is invaluable. I have chronic asthma and heart failure. On 2 occasions I have started with chest infections on Saturdays, I was able to go the walk in centre and get antibiotics. If I had to wait until Monday I would probably have ended up in hospital.” “Having children, like most people it is important that they can be seen that day……” Listening to the Community Accrington market “meet and greet” Questionnaires – Walk in Centre, GP practices, ELCCG website, HBC website, Hyndburn Pharmacies (906) Receipt of petition from local residents (4566) Visit to HAC by Di van Ruitenbeek, CCG Chair to talk to staff and patients Meetings with Councillor Pam Barton, Rob Grigorjev and other stakeholders Hyndburn CCG Steering Group Meeting Hyndburn Council Meeting Commitment to Openness and Transparency What You Said What Matters Most to Local People? Being able to see their own GP Being able to see a GP without making an appointment – especially same day urgent appointments GP appointments available at wider range of times (evenings and weekends) GP services offered at a location which is easy for them to get to by car or public transport GP services where they are treated with empathy, dignity and respect What You Said What Concerns Local People the Most? The difficulty of accessing GP appointments at their own practice – especially same day urgent appointments Fears that patients might not be able to get same day urgent appointments if the HAC were to close Concerns about where unregistered patients would need to go to access GP services if the HAC were to close Concerns that patients might have to go to A&E or the Urgent Care Centre in Burnley instead Concerns about the longer term future of Accrington Victoria Community Hospital as an NHS facility Our key challenges as a CCG What type of service(s) do we need to commission in Hyndburn to ensure that patients are able to get GP appointments when they most need them? Which of these offers the best value for NHS money? How do we deliver the required CCG cost savings of £33m over the next three years? How do we ensure fairness in GP access across all 5 CCG localities? How can we ensure that decisions about the future of the services currently provided at Accrington Victoria Community Hospital are made in collaboration with our other NHS partners - e.g. NHS England and East Lancashire Hospital Trust? Responsibilities for commissioning primary care Before 01.04.13 Responsibilities for commissioning primary care After 01.04.13 NHS ENGLAND Contracts for registered population (0800 – 18.30 Mon – Fri) Essential and additional services Performance management Nationally defined enhanced services QOF Improving the quality of primary care Lancashire County Council CCGs Contract for GP Out of Hours Contract for walk-in services Local Improvement Schemes Locally commissioned services (previously LESs) Supporting quality improvement Public Health locally commissioned services Key Facts 5 year contract November 2009 – October 2014. The current contract is with ELMS, an independently run social enterprise 2 elements: • Unregistered patients on a walk-in basis 8am to 8.30pm, 7 days a week, 365 days per year (commissioning responsibility with NHS EL CCG) • A GP Practice with a registered patient list size of 1358 (commissioning responsibility with the Area Team at NHS England) High levels of patient satisfaction with GP walk-in service Patients registered with the GP practice at the HAC Area Team is commencing patient/stakeholder engagement process in November Briefing was submitted to Overview and Scrutiny last week Options currently identified include re-commissioning a GP practice through a transparent procurement process or dispersing the patient list to nearby practices. No decision has been taken by the Area Team – this will be made following patient and public engagement process. Whatever decision is taken, patients will be able to register with a GP practice. Any decision taken will have regard to capacity within existing local GP practices, the possible impact on other NHS services and the NHS health economy as a whole. NHS EL CCG has to make cost savings in the region of £33m over the next 3 years Year Financial saving 2014 – 15 £9m 2015 – 16 £15m 2016 – 17 £9m 2017 – 18 £9m 2018 – 19 £9m The number of attendances is currently 3 times more people than originally planned & costs £1.4 million more AND there is no cap on the cost of the current service as the contract is based on a fee of £55 per attendance Year (Nov – Oct) Attendances at the GP walk-in centre Over performance Over spend (£) 1 2009-10 12,729 4,845 266,475 2 2010-11 24,276 16,392 901,560 3 2011-12 33,885 26,001 1,430,055 4 2012-13 33,342 (at end month 25,458 1,400,190 11) HAC has not reduced demand on other unplanned services 900.0 800.0 700.0 600.0 500.0 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 Burnley Hyndburn Pendle Ribble Valley Rossendale Higher proportion of attenders than ‘expected’ based on population profile, especially females. Lower proportion of attenders than ‘expected’ based on population profile Greater proportion of attendances in 0-4 age group than expected based on the population profile. Key Facts GP practices everywhere are under pressure None of the other 4 CCG localities have a similar walk-in service The numbers of patients with long-term conditions managed in primary care continues to increase Minimal growth in funding of primary care since 2005 - 06 Data source/s: Estimated cost for the HAC in 2013-14 is £2.2m compared with a cost of £8.5m for all other GP services in Hyndburn (Does not include APMS which is the contract mechanism for the HAC) (Excl. Slaidburn) Burnley Hyndburn Pendle Rossendale Ribble Valley £11,055,487 £8,590,081 £8,324,911 £7,194,000 £4,594,260 Cost per Patient Raw list £114.60 £113.58 £116.53 £109.14 £127.38 Cost per Patient weighted list £107.30 £107.57 £111.17 £101.60 £129.37 Total Payment Activity – Consultation Rate – Locality level Locality Burnley Hyndburn Pendle Ribble Valley Rossendale CCG Total 16 16 12 4 7 55 Population Represented in Survey 96,716 75,666 71,448 37,086 43,606 324,522 Number of Consultations in Week 9,385 6,775 7,826 3,644 4,073 31,703 Extrapolate Number of Consultations in Year 488,020 352,300 406,952 189,488 211,796 1,648,556 Estimate Consultations per Person per Year 5.0 4.7 5.7 5.1 4.9 5.1 Burnley Hyndburn Practices Completing Activity Section 6.0000 Locality Consultations 5.0000 per Person per Year 4.0000 CCG Total Consultations 3.0000 per Person per Year 2.0000 National Consultations 1.0000 per Person per Year 0.0000 . Pendle Ribble Valley Rossendale . 0% Y02606 P81756 P81218 P81003 P81182 P81170 P81025 P81099 P81736 P81118 P81036 P81160 P81020 P81147 P81731 P81032 ROSSENDALE P81686 P81780 P81797 P81215 P81132 P81123 P81212 RIBBLE VALLEY P81130 P81088 P81757 P81028 P81166 P81197 P81699 P81095 PENDLE P81053 P81078 P81047 P81730 P81070 P81659 HYNDBURN P81065 P81165 P81137 P81778 P81100 BURNLEY P81755 P81027 P81104 P81641 P81749 P81035 P81726 P81146 P81738 P81017 P81634 P81779 P81008 P81732 P81711 P81677 P81069 Y02605 P81620 P81134 Patient satisfaction with appointment systems in Hyndburn is similar to the rest of East Lancashire 2012-13 Patient Survey Q18 - Overall experience of making an appointment is 'Very Good' or 'Fairly Good' EL CCG 100% 90% 80% 74.4% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Options 1 Keep the status quo and tender a service in its current format 2 Tender the current service as a fixed price contract rather than a fee per attendance 3 Let the current contract expire without a replacement service 4 A walk-in service to remain, with opening times and access limited to hours outside GP core contract hours. This would be funded at a fixed price. Options include: a) Evenings 6.30pm – 8.00pm b) Weekends 8.00am – 8.00pm 5 Commission individual practices or groups of practices working together to provide extended hours to offer guaranteed extra access. This would be funded at a fixed price and apply across East Lancashire. Options include: a) Evenings 6.30pm – 8.00pm b) Weekends 8.00am – 8.00pm 6 Decommission the GP walk-in service and extend the contract for the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) to include minor illness (walk-in, nurse led, fixed price contract) Things we will take into account when making our final decision The needs of local people to access GP appointments when they most need them especially same day urgent appointments The views of patients and stakeholder groups in Hyndburn about the types of GP services they would prefer The conclusions of the recent Monitor Report on NHS Walk in Centres The cost, value for money and affordability of future GP service provision The need for the CCG to make cost savings of £33m over the next three years Fairness of primary care access and provision across East Lancashire NB. Any GP members on our Governing Body who may have a conflict of interest in relation to this issue, will be required to declare this interest in keeping with the rules of the CCG Constitution. The final decision on any recommendation made by the CCG Governing Body, will be the responsibility of the CCG Remuneration Committee which does not have any GP members. Involvement and consultation NHS Act 2006 (Section 242) - Duty to involve and consult: • • • • The user of those services Planning of services Development and consideration of proposals for changes to those services ** Decisions to be made by that Body affecting the operation of those services. **Current position Guidance says: • Carry out pre-consultation ** • Involve users ** ** i.e. Engagement exercise up to end October 2013. Formal Consultation Local Authority (Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Health Scrutiny Functions) Regulations 2002 require: • Consultation with OSCs when they are considering ‘substantial’ development of health services in the area of the Local Authority, or for a ‘substantial variation’ in the provision of services. Save Our Walk In Centre Walk in centre could face cuts “Provide clear, simple and concise information outside of the surgery…educate and empower those who are capable of helping themselves and free up valuable GP time and services for illness, disease and needs that GPs can help with…” “You have to book an appt on the morning of that day, ringing from 8am and then when you get through there aren’t any appointments left and you are told to start all over again tomorrow” “The walk in centre at AVH is invaluable. I have chronic asthma and heart failure. On 2 occasions I have started with chest infections on Saturdays, I was able to go the walk in centre and get antibiotics. If I had to wait until Monday I would probably have ended up in hospital.” “Having children, like most people it is important that they can be seen that day……”