Understanding the Symptom (11)

The homeopathic treatment
of autism spectrum disorders
Copyright 2011
Autism – a Spectrum
Disorder with Multiple Issues
Neurodevelopmental problems
Gastro-intestinal tract disorders
Immune system dysfunction
Psycho-social affects
Copyright 2011
Epidemic Proportions
 Rapid rise in rate over last 20 years
 US figures – 1 in 91 children (does NOT
include: PDD, Aspergers and other
spectrum disorder diagnoses)
 Boys four times more likely to be affected
than girls
 Life-long disability – normal life span
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Causes of Autism
 No such thing as an ‘autism gene’
 Probable genetic pre-disposition
 Environmental triggers now
identified as the main cause
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Neurodevelopmental Problems
 Cognitive function – delayed / savant
 Communication difficulties – verbal and
 Fine and gross motor delays
 Sensory processing disorders (smell,
touch, sensation, hearing, taste, visual)
 Learning difficulties / mental retardation
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GIT Disorders
 Gut dysbiosis
 Leaky gut syndrome
 Flatulence
 Constipation and/or diarrhoea
 Poor digestion / lienteric stools
 Offensive, acidic stools
 Distension
 Pain
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Immune System Dysfunction
 Food intolerances
 Allergies
 Asthma
 Frequent or prolonged coughs, colds and
ear infections
 Poor wound healing
 Lack of illness or immune response
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Psycho-social Affects
 Misreading social cues
 Poor transitioning
 Anxiety
 Inappropriate behaviour
 Withdrawal
 Frustration, anger, rage
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Treatment of Choice
 Heals the gut
 Opens up metabolic and excretory
 Normalises function
 Cancels out symptoms and triggers a
rebound response from the Vital
Force for a healing effect
Copyright 2011
Homeopaths - Why Treat ASDs?
 The need is enormous
 Homeopathy offers real help – treatment of
choice for ASDs – preferable if other therapies
added if and when needed
 Rewarding – significant difference to child and
 Honing of skills through ongoing case
management and prescribing
 Stable client base - long-term patients
 Growing client base - friends and family also seek
Copyright 2011
Parents – Why Use
 Treatment of choice for ASDs - profound and
widespread changes
 Simple and easy to use / take
 Safely resolves acute complaints along with
the chronic problem of autism
 Antibiotics and other medications that create
gut dysbiosis and worsening of autism are
 Cost-effective and non-invasive - Spare the
purse, spare the child
Copyright 2011
What are We Treating?
 NOT the autism, BUT…
 The child or adult with the ASD
 PLUS characteristic and pqrs
symptoms of the autism
 PLUS maintaining causes
 PLUS obstacles to cure
Copyright 2011
Brady’s Story – 5yrs (1)
 My son Brady was diagnosed at 2 years of age as
being on the Autism Spectrum. At the time he
was quite severe and as a first time mum- even I
knew something was very wrong. Every morning
Brady would wake by having a full-blown
tantrum. I’m not talking a normal 2-year-old
tantrum but a 20-30 minute screaming and headbanging session. Most of the time I cleared a
space on the lounge room floor, put a familiar
video on and left him to it. Eventually he’d calm
down, only to have another one several minutes
later. There was never any “obvious” trigger as
to what he was tantrumming about.
Copyright 2011
Brady’s Story – 5yrs (2)
 Every day was a living nightmare as we couldn’t go
anywhere or do anything even remotely normal.
Even a 5 minute drive in the car to get out of the
house would be a drama. He spent his days pacing
up and down the fence-line or hallway, gazing into
space, tantrumming on the floor and screaming. I
lived in fear of the neighbours calling DOCs - that
there was a child being abused in my house
because of all the screaming and crying he did.
Friends stopped dropping by as they were puzzled
by Brady’s behaviour and unsure how to react when
he was having one of his tantrums. He never
played with their children anyway and didn’t care
either way.www.fransheffieldhomeopathy.com
Copyright 2011
Brady’s Story – 5yrs (3)
 After many hours of research, reading and
searching the internet, I decided to try dietary
intervention. Removing gluten and casein from
Brady’s diet made a tremendous difference. Bit
by bit we saw improvements starting with words
“re-appearing”, increased eye contact, less
tantrumming and eventually showing an interest
in his surroundings and toys that he had
completely ignored since about 15 months old.
He also had had extreme tactile and sensory
issues which slowly got better after trying
dietary intervention.
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Brady’s Story – 5yrs (4)
 He started playgroup at a Special Education Unit
and hated every minute of it. He hated it even
more when he started classes and I had to leave
him screaming at the door. It was to be a few
years later when Brady was about 4 years old and
had started at Kindy (with a support aide) that I
had mentioned to a friend about Brady’s extreme
separation anxiety. This friend suggested
homeopathy and I immediately contacted Fran
for an appointment.
Copyright 2011
What are We Treating?
 NOT the autism, BUT…
 The child or adult with the ASD
 PLUS characteristic and pqrs symptoms of
the autism-affected person
 PLUS maintaining causes
 PLUS obstacles to cure
Copyright 2011
Brady’s Story – 5yrs (5)
 That was approx. 2 years ago, and we have not
looked back. Brady’s issues with separation
anxiety disappeared almost immediately after
starting his first remedy. Fran began to work on
other issues we were having like behaviour,
obsessiveness, control issues, concentration and
many others. It was amazing to see how
effective these remedies were and still are.
These days it’s more like fine tuning.
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Brady’s Story – 5yrs (6)
 This year, Brady attended prep at a new school,
with a new teacher, all new surroundings and not
knowing a single child in his class. We have not
had one single issue with anxiety, separation or
otherwise. He has amazed everyone by how well
he has adapted to his new surroundings. He
absolutely LOVES performing at school in class
concerts, fetes, parades and the like. He is the
only child in his class who has not had to take
days off school due to illness. I believe
homeopathy keeps his immune system in peak
condition as well as helping with any other
Copyright 2011
Brady’s Story – 5yrs (7)
 Every day I hear complaints from friends and
other mums about their children’s issues and I
love to talk about how much homeopathy has
helped us. I’d try homeopathy first before I
resorted to anything else and am so glad I never
resorted to drugs like Ritalin etc. I cannot
remember the last time Brady had to see the
doctor to get antibiotics. The child we have now
is a completely different child to the one
diagnosed at 2. If he was to be re-assessed, I
doubt he would be classified as having autism
spectrum disorder.
Copyright 2011
Brady’s Story – 5yrs (8)
 These days he is a happy, confident, friendly
little boy who loves school and seeing his friends.
We still have issues to work on, as many kids do
whether they are on the spectrum or not, but I
have every faith in the effectiveness of
homeopathy and only wish I had discovered it’s
benefits sooner. We owe our lives to
homeopathy and Fran Sheffield and cannot thank
her enough for her continual support, patience
and caring attitude.
Copyright 2011
Common Symptoms of
Autism (1)
 Splintered abilities –
• Encyclopaedic knowledge of narrow fields
yet unable to apply that knowledge
• Poor fine or gross motor skills but the
ability to read at a very young age
 Lack of imaginative play or imitation.
 Inability to problem-solve
 Unaware of important things – regards as
Copyright 2011
Common Symptoms of
Autism (2)
 Prefer to be alone – avoid company
 Respond negatively to crowds or
 Difficulty holding a conversation
 Act deaf - non-responsive to verbal
 Non-existent or poor eye contact
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Common Symptoms of
Autism (3)
 Difficulty expressing needs – may
point, gesture or tantrum rather
than use words
 Repeating of words or phrases in
place of typical language or
conversation (echolalia)
 Non responsive to typical teaching
Copyright 2011
Common Symptoms of
Autism (4)
 Dislike of being touched, hugged, cuddled
 Sensitivity to loud noises, tags in clothes,
coarse clothing, lights, and smells
 Liking to be wrapped, under a weight,
sleeping with pillow over head
 Oversensitive or under sensitive to pain
 Under or over-active
 Low muscle tone - tire easily, lying rather
than sitting
Copyright 2011
Common Symptoms of
Autism (5)
 Desire for the same daily routine, toys, type of
clothes – dislike of any change
 Laughing or crying at inappropriate times or
situations (i.e., laughing at a baby crying.)
 Excessive or frequent tantrums
 Aggression or self-injury
 Odd play such as: spinning objects, using toys
inappropriately, obsessions with particular toys
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Common Symptoms of
Autism (6)
 Repetitive and self-stimulating behaviours:
flipping pages; flicking switches; flapping hands,
spinning objects.
 Changing obsessions: Thomas the Tank; trains;
towers; dinosaurs; drawings
 Frequent use of peripheral vision to track items
(e.g., rolling car along a table at eye-level)
Common Symptoms of
Autism (7)
 Highly self-limited diet when previously a
broader range of food was eaten.
 Numerous or severe food allergies
 Severe gastro-intestinal issues: loose
and/or foul-smelling stools; constipation;
undigested stools; acidic stools.
 History of chronic infections – ear, tonsils,
respiratory, gastro-intestinal
Copyright 2011
Parent Statement
“There is so much that is so
wrong that it is hard not to
make a difference with these
Copyright 2011
What are We Treating?
 NOT the autism, BUT…
 The child or adult with the ASD
 PLUS characteristic and pqrs
symptoms of the autism
 PLUS maintaining causes
 PLUS obstacles to cure
Copyright 2011
Examples of
Individualising Symptoms (1)
 Desire or aversion to company
 Male vs female company
 Desire or aversion to colours
 Sidedness of complaints
 Preferred sleep position
 Sleep problems – Hard to get to sleep? Waking
frequently? Waking and wanting to play?
Nightmares or night terrors?
Copyright 2011
Examples of
Individualising Symptoms (2)
 Emotional and behavioural responses
to stressors
 Effect of music
 Fears and Phobias
 Food desires, aversions, aggravations
 Consolation – better, worse,
Copyright 2011
Examples of
Individualising Symptoms (3)
 Laughing, crying, walking, screaming,
talking, teeth grinding, sweating in sleep
 Water – fear or love (pool cf sea cf both cf
 Café au lait spots
 Growth – Tall or short
 Body build - lean or stocky (with good or
poor appetite)
Copyright 2011
Examples of
Individualising Symptoms (4)
 Indigestibles – eat or mouth?
 Sun – like or dislike?
 Biting nails, others or self
 Grinding teeth (day or night)
 Banging head
 Hitting self or others.
 Nappy rash or cradle cap
Copyright 2011
Examples of
Individualising Symptoms (5)
 Sticky or watery discharge from
 Cracks behind ears
 Modalities and concomitants
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Things About Food
 If wondering about sweet or sour, check it they
are reflected in the fruit and veges the child
 Consider flavours as well as individual foods – eg.
Grapfruit vs bitter, olive vs salt, milk vs sweet,
yogurt vs sweet and sour
 When dietary choices are restricted and there is
little by way of strong likes and dislikes, focus on
preferred flavours.
 Don’t confuse likes, dislikes and aggravations
with sensory processing disorders – check to
make sure
Copyright 2011
Understanding the Symptom (1)
 Asking the same things over and over
again. Is it from:
• Anxiety and so calms or reassures?
• Desire to control the parent?
• Wanting the parent to interact with them?
• Constant need to talk?
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Understanding the Symptom (2)
 Crying / Weeping– how and why?
• When corrected or disciplined?
• Feeling sorry for self?
• Frustration?
• Anger? (Who with?)
• After doing something unwanted or wrong?
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Understanding the Symptom (3)
 Tantrums and rages – how and why?
• Anger?
• Defiance?
• Anxiety?
• Frustration?
• Reaction to disrupted routine or change?
• As if unfair?
• For attention?
• To get their own way?
• Worse or better for attention or comfort?
Copyright 2011
Understanding the Symptom (4)
 Anxious on hearing unpleasant things
– how and why?
• Anxious for themselves
• Anxious for the sufferer
• Withdraw or react
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Understanding the Symptom (5)
 Desire for pizza
• Salt?
• Spices?
• Cheese?
• Tomato base?
• Anchovies, salami, or cabanossi?
• Truly pizza?
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Understanding the Symptom (6)
 Frequent or constant singing – how
and why?
• Silly and irritating
• When stressed
• Uncontrollable
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Understanding the Symptom (7)
 ‘Love’ of animals – how and why?
• True love?
• Controls them
• Torments or pesters them
• Hurts them (jealousy, maliciousness?)
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Understanding the Symptom (8)
 Insulting parents – how and why?
• Distress
• Anger
• To punish
• To hurt
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Understanding the Symptom (9)
 Anxiety about school – how and why?
• Hates being embarrassed
• Upset at getting things wrong
• Stress from poor social ability
• Being bullied or ridiculed
Copyright 2011
Understanding the Symptom
 Anxiety about school – how and why?
• Hates being embarrassed
• Upset at getting things wrong
• Stress from poor social ability
• Being bullied or ridiculed
Copyright 2011
Understanding the Symptom (9)
 Effect of company – do they want to be:
• alone
• with others
• only with family
 And are they….
• anxious with strangers
• anxious in crowds
• confident
 Do they:
• ignore people
• hide from people
• irritate people
• engage people
Copyright 2011
Understanding the Symptom
 Refusal to toilet train or use the
toilet – why and how?
• fear of contagion (self or toilet seat has another used it?)
• Pain?
• Stubbornness or defiance?
• Controlling self or others?
Copyright 2011
Understanding the Symptom
 Hands in pants – how and why?
• Keeping them warm
• Comfort when stressed or anxious
• Sensation in genitals
• Touching vs pressing vs handling vs
frank masturbation.
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Understanding the Symptom
 Throwing things – how and why?
• Repetition
• Anger
• Destructiveness
• Desire to control
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Ways Into a Difficult Case
 Always look for miasmatic features and
 Look for the recurring weakness or the organ or
body system that is mainly affected and then
think of remedies that relate to that affected
area - eg: Phosphorus for mucous membranes.
 Look at the remedies parents and siblings need.
 Ask who the child most takes after and then ask
questions about that particular parent or
Copyright 2011
Three Main Remedies (esp.
for the first prescription)
 Phosphorus (Phos)
 Calcarea carbonica (Calc-c)
 Sulphur (Sulph)
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Phosphorus Symptoms and
ASD’s (1)
 ‘Spaciness’, zoned out, difficulty in
 Anxiety with desire for company
 Sympathetic, caring (PQRS)
 Numerous fears (dark, insects, being
alone, storms)
 Sensitive to external stimuli
 Dullness and indifference
Copyright 2011
Phosphorus Symptoms and
ASD’s (2)
 History or colds descending to chest with slow
 Easy bleeding and bruising
 Allergies and food intolerances
 Food: Desire salt, spicy, cold food and drinks,
ice-cream, sweets – esp. chocolate. Averse to
fish. Thirsty for water.
 Appearance: Tall; thin; delicate; fine, porcelain
skin; long lashes.
 Humming, singing.
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Calc Symptoms and ASDs (1)
 Obstinate, stubborn
 Serious, sad, cautious – will not go readily into
new group – clings to mother
 Fears: Numerous (dogs, insects, change, horrible
 Poor muscle tone / low energy
 Frequent colds
 Otitis media / Glue ear
 Mouth ulcers
 Constipation, sluggish bowels (may also have
undigested food and diarrhoea)
Copyright 2011
Calc Symptoms and ASDs (2)
 Perspiration back of neck (3), head (2), back (1),
esp. during sleep
 Delayed milestones (fontanelle closure,
dentition, walking)
 Sourness of discharges (stool, perspiration,
 Food: Desires sweets, ice cream, salt, soft-boiled
eggs, indigestible things, dairy products, cold
drinks. Aggravated by milk
 Appearance: Large rounded head for body size,
plump, stocky
 < Full moon (behaviour, sleep, parasites)
Copyright 2011
Ben’s Story – 5.5 yrs (1)
 My name is Irene, and I have a 5.5-year-old boy
diagnosed with autism and global developmental
delay. I first met Fran when she did a talk at our
Support Group meeting and took an interest in her
treatment as it is natural and non harming to a child
and the outcomes are positive. Our first goal was to
gradually take Ben off the medication that he was
taking for his aggressive behaviour, the medicine
being Risperidone. As we were not aware of the longterm side-effects of the medication, we were willing
to try alternative natural therapy. Ben initially was
prescribed Risperidone when he was at the young age
of three, when his sister was born. The doctor
observed his behaviour and felt that his aggression
needed to be placed under control. Over the short
term, Risperidone did work but we found that Ben
would still have changes in his behaviour — some
and others not so.
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Ben’s Story – 5.5 yrs (2)
Ben would also seem as if he were in a daze and incoherent
and would not function like a child should do at the age of
three, whether they have A.S.D. or not. He was very
withdrawn and in his own world. For us, this was a massive
drawback, and we wanted to change this. When I contacted
Fran and we had our initial appointment, our goal was to
rectify this for our little boy and to slowly wean him off
Risperidone. Fran has prescribed a number of remedies (first
one being Calc.) to address the behaviours and issues that
have arisen with Ben over the past 1.5 years — one being a
remedy to help Ben overcome the aggression that arose when
we were weaning him off the Risperidone. This process took
about one month to help Ben overcome the side-effects of the
drug, and we saw a greater improvement in his overall
behaviour. The positive changes we have seen in Ben in the
course of the treatment are as follows: Ben is no longer
“zoned-out” till mid morning. He is no longer tracking objects
in his hands. He has less flatulence and straining during a
bowel motion. Ben has always been affectionate, but is now
even more affectionate, even to his school teachers, and of
course they love
Copyright 2011
Ben’s Story – 5.5 yrs (3)
He is not distressed by change as much as he used to be.
His receptive language has increased immensely, but
unfortunately we still await the day that he will have
expressive language. He has the odd occasional word but
as yet no real language. He attends to activities and is
interacting more because he has become more focused and
can concentrate on the task at hand. He is generally very
happy when he wakes every morning. Ben manages his
anger better, and has more control over it. Ben is very
playful and cheeky when he plays. He has more of an idea
of what play is all about and that it is enjoyable. Ben
interacts a lot more with his sister, and she loves it, as she
is now receiving attention from her big brother. We have
had very positive feedback from Ben’s schoolteachers. For
us this is very encouraging, as we know we have chosen the
right path of Homeopathy to help our son to be the best
that he can be at whatever he does in life.
Copyright 2011
Ben’s Story – 5.5 yrs (4)
Some issues that we are still addressing are as follows: The
other stims have lessened but not yet ceased. He still hates
his hair being cut, but we are slowly seeing improvements.
He still rocks on the lounge and the floor, but this is a
vestibular sensory issue that we have to deal with in
occupational therapy. The treatment has helped to
alleviate the rocking but has not yet stopped it altogether.
Ben has sleep issues that we are addressing every time we
see Fran, as Ben’s pattern of sleep is like a roller coaster.
Ben is eating non-food items, and we are still addressing
this problem. It has lessened but not yet stopped. Ben is
obsessed with water, and this is one behaviour that is hard
to fix. I guess we are lucky we have a pool. Overall we are
happy and would highly recommend homœopathic
treatments for any child who has autistic spectrum
disorder. My husband and I believe that homeopathy has
saved our son from being subjected to other medications
that are clearly not good for our children as no-one knows
the long-term side-effects.
Copyright 2011
Sulphur Symptoms and ASD’s
 Robust and curious (more confident than
Calc, copes better with being alone than
 Stubborn and irritable
 Untidy – may be fussy about particular
things such as dirty hands, certain clothes
 Eczema: very itchy; < becoming hot; heat
of bed; bathing; left side
 Urgent stool upon waking or after eating
Copyright 2011
Sulphur Symptoms and ASD’s
 Offensive discharges, esp stool (eggy, putrid, or
strong odor)
 Redness of orifices (lips, anus, margins of lids)
 Itching of anus
 Sleeplessness
 Lack of appetite until 11am, otherwise strong
 Food: Desires sweets, meat fat, spicy, cold
drinks. Aversion: Eggs, sour.
Copyright 2011
Alex’s Story – 7 yrs (1)
 We began homeopathic treatment in May 2006.
Prior to this, we had done diet, supplements,
and chiropractic — cranio-sacral therapy. Before
any intervention my son was severely autistic —
he had ALL the classic signs, symptoms, and
behavioural traits of autism. Within three days
of starting the GFCF (gluten free, casein free)
diet, we got eye contact. And with further diet
changes, and with each new supplement, he
improved even more. We did some chelation and
got even more improvements. He lost most of
his stims, toe-walking, developed lots of
language — labelling and two- to three-word
phrases — and was overall heaps better than
when we started.
Copyright 2011
Alex’s Story – 7 yrs (2)
 However, after about 16 months of biomedical
intervention, we started classical homeopathy using
his constitutional remedy (Sulph). After the first two
doses, he actually became more irritable. However,
just 15 minutes after receiving his 3rd dose (one week
after starting), he abruptly changed and became
more calm and less irritable. Within two days of this
third dose, I wrote in my diary "Alex was AMAZING
TODAY". He had a huge jump in his language — both
receptive and expressive. He was calm. He learned
to blow bubbles — it just suddenly clicked (and this
was after about 12 months of trying to get him to
blow them). He started holding my hand (previously
he would only ever hold my finger — I could never
hold his hand). We were able to take him out to
strange places — shopping centres, etc. — and he
would just hold our hand and act like a normal child.
Copyright 2011
Alex’s Story – 7 yrs (3)
 Transitions that had previously been a huge problem
were suddenly no problem at all. We were able to buy
him new shoes and get him to wear them. He became
less obsessed with activities that he had previously been
obsessed with. He continued to progress with this
remedy, and we could see a definite improvement after
each dose, followed by a general decline just prior to
needing his next dose, so we knew it was the remedy
that was responsible for the changes. Over time, we
needed to change the dose and then changed to other
remedies. Each time we changed the dose or changed
to a new remedy we had another very obvious huge
jump in language, cognition, behaviour, etc. After
almost 12 months of homeopathy, Alex has improved to
the point that most people would not think that he was
autistic. He still has some catching up to do with
language and other skills, but would no longer meet the
criteria for autism.
Copyright 2011
Alex’s Story – 7 yrs (4)
 We now also use homeopathy for first aid — i.e. for
fevers, tummy upsets, ear infections, and other acute
illnesses. We have not had to use things like
antibiotics, Panadol, Nurofen, etc. since commencing
 A Recent Report: Alex is doing fantastically. He had
his "first" birthday party last week with a dozen of his
"friends". He greeted each of them, read (aloud)
their card (to the astonishment of the other parents),
said "Wow, thank you very much" when opening their
presents, and had a fabulous time. You should have
seen his face when everyone was singing "Happy
birthday". It was a real milestone for us — we were
over the moon. Also, I don't know whether any of the
other parents had any idea about Alex's autism, but I
doubt it.
Copyright 2011
Connor’s Story – 5 yrs (1)
 Thank you for giving me my son back. I don't
know how to thank you enough. It has been sad
watching my beautiful boy, from being perfectly
normal and chatty, turn into a child with speech
and behaviour problems, a "child with autism".
Now after only a few months with homeopathy,
(another Sulphur prescription) he is just a normal
five-year-old who doesn't walk in circles any
more, does make perfect eye contact, even
corrects me when I'm too busy to stop and look
into his eyes. From a child who was just sitting
in a corner, now he has friends who don't want to
leave him alone, and he is quite a popular child
in kinder.
Copyright 2011
Connor’s Story – 5 yrs (2)
 From a child who wouldn't even look at
me or his sister or dad, now he is saying
"Mum I love you" and to his sister "You are
amazing" and for Dad now he is looking
forward to him coming home after work.
His speech is still not 100%, we have a
problem with just a few sounds like "f"
and "r", which is quite common. Well, I
can go on and on with what he can do
now! THANK YOU, for everything. We
will definitely keep up the homœopathy.
Copyright 2011
Secondary Remedies
Lycopodium clavatum; Arsenicum album;
Baryta carbonica; Natrum muriaticum;
Sepia; Belladonna; Veratrum album;
Tarentula hispanica; Medorrhinum;
Carcinosin; Stramonium; Lachesis; Silica;
Ambra grisea; Tuberculinum bovinum;
Anacadium orientale; Hyoscyamus;
Calcarea phosphoricum; Rhus
toxicodendron; Coffea cruda; Mercurius
solubilis; Syphilinum; Pulsatilla pratensis;
Bufo rana; Causticum; Dulcamara; China
officinalis; Ferrum metallicum; Zincum
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 1
 8-year-old boy: Desiring fish, salt,
pepper, chocolate; headaches from
sun; fear of thunderstorms; overresponsible with pet; talking in
sleep; sleep walking; dislikes being
consoled; brooding on unhappy
events; wanting to be by self;
asthma; hypochondriasis. What was
his remedy?
Copyright 2011
Natrum muriaticum
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 2
 10-year-old boy: Fear and anxiety;
about many things; fear of food
being contaminated, of bath water
being toxic; avoiding the presence of
others; leg pains at night; sleepless
at night; scabs inside nose with thick
greenish discharge; patch of eczema
under nose. (What was his remedy?)
Copyright 2011
Copyright 2011
Outcomes of Treatment (1)
 Reduced GIT disorders
 Reduction in allergies and food
 Improved sensory integration
 Increased receptive and expressive
 Improved eye contact and social
 Reduced anxiety, aggression, and other
Copyright 2011
Outcomes of Treatment (2)
 Improved immune function
 Increase in cognitive function
 Elimination of toxins and heavy
 Normalisation of developmental
milestones (teething, walking,
Copyright 2011
The Bradley Family
 One family, 4 children, all diagnosed
with autism.
 Different presentation for each child
 Different prescription and course of
treatment for each child
Copyright 2011
The Bradley Family - a
Mother’s Report
When Fran asked me to put down
today briefly the children's responses
to the homeopathy it has given me
time to reflect on the progress each
has made.
Copyright 2011
Ryan’s Story – 13 yrs (1)
Ryan, for the first time in his 13 years, is now
sleeping in his own room. Within two nights of
his first remedy he went from walking the halls
and distressed to now only needing a kiss
goodnight and a reassuring comment that he will
fall asleep before me and he turns the light out.
Prior to this I would need to go into his room
more than 10 times a night. He has been sleeping
now on his own for six months.
Copyright 2011
Ryan’s Story – 13 yrs (2)
He used to only interact on his terms with his siblings. Now
he initiates playing with them and will even play something
his sister likes. He was very withdrawn and is now doing a
circus class and private African drumming class. He even
tries to do funny things to entertain his siblings. I guess it is
like it has drawn him out of himself. He still has a way to
go but crowds appear to bother him less and he is saying
more to me. Prior to homeopathy he would go a whole day
barely speaking.
Copyright 2011
Felicity’s Story – 11yrs
Felicity has gone from being very unbalanced with all day
screaming (almost like an animal), hurting herself, eating
strange things, difficulty sleeping, very light and sound
sensitive and not liking crowds. I was debating taking her
for psychological help. Very quickly after the first remedy
the all-day-long meltdowns reduced dramatically and her
appetite picked up. At one stage I noticed a marked
deterioration in her symptoms, but as soon as we increased
the remedy potency it improved straight away. She still has
a way to go but from where we were at the beginning of
the year her good days far outweigh the bad.
Copyright 2011
Felicity’s Symptoms – 11 yrs
Intuitive, psychic – aware of and speaking to presences
Highly imaginative
Love of animals
Sensitive to all external stimuli
Fear of storms, presences, vampires
Self-harming – biting, scratching
Worms at full moon
Food desires: chocolate, frozen things, salt. Averse: meat.
(ONE Phosphorus presentation)
Copyright 2011
Dylan’s Story – 7 yrs (1)
Dylan started as a rather upset, angry, frustrated
little boy who chased us with knife when he
became frustrated. Afterwards he would be
upset and cry for being so sensitive. When his
frustration level blew he would get out of control
yet I knew the real him was very caring and
Copyright 2011
Dylan’s Story – 7 yrs (2)
Once we started the remedy after about half an
hour we had a very scary venting episode and an
hour of chasing, yet then a sereneness came over
him for several days. The glazed look to his eyes
was gone. I found that, by giving him the
belladonna when I sensed him escalating, it
prevented full on meltdowns. After a couple of
months his behaviour deteriorated, but we
changed the potency and he improved again.
Copyright 2011
Dylan’s Story – 7 yrs (3)
At present I am juggling a little with the
frequency of his dose but compared to when we
started the homeopathics he has improved from
a boy I thought I would have to medicate to one
who is managed well with homeopathics and
being aware of his stresses and reducing these.
Also, his speech therapist has been amazed by
his progress in recent months.
Copyright 2011
Darcy’s Story – 4 yrs (1)
Darcy has been progressing so markedly since starting the
homeopathy. In the beginning he was very, very
emotional, would cry a lot, run to his room to hide and was
obsessional. His speech was at a very short sentence level
but very difficult to understand. He almost appeared to
stop after words and be trying to work out what to say but
couldn't get his brain to work. He didn’t like cuddling or
touch - only on his terms.
Copyright 2011
Darcy’s Story – 4 yrs (2)
Shortly after starting the remedy his all-day crying ceased.
He gradually lost that all-consuming Thomas the Tank
obsession. I would now say he is not obsessed with anything
- he definitely has some particular interests but not an allconsuming and limiting obsession. He initiates cuddles with
me often now in the last few weeks holds my hand when
sitting or lying together. And he appears to do it for
enjoyment, not the rigid, almost forced acting he did
Copyright 2011
Darcy’s Story – 4 yrs (3)
He now tolerates (to a degree) children near him, though is
yet to play with others at the playground. Speech is
fantastic. Huge sentences, some articulation issues and on
a bad day very hard to understand but nevertheless a huge
step forward. I would have to say on a good day if you
didn't know what you were looking for you wouldn't know
he was autistic, just a lovely little boy that you might think
a little quirky.
Copyright 2011
Summary of Treatment (1)
As a whole the homeopathy has allowed the
children's anxiety levels to reduce
significantly, allowing them to focus on other
things such as their homeschooling and
developing healthy interests and hobbies. It
has also allowed us, for the first time, to go
out more socially. Although we are still
limited in this area to only things they
tolerate, I can see they are gradually
increasing their tolerance levels of crowds,
etc, and can see this will only increase in the
Copyright 2011
Summary of Treatment (2)
But the biggest thing of all is we now
have smiles and laughter and hugs
and hand holding, where previously
we were a big storm of anxiety and
stress on the autism spectrum.
Copyright 2011
Improvement Dependent on:
 Degree of reversible (neurologic)
 Antagonistic effects of other
 Degree of similitude
Copyright 2011
Other Interventions –
Management Issues
 Introduction of new and artificial
 Palliation or suppression of existing
 Parents: complementary vs
alternative perspective
Copyright 2011
Other Interventions (1)
 Intervention 1: Dietary Modification
 Intervention 2: Optimisation of
Gastrointestinal Function
 Intervention 3: Supplementation and
 Intervention 4: Detoxification and
Copyright 2011
Intervention 1: Dietary
Modification (a)
 A) First, irritating chemicals such as
artificial additives, flavourings,
colourings, and preservatives are
removed from the diet, along with
highly processed foods of little
nutritional value.
Copyright 2011
Intervention 1: Dietary
Modification (b)
 B) The second component of dietary modification
is the start of a series of biomedical
interventions based on allopathic rationale. Dairy
products, with their casein content, and glutencontaining foods such as wheat, oats, rye,
barley, and spelt are removed from the diet. This
is done to prevent any undigested gluten or
casein peptides from entering the bloodstream,
on the basis of a hypothesis that many children
with autism have increased gastrointestinal
permeability (often known by the more colourful
name of “leaky gut”) that allows undigested
casein and gluten peptides to leak into the
bloodstream and then circulate to the brain to
produce opiate-like effects, including confusion,
vagueness, and disorientation - all common
symptoms www.fransheffieldhomeopathy.com
of autism.
Copyright 2011
Intervention 1: Dietary
Modification (c)
 C) The third dietary modification restricts foods
that contain sugars or refined carbohydrates.
Potentially harmful bacteria such as
streptococcus; some viruses; and yeasts such as
Candida are fuelled by sugars in the gut to create
a state of gut dysbiosis - an excess of certain
naturally occurring microbes or parasites. It is
thought within biomedical circles that toxins
produced by these microorganisms are absorbed
into the bloodstream to again affect the brain,
and that the dietary restriction of refined
carbohydrates and sugars, including those found
in fruit and some vegetables, helps to prevent or
control these overgrowths.
Copyright 2011
Intervention 1: Dietary
Modification (d)
 The previous steps are the main
dietary modifications of the
biomedical approach, but there are
several others. Children may also be
on a low-phenol, low-oxalate, or
low-salicylate diet; the Feingold
diet; the Gut and Psychology
Syndrome (GAPS) diet; or the
Specific Carbohydrate diet, to name
just a few.
Copyright 2011
Intervention 2: Optimisation of
Gastrointestinal Function
 In a healthy state, the gut absorbs nutrients and
screens out toxins. If the “leaky gut” hypothesis
is correct, it is unable to do either of these two
things. The biomedical approach of returning the
gut to health involves removing parasites, yeasts,
viruses, and toxins and replacing any healthdisturbing bacteria with those that are
 To this end, probiotics are combined with the
dietary changes already discussed. Antibiotics
and antifungals are used to “eradicate”
unwanted colonies of micro-organisms, and
supplementation and chelation of heavy metals
may be used in at attempt to reduce gut
inflammation and promote healing.
Copyright 2011
Intervention 3: Supplementation
and Medicinals
 Biomedicine also uses vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, enzymes, hormones, antioxidants, and
essential fatty acids - frequently in mega-doses to treat deficiencies from poor digestion, or to
improve immune, metabolic, digestive, and
neurological function. Calcium, magnesium,
vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B5 (pantothenic
acid), vitamin B6, methyl B12, melatonin,
taurine, dimethylglycine (DMG), pycnogenol,
GABA, and fish oil are just some of the more
common supplements and medicines prescribed
from an extensive and ever-growing list.
Copyright 2011
Intervention 4: Detoxification
and Chelation
 It is claimed that chelation is the only means by
which children with autism can be stimulated to
excrete retained deposits of mercury, lead, arsenic,
and other heavy metals from the body. Children may
also be affected by one or more of the persistent
organic pollutants (POPs) that now contaminate our
environment. These include: polyaromatic
hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);
aldrin; chlordane; DDT; dieldrin; endrin; heptachlor;
and brominated flame retardants. Biomedically,
numerous chelating agents and supplements are used
to try to relieve any toxic burden these children may
carry. They include: dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA);
2,3-Dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS);
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); vitamin C;
glutathione; and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), along with
several others.
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 3
 4-year-old girl: Severe, hard
constipation for 3 1/2 years; dark
bluish circles, like rings, on cheeks;
acrobatic: climbing, swinging,
jumping, constantly moving; desiring
chocolate; dislike for meat, spices;
loves to dance to music; fascinated
with the colour red; violent
tantrums, throws things. (What was
her remedy?)
Copyright 2011
Tarentula hispanica
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 4
 13-year-old girl: Frequent asthma;
smelly feet; desiring chocolate,
meat, salt; fear of thunderstorms;
unusually artistic and creative;
responsible and conscientious within
limits of awareness; love of being
outside in the elements and with
nature; love of animals; adoring the
beach; brown pigmented spots on
skin. (What was her remedy?)
Copyright 2011
Copyright 2011
Harmful and Aggravating Effects
of Biomedical Interventions
 It is important to realize that though the
“bio” of biomedicine may sound green,
clean, and natural, the “medicine”
remains deeply allopathic. Most of the
treatments depend, for their effect, on
biochemical palliation or suppression of
symptoms, neither of which will remove
the totality of the child’s symptoms. The
treatments can also produce harmful or
aggravating side effects. The following
are four of many such problems.
Copyright 2011
Problem 1: Yeast overgrowth
An overgrowth of yeast in the gut is the expected sideeffect of the chelating agents, antivirals, and antibiotics.
The results can include unbearable itching of the skin and
muscles; skin rashes; ear infections; hyperactivity; “stims”;
agitation; aggression; abdominal bloating; flatulence; and
diarrhoea. Behavioural and cognitive regression can also
occur, and the child’s autism may even deepen.
To forestall or treat these symptoms, anti-yeast and antifungal medications, such as Diflucan (fluconazole),
Sporanox (itraconazole), and nystatin may be prescribed; a
yeast- and sugar-free diet that “starves” the yeast
implemented; or probiotics introduced to “crowd” the
yeast out. This layering effect, designed to treat the
original iatrogenesis, may or may not be effective but can
in turn produce its own problems, including liver and
kidney damage. There is also a high risk of the yeast
returning in a resistant form upon cessation of treatment.
Copyright 2011
Problem 2: Candida “die-off”
At the other end of the scale, a “die-off” effect, known as
the Herxheimer reaction frequently occurs as the yeast is
starved or poisoned by prescribed supplements, dietary
restrictions, or anti-fungals. When this occurs, toxins
released by the dying yeast produce a range of symptoms,
including hyperactivity; stims; fatigue; brain fog; fever;
nausea; gas; bloating; diarrhoea or constipation; abdominal
pain; itching; and muscle or joint soreness. Symptoms
usually start seven to 12 days after the commencement of
treatment. Rather than acknowledging it as the toxic event
it really is, die-off is usually presented to parents as an
innocuous “detoxing” process. This ignores the fact that
the child’s total toxin load is obviously increased rather
than reduced during this event and that there is no
evidence of increased excretion of existing toxins either
during or following the symptoms. Biomedicine will use
supplements such as molybdenum, and treatments such as
pantethine, activated charcoal, and peppermint oil to try
to palliate die-off symptoms.
Copyright 2011
Problem 3: Chelation
Side-Effects (a)
 Children with autism often have high levels of
heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic,
cadmium, copper, nickel, antimony, and
aluminium within their system. These metals
have all been implicated in causing either
neurological damage or gut inflammation. Of
them all, mercury has attracted the most
attention in biomedical circles. The symptoms of
mercury poisoning can be similar to those of
autism, and the opportunities for exposure,
either in utero or during infancy, are numerous.
Copyright 2011
Problem 3: Chelation
Side-Effects (b)
Biomedicine uses a range of supplements and chelating
agents to loosen and extract heavy metals, including
mercury, from the body, but if toxic side effects are to be
avoided, chelation has to be carefully managed. Reversible
bone-marrow suppression and elevated liver enzymes,
indicating liver damage, have been noted in about 1% of
cases. Severe allergic reactions, though rare, have also
occurred. Of potentially greater concern is the risk of
redistributing sequestered mercury throughout the body,
especially to the brain, during chelation. Once there, it is
difficult if not impossible to remove. Sections of the
biomedical community claim that the chelating agent ALA,
being fat-soluble, can cross the blood-brain barrier to
extract mercury; but so far, there is limited research in
this area. Mercury redistribution to the brain during
chelation may also account in part for the regression some
children experience on biomedical treatments.
Copyright 2011
Problem 3: Chelation
Side-Effects (c)
The less serious side effects of chelation involve bacterial
or yeast disturbances (already discussed) and the depletion
of essential minerals, such as zinc, copper, manganese,
molybdenum, and magnesium. Chelation removes the
essential along with the harmful minerals, so careful
monitoring and supplementation are vital. Rashes;
gastrointestinal disturbances such as reflux, heartburn and
diarrhoea; and an increase in autistic and oppositional
behaviours are also commonly reported side-effects. The
biomedical approach to these problems is not to avoid
creating them but to treat them - with additional
supplements and medications. Some on the biomedical
forums are expressing concern that the development of
neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis later in life by those who
have had chelation may in fact be linked to redistribution
of metals or to other damage induced by that earlier
chelation. It is important to note that, at this point, longterm studies on the safety of chelation have not been
Copyright 2011
Problem 4: Nutritional Imbalances,
Deficiencies, and Intolerances (a)
Dietary restrictions, though amongst the least harmful of
all the biomedical approaches, can produce their own
nutritional deficiencies. They can also create the very
thing they are intended to relieve. When the consumption
of “safe” foods is increased to replace those to which the
child is intolerant, overexposure can create new
sensitivities to the replacement foods and result in further
restrictions. At the same time, total withdrawal of some
foods can lead to new reactions upon their reintroduction,
as the body, having lost the need to digest these foods, will
have ceased production of the necessary digestive
enzymes. Some children become intolerant of so many
foods that parents resort to using hypoallergenic aminoacid-based “milk” formulas such as Neocate either as a
supplementary food source or, in extreme cases, as a total
food replacement in order to forestall deficiency or
Copyright 2011
Problem 4: Nutritional Imbalances,
Deficiencies, and Intolerances (b)
 Biomedical treatments can also create
nutritional havoc. The leaching of vital minerals
by chelation has already been mentioned.
Imbalances from megadoses of supplements can
distort the body’s biochemistry. Deficiencies
arising from dietary restrictions can also occur.
For example, excessive supplementation with
zinc, either during chelation or for low zinc
levels, will inhibit copper absorption. Copper
deficiency then results in anæmia.This
phenomenon has been observed several times in
biomedical children under my homeopathic care.
Copyright 2011
Homœopathic Perspective on
Biomedical Problems
Dietary Modifications: Homeopathy stimulates gut healing more
quickly, shorter duration of food sensitivities, no production of
further intolerances
Supplementation: Homeopathy does not leach, block absorption,
or create imbalances but normalises the child’s nutrient
absorption and metabolism
Yeast Overgrowth: Homeopathy rapidly and calmly manages yeast
overgrowths (including Candida) if the remedy is individualised to
the sufferer’s symptoms rather than given as a routine human
Chelation: With homeopathy, symptoms attributed to heavymetal toxicity improve within hours of administration of the
homeopathic remedy even though ‘chelation’ can not have taken
place this rapidly – instead, it appears to normalise metabolic
pathways. Finally, homeopathy does not produce the damaging
side-effects common in chelation, either by “loosening” metals or
as a direct result of the remedy itself.
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 5
 4-year-old girl: Head-banging; biting
others; fear of water; excessive
thirst for water; fear of the dark:
must have company; night terrors;
loving to sing; loving to dance; eyes
sensitive to light; right-sided
haemangioma; eczema; Jeckyl and
Hyde personality. (What was her
Copyright 2011
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 6
 6-year-old girl: Frequent colds with
yellow-green discharge; obsession by
toy animals and animals in books but
fear of real ones; frequent and
public masturbation; laughter when
others are upset; constantly licking
lips. (What was her remedy?)
Copyright 2011
Bufo rana
Copyright 2011
Other Interventions (2)
Orthodox Pharmaceuticals
 Neuroleptics that sedate and produce breast
growth and obesity
 Antidepressants with side-effects of agitation
and entrenched behavioural changes
 Stimulant medications with life-threatening sideeffects or strokes and coronary events
 This interventions have been shown to be least
effective and the most dangerous of all the
medicinal and supplemental treatments, as the
data compiled by the Autism Research Institute
Copyright 2011
Other Interventions (3)
Behavioural Therapies
 Applied Behavioural Analysis (A.B.A.):
Children are drilled to modify their
behaviour and to respond appropriately to
the different social cues or contexts of
their surroundings.
 Aversive Therapy: such as mildly painful
electric shocks. Homeopathic in nature?
Copyright 2011
Other Interventions (4)
Neurosensory Approach
For Sensory-processing disorders, often known as sensory
integration dysfunction (SID) or sensory processing
disorder (SPD. Treatment methods involve:
• Sensorial integration
• Patterning
• Auditory training
• Facilitated communication
• Daily life therapy
• Irlen approach; prism lenses designed to improve
visual-processing difficulties
• Auditory Integration Training (AIT) also fall into this
Copyright 2011
Other Interventions (5)
 Cranio-sacral
 Chiropractic
 Osteopathy
 Weighted item
 Hyperbaric chamber treatment
 Kinesiology
 Animal and music therapies.
Copyright 2011
Other Interventions –
Management Issues
 Introduction of new and artificial
 Palliation or suppression of existing
 Parents: complementary vs
alternative perspective
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 7
 3-year-old boy: Asthma that
improves on holidays by the sea;
love for ice and oranges; comforting
himself by getting in knee-chest
position, going to sleep in same
position; banging head on floor;
violent tantrums; frequent redness
around anus “like a traffic light”;
refuses to walk on grass in bare feet.
(What was his remedy?)
Copyright 2011
Copyright 2011
Snapshot 8
 5-year-old boy: Irritability; dislike of
affection or being touched; dislike of
comfort; lack of energy; splotches of
pigmentation on abdomen; upset
when people laugh because thinks it
is at him; cracked eczema on back of
hands and knuckles; frequent crying
for no reason. (What was his
Copyright 2011
Copyright 2011
Easy to Do
 You have just worked your way
through 8 snapshot cases where most
would have identified the needed
remedy without a materia medica,
repertory or the need for ‘intuitive’
prescribing. Well done!
 When the case is well-taken and
understood, the prescription is easy!
 Basic homeopathy – better results!
Copyright 2011
Zane’s Story – 5 yrs (1)
 When we started treatment Zane was under the
care of a biomedical GP by the name of
…………….. He was on a concoction of
approximately 15 different supplements,
probiotics, etc, to control his autistic symptoms
and to help him overcome a condition called
leaky gut. Zane was on a special diet called the
Specific Carbohydrate Diet and was seeing a
speech therapist and OT.
Copyright 2011
Zane’s Story – 5 yrs (2)
Zanes symptoms predominantly were:
 Delayed speech and poor expressive language –
approximately *1 ¾ years behind ( *parents
 Horrendous anxiety
 Chronic irritability
 Pale, sickly complexion
 Poor balance and awareness of himself in space
 Acute bouts of aggression towards sibling at least
5 times per day
Copyright 2011
Zane’s Story – 5 yrs (3)
 Difficulty communicating his needs and his
feelings leading to laborious meltdowns in which
he would get lost for a period of up to 45
minutes many times a day
 Self restricted diet issues (these were however
already being addressed with his special diet and
he had started to improve)
 Spent hours self stimulating ( stimming), moving
his hands in front of his eyes and peering from
side to side at different objects
 Poor fine motor skills
Copyright 2011
Zane’s Story – 5 yrs (4)
 The first few months of homeopathy were very
difficult. Zane had a wide range of symptoms beyond
those mentioned above and he seemed to be very
inconsistent. It took a few remedies to get to the one
that worked, however when we finally found a match
with Belladonna I remember thinking (and hearing
from everyone else) that it was like a miracle. My
anxious, riddled with confusion little boy became
clearer, more focused, happy, calm and able to begin
the process of starting to soak up knowledge and
progress forward to start his catch up phase. Not even
a year on, we have had our definite ups and downs (
Zane tends to be a child who will do massive nose
dives, including the return of old symptoms and some
new symptoms, then once we find another potency or
remedy, will take 10 leaps forward ), Zanes symptoms
are as follows:
Copyright 2011
Zane’s Story – 5 yrs (5)
Delays in speech and expressive language, however more
like *¾ year behind(* parents observation) and expressive
language improved dramatically. Zane tries very hard and
takes a little while to get the words out, however is now
able to express himself very well
Minimal anxiety – this symptom is used as a guide to when
he requires a dose of his remedy
Rosy complexion most of the time – occasional paleness –
still grappling with gut issues as not on completely natural
diet (now just gluten and dairy free) or bio meds anymore
Gross and fine motor skills have improved – still needs work
but making massive gains in progress
Aggression once or twice a week and now much more
controlled – Zane will give many warnings that he is getting
angry with his brother before lashing out and shows
remorse now when he hurts him
Copyright 2011
Zane’s Story - 5 yrs (6)
Good understanding of peoples feelings and his own, and
expresses them to the best of his ability
Diet improving marginally
Minimal stimming behaviour
Fine motor skills are improving
Zane has always been very sensitive towards sunlight,
having days of horrendous behaviour after a day in the sun,
however now he tends to get over it after only a day.
Overall, Homeopathy is miraculous when it works. It is hard
at times when a remedy stops working and it can
sometimes be difficult to find the next. At those times
however I never give up as I know what homeopathy can
do, and I believe that it will be responsible for my son
fulfilling 100% of his potential, and hopefully losing his
label of Autism.
Copyright 2011
Treatment of Vaccine
Three approaches
1. Isopathic
2. Nosodes
3. Similia
Copyright 2011
Vaccine Damage – Isopathy (1)
 Use of potentised vaccines is called
isopathy, or tautopathy
 Sometimes invaluable for symptoms
arising at the time of vaccination
 Variable results when given weeks or
years later – some do well, some don’t
 Can be given as a kit for parents to use at
their own pace or can be used as a normal
Copyright 2011
Vaccine Damage – Isopathy (2)
 Unless there is a constitutional
relationship, only deals with symptoms
introduced by the vaccine, not the
underlying susceptibility
 May be used if vaccines are acting as an
‘obstacle to cure’ – though the obstacle is
more likely to be from a poorly taken or
understood case and resultant poor
Copyright 2011
Vaccine Damage – Isopathy (3)
 NB – Tautopathy should NOT be used
for prophylaxis (unless no other
 Be aware that we are potentising
proprietary, patented medicines and
the issues that may create
Copyright 2011
Isopathic Treatment – Case 1
 4-year-old boy with regressive
autism – speech lost following MMR
vaccine at 18 months. Given the
potentised MMR vaccine and within 2
weeks was speaking 7-word
sentences. Other vaccine-introduced
issues of reflux, damaged gut and
food intolerances remained.
Copyright 2011
Isopathic Treatment – Case 2
 8-year-old boy who developed meningititis at 3
years of age within 24 hours of being given the
meningococcal vaccine. Now severely mentally
retarded. Symptoms: constant loud grunting
noises; sudden rages; biting objects and others;
restlessness. Prescribed potentised
meningococcal vaccine. Within 1 week mother
reported a 10% improvement – he was having
some periods of not grunting and was a little less
volatile. Repetition of the potentised vaccine
gave no further improvement. At this point,
Belladonna - the indicated remedy from the
beginning - was prescribed. Within 2 weeks, his
mother reported that there was a 90%
Copyright 2011
Isopathic Treatment – Case 3
 4-year-old girl with high functioning autism. Two
days after being given the chickenpox vaccine at 2 ½
years of age, a severe rash appeared on her legs. She
vomited and had a fever of 39C. The rash appeared
as red spots which began to increase in size and then
started to merge together. The rash was crusty,
oozing and scaly. The doctors at the hospital
diagnosed it has hives and also took photos of it as it
was so unusual. The rash spread upwards towards her
face. Her legs also took on a blue discoloration. The
severe rash lasted three months then disappeared for
six days only to return again for another two
months. This time it was less severe and more
generalised. Over the period of the rash she also
started losing her speech and appetite. The
potentised varicella vaccine was given with no
improvement at all. She is now in the early stages of
Copyright 2011
Vaccine Damage – Nosodes
 Damage may also respond to the
nosodes of the diseases vaccinated
 Mode of action - ? Deals with
introduced viruses and bacteria / ?
Addresses underlying miasms
 Can be done as part of treatment or
parents can be provided with a kit
Copyright 2011
Vaccine Damage – Similia
 Preferred treatment option – seen as the
true way of healing
 Addresses both the symptoms introduced
by the vaccine, the underlying
susceptibility that led to the damage, and
any co-existing chronic disease
 Wide-spread and deep improvements
should be noted
Copyright 2011
Vaccine Damage –
 Unless the vaccine damage has been recent,
commence first with standard homeopathic
 Nothing will be lost if ultimately if parents wish
to try all 3 approaches for their child as long as
the child is dosed according to sensitivity and
response and parents are aware that the first 2
are only ‘try and see’ approaches
 If money is an issue, strongly encourage the
standard homeopathic option as this gives the
best overall
result for the child
Copyright 2011
Treatment Tips
 Know your common and uncommon
 Have an understanding of biomedical
treatments and their implications
 Sixth edition principles
Copyright 2011
Problem Areas in Treatment
and Management
 Incomplete cases
 Routine dosing
 All aggravations seen as positive phenomena
 The use of ‘specifics’ – i.e. Carcinosin, Hydrogen,
 Complexes
 Multiple remedies
 Insufficient contact between patient and
 Not trusting the homoeopathic process
 Isopathy only
Copyright 2011
Best Practice
 Single remedy
 Minimum dose
 Dilute and succuss
 Interpret responses
 Don’t mix modalities
 Be available
Copyright 2011
Why Dilute and Succuss?
 Able to adjust remedy to the child’s
 More frequent repetition speeds up
the rate of cure
 All sensitivities can be treated
rapidly, gently, permanently
Copyright 2011
Responses: Interpretation and
 Healing response
 Similar aggravation
 Dissimiliar aggravation
 Return of old symptoms
 Accessory symptoms
 Discharge
 No response at all
Copyright 2011
Case Management
 Potency selection: High? Low? Centesimal? Fifty
Millesimal? Fibonacci?
 Test dose
 Adjust dose for sensitivity
 Be available between appointments
 Teach parents how and when to dose – encourage
 Each appointment: Go through previous symptoms
 Ask four things: What’s better? What’s worse? What’s
the same? What’s new?
 Check: frequency, intensity, duration
Copyright 2011
Take Care and Think!
 Isopathy - heavy metals and toxins
(mercury, copper, arsenic, lead, etc)
 Sequential therapy
 CEASE therapy (sequential isopathy)
 Complexes
 Bowel nosodes
Copyright 2011
Aphorism 3
 Know what is to be cured in the disease
 Know what your medicines can cure
 Know how to adapt your curative medicine to the
• Correct selection
• Correct preparation
• Correct dose
• Correct repetitions
 Recognise and remove obstacles to cure
Copyright 2011
For more information on homeopathy
and the homeopathic treatment of
autism, visit
 www.fransheffieldhomeopathy.com
 www.homeopathyplus.com.au
 www.homeopathy4autism.com
Copyright 2011
The End
Thank you!
Copyright 2011