Re-Imagining the DOC: FY14 Report on Implementation August 25, 2014 Agenda • Outcomes for FY14 – Review of Dashboard – Analysis of HomeBASE clinic-based complex care management program • Priorities for FY15 – Expanding capacity for population health management – Optimizing clinic operations • Discussion and Next Steps 2 Brief recap • DOC provides primary care to ~4300* patients – Most underserved (~40% Medicaid incl duals, 15% uninsured; minority, low SES) – Main continuity clinic site for Duke IM Residency (70+ resids) • Historically, patients high utilizers of care – Frequent ED use; 30-day DUH all-cause readmit rate of 21% – High burden of chronic illness, plus co-morbid mental health (MH), substance abuse (SA) • 83% of DOC pts w/ ≥3 hospitalizations had co-morbid MH/SA • Led to comprehensive redesign, starting in July 2014 – Added dually-trained medicine-psychiatry attending; APP – CCNC-funded clinic-based care manager – Stead-based resident clinic groups *Defined by 2 office visits in past 36 months, including 1 in the last 12 3 Source: Performance Services Dashboard for FY14 DOC Redesign Dashboard FY14 Measure Baseline (FY13)** Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Interval Target Timeframe: Year End Interval YTD Actual YTD Target Variance (% of target) Description of Target Source Relevant Dataset(s) Patient Safety and Quality DUH Emergency Department Visits DUH: 2583 DRH Emergency Department Visits DRH: 2939 584 543 497 555 <581 Quarterly 2179 2324 -6.2% 593 <661 Quarterly 593 661 -10.3% David Chermak 10% reduction in DUH (Performance ED visits Services) DSR DUH ED visits & DOC patient list DSR DRH, same 5% reduction in DUH hospitalizations David Chermak (Performance Services) DSR DUH hospitalizations & DOC patient list 2% reduction in DUH 30-day readmits David Chermak (Performance Services) DSR DUH readmits & DOC patient list Maestro no-show DOC clinic report DUH: 800 197 171 177 129 <200 Quarterly 674 697 -3.3% Total 30-day Readmits to DUH (#) 167 41 32 29 12 41 Quarterly 114 134 -14.7% 30-day Readmit Rate to DUH (%) 20.9% 22.4% 20.5% 16.9% 20.3% 18.9% Quarterly 20.0% 18.9% 5.8% 17% 14.1% 11.5% 10.4% 13.5% 15% Quarterly 12.0% 15% -20.0% David Chermak 2% reduction in clinic (Performance no-show rate Services) (<40%) 44.6% 50.2% 54.6% 53.0% 40% Quarterly 50.7% 40% 26.8% 40% of return visits with resident PCP 82.0% 75% Quarterly 83.3% 75% 11.1% 75% of reachable pts Holly Causey/ Mark REDCap post-disch discharged to home Dakkak (DOC) database w/o existing Rx mgmt 93.0% 75% Quarterly 89.7% 75% 19.6% 75% of reachable pts discharged to home DUH & DRH ED visits & HomeBASE list DUH & DRH hospitalizations & HomeBASE list DUH Inpatient Hospitalizations (total) Clinic No-Show Rates Patient ↔ Provider Continuity Pharmacy post-discharge encounters for medication reconciliation (% of discharges) n/a % of post-discharge follow-up appointments within 14 days (of discharged patients) 59.0% 84.6% 83.2% 88.3% 95.3% David Chermak (Performance Services) Christa Rutledge/Mark Dakkak (DOC) DSR DOC encounter list & resident provider table (+Gamble)- manual Excel ( -Mar); REDCap post-disch database Familiar Faces ED Utilization Rate (DUH + DRH ED visits/FF/y)^ 12.2 8.6 5.7 11.0 Quarterly 5.7 11.0 -48.2% 10% reduction in ED visits (from 9/1/13Alex Cho/Mark 6/30/14) compared to Dakkak (DOC) same period in FY13: 387/38 Familiar Faces Hospitalization Rate (DUH + DRH admits/FF/y)^ 2.2 1.2 1.4 1.7 Quarterly 1.4 1.7 -19.7% 20% reduction in hospitalizations compared to same period in FY13: 2.2 Alex Cho/ Mark Dakkak (DOC) Number of FFs w/ detailed complex care plan n/a 16 32 15 Quarterly 32 40 -20.0% 40 meets, 50+ exceeds Natasha HomeBASE list Cunningham (DOC) Care manager FF case load (at steady-state) n/a 43 56 n/a (cumulative) 56 50 12.0% 50 meets (20 new/quarter), 60+ exceeds Natasha HomeBASE list Cunningham (DOC) 4 Dashboard for FY14 (cont’d) DOC Redesign Dashboard FY14 Measure Baseline (FY13)** Q1 Q2 Q3 Timeframe: Year End Interval Target Q4 Interval YTD Actual YTD Target Variance (% of target) Description of Target Source Relevant Dataset(s) Finance and Growth APP number of same-day access visits n/a n/a 54 80 73 75 Quarterly 207 175 18.3% 175 visits, prorated to Emmanuel Brown start in late 11/2013 (Perf Svcs) (annual target is 225) DOC encounter list (incl sched & actual visit dates; for Gamble) Number of Medicare Transitional Care Management (TCM) Visits (billed for) n/a 44 45 39 16 45 Quarterly 145 150 -3.3% 145 TOC visits (billed for), prorated to data Melissa Sangster through April 2014 (PRMO) (annual target is 180) PRMO report Cost Trends*** • DUH ED Direct Costs Avoided n/a $ 70,826 $ 44,534 $ 62,161 $ 26,567 Quarterly $ 177,521 $ 79,702 122.7% • DUH Inpatient Direct Costs Avoided n/a $ 71,279 $277,197 $ 63,359 $ 81,954 Quarterly $ 411,835 $ 245,862 67.5% • Total Direct Costs Avoided by DUH n/a $142,105 $321,731 $125,520 $ 108,521 Quarterly $ 589,356 $ 325,564 81.0% 10% reduction in ED utilization 5% reduction in inpatient utilization Josh Worrell/ Joe DUH Finance report Kowalski (Finance) Patient Satisfaction Patient received appointment for care needed right away (CGCAHPS) n/a 68.8% 64.7% 55.6% 60.7% 65% Quarterly 62.7% 65% -3.5% Meet/ exceed nat'l avg for AMC clinics Brandie Johnson (DOC) Press Ganey Online Routine care appointment as soon as needed (CGCAHPS) n/a 70.6% 69.6% 83.7% 66.4% 69% Quarterly 70.5% 69% 2.2% Meet/ exceed nat'l avg for AMC clinics Brandie Johnson (DOC) Press Ganey Online Tier 1 (PRMO) Tier 1 rating Meets Work Culture Employee Satisfaction Tier 1 rating Resident Satisfaction-LPS Survey 36% % residents scheduled with one of their clinic Stead attendings for each block n/a Tier 1 rating 45% 90.9% 85.6% Annually Tier 2 (Clinic) DNM Tier 1 rating on annual Brandie Johnson work culture survey (DOC) 42% 50% Semi-annual 44% 50% -13.0% >50% rating value of overall clinic experience as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' 84.2% 75% Quarterly 86.8% 75% 15.7% 75% Work Culture Survey Denise Duan-Porter LPS Snapshot, Year(DGIM) End surveys Lauren Dincher (MedRes) Med Res Office data Last updated: 8/23/2014 Notes *Timeframe is annual except for: Pharmacy (Q4 used new tracking system), APP same-day access visits (first full month (Dec 2013) is reported); FF program began Q2; readmits -Apr 2014; TCM and inpatient admits -May; %resident sched Q4 from Apr-May **Baseline data are from FY13 except for: 30-day readmits (FY11), resident PCP continuity (historical), 14-day post-discharge appts (FY11) ^YTD reported as total ED, inpatient utilization (DUH + DRH) one month after enrollment in HomeBASE through 6/30/14, prorated to days enrolled/365.25 ***Calculated as the difference between DUH ED and inpatient encounters for FY14 vs. FY13, multipled by observed FY14 direct cost for each. Despite the direct cost per hospitalization having risen, an overall drop of $384K in total costs vs. FY13 was achieved. 5 HomeBASE Evaluation of Impact on Healthcare Use One year preenrollment Pre-intervention annual encounter rate: - PCP visits at DOC - ED Visits - Hospital Admissions - Inpatient Days Post-intervention annual encounter rate = (Number of encounters in evaluation period / Length of evaluation period) * 365 HB enrollment 1 month postenrollment 6/30/2014 Encounter Costs Outpatient Visit $55 ED Visit $479 Inpatient Day $2,000 Based on average cost for DOC patients receiving care at DUH during FY13 and FY14. Source: Josh Worrell, Finance 6 Impact of HomeBASE on ED visits Average change = 6.7 fewer ED visits* per HomeBASE patient *annualized fewer ED visits more ED visits 7 Impact of HomeBASE on Inpatient days Average change = 0.8 fewer inpatient days* per HomeBASE patient *annualized fewer inpatient days more inpatient days 8 -0.8 -6.7 -0.5 -$58K -$120K -$1K 9 10 Duke University Health System Encounters Priorities for FY15: Population health management • HomeBASE – Continuing to formalize HomeBASE process (e.g., care plans) – Broadening scope of clinic-based care mgmt to uninsured • Requires addt’l non-CCNC support ($16K) for DOC care manager (Marigny) to expand scope beyond Medicaid – Non-emergent patient transportation pilot • Early results promising • Transfer of donated van; recruitment of volunteer driver(?) – New formalized complex care evaluation option • Part of creation of add’tl stratified collaborative care interventions • For any high-need patient who meets criteria for HomeBASE but does not have Medicaid • Covering medication-related issues, psych, housing/food, etc. • Performed jointly by SW (Jan) & MH NP (Julia) • To help PCPs address needs, connect patients with resources – Ongoing analysis of HomeBASE impact 11 Stratified Collaborative Care Interventions Higher Intensity HomeBASE Complex care evaluation and consultation Psychiatric consultation Diabetes and depression management Algorithm supported alcohol abuse treatment Algorithm supported depression treatment 12 Population health mgmt (cont’d): Uninsured DOC patients • Partner again w/ PADC to refer pts to exchanges – Did this in February of this year; affordability an issue • Referral by Pharmacy of Medicare Part D-eligible patients not enrolled/who qualify for addt’l assistance • Broaden role of SAM (Brandie) in coordination of coverage-related activities – Ultimately reducing costs of uninsured to DUHS • Possible pilot w/ DUH hospitalists to provide PCMH for selected complex uninsured pts discharged from DUH – Requires addt’l non-CCNC support for clinic-based care mgr – Could be good use of SOAR counselor (w/ dedicated time?); LATCH, too PADC = Project Access Durham County; SAM = Service Access Manager; PCMH = primary care medical home; SOAR = SSI/SSDI Outreach Access & Recovery 13 14 Population health mgmt (cont’d) • Mental Health-Primary Care (MH-PC) next steps – Collaborative care model expansion • Diabetes and depression management pilot (IMPACT model) • Treatment for alcohol abuse (@DOC: 39% SA; 8% EtOH) • Chronic pain – Cont’d involvement in leadership of DUHS Opioid Safety Taskforce (clinical pharmacists Holly/Ben, Larry Greenblatt) • Uniform policies, med safety, use of NC CSRS, etc. – Developing relationship w/ Duke Pain Medicine – Referral to AIM Health Services for addiction treatment; clinic-based suboxone treatment for selected patients • Social determinants of health – Tracking socioeconomic barriers faced by DOC patients (literacy, housing, food insecurity, transportation, adult maltreatment, hx of child abuse, ineffective self-mgmt) 15 Diabetes and depression management Case Finding: - DOC patients with uncontrolled DM by HbA1c Evaluation (Nurse Practitioner, Julia): - Medication adherence - Barriers to care - Screen for depression (PHQ-9) - Evidence based DM treatment (algorithm driven) Intervention: Plus : - Adjust medications per DM algorithm If pt has positive depression screen (PHQ > 9): - Communicate medication - Evidence based depression treatment recommendations with PCP (algorithm based) - Connect pt with DM education (DOC DM - Refer for brief CBT group, CCNC phone coaching, Durham - 2-4 week return for goal setting and Diabetes coalition) behavioral activation - Develop DM self management goal Monitoring: - Registry: HbA1c, PHQ-9s, appropriate medications, frequency of visits (Q3 months) Outcomes: 16 - HbA1c, PHQ-9 Population health mgmt (cont’d) • Advanced analytics to understand, respond to needs of important patient subpopulations – Updated (and updating) DOC primary care patient list – DOC database (of clinical, socioeconomic variables) • Has been built; will load DEDUCE/DSR, be annually updated – Use of visualizations • Including for planned chronic kidney disease (CKD) project – AAMC “hot spotting” project • AAMC-supported minigrant using Macarthur “Genius” awardwinner Jeff Brenner’s Camden Coalition method for understanding high-need patients’ stories – Transition to Healthy Planet (when available, fully functional) 17 18 19 DOC DRH Main Lincoln 20 Priorities for FY15: Clinic Operations • Outreach to “lapsed” or “hard-to-reach” patients – SAM-led response to Six Sigma Green Belt project/CGCAHPS • Clarified routing to existing diabetes-related services • Continued elevation in level of care provided on-site – RNs completing certifications for placement of peripheral IVs – New Procedure Clinic (joint injects, cryotherapy, punch biopsy) – GIM Consultation Clinic • Revenue enhancement – TCM billing; initial barrier addressed w/ PRMO – Pharmacy billing for visits (new) • Quality of resident experience – Changed intern scheduling in clinic to full days – Renewed focus on clinic communications – Further refining role of Stead-based clinic groups • Participating in Transforming Primary Care Collaborative – including Joint Commission PCMH certification 21 Diabetes-related services Sheila White 22 Clinic Operations (cont’d): Optimizing use of clinical pharmacy capacity • End of FY14 saw loss of 0.9 FTE PharmD • In FY15: – Efforts to improve process efficiency, task-skill match • e.g., modifying CII contract management process – Continued facilitation of group visits (w/ SW; diabetes, hypertension, chronic pain) – Face-to-face visits to include anticoagulation, diabetes/hypertension/hyperlipidemia, medication management, and pain medication (CII) mgmt – Targeting pharmacy post-discharge medication reconciliation encounters to needier patients • Goal for FY15: 50% of all discharges – Billing for clinical pharmacist visits • Start date: September 1 23 Discussion and Next Steps: Requested FY15 investments • Support for possible pilot of providing PCMH to “medically homeless” complex uninsured patients – Cont’d support for/ dedicated time of SOAR worker to help uninsured DOC patients (plus addt’l social work needs) • Direct support for clinic-based care manager ($16K) – Would allow expansion of Marigny’s work outside Medicaid (e.g., “medically homeless” pilot) • Preservation of budgeted clinic staffing allocation • Non-emergent patient transportation – Van donated from DFC; cost of insurance ($110/mo) + fuel – Volunteer driver? • Support for participation in planned TPC Collaborative – Contribution req’d to cover both DFM and DOC ($20K) 24 FY14 Accomplishments • Reduced inappropriate ED and inpatient utilization – Avoided direct costs of $489K (and savings of $384K) • Successfully established clinic-based complex care management program, on-site mental healthprimary care collaborative care model • Increased resident satisfaction • Rebecca Kirkland Award (DUHS PSQC) • It Takes a TEAM Award (DUH) • Podium presentation at Society for General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting • AAMC Hotspotting Minigrant 25 Discussion Additional Slides OVERALL, how would you RATE the VALUE of your PRIMARY CARE CLINIC EXPERIENCE? 70 2013 Full LPS % responses 60 2014 Snapshot 50 2014 Full LPS 40 30 20 10 0 Excellent Very Good Adequate Fair Poor 28 29 30 Complex Care Evaluation Case Finding: - Patients who meet HomeBASE criteria but do not have Medicaid - Patients with uncontrolled illness or significant barriers to care who do not meet HomeBASE criteria (internal referral) Evaluation: - Social Work (Jan) and Nurse Practitioner (Julia) One time joint evaluation: Connect with resources and communicate with PCP Medication adherence Financial barriers to medical care (transportation, medications, insurance status) Financial barriers to self care (homelessness, food instability) Psychiatric barriers to care (mood disorders, cognitive impairment) Other barriers to care (domestic violence) Outcomes: - In development - Markers of chronic disease management (BP, HbA1c, ED visits/hospitalizations) 31 Complex Care Evaluation Intervention: - - Nurse Practitioner (Julia) Psychiatry: Initiate medication and recommend titration schedule to PCP Cognitive limitations: Refer for neuropsych or cognitive evaluation as needed Medications: Medication reconciliation (esp for low-literacy patients), provide pill box, help with organization; connect with Pharmacy as needed - - - Social Work (Jan) Transportation: Connect with Access Food: Connect with community resources Psychiatry: Connect with community resources, introduce to therapy Safety: Follow up on APS referrals, connect with resources for domestic violence Medications: Connect with financial resources, sponsorship Either Provider - APS referral - Create list of housing resources and provide to patient Refer to LATCH, DukeWELL, Durham Diabetes Coalition or other resources 32 0.11 0.15 0.16 0.54 0.10 0.48 0.12 0.39 0.29 0.70 0.13 0.20 0.04 0.17 0.06 0.15 0.13 0.21 0.11 0.44 0.21 0.24 0.37 0.10 0.44 0.67 0.07 0.80 0.21 0.24 0.58 0.26 0.19 0.40 0.14 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.12 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.09 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.01 33 Alcohol abuse treatment Referral for behavioral intervention plus algorithm guided medication management: If your patients has… Uncomplicated alcohol dependence. Significant alcohol cravings* A supportive person who they live with involved in their recovery AND no severe medical problems Mood disorder, migraines or significant irritability with abstinence Then try…. Naltrexone Naltrexone or Acamprosate Antabuse After 4-6 week if pt Then add…. has….. Ongoing severe Gabapentin or cravings Topamax Ongoing cravings OR Gabapentin or significant anxiety** Topamax Cravings Acamprosate Significant anxiety Gabapentin Significant problems Switch to another with adherence medication Topamax Ongoing cravings Naltrexone or Acamprosate 34 DOC Patients Disease Network 35 36 Diabetes care • Clarified referral paths, indications for in-clinic and outside diabetes-related services • Six Sigma Green Belt Project (Shah, Simo) – Finding “lapsed” patients • Implementing IMPACT model for 25 patients w/ uncontrolled DM 37 Premium support for exchange-eligible uninsured • NC decision not to expand Medicaid limited coverage gains to those >100% FPL who could afford to purchase exchange plans w/ subsidies. • However, many people eligible for exchange plans cannot afford even this, even w/ subsidies provided. • In March 2014, of 23 exchange-eligible patients at DOC referred to PADC navigator, only 6 were able to afford their offer of coverage and sign up. • A proposal is being developed that would provide premium support for selected medically needy exchange-eligible individuals to purchase coverage. – Follows prior precedent set when e.g., COBRA coverage was purchased by Duke on behalf of an uninsured hospitalized patient. 38 Additional factor to consider • We have recently seen a rise in patients who have obtained insurance through the Affordable Care Act requesting assistance with the cost of their meds • While uninsured, they qualified for assistance from the manufacturer (Patient Assistance Programs) • Once insured, copays may be as high as $150 or more for some medications (e.g. insulin) • If premiums are paid for insurance for patients, there may be a hidden cost through a rise in requests for hospital sponsored meds 39 Source: UHC Research Institute 40