2015 Medical Plan Options, Health Savings Accounts & Flexible Spending PRESENTED TO: PRESENTED BY: Greg Biese Vice President, Senior Benefits Consultant Associated Financial Group Employee Benefits. Insurance. HR Solutions. HEALTHCARE REFORM: YESTERDAY, TODAY & TOMORROW Cadillac Tax Fees ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Individual Mandate Private Exchanges Medicaid Expansion Play or Pay (Employer Mandate) Wellness Incentives Government Reporting Medical Access Rules Plan Design 1 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx 2015 MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY & RATES Eligibility & Rates Eligibility Domestic Partner Coverage PPO Plan HDHP Plan (HSA) .75 FTE (Grandfather those currently enrolled in the health plan) * Same sex partners are now eligible for coverage Monthly Rates (Employee) Single $105.00 $79.00 Employee +1 $209.00 $160.00 Family $311.00 $237.00 Single $1,260.00 $948.00 Employee +1 $2,508.00 $1,920.00 Family $3,732.00 $2,844.00 Annual Rates (Employee) Spousal Surcharge $75 per month * St. Norbert College reserves the right to change the eligibility requirements at any time. Effective January 1, 2015, St. Norbert College’s medical will implement a Spouse Medical Insurance Coverage Statement, requiring that an employee’s spouse enroll in at least single medical coverage through his/her employer to serve as their primary insurance coverage, or pay an additional surcharge to enroll or maintain enrollment in St. Norbert College’s medical plan as primary coverage. This additional surcharge is $37.50 twice a month ($900 annually) All employees electing coverage for his/her spouse must complete the Spouse Medical Insurance Coverage Statement. If your spouse is covered under the College’s medical plan currently and you do not return this coverage statement, you will be assessed the additional surcharge until St. Norbert College receives the proper notification from you. 2 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx 2015 BENEFIT HIGHLIGHTS Benefit Highlights PPO Plan HDHP Plan (HSA) Deductible In-Network Out-of-Network Coinsurance In-Network Out-of-Network Out-of-Pocket Max In-Network Out-of-Network Embedded Deductible $750 (Single); $1,500 (EE+1); $2,250 (Family) $1,001 (Single); $2,002 (EE+1); $3,303 (Family) Non-Embedded Deductible $2,000 (Single); $4,000 (Family) (1) $4,000 (Single); $8,000 (Family) (1) 80% 60% Includes Deductible and Medical & Rx Copays $1,500 (Single); $3,000 (EE+1); $4,500 (Family) $3,000 (Single); $6,000 (EE+1); $9,000 (Family) 90% 70% Includes Deductible $4,000 (Single); $8,000 (Family) (1) $8,000 (Single); $16,000 (Family) (1) n/a $500 (Single); $750 (Family) $20 Copay; then Deductible, 80% Coinsurance $20 Copay; then Deductible, 60% Coinsurance Deductible, 90% Coinsurance Deductible, 70% Coinsurance 100% 100% 100% Deductible, 70% Coinsurance Deductible, 80% Coinsurance Deductible, 60% Coinsurance Deductible, 90% Coinsurance Deductible, 70% Coinsurance Deductible, 80% Coinsurance Deductible, 60% Coinsurance Deductible, 90% Coinsurance Deductible, 70% Coinsurance HSA Annual Employer Contribution Office Visits / Instacare In-Network Out-of-Network Routine/Preventive Care In-Network Out-of-Network Inpatient Hospital Services In-Network Out-of-Network Outpatient Hospital Services In-Network Out-of-Network (1) IMPORTANT HSA PLAN NOTICE: No individual family member's deductible or out-of-pocket is considered satisfied until the Full-Family deductible and out-of-pocket has been met. 3 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx 2015 BENEFIT HIGHLIGHTS (CONT.) Benefit Highlights PPO Plan HDHP Plan (HSA) In-Network $50 Copay; then Deductible, 100% Coinsurance Deductible, 90% Coinsurance Out-of-Network $50 Copay; then Deductible, 100% Coinsurance Deductible, 70% Coinsurance $100 Copay; then Deductible, 100% Coinsurance Deductible, 90% Coinsurance Same as In-Network Benefit Same as In-Network Benefit Deductible, 100% Coinsurance Deductible, 90% Coinsurance 25% ($10 Minimum, $50 Maximum) Deductible, 90% Coinsurance Generic $30 Copay Brand $90 Copay Deductible, 90% Coinsurance Generic Preventive HSA Drugs are covered at 100% (Mail Order Only). Urgent Care Emergency Room In-Network Out-of-Network Ambulance Services In-Network / Out-of-Network Retail Prescription Drugs Generic Brand / Formulary Non-Formulary Mail Order Prescription Drugs Contraceptive Coverage No coverage, but members legal right to access coverage will be accommodated through UMR What are examples of preventive drugs: medications used for diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood thinner, and beta blockers. 4 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx PPO PLAN EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 Preventive Services Unchanged Increase to Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Maximums • All medical and Rx copays (1) apply to maximum out-ofpocket Prescription Drug Plan Design Unchanged • Costs • New generics drugs Contraceptive Coverage Outside of Plan • UMR & Optum Rx (1) Due to Health Care Reform changes, beginning in 2015, all copays, including pharmacy copays, will apply to the out-of-pocket maximum. 5 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx HDHP PLAN (HSA) EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 Preventive Services • 100% Coverage (In-Network) Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Maximums (Non-Embedded) • No individual family member’s deductible or out-of-pocket is considered satisfied until the ‘Full Family’ deductible and out-of-pocket has been met. Prescription Drugs • Retail & Mail Order – Subject to Deductible & 90% Coinsurance • Generic Preventive Drugs covered at 100% when filled through Mail Order. Contraceptive Coverage Outside of Plan • UMR & Optum Rx 6 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx PREVENTIVE SERVICES Certain services can be done for preventive or diagnostic reasons. Covered preventive services performed specifically for preventive screening with no known symptoms, illnesses or history are generally covered as preventive care, subject to age and gender guidelines and health status. 7 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES • Diagnostic services are generally not covered under the preventive care benefit but may be covered under another portion of your medical benefit plan. • Services are considered diagnostic when a person: – Has abnormalities found on previous preventive or diagnostic services that require further diagnostic services; or – Had abnormalities found on previous preventive or diagnostic services that would recommend a repeat of the same service within a shortened time period from the recommended preventive screening time period based on age and gender; or – Had a symptom(s) that required further diagnosis 8 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx WHAT EXACTLY IS AN HSA? PART 1: H S A HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLAN (HDHP) PART 2: TWO PARTS TO AN HSA HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA) Intended to cover serious illness or injury once the deductible is met. Used to cover expenses until the deductible is met. 9 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR HSA / HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLAN (HDHP) There are NO office visit, emergency room, or prescription drug copays. All out-of-pocket expenses count towards the deductible & out-of-pocket maximum. The preventive healthcare benefit is still covered at 100% (all participants); includes services under the Women’s Care Act. Does not include contraceptive services. 10 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR HSA / HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLAN (HDHP) The deductible and coinsurance out-of-pocket maximum for family is a true family deductible and out-of-pocket maximum. 11 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR HSA’s? Any employee that: • Is covered by an HDHP • Is not covered by another non-HDHP health plan • Is not enrolled in Medicare • Cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return 12 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx ADVANTAGES OF AN HSA Ownership - you own the funds in your HSA Tax-free Portable No “use it or lose it” You may change your employee contribution amount throughout the year. You can choose to invest your savings in an investment account. 13 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx HSA ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS – 2015 • Annual contributions to the HSA are limited to $3,350 single / $6,650 family (Employer & Employee Contributions Combined) • St. Norbert College - Annual HSA Contribution o $500 - Single Coverage; $750 - Family Coverage o Employer contributions will be deposited twice per year Single: $333 (1st Payroll in January); $167 (1st payroll in September) Family: $500 (1st payroll in January); $250 (1st payroll in September) • Benefits are subject to federal regulations. Minimum deductibles, maximum out-of-pocket limits and contribution maximums are determined annually • Account holders age 55 and up may make additional contributions of $1,000 in 2015. 14 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx CONTRIBUTING TO YOUR HSA • You can elect how much money you want to put into your HSA. – It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum HSA contribution limit. • Your employer will deduct this amount on the date of each payroll on a pre-tax basis and the money will be direct-deposited to your HSA account. • You may also deposit funds directly into your bank account with post-tax dollars and claim the amount on your tax return. 15 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx WHO DETERMINES WHETHER HSA DISTRIBUTIONS ARE USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR QUALIFIED MEDICAL EXPENSES? • YOU! • Your bank will submit information to the IRS each year to report contributions and withdrawals. • You will need to report withdrawals on your federal income tax forms. • Individuals who establish HSAs should maintain records of their medical expenses to show that the distributions have been made exclusively for qualified medical expenses. 16 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx HSA WITHDRAWALS / DISTRIBUTIONS • Federal tax treatment of funds used: Expense Type Age Tax Treatment Qualified medical expense Any Tax-free Non-medical expense Over 65 Ordinary tax Non-medical expense Under 65 Ordinary tax + 20% penalty 17 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx ELIGIBLE MEDICAL EXPENSES FOR TAXFREE DISTRIBUTIONS • Qualifying medical expenses - IRS Publication 502 • Dental and vision care expenses • Long-term care insurance • Premiums for coverage while receiving unemployment compensation 18 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx BANK INFORMATION At the end of the year, the bank will send each account beneficiary a statement with the fair market value of the HSA and forms with the total contributions and distributions: This information is reported to the IRS. You will need to complete form 8889 and file with your personal income tax return. Form 1099-SA (distributions) Form 5498-SA (contributions, rollover deposits and fair market value for each calendar year) 19 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx WAYS TO BE A MORE COST CONSCIOUS CONSUMER OF HEALTH CARE • Get Healthy and Stay Healthy! • Use Appropriate ‘Levels of Care’ – Fast Care/Urgent Care/Emergency Room • Use In-Network Providers • Consider Generic or Mail Order prescriptions • Consider $4 Generic Programs at Target & Wal-Mart Stores • Ask doctors and pharmacists questions o Most effective treatment o Cost of treatment o Alternatives to treatment • Support and participate in company sponsored wellness and disease management initiatives 20 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx LEVELS OF CARE SAMPLE Available extended hours & weekends Available extended hours & weekends Available extended hours & weekends in some cases Available extended hours & weekends No Cost Available 24/7 COST Emergency Room Complex chest pain, trauma Urgent Care Clinic Sprains, strains, sutures; typically hospital-based Primary Care Provider Wellness/preventive/screening services, comprehensive management of acute and chronic conditions Convenience – Walk-In Care Clinic Colds, flu, quick service $500+ $200+ $125+ $49$69 Nurse Line Health and first aid questions, premium provider search, guidance on appropriate facility and location to meet care needs $0 21 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx PRESCRIPTION COST AND SAVINGS OPPORTUNITIES - $4 PRESCRIPTIONS SAVE on Prescription Drug Costs & Copays! WHAT IS IT? Many retail pharmacies have recently created new and innovative programs to help control prescription drug costs for consumers. One of the most popular is the $4 prescription drug program, which has allowed consumers to take advantage of tremendous savings for their everyday prescriptions needs. This program is offered at many national and regional pharmacies, including those shown above, and typically includes hundreds of medications in a variety of therapeutic classifications. Other programs that may be available in your area may include free antibiotics and various 90-day supply discounts for maintenance medications. Many pharmacies also have low-cost membership programs that allow you to access significant savings. It is likely that there will be new programs and enhancements to existing programs in the future as pharmacies continue to compete for the right to fill your prescriptions. Interaction with insurance - continue to provide your insurance information to ensure you receive the deepest discount and that your coinsurance is applied to your deductible and/or out-of-pocket maximum. If your insurance company has negotiated a deeper discount than $4 (or the pharmacy’s discount rate) for the prescribed medication, you will be charged the lesser of the two prices. KEEP MONEY IN YOUR BANK! 22 22 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (HSA) AND FLEX SPENDING ACCOUNTS (FSA) One of the qualifications to have an HSA is that you are not covered by any other low deductible insurance – this includes an FSA. Therefore, if you enroll in the HDHP Plan and open an HSA Account, you may not participate in a Standard FSA Plan. However, you may enroll in a Limited FSA which can be used to reimburse Dental & Vision expenses ONLY. You may still participate in the dependent care account. 23 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Healthcare FSA Annual limit of $2,500 (capped per IRS regulations) Pre-tax dollars used to pay for qualified medical, dental & vision expenses New: Limited Flex (reimbursement for dental & vision expenses only) for those enrolled in the HDHP Plan (HSA) New: $500 Roll-Over Feature. Allows Health Care FSA participants to roll-over up to $500 of their previous year’s funds and add them to the new year plan. Rollover funds can only be used after the dollars from the new year’s plan have been used up. (Unused FSA funds in 2015 will roll-over into 2016) Dependent Care FSA Annual limit of $5,000 (pre-tax dollars used to pay for daycare expenses) 24 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx EBC FEATURES: Submitting claims is EASY My Mobile Account Assistant – For Android and iPhone – Camera scans documentation – Upload with claim information – Receive notification when a claim is processed – Use the app to review FSA account information Submit claims online or using paper • My Account Assistant – Your secure web portal lets you review all aspects of your account online at www.ebcflex.com – Submit claims and documentation – Receive notification when a claim is processed • Claim Form – Mail or fax a paper form with attached documentation 25 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx 1/1/2015 CHECKLIST • New ID cards issued – new member and group number • Other Insurance Questionnaire • Re-Register on UMR.com • Same Network – Choice Plus 26 St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx Better information, better decisions, better health on UMR.com UMR.com gives members access to: • Health cost estimator tools MyHCE (My Healthcare Cost Estimator) • Provider search capability to identify quality and cost efficient providers classified as Tier 1. • Health Education Library • Resources on healthy living • Access to OptumRx 27 St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx SECURE Mobile Web Access (No Download Necessary) What’s new Find out about new tools and information to help you live a healthier life. Simplified navigation Need help? Home: Return to the main menu. Menu: Display the menu. Gear: Log out or learn more. Click the question mark any time you are confused about a term or benefit and get an explanation. Log in Enter your username and password for instant access to all our mobile inquiry tools. Look up claims Look up a claim for yourself or an authorized dependent. Check your benefits View medical and/or dental benefits, as well as persons covered. Find a provider Need to find a doctor fast? Access an alphabetical listing of network providers. 28 View, scan or fax your ID card . View your ID card, allow your provider to scan the on-screen bar code for instant access to your benefit information, and/or fax it to a provider. St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx PPO Plan vs. HDHP/HSA Plan (OptumRx) Deductible Maximum Out-ofPocket (Includes Medical & Rx) Copayment / Coinsurance Generic Preventive HSA Medication PPO Plan HDHP Plan (HSA) No Deductible on Rx $2,000 Single $4,000 Family $1,500 Single $3,000 EE+1 $4,500 Family $4,000 Single $8,000 Family Retail: 25% ($10 Min / $50 Max) Mail Order: $30 Copay (Generic) $90 Copay (Brand) n/a Deductible, 90% coinsurance 100% coverage if filled at mail order What are examples of preventive drugs: medications used for diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood thinner and beta blockers. Confidential property of Optum. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission from Optum. 29 Contraceptive Services Only (CSO) coverage for Eligible Organizations Coverage for contraceptives services only (both medical and/or Rx, as provided by insurer/TPA) as required by PPACA. Provides 100% coverage for standard, eligible preventive contraceptive services Separate from the customer’s medical policy No cost to employer – not passed on through ASO administrative fees Eligible Organization Contraceptive Services Only (CSO) coverage Must be prescribed (even OTC contraceptives) and filled at a network pharmacy Cover certain female birth control drugs and services only Medical/Rx (non CSO) coverage All female members, no matter their age, will have birth control available to them Age limits not applied because: 1. The age that a woman is no longer able to have children is different for everyone. 2. It is up to the family, not the health insurance company, to decide if or at what age a young woman might get birth control. 3. Health insurance companies are required by the health reform law to provide this benefit to ALL females. Confidential property of Optum. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission from Optum. 30 www.optumrx.com • Review benefit highlights and coverage • Access to Mail Service Pharmacy prescriptions • My Prescription Dashboard to refill, renew and manage prescriptions • My Medicine Cabinet to manage and price prescription and OTC medications • Locate a retail pharmacy • Explore lower-cost alternatives and options • Download order forms • Access general health information Confidential property of Optum. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission from Optum. 31 www.optumrx.com Personalized Rx Dashboard Visual Image of All Drugs – Quickly identify Refills – View drugs for renewal – Check Order Status At-a-Glance Calendar for expiration and refill dates Quick drop down box to change account for Household/Caregiver view Simple tab design and quick links to improve navigation and user experience. Confidential property of Optum. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission from Optum. 32 32 Mobile Website REQUIRED FORMS TO BE COMPLETED Deadline for enrollment forms is November 26, 2014. Return completed forms to your Human Resources Department. UMR Enrollment Form (New Enrollees, Adding/Removing Dependents, Enrolling in the HDHP/HSA Plan, Dropping Coverage) Not required if you are keeping your current coverage Spouse Medical Insurance Coverage Statement. Required if you have a spouse covered under the SNC plan. Associated Bank Health Savings Account (for those enrolling in the HDHP/HSA Plan) Complete application and applicable forms to open your HSA bank account and start contributing! Delta Dental Enrollment Form (New Enrollees, Adding/Removing Dependents Only, Dropping Coverage) EBC - FSA Enrollment Form Enrollment does not carry over - employees who wish to participate must enroll again for 2015 34 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx QUESTIONS? 35 Copyright 2014 by Associated Financial Group, LLC St. Norbert College/15/Ren/2015 OE Meeting - Plan Options & HSA Education.pptx