THE COMMONWEALTH FUND The Commonwealth Fund 2012 International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians 2012 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEALTH CARE POLICY Cathy Schoen and Robin Osborn The Commonwealth Fund November 2012 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey 2 • Mail and phone survey of primary care physicians in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States • Samples: Australia (500), Canada (2,124), France (501), Germany (909), Netherlands (522), New Zealand (500), Norway (869), Sweden (1,314), Switzerland (1,025), United Kingdom (500), and United States (1,012) • Survey in the field March to July 2012 • Conducted by Harris Interactive and country contractors • Core topics: Health information technology; access; care coordination; financial incentives for quality improvement; assessment and feedback of practice performance; system views and physician satisfaction THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 3 Health Information Technology THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 4 Doctors’ Use of Electronic Medical Records in Their Practice, 2009 and 2012 Percent 100 99 98 97 98 97 97 96 97 95 92 94 2009 2012 88 82 80 72 69 68 67 56 60 46 37 40 41 20 0 NETH NOR NZ UK AUS SWE GER US FR CAN SWIZ THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2009 and 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 5 Doctors with Electronic Medical Records and Multifunctional Health IT Capacity Percent Uses EMR 100 97 Uses EMR with multifunctional HIT capacity 98 97 92 98 88 80 69 68 60 60 82 67 59 56 41 40 33 27 20 12 11 10 7 6 4 CAN GER FR NOR 0 UK AUS NZ NETH US SWE SWIZ Note: Multifunctional health IT capacity—uses electronic medical record and at least two electronic functions: for order entry management, generating patient information, generating panel information, and routine clinical decision support. Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 6 Doctor Routinely Receives Electronic Prompts About Potential Problems with Rx Dose or Interaction Percent 100 93 89 88 85 80 70 58 60 41 40 30 26 25 GER SWIZ 22 20 0 NET NZ AUS UK SWE US FRA CAN NOR THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 7 Doctor Can Electronically Exchange Patient Summaries and Test Results with Doctors Outside their Practice Percent 100 80 60 55 52 49 49 45 39 40 38 31 27 22 20 14 0 NZ SWE NET SWIZ NOR FRA UK US AUS GER CAN THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 8 Access and Barriers to Care THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 9 Doctors’ Perception of Patient Access Barriers Percent reporting their patients OFTEN have: AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Difficulty paying out-of-pocket costs 25 26 29 21 42 26 4 6 16 13 59 Difficulty getting diagnostic tests 16 38 41 27 7 59 10 15 3 14 23 Long waits to see a specialist 60 73 59 68 21 75 60 49 10 28 28 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 10 Practice Has Arrangement for Patients’ After-Hours Care to See Doctor or Nurse Percent 100 95 94 90 89 81 80 80 78 76 67 60 45 40 34 20 0 UK NETH NZ GER AUS NOR* SWIZ FR SWE CAN * In Norway, respondents were asked whether there practice has arrangements or if there are regional arrangements. Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. US THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 11 Almost All Patients Can Get Same- or Next-Day Appointment Percent of doctors responding almost all patients (>80%) can get a same- or next-day appointment when one is requested 100 86 80 62 61 60 59 56 55 47 42 40 38 28 22 20 0 FR SWIZ NETH NZ GER UK US NOR AUS SWE CAN THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 12 Electronic Access for Patients Percent reporting their practice allows patients to: AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Request appointments or referrals online 8 7 17 22 13 13 51 66 30 40 30 Request refills for prescriptions online 7 6 15 26 63 25 53 88 48 56 36 E-mail about medical question 20 11 39 45 46 38 26 41 68 35 34 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 13 Care Coordination THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 14 Practice Uses Nurse Case Managers or Navigators for Patients with Serious Chronic Conditions Percent 100 80 78 73 68 68 59 60 51 44 43 41 40 20 20 0 UK NETH NZ SWIZ AUS NOR CAN US Note: Question asked differently in France. Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. SWE GER THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Primary Care Doctors’ Receipt of Information from Specialists Percent said after their patient visits a specialist they always receive: 15 AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Report with all relevant health information 32 26 51 13 13 41 26 12 59 36 19 Information about changes to patient’s drugs or care plan 30 24 47 12 5 44 22 13 44 41 16 Information that is timely and available when needed 13 11 26 4 1 15 4 8 27 18 11 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. After Hospital Discharge, Primary Care Doctor Receives Needed Information to Manage the Patient Within 48 Hours 16 Percent 100 80 67 56 60 45 42 40 40 36 21 21 20 15 14 CAN NOR 10 0 GER NZ US NET SWIZ AUS UK SWE FRA THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 17 Financial Incentives or Support for Quality Improvement THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 18 Financial Incentives and Targeted Support Percent can receive financial incentives* for: AUS CAN FR GER NET NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Managing patients w/ chronic disease or complex needs 75 70 37 60 77 83 15 49 4 50 21 Enhanced preventive care activities** 42 42 12 23 28 40 17 55 5 37 14 Adding nonphysician clinicians to practice 53 33 3 5 60 36 9 33 4 17 10 Making home visits 57 53 16 51 50 36 45 49 32 20 9 * Including special payments, higher fees, or reimbursements. ** Including patient counseling or group visits. Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 19 Assessment and Feedback of Practice Performance THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Practice Routinely Receives and Reviews Data on Patient Care Percent routinely receives and reviews data on: 20 AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Clinical outcomes 42 23 14 54 81 64 24 78 12 84 47 Patient satisfaction 56 15 1 35 39 51 7 90 15 84 60 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 21 Doctor Reviews Clinical Performance Against Targets at Least Annually Percent 100 96 83 80 67 57 60 53 47 43 43 41 40 37 22 20 0 UK NZ US SWE AUS NET FRA GER CAN SWIZ NOR THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 22 Doctor Routinely Receives Data Comparing Practice’s Clinical Performance to Other Practices Percent 100 80 78 60 55 55 45 40 35 34 32 25 25 20 15 5 0 UK NZ SWE FR SWIZ US NETH AUS GER CAN NOR THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. Practice Routinely Receives and Reviews Data on Resource Use 23 Percent routinely receives and reviews data on: AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Hospital admissions and ED use 39 30 9 24 21 43 33 28 32 82 55 Frequency of ordering tests 33 16 7 17 16 56 18 43 20 56 32 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 24 System Views and Physician Satisfaction THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 25 Physician Views of the Health System, 2009 and 2012: “System Works Well, Only Minor Changes Needed” Percent 100 2009 2012 80 60 60 45 40 33 54 18 20 56 46 47 46 42 40 41 37 23 53 61 37 39 22 17 15 0 AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. Physician Views of Whether the Quality of Care in the Health Care System Has Improved in the Past Three Years, 2012 Percent responding quality of care has: 26 AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Improved 30 26 9 12 38 33 28 24 11 35 21 Stayed the same 50 54 52 54 40 49 60 43 66 44 53 Gotten worse 20 19 37 34 20 19 11 32 21 21 25 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 27 Insurance Restrictions on Medication or Treatment for Patients Pose Major Time Concerns for Doctors Percent saying amount of time physician or staff spend getting patients needed medications or treatment because of coverage restrictions is a MAJOR PROBLEM 100 80 60 52 37 40 20 9 10 10 11 UK SWE AUS NOR 17 17 FR NZ 21 23 26 0 CAN SWIZ NETH GER US THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 28 Physician Satisfaction with Practicing Medicine Percent Very satisfied/satisfied Somewhat/very dissatisfied 100 11 12 16 16 18 18 20 23 24 80 31 45 60 40 88 87 84 84 82 82 80 76 75 68 54 20 0 NETH NOR SWIZ UK CAN NZ AUS FR SWE US GER THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 29 Dissatisfaction with Income and Time with Patients Percent somewhat/ very dissatisfied with: AUS CAN FR GER NETH NZ NOR SWE SWIZ UK US Income from medical practice 25 20 63 33 20 25 16 28 42 21 32 Time to spend per patient 40 40 47 48 47 44 37 54 31 59 44 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 30 U.S. Primary Care Reports, by Practice Size THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 31 U.S. Primary Care Doctors: Access, Information Capacity, and Administrative Burden by Practice Size 2 or fewer FTE physicians 27 Has after-hours care arrangements 5 or more FTE physicians 41 49 Uses electronic medical records 83 Routinely reviews data on clinical outcomes 33 58 Insurance restrictions on medications/ treatments pose major time concern 63 48 0 25 50 75 Percent Source: 2012 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey of Primary Care Physicians. 100 THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 32 Cross-Cutting Themes and Implications • National policies make a difference for primary care practices • Insurance design • Support for practice infrastructure and information feedback • Health IT is spreading, but differentially across countries • Information exchange and alerts slowest to spread • Feedback on performance is not yet routine in any country • Opportunities to learn within and across countries • Access varies widely: after hours, waits, and cost barriers • New technology and shared after-hour services enable multiple points of access • Opportunities to learn as these evolve • Gaps in communication across sites of care in all countries undermines care coordination and integration • Primary care workforce with expanded team-work, including nurses, key to a high performing health system THE COMMONWEALTH FUND 33 Acknowledgments and Cofunders Thanks to coauthors David Squires, Michelle M. Doty, Petra Rasmussen, Roz Pierson, and Sandra Applebaum, and to Harris Interactive, Inc., and contractors for conducting the survey. Published in Health Affairs as: “A Survey of Primary Care Doctors in Ten Countries Shows Progress in Use of Health Information Technology, Less in Other Areas,” Web First, Nov. 15, 2012. • Canada: Health Council of Canada, Health Quality Ontario, Quebec Health Commission, Health Quality Council of Alberta, Canada Health Infoway • France: Haute Authorité de Santé (HAS), Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés (CNAMTS) • Germany: Federal Ministry of Health, German National Institute for Quality Measurement in Health Care • Netherlands: Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare, Radboud University Nijmegen • Norway: Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services • Sweden: Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs • Switzerland: Federal Office of Public Health, Swiss Medical Association THE COMMONWEALTH FUND