Please Click on this link for the Power Point Presentation for the

2014 Benefit Changes
Conference Call for ESC Represented Employees
November 19, 2013
Benefits 2014
• New Medical Plan for 2014
– New Resources - where to get more information
– What’s changing?
– New Plan Design for 2014
• Question and Answer Period
Benefits 2014
New Resources
Provant – Your One-Stop Shop for Health and
Wellness Questions
Talk to a health advocate for:
• Billing Questions
• New Health Account Plan questions
• Dental or Vision Plan Questions
• Questions about health screenings, health accounts
Phone support:
866-271-8144, M-F, 5am-5pm. Pacific Time
Email support:
Benefits 2014
New Resources
New Website:
Benefits 2014
Details on the new Anthem and
Kaiser HAP for 2014
Accessed from any computer with
internet access
What to expect at the doctor and
pharmacy on your first visit in 2014
How to use your different cards
Where to get more information as
you use the plans
What’s Changing?
What Isn’t Changing?
What Is?
Delta Dental
New coverage for dental
Discounts on non-covered
services are different
Monthly Premium
New Health Account Plan in
effect for both Kaiser and
Anthem: two provider
networks-same plan design
Hearing Aids covered for all
employees and retirees
Benefits 2014
What’s Changing?
Rules for Covering Children
• Children can be covered under your PG&E medical, dental
and vision plan until their 26th Birthday
• They no longer have to be
• students
• unmarried
• your tax dependent
• They can be employed and be offered benefits (New)
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
The Health Account
• All active employees enrolled in Anthem or Kaiser will
have a Health Account
• Both the Anthem and Kaiser PG&E plans for active
employees will be called the Health Account Plan, or
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
The Health Account
Health Account Deposits
Single Coverage
Family Coverage
• You automatically get:
• $ 750
• $1,500
• If you take a health screening:
• $ 250
• $ 500
• If you test tobacco-free or complete PG&E’s
tobacco cessation program:
• $ 250
• $ 500
• Total
• $ 1,250
• $ 2,500
• $ 500
• $ 1,000
• $ 250
• $ 500
• If you test tobacco-free or complete PG&E’s
tobacco cessation program:
• $ 250
• $ 500
• Yearly Total
• $ 1,000
• $ 2,000
• You automatically get:
through • If you take a health screening:
Remember: If you don’t use all your credits in one year, they roll over
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
Earning Health Account Credits
• Health Screening consists of four tests:
• Weight/Height to get BMI
• Blood Pressure
• Glucose Level (non-fasting)
• Cholesterol Level
• Tobacco use test is optional and done with an oral
• Tobacco users can skip the tobacco use test and
complete a tobacco cessation course with Provant to
earn credits
Employees with family coverage will earn
credits for their entire family – their dependents
do not need to do a screening to earn credits
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
Health Screenings and Tobacco Use Test
• Three ways to get a Health Screening/Tobacco
• On-site event: enroll online at or call Provant
• Concierge: call Provant at 1-866-271-8144 to
schedule at your home or office
• Take a form to your doctor: doctor’s offices
don’t do tobacco screenings; you’ll need to
walk into any on-site screening – no
appointment needed. Download the screening
form from
• Check for your results at
• Have until Sept. 30, 2014 to earn credits for 2014
Benefits 2014 plan year
New Medical Plan for 2014
How the Health Account Plan (HAP) Works
Using Health Account Credits
• Pay for plan deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses
• Credits can be used for:
– medical, dental and/or vision expenses
– for you or your family members
– unused credits roll over year after year and can be used for PG&E
Retiree Medical Plan expenses
• You can still contribute to a Health Care Flexible Spending Account
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
How the Health Account Plan (HAP) Works
Using Health Care Flexible Spending Account
• NEW! Can roll over $500 from one year to next, amounts above $500
left in account at end of year are still a “use-it-or-lose-it”
• Will work with the Health Account
• Administrators:
– Your Spending Account (for Anthem Blue Cross members)
– Kaiser (for Kaiser members)
• Will automatically use the Health Care Flexible Spending Account
Benefits 2014
How the Plan Works – Health Account
Debit Cards
YSA (Anthem HAP)
Kaiser HAP
Use card to pay expenses for:
• Medical
• Mental health
• Pharmacy
• Dental
• Vision
Use card to pay expenses for:
• Kaiser pharmacy
Kaiser medical expenses and mental health expenses
automatically taken out of your account after your visit
to Kaiser
Submit claims to pay for
• Dental
• Vision
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
How the Health Account Plan (HAP) Works
• 4 free primary care visits per year for every covered
family member
• First choice for everything from chronic disease
management, physicals, everyday ailments
• Choose a family doctor who knows you and cares
about your “whole person” health
• Primary Care Doctors
• General or family practitioners (including nurses)
• Internal Medicine doctors
• Pediatricians
• Urgent care
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
Other Free Services
• Some free preventive screening services (e.g., mammograms,
pap smears, colonoscopies, immunizations)
• Some free prescription drugs for preventive care and chronic
conditions (e.g., insulin for diabetes)
• Free maternity and well-baby office visits to age two
Go to for lists of which preventive
services and prescription drugs are free
Tip: free doctor visits may include additional tests
or services performed during your visit – these are
covered, but may not be free
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
A few terms to understand …
Annual Deductible
For services that aren’t free, amount you’re responsible to pay for first
before the plan will start to pay
You pay a percent of the cost of a medical service
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
The limit on the amount you have to pay every year for covered
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
How the Health Account Plan (HAP) Works
Annual Deductible
• If you have single coverage, annual deductible is $1,000
• If you have family coverage, annual deductible is $1,000 per
person but no more than $2,000 for your entire family
Remember: if you earn all your Health Account credits,
you’ll have enough to pay your whole deductible from
your Health Account
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
How the Health Account Plan (HAP) Works
• You’ll be responsible for either 10% or 20% of the covered
cost and the HAP will pay the other 90% or 80% respectively.
• There are no copayments under the HAP, so instead of paying
a flat $10 or $20 copayment at the time of service, you’ll pay
10% or 20% for services that are not free
• But, your expense is limited by the Out of Pocket Maximum….
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
How the Health Account Plan (HAP) Works
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
• Limits how much you are responsible for paying every year
• Once out-of-pocket maximum is reached, all covered services are
free for the rest of the year
• Includes all money you spend on covered medical services,
prescription drugs and mental health services
• Includes credits you used from your Health Account for medical
• Includes deductible and co-insurance
Benefits 2014
New Medical Plan for 2014
How the Health Account Plan (HAP) Works
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
• If you have single coverage, the annual out-of-pocket maximum is
• If you have family coverage, the annual out-of-pocket maximum is
$2,400 per person but no more than $4,800 for your entire family
Single Coverage
Your Maximum 2014 Health Account Credits:
Your Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum:
Family Coverage
– $2,400
– $4,800 at the most
<$2,300 at the most>
(includes annual deductible)
Your 2014 Effective Out-of-Pocket Maximum:
All covered expenses paid at 100% for the rest of the calendar year
Benefits 2014
How the Plan Works – Coinsurance
Primary care office visits after first four free
Outpatient mental health visits
10% with no deductible
Therapies – 1st five visits (i.e., acupuncture,
chiropractic, outpatient physical therapy,
occupational therapy)
10% after deductible
Therapies – additional visits after five (i.e.,
acupuncture, chiropractic, outpatient
physical therapy, occupational therapy)
Hospital care
Emergency room
20% after deductible
Benefits 2014
Retail Pharmacy – must first meet deductible
15% generic
25% brand
Mail-Order – must first meet deductible
10% generic
20% brand
New Medical Plan for 2014
Things to note about pharmacy
• Express Scripts will continue to be the pharmacy provider for Anthem
Blue Cross; Kaiser provides pharmacy benefits for its members
• Free medications for Anthem HAP must be obtained from Express
Scripts mail order
• Free medication from Kaiser can be from any Kaiser pharmacy or
mail order
• Anthem HAP members will have mandatory mail order for many
maintenance drugs – drugs you take on a long-term basis
– In 2014, can get three fills at a retail pharmacy, then must get the drugs
through Express Scripts mail order, or pay 100% of the cost
– Can sign up now with Express Scripts mail order if currently enrolled in
– Most narcotics, ADHD drugs and compound drugs are not included – you
will continue to have coverage for these at a retail pharmacy
Benefits 2014
What do you need to do now?
• Schedule a Health Screening to maximize your
Health Account credits for 2014
• If you want a flexible spending account, enroll by
November 21, 2013
• Review Health Account Plan User Guide that will
be sent to you in late December
• Visit for more
information on the new Health Account Plan
• Contact Provant with detailed questions
866-271-8144, M-F, 5am-5pm, Pacific Time
Benefits 2014
Question & Answer
Benefits 2014
Thank You
Log onto for more
Or call Provant at 1-866-271-8144 for medical
plan questions
Benefits 2014