International Career Paths and Research: Taking a Year Off Alan Rosenbaum International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Student Status Reasons Timing Funding Options International Career Paths International Career Paths Research Research Research Research Research International Career Paths Research Education Clinical Int’l Organizations Public Health International Career Paths Research Peds ID OBGYN -Research Dollars -Academic Medicine -Home or Abroad International Career Paths Clinical MSF (France) Missions Long(er)-Term Emergency (Italy) International Career Paths When are you not useful? A: Medical Student B: Intern C: Resident D: All of the above Clinical MSF (France) Missions Long(er)-Term Emergency (Italy) International Career Paths When are you not useful? A: Medical Student B: Intern C: Resident D: All of the above Clinical MSF (France) Missions Long(er)-Term Emergency (Italy) International Career Paths Education Clinicians Students Educators International Career Paths Public Health Ministries of Health USgov/DHHS GH Policy Think Tanks International Career Paths Int’l Organizations Specialty Groups UN WHO International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Student Status International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Student Status What it means How to get it International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Student Status Loan repayment Grace Period (6month) What it means Why do we care? Residency Application Explanation International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Student Status What it means Definition: An approved leave of absence in which you are doing something productive for your degree Functional def’n: School has to tell the US gov that you deserve to have student status International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Student Status How to get it Degree Program “Winning funding from a nationally competitive award that provides enough funding for the time you are on your LOA” International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Reasons International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Reasons Research Clinical Degree Internship Personal International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Reasons Clinical Volunteer websites, professional organization (link) Internship PAHO/WHO (link) International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Timing International Career Paths Taking A Year Off After 1st Year Timing After 2nd Year After 3rd Year May-May Aug-Aug International Career Paths Taking A Year Off -Publishing -Career changes -When will you want a break -Forget coursework -Step 1/2 Timing -Acting Internships -Applying for match -Debt Burden -Particular Project International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Funding Options International Career Paths Taking A Year Off Location Funding Options Amount/Time Prestige Project NIH (Global Health Program for Fellows and Scholars or Global Health Equity Scholars) -Operated by a few universities -Apply for a project Fogarty (now FulbrightFogarty) -Apply to be in the program and project (Used to be Match) -Infectious Disease -Mostly basic science Fulbright -Student Program vs undergrads -Anywhere -Differences in competitiveness -Any research topic Boren -Primarily language program -Must have plan to learn language -Generally no Spanish/French Doris Duke -Only East Africa (Tanzania, Kenya) -3 students per year Specialty Groups? National Medical Societies? Departmental Funding? Mentor Funding? Summer Funding?? Partial Funding?? Links: 1) PAHO/WHO Link: &id=1489&Itemid=4245&lang=en 2) Damien House (Leprosy Clinic): 3) Volunteer Compiling Website: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Funding: NIH: Fulbright-Fogarty: Fulbright: Boren: Doris Duke: Zoya Voronovich MS-4, University of Pittsburgh September 12th, 2013 Four keys to having a good experience: Have low expectations Be flexible Have a sense of humor Be patient Africa: 1 billion people 1,200 neurosurgeons 142 in sub-Saharan Africa 10-12 peds neurosurgeons Kenya: 38 million people 16 neurosurgeons 4 are outside of Nairobi 2 of which are in Kijabe Neurosurgical Training: Started in 2006 23 trainees 6 year training program 280 bed general hospital 5 bed ICU Owned by Africa Inland Church “Health care to God’s glory” Hosted at AIC Kijabe Hospital 2 operating rooms 50 beds New 85 bed facility under construction Dozens of mobile clinic dates per year Pediatric surgery and neurosurgery training and rotations Long-timers: A. Leland Albright, MD Humphrey Okechi, MD Susan Ferson, NP Veronicah, CO Nursing teams Moms Short-timers: Sylvia Shitsama, MD Martin Situma, MD Kimberly Foster, MD Liana Beni-Adani, MD 2011 Cases: 1,328 total operations 410 shunt operations 131 endoscopic third ventriculostomies 253 operations for spina bifida 69 operations for brain tumors My Cases: 27 cases 9 shunt operations 6 operations for spina bifida 6 I&D/wound revisions 4 craniotomies for tumors 1 craniotomy for tuberculoma 1 endoscopic third ventriculostomy/ choroid plexus coagulation Allow plenty of time for planning Talk to people who have previous experience with: Traveling through a mission organization? Passport and visas Airline tickets Housing Immunizations and prophylaxis Expect that things may not be set in stone Funding Country and culture Geography, including weather Work site Team Find ways you can help Medical supplies you can bring Equipment you can help transport Fundraising A. Leland Albright, MD Susan Ferson, NP Peter J. Veldkamp, MD Kimberly Foster, MD Elizabeth Tyler-Kabara, MD PhD Kenneth Clark, MD My family University of Pittsburgh Medical Alumni Association Global Links Donors to BKKH: Allison Berndtson, MD Susy Kohout, PhD Kai Larsen, PhD Judy Lozano Kaarin Michaelsen, PhD Anna Vavilova Valentina Vavilova, PhD Alexander Voronovich, PhD Anonymous donors