The Schedule A Hiring Authority

The Schedule A Hiring
Federal Employment Possibilities for
Individuals with Disabilities
Schedule A Hiring
• I don’t know the first thing about getting a
Federal job!!!
• What do I do?!
• Where do I start?!
Schedule A Hiring
• You need to know what you like to do and what you
won’t do.
– Do you like to work outside or inside, with people
or with things, etc.
Schedule A Hiring
• You need to find out what types of federal
jobs are available.
Schedule A
• USA JOBS Website posts all jobs for
federal employment.
• USAJOBS has a Resource link to find out
about types of jobs, federal agencies,
benefits, etc.
Federal Occupational
• Professional – Positions whose primary duty requires
knowledge or experience of an administrative,
clerical, scientific, artistic, or technical nature and is
not related to trade, craft, or manual labor work.
• Trade, Craft, or Labor − Positions whose primary
duty involves the performance of physical work and
requires knowledge or experience of a trade, craft, or
manual labor nature.
Professional Occupations
Miscellaneous Occupations
Social Science, Psychology, and Welfare
Human Resources Management
General Administrative, Clerical, and
Office Services
• Natural Resources Management and
Biological Sciences
• Accounting and Budget
• Medical, Hospital, Dental, and Public
Professional Occupations
Veterinary Medical Science
Engineering and Architecture
Legal and Kindred
Information and Arts
Business and Industry
Copyright, Patent, and Trademark
Physical Sciences
Library and Archives
Mathematical Sciences
Equipment, Facilities, and Services
Professional Occupations
• Education
• Inspection, Investigation,
Enforcement, and Compliance
• Quality Assurance, Inspection, and
• Supply
• Transportation
• Information Technology
Trade, Craft or Labor
• Wire Communications Equipment
Installation and Maintenance
• Electronic Equipment Installation and
• Electrical Installation and
• Fabric and Leather Work
• Instrument Work
• Machine Tool Work
• General Services and Support Work
Trade, Craft or Labor
Structural and Finishing Work
Metal Processing
Metal Work
Motion Picture, Radio, Television, and
Sound Equipment Operation
Lens and Crystal Work
Painting and Paperhanging
Plumbing and Pipefitting
Pliable Materials Work
Trade, Craft or Labor
• Printing Family
• Wood Work
• General Maintenance and Operations
• General Equipment Maintenance
• Plant and Animal Work
• Miscellaneous Occupations
• Industrial Equipment Maintenance
• Industrial Equipment Operation
Trade, Craft or Labor
• Transportation/Mobile Equipment
• Transportation/Mobile Equipment
• Ammunition, Explosives, and Toxic
Materials Work
• Armament Work
• Packing and Processing
• Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Pressing
Trade, Craft or Labor
Food Preparation and Serving
Personal Services
Fluid Systems Maintenance
Engine Overhaul
Aircraft Overhaul
Film Processing
Federal Careers
• For Students
– The Pathways Programs
• Internships for students from high school
through post-graduate school and to
careers for recent graduates
• Students who successfully complete the
program may be eligible for conversion
to a permanent job in the civil service
• Choose a Federal career path that best
describes you and where you are in your
Pathways Programs
• Internship Program: For current
students in high school to graduate level,
PAID opportunities to work in agencies
and explore Federal careers while still in
• Recent Graduates Program: For
individuals who have recently graduated
from qualifying educational institutions or
programs, training & mentorship.
Pathways Programs
• Presidential Management Fellows
Program Leadership development
program for advanced degree candidates.
For individuals who have received a
qualifying advanced degree within the
preceding two years.
Schedule A
• President Obama’s Executive Order
13548 of July 26, 2010
-Increasing Federal Employment of
Individuals With Disabilities
-Goal of 2% Federal workforce needs
to represented by people with disabilities.
Schedule A
• Schedule A- appointing authority, or
hiring authority. It is an Excepted Service
appointment for persons with disabilities.
• The regulations guiding the Excepted
Service -- Appointment of Persons with
Disabilities and Career and CareerConditional Appointment are found in the
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
The citation is 5 CFR § 213.3102(u).
Schedule A
An Individual with a disability: A person
who (1) has a physical impairment or
mental impairment (psychiatric or cognitive
disability) that substantially limits one or
more of such person's major life activities;
(2) has a record of such
impairment; or (3) is regarded as having
such an impairment. This definition is
provided by the Rehabilitation Act of
1973,29 U.S.C. 701 et. seq., as amended.
Disability Defined
• An individual can qualify for federal hiring
under Schedule A if their disability falls
under one of the following categories:
- Targeted/Severe
- Other Disabilities
• Self Identification of Disability
Form SF 256
Disability Defined
Part I. Targeted/Severe Disabilities
Hearing 18 - Total deafness in both ears
(with or without understandable speech)
Vision 21 - Blind (inability to read ordinary
size print, not correctable by glasses, or no
usable vision, beyond light perception)
Disability Defined
Missing Extremities 30 - Missing
extremities (missing one arm or leg, both
hands or arms, both feet or legs, one
hand or arm and one foot or leg, one hand
or arm and both feet or legs, both hands
or arms and one foot or leg, or both hands
or arms and both feet or legs)
Disability Defined
Partial Paralysis 69 - Partial paralysis
(because of a brain, nerve or muscle
impairment, including palsy and cerebral
palsy, there is some loss of ability to move
or use a part of the body, including both
hands; any part of both arms or legs; one
side of the body, including one arm and
one leg; and/or three or more major body
Disability Defined
• Complete Paralysis 79 - Because of a
brain, nerve or muscle impairment,
including palsy and cerebral palsy, there is
a complete loss of ability to move or use a
part of the body, including both hands;
one or both arms or legs; the lower half of
the body; one side of the body, including
one arm and one leg; and/or three or
more major body parts
Disability Defined
Other Impairments (Severe)
82 - Epilepsy
90 - Severe intellectual disability
91 - Psychiatric disability
92 - Dwarfism
Disability Defined
• Part II. Other Disabilities
Hearing Conditions 15 - Hearing
impairment/hard of hearing
Vision Conditions 22 - Visual
impairments (e.g., tunnel or monocular
vision or blind in one eye)
Disability Defined
Physical Conditions
26 - Missing extremities (one hand or one
40 - Mobility impairment (e.g., cerebral
palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular
dystrophy, congenital hip defects, etc.)
41 - Spinal abnormalities (e.g., spina
bifida, scoliosis)
Disability Defined
Physical Conditions (cont)
44 - Non-paralytic orthopedic
impairments: chronic pain, stiffness,
weakness in bones or joints, some loss of
ability to use part or parts of the body
51 - HIV Positive/AIDS
Disability Defined
Physical Conditions (cont)
52 - Morbid obesity
61 - Partial paralysis of one hand, arm,
foot, leg, or any part there of
70 - Complete paralysis of one hand
80 - Cardiovascular/heart disease with or
without restriction or limitation on activity;
a history of heart problems w/complete
Disability Defined
Physical Conditions (Cont)
83 - Blood diseases (e.g., sickle cell
anemia, hemophilia)
84 - Diabetes
86 - Pulmonary or respiratory conditions
(e.g., tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema,
87 - Kidney dysfunction (e.g., required
88 - Cancer (present or past history)
Disability Defined
Physical Conditions (cont)
93 - Disfigurement of face, hands, or feet
(such as those caused by burns or
gunshot wounds) and noticeable gross
facial birthmarks
95 - Gastrointestinal disorders (e.g.,
Crohn's Disease, irritable bowel syndrome,
colitis, celiac disease, dysphexia, etc.)
98 - History of alcoholism
Disability Defined
Speech/Language/Learning Conditions
13 - Speech impairment - includes
impairments of articulation (unclear language
sounds), fluency (stuttering), voice (with
normal hearing), dysphasia, or history of
94 - Learning disability - a disorder in one or
more of the processes involved in
understanding, perceiving, or using language
or concepts (spoken or written) (e.g.,
dyslexia, ADD/ADHD)
Disability Defined
Other Options
01 - I do not wish to identify my
disability status. (Please read the notes
on the next page.) (Note: Your
personnel officer may use this code if,
in his or her judgment, you used an
incorrect code.)
05 - I do not have a disability.
06 - I have a disability, but it is not
listed on this form.
Schedule A Hiring
• The Schedule A Hiring Authority is:
• Excepted Service – Appointment of Persons
with Disabilities. Bypasses competitive
USAJOBS process.
• When applying for Federal employment,
Schedule A certifies that the person has a
disability (Certificate or Proof of Disability)
AND the person has the capabilities to
perform the essential duties or functions of a
specific position (Certificate of Job
Schedule A
• Certificate of Disability is a letter from an
approved source that provides documentation or
proof of disability for Federal agency. In most
cases, the letter is enough documentation for the
Federal agency to verify proof of disability,
although some agencies may request actual
medical information.
• Job Readiness Certification is a determination
that an applicant with a disability is likely to
succeed in the performance of the essential
duties or functions for the position he or she is
Schedule A
• Legitimate sources of the Proof of Disability &
Certification of Job Readiness Letter(s):
– A licensed medical professional (i.e. physician
or other medical professional duly certified by
a state, District of Columbia, or U.S. territory
to practice medicine)
– Licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist
(federal, state or private) OVR COUNSELOR
– Any federal agency, state agency, or agency of
District of Columbia or a U.S. territory that
issues or provides disability benefits
Schedule A
(Must be on official letterhead and must include a signature)
TO (Agency):
This letter serves as certification that (name of patient/applicant) is an
individual with a severe physical, intellectual, or psychological disability that
qualifies him/her for consideration under 5 CFR 213.3102 (u), Schedule A hiring
authority, appointment for Persons with Disabilities.
(Name of patient/applicant) is also job ready and is likely to succeed in
performing the duties of the (position he/she is seeking).
I may be contacted at (authorized representative):
(Printed Name)
Organization Address, city, state/Phone
Schedule A
• *Federal agencies may give individuals a
Temporary Appointment in order to
determine the applicant’s job readiness, in
lieu of Job Readiness Certification. If or
when the individuals prove themselves
capable of performing the essential
functions, the Federal agency may convert
an individual to a time-limited or
permanent appointment, at any time
during the temporary appointment.
Schedule A
• Temporary Appointment: Positions not
expected to last more than 1 year. An additional
1-year extension is possible. Normally, the duties
of the position do not require it to be filled on a
permanent basis. Certificate of Job
Readiness, not necessary.
• When an agency determines person is job ready,
agency may move to time-limited or
permanent appointment.
• If person cannot perform duties, must be
separated from position.
Schedule A
• Time-limited Appointment: Position is more
than 1 year, not to exceed 4 years. Duties of the
position do not require it to be filled on a
permanent basis. The individual must have both
certificates (Certificate of Disability & Job
Readiness Certification).
Schedule A
• Permanent Appointment: The noncompetitive
conversion of individuals occurs after the
individual serves at least 2 years under a timelimited or permanent appointment.
• Must have Proof of Disability and Job
Readiness certificates.
• Goal is to permit these individuals to obtain
“Civil Service Competitive Status.” This
competitive status is obtained through
conversion to competitive service rather than
remaining in the excepted service.
Schedule A
• Federal Resumes
– Unlike resumes for non-federal jobs.
– Need to be very long with extensive
details of an individual’s skills.
– Can be several pages, the more the
– Why?
• Rob Hodapp-
– 814-451-5421
• – To search for and
apply for Federal jobs.
• – O’NET to research
occupation descriptions.
-OVR website