Civil Service HR

Civil Service HR
Building the Civil Service HR Talent
Our Vision
HR Talent Management Principles
HR Talent Management Responsibilities
The CS HR Senior Talent Forum
The Development Offer
Time Line
Talent Review Success Criteria
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
Our Vision…
To build a strong, vibrant HR Community, that has a well-deserved
reputation for performance and for professional development, and that
attracts people with talent and ambition.
We will be:
• business focused, delivering the business plan for our customers
• smaller, professional and more flexible
• In demand - “the best HR function in Britain”
• Innovative, enabling change
• self sufficient – with succession plans and an internal talent pipeline in place
for senior and key HR roles
We will work with our customers to ensure:
• they have the skills they need to deliver strong organisational performance
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
• HR Professionals and those committed to a career in Civil
Service HR
• The Centre will focus on
– talent management and leadership development for HR
PB2s across government
– Leadership and skills development for PB1s in boxes 1-4
of the potential/performance talent grid
– Leadership and skills development for G7/G6s in boxes
• HR Directors will be responsible for talent management within
their own organisation and the development of talented
individuals for the benefit of the Civil Service HR Function
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
HR Talent Management Principles
By 2012 we will fill an increasing number of critical HR roles with internally developed talent
When we recruit into G7 and above, we will join up across the Civil Service through a strategic resourcing plan and ensure
we identify talent together, rather than solely recruit for individual roles
We will continue to bring in external talent to bring new ideas and experiences and to benchmark internal talent; to
address “short supply” capability areas, to refresh the profession; and to increase supply at entry level
We will continue to provide talent development programmes for graduates who have the potential to become HR future leaders
Potential is not just about those who can reach the very top. We will recognise expert talent in “short supply” HR capability
areas as well as current and future HR leadership talent.
We will use and adapt the systems and processes from the HR Talent Reviews and align with departmental and Cabinet
Office systems such as those for succession planning and talent
Civil Service HR Operations, Departments, and HR directors will work together to assess HR talent
The process will be transparent with line managers holding open and honest conversations with individuals at all levels of
the organisation
We will actively manage people within the HR talent pipeline as a partnership between the individual, the department, and
Civil Service HR. Action will be on a prioritised basis and self-management of career will still apply with opportunities for
An increasing number of critical HR roles will be filled by internally grown talent, and we will prepare and position our
internal people to be the best candidates on merit.
In determining assignments we will focus on our most talented people to stretch them, and actively encourage individuals
to work across government.
Together, Civil Service HR Operations and HR Directors will more actively manage, develop and broker moves for those
who are in the talent pipeline
HR talent “belongs” to Civil Service HR rather than individual managers or departments
We will recruit using the Civil Service HR Professional Standards, the Professional Skills for Government Core Skills, and
the Leadership Framework
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
The Individual’s Responsibility
Finds opportunities to learn
and knows and
manages own limitations
Is ambitious to advance
and develop own
career; is career
focussed and is
comfortable with the life
choices this may
Knows how to make the
most effective use of
the available support
and learning
opportunities, also
seeks out mentors and
champions that can
Is aware of own
strengths and
weaknesses, is aware
of knowledge gaps,
and is prepared to ask
questions and listen
Sets self ambitious targets for growth
and development, aspires to more
senior positions
Pushes self to
develop and
Looks for opportunities to develop;
thrives on challenges even if they are
outside comfort zones
Proactively take up opportunities to develop performance, knowledge,
skills and experience in line with career goals
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
Identifies and helps
develop potential
successors to own post
before moving on
Acts on insights gained and has
an outward focus, rather than
concentrating on lengthy selffocussed introspection
Is receptive to new
ideas and feedback;
has the courage to
try something
different and adapt
style and approach
if that doesn’t work
Learns how to best
deploy strengths and
manage weaknesses
The Civil Service HR Senior Talent Forum
Leading the Talent Agenda
Head of Government HR Operations – Chris Last
HR Directors General from
– HM Revenue and Customs – Mike Falvey
– Home Office – Kevin White
– Ministry of Defence – Susan Scholefield
– Welsh Assembly Government – Bernard Galton
Cabinet Office Director of Corporate Leadership and Talent – Helen Dudley
Supported by
DD and G7/G6 Talent Management and leadership development Sponsor– Siobhan Sheridan
HRDs across government
To develop and prioritise actions for our most talented people
To have oversight of the critical HRSCS roles and agree a resourcing approach for any critical
HRSCS role vacancies
To have control over HRSCS appointments in all departments across government
To succession plan for the critical HRSCS roles
To partner with individuals and departments to manage moves where appropriate.
To partner with individuals and departments to develop people in the HR talent pipeline and
prepare them for future roles
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
The Development Offer
Below G7
– The HR Professional Development Framework
will provide guidance on roles, career pathways
and development to those people working in, or
interested in working in Civil Service HR
– Departments to manage secondment
opportunities/stretch assignments
– CIPD Diagnostic Tool
HR Fastream
– Assessment Centre
– Targeted development
– Stretch assignments
– Managed moves/cross departmental experience
– Paired with high potential G7/G6s/ HRSCS job
– Networking
Paired with DG/Development Manager
Managed development moves
Stretch assignments
CIPD Leaders Programme
CIPD Diagnostic Tool
Networking/HR Governance Groups
Assessment/Development Centre
Targeted development to those individuals
placed in top 4 boxes of Talent Grid
– Paired with HR Director
– Stretch assignments
– Managed development moves
– CIPD Diagnostic Tool
– Networking/HR Governance Groups
– Assessment/Development Centre
– Targeted development for those individuals
identified as having potential to reach SCS
– Paired with HRD mentor/HRSCS job shadowing
– Stretch assignments
– Cross-government Projects
– CIPD Diagnostic Tool
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
2 weeks before each STF:
•Monthly CS HR requests for data
re roles/moves/vacancies;
•Database updated as appropriate
HR STF 15/9
HR STF 24/11
HR STF 14/7
HR STF 15/12
HR STF 24/5
HR STF 14/10
HR STF 16/6
CS HR contacts dept for data re
talent pipeline/SCS profiles/Talent
Grid information; Database updated
CS HR contacts dept for data re
talent pipeline/SCS profiles/Talent
Grid information; Database updated
HRD/DD Talent Reviews –
Moderation meetings
HRD/DD Talent Reviews –
Moderation meetings
Analysis reporting covering
Analysis reporting covering
Ongoing solutions development
Further data gathering and analysis
Benefits and costing development
Stakeholder engagement
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline
Succession planning/Recruitment/
Development discussed at STF
Talent Review Success Criteria
We will:
• Have a clear view of our talent pipeline and assurance that
appropriate action is being taken to capitalise on it
• Ensure that we are moderating our assessments of talent cross
government in a way that drives a common standard of excellence
in departments and expert services
• Provide an assessment process to ratify those talent assessments in
the higher boxes once they have been made
• Ensure individuals are clear about our perspective on their potential
• Be known for effective development of talent in a manner that
contributes positively toward the employer brand of Civil Service HR
• Be a role model of effective practice for other professions
Civil Service HR Building the Talent Pipeline