slides - Computer Science - University of Massachusetts Lowell


Android OS Development

What Lies Beyond SDK !

Bhanu Kaushik

April 16 2013

PhD Student

Department of Computer Science,

University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA.

Learning with Purpose

• Session I : Android OS

– Introduction

– Android Architecture

– Download and Build

– Android Code


– Implementation - Demo

– SmartParcel

– Session I – Summary


• Session II : Android SDK

– All You Need to Know

– Samples

– Summary Session II

Learning with Purpose


Well This is Not Necessary !

Supports Millions of mobile devices in more than 190 countries.

It's the largest installed base of any mobile platform.

Learning with Purpose

Learning with Purpose

Session I

Android OS

Session I

What will we learn !

How to get Android Source code ?

What Goes Where in Android ?

How to Compile the code ?

How can I create apps shipped with OS ?

How to modify OS to offer new Services?

How to use custom services in Apps ?

Using all above , How can I provide solutions to real life problems ?

Learning with Purpose

Learning with Purpose

Android Architecture

Android Architecture

Enhancements over Linux 2.6

Binder : OpenBinder-based driver to facilitate inter-process communication (IPC)

Android Power Management : a light weight power management driver optimized for embedded systems.

Low Memory Killer : To kill off processes to free up memory as necessary.

Logger : A light weight logging device used to capture system, radio, log data, etc.

USB Gadget : Uses the USB function framework.

Android/PMEM : Provide contiguous physical memory regions to userspace libraries that interact with the digital signal processor (DSP).

Android Alarm : A driver which provides timers that can wake the device up from sleep.

Learning with Purpose

Download and Build

Environment Setup

Available at,

ml ( Link )


• Linux or MacOS (Only Unix Based Systems)

• Python 2.6 -- 2.7 (

• GNU Make 3.81 - 3.82 (,)

• JDK 6 if you wish to build Gingerbread or newer

• JDK 5 for Froyo or older. You can download both from (

• Git 1.7 or newer (

Learning with Purpose

Download and Build


Available at,

ml ( Link )

Basic Steps

• Initialize Repo

• Choose Build Version ( Link )

• Sync Repo

• Go Grab a coffee – This will take a while !

Learning with Purpose

Download and Build


Instructions available at ( Link )

Basic Steps

Setup Environment paths

• $ source build/

Choose Build Target using lunch

• $ lunch full-eng

• $ make –jN (j4, j8…j32)

• Chose N between 1 and 2 times the number of hardware threads on the computer being used for the build

Go Grab a Lunch and a Nap – This will take a

Loooong time!

Learning with Purpose

Learning with Purpose

Android Code Organization

Lets Dive into the Code

Android Code Organization

What we have seen so far !


: where the bionic library is.

/build/ : is the main make file system.

/dalvik/ : where the Dalvik VM and dex compiler is.

/development/ : integration to IDE like eclipse emacs etc.

/device/ : device specific code lies here.

/external/ :external libraries go here. Eg. Skia, jpeg, sqlite.

/frameworks/ :all the android frameworks go here.

/hardware/ : HAL, hardware abstract layer

/prebuilt/ : all the prebuilt code. Linux Kernel goes here.

/packages/ : all default apps shipped with system

/out/ : final output directory.

Learning with Purpose

Learning with Purpose

Implementation - Demo


System APP - Steps involved

Create App using SDK (or otherwise)

Turn off the Build Automatically in Eclipse.

Copy the code to /packages/apps/YOUR_APP

Create make file


• LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)

• include $(CLEAR_VARS)

• LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call my-dir/src/)


• include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

Expose Application

• In /build/target/product/

• Add , YOUR_APP \ in product packages section

Learning with Purpose

Create service Aidl

( Link )

Add AIDL to Build

Add Service


Expose service

Use the service


Steps involved

Learning with Purpose

Session I

SmartParcel: A Collaborative Data

Sharing Framework for Mobile

Operating Systems

Bhanu Kaushik ∗ , Honggang Zhang † , Xinwen Fu ∗ , Benyuan Liu ∗ , Jie Wang ∗

∗ Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA.

† Department of Computer and Information Science, Fordham University, Bronx NY

Learning with Purpose


Huge number of Mobile Devices such as Smartphones,

Tablets, PDAs, portable media players etc.

“ About 6.2 billion users around the globe ” – Ericsson ,


These devices support large number of Internet based applications.

These Applications work on simple one-to-one clientserver data distribution model.

Results in:

• Increasing concerns about volume of global online digital content generated by these devices.

• Multi-fold increase in Network traffic originating from these devices

• “ 100 PetaByte/Month in 2007 to 700

PetaByte/Month in 2012 ”Ericsson , 2012.

• Huge incumbent content availability and maintainability cost.

Learning with Purpose

Motivation and Related Work


Major challenges faced by mobile Internet users

• Carrier enforced limited data plans,

• Unavailability of hardware (3G or LTE),

• Unavailability of access points,

• Service outages and

• Network and server overloads.

Results in:

• Unavailability of application data to the users

• High service maintainability cost, to both the service providers and hosting servers.

Learning with Purpose

Motivation and Related Work

Related Work : Data Offloading

Proposed Solutions for data offloading

• Large Scale

• Alvarion , “ Mobile data offloading for 3G and LTE networks.

• Cisco , “ Architecture for mobile data offload over Wi-Fi access networks .”

• Small Scale

• Han et. al .

“ Mobile data offloading through opportunistic communications and social participation ”

• Lee et. al .

, “ Mobile data offloading: How much can wifi deliver?

Unaddressed Issues:

• Entail huge changes in both, state of the art software and hardware technologies

• Do not take into account the heterogeneity of application data.

Learning with Purpose

Motivation and Related Work

Related Work: Opportunistic Data delivery and Familiar


Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN)

• Target the interoperability between and among challenged networks

Familiar Strangers

• Coined by Stanley Milgram in 1972,

“Individuals that regularly observe and exhibit some common patterns in their daily activities”.

SmartParcel uses the idea of opportunistic connectivity and in-network storage and retransmission from DTN architecture to ensure data delivery among the nodes in a

“ Familiar Strangers ” network set up.

Learning with Purpose

Problem Definition


Our Goal is to develop framework of a Mobile data offloading and Service

Assurance scheme by encouraging collaborative data sharing among spatio-temporally co-existing mobile devices.

Learning with Purpose

Fig. 1 : Proposed SmartParcel Approach



Service Discovery Manager

Data Transfer Manager

Service Cache Manager

• Dynamic Cache

• Static Cache

Network Interface Manager

Service APIs

Central Control Manager

Fig. 2 : SmartParcel Service Architecture.

Learning with Purpose


Component Details

Service Discovery Manager:

• Identifies the available candidates for data transfer by broadcasting a “SYN” message periodically

• “SYN” packet contains meta-data about applications registered to


• The meta-data is organized as a key value pair, i.e., ( “ ApplicationId,

TimeStamp ” ).

• At receiver, based on the meta-data information it sets up a one-to-one connection

Data Transfer Manager:

• Manages the data transfer.

• Can manage concurrent connections to multiple devices.

• To reduce the network overhead, sends data for multiple applications as one chunk.

Learning with Purpose


Component Details

Service Cache Manager:

• Service cache to store the application specific (heterogeneous ) data .

• Dynamic Cache

• In-memory cache for storing the applications meta-data information.

• Implemented as Hash Map with (Application Id, Timestamp) as key-value pairs.

• Static Cache

• Static cache for storing the actual application specific data.

• Maintained as SQLite database.

• Schema “ Ap- plication Id (as string), Data (as blob), Time Stamp”

• Primary key : Application id and timestamp

• Flexibility to developer to assign “Time to live” and “Reset-Time” for the application data, end of day by default.

Learning with Purpose


Component Details

Central Control Manager:

• Manage the control from all components of the SmartParcel service.

• All components work under same instance for synchronous operation.

Network Interface Manager :

• Internal service, responsible for managing network connections.

• Assists Service Discovery for identifying available devices on different network interfaces (3G, LTE, WiFi, BlueTooth etc.).

Service APIs :

• Subscribe or unsubscribe to service

• Update app data

• Settings

• Sharing statistics etc.

Learning with Purpose


Android and SmartParcel

Group Name
















Table 1 : Resources used in different permissions


Android SDK

• New set of permissions.



Fig. 3 : Integration of SmartParcel in Android framework

Android OS

• Integrated in the “System Server” module.

• System Server is launched by Zygote.

• Zygote forks the SmartParcel service as a system service.

• Ensures system level privileges and independence from the application “ context ”.

Learning with Purpose

Simulation Setup

MIT Reality Mining Data Set

• 100 unique devices, 500,000 hours, 9 months

• We use the Bluetooth encounters data.

Data Set

Table 2 : Data Set Description




Std. Dev.










133 Fig 5 : Distribution of Device Encounters.

Fig 4 : Distribution of Active Devices Per Day.

Learning with Purpose

Fig 6 : Hourly Variation of Device Encounters.

Simulation Setup

Setup Parameters

Data Refresh Rate (DRR) : The frequency with which the data is being refreshed.

Allowed Server Connections (ASC) : Number of devices allowed to get data from server on each day.

User Participation Probability (UPP) : The Probability of user acting selfish, i.e., limiting its participation by only receiving data and not sending data

We measure the Data Availability Ratio (DAR)

Learning with Purpose


Effect of user’s social activity level

User Participation Probability

(UPP) = 100%

Data Refresh Rate (DRR) =1

Refresh interval

Fig 6 : Effect of ASC on DAR over the Day, when ASC = 1

Fig 8 : Effect of ASC on DAR , when ASC =1 to 75 devices.

Learning with Purpose

Fig 7 : Effect of ASC on DAR over the Day, when ASC = 30


Effect of Data Refresh Rate (DRR)

User Participation Probability (UPP) = 100%

Data Refresh Rate (DRR) = 2 Refresh intervals,

12:00am -11:59am and 12:00am-07:59am

Fig 9 : Variation of Data Availability Ratio (DAR) with Data Refresh

Rate (DRR) when DRR = 2 and Refresh Interval 12:00 am - 11:59 am.

Fig 10 : Variation of Data Availability Ratio (DAR) with Data Refresh

Rate (DRR) when DRR = 2 and Refresh Interval 12:00pm - 11:59pm.

Learning with Purpose


Effect of Data Refresh Rate (DRR)

User Participation Probability

(UPP) = 100%

Data Refresh Rate (DRR) = 3

Refresh intervals.

Fig 12 : Refresh Interval 08:00am-03:59pm.

Fig 11 : Refresh Interval 12:00am-07:59am.

Learning with Purpose

Fig 13 : Refresh Interval 04:00pm-11:59pm.


Effect of Selfishness

User Participation Probability (UPP) = 10%, 20%, 50% and 90%.

Data Refresh Rate (DRR) = 1 Refresh interval

Allowed Server Connections(ASC) = 1 to 90 devices.

Learning with Purpose

Fig 14 : Variation of Data Availability Ratio with User Participation

Probability(UPP) and Allowed Server Connections(ASC).

(*Median of 1000 Simulation runs)

Conclusions and Future Work

“ SmartParcel ” - A novel approach for Data sharing among co-existing and co-located devices is presented.

“One for all”, multiple incentive system for application developers, Internet service providers and application data providers (eg. cloud services) with collateral benefits for the consumer itself.

We discussed the Design and implementation “SmartParcel” in Android.

Implementation in android framework dictates the feasibility of the architecture.

Flexibility of design ensures integration in almost every existing mobile operating system.

In the future, we intend to investigate the scalability and performance issues encountered on real devices.

Learning with Purpose

Session I : Summary

 Android Source code Download

 Code Organization in Android- What Goes


 Compiling the code.

 Creating Apps shipped with OS

 Modifying OS to offer new Services

 Using custom services in Apps

 Demo of Sample project - SmartParcel

Learning with Purpose

Learning with Purpose

Session II

Android SDK

Session II

What will we learn !

Getting the right tools !

Basic Android app

Services in Apps

AsyncTask -Performance Enhancement

Sound Recoder demo

Learning with Purpose

Learning with Purpose

Implementation - Demo

Session II

Summary !

 Basic Android app

 Services in Apps

 AsyncTask -Performance Enhancement

 Sound Recorder demo

Learning with Purpose

Thank You !

Questions ?
