Images in Plane Mirrors Remember this? Fallsview Casino Lucky Seven TV ad Virtual Image • Appears to be a light source behind the mirror • This is an apparent light source • Light can’t travel through mirror, so vase is a virtual (reflected) image Virtual Image source mirror apparent source Locating an Image • We can use light rays and the Law of Reflection to show where plane mirrors produce a virtual image • distance from object to mirror is the same as from the mirror to image • The object-image line is perpendicular to the mirror • Let’s take a look… Locating an Image Objectimage line object normals image Try one yourself! Pick an object point Now draw in the light rays and find the image! Pick a view point Lateral Inversion • Let’s look at words in a plane mirror! Write your name in block letters and hold it up to the mirror • What do you see? • What would this image look like? Z Lateral Inversion • In a plane mirror, each letter is flipped horizontally and the letters are in reverse order. • This property is called lateral inversion …but why would anybody use this? Image Characteristics • Use the acronym “SALT” to examine properties of an image: S – Size of Image(compared to object – larger, smaller or same size) A – Attitude of Image (upright or inverted) L – Location of Image T – Type of Image (real or virtual) Images in Plane Mirrors • Compared to the object, an image in a plane mirror is always: S – the same size A – laterally inverted L – behind the mirror (same distance as object is to the mirror) T - virtual Activity • In your lab group, work on Investigation 11.8 on Pg. 494 And/or • Hmwk. Pg. 493 #1-5,7,9,10