Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Door/Window Assemblies and
Curtain Walls
• Insert door/window assemblies using the
DoorWinAssemblyAdd command and curtain walls using the
CurtainWallAdd command
• Edit the properties of the door/window assembly and curtain
• Create and edit divisions, infills, frames, and mullions
• Define fixed cell dimension, fixed number of cells, and manual
location of grid
• Assign door and window styles as infills
• Add or modify the profile used for frame and mullion
• Apply interference to a door/window assembly to trim the Aec
Door/Window Assembly Command
Door/Window Assembly Design
• Door/Window assemblies allow you
create multiple window, door, and panel
• Assembly is based upon a grid
• Grid is divided into a number of
horizontal and vertical divisions
Content of the Door/Window
Assembly Properties Palette
• General
– Description
– Style
– Bound Spaces
• Dimensions
C-Start Miter
D-End Miter
• Location
– Position along
– Offset Distance
– Vertical
– Head Height
– Sill Height
– Rotation
Workspace Sequence for
Door/Window Assembly
Select wall, grid
assembly or
ENTER: (Select a
Insert point or :
(Click to specify
the insert point of
the assembly.)
Design of the Standard
Door/Window Assembly Style
Importing Door/Window
Assembly Styles
Access the Door and Window Assemblies from:
Design Tool Catalog-Imperial>Doors and Windows>Door and Window Assemblies
Design Tool Catalog – Metric>Doors and Windows>Door and Window Assemblies
Open the Style Manager and select Open Drawing choose Content from the Places
panel. Select Styles>Imperial or Styles>Metric and choose Door-Window Assembly
Styles (Imperial).dwg
Element Definitions
• Divisions–The Divisions of the grid specifies the horizontal or
vertical divisions of the grid to create the number of cells.
• Cell Infills–The Cell Infills define the components for each cell.
The cell infill may be a panel, door, or window.
• Frames–The Frame is the component that surrounds the outer
edge of the primary grid.
• Mullions–The Mullion is the components that separate cells.
Door/Window Assembly Style
• Definition of the
Assembly Style
– General
– Shape
– Design Rules
– Overrides
– Materials
– Classifications
– Display
– Version History
Shape Tab
• Predefined shapes of
the drop-down list
include: rectangular,
round, half round,
quarter round, oval,
arch, gothic, isosceles
triangle, right triangle,
peak pentagon,
octagon, hexagon, and
• Use Profile- allows you
to select from a list of
Design Rules Tab
• Majority of
components are
specified in the
Design Rules tab
• Toolbar shown at
right allows you to
create new cell
frames, mullions, or
delete components.
Overrides Tab
• List any overrides
that have been
defined as
exceptions to the
Materials Tab
Classifications Tab
• Classifications
tab allows you to
that are defined
for the drawing
Display Properties Tab
• List the Display
Representations and
Display Property Sources
• Tabs:
– Layer/Color/Linetype
– Hatching
– Custom Plan
– Cut Plane
Version History Tab
Defining Components Using
Design Rules
• Design Rules tab consists of
a tree on the left
• Primary Grid
• Element Definitions
• Select an element in the
tree, its properties will be
displayed in the right pane.
Grid Orientation
• Grid orientation
can be
horizontal or
• Orientation
buttons shown at
left specifies
Defining Divisions
• Division of the grid
can be set to:
– Fixed Cell
– Fixed Number
of Cells
– Manual
Fixed Cell Division
Fixed Number of Cells
Manual Division Specified
Specifying Infill
• Name
• Infill Type
– Simple Panel
– Style
• Alignment Front, Center, and Back
• Offset
• Default Orientation
Simple Panel
Style Infill
Defining the Frame
Frame and Mullion Properties
Name–A Name can be
specified for the frame settings.
Width–The Width of the default
frame is specified.
Depth–The Depth of the default
frame is specified.
Use Profile –The Use Profile
field is active if the drawing
includes a profile. The profile
can be used as an extrusion to
create the frame.
Profile –The Profile drop-down
list allows you to select the
name of the profile.
Auto-Adjust Profile –The AutoAdjust Profile allows you to adjust
the width and depth dimension of
the profile to the frame.
Mirror In– The Mirror In option
allow you to mirror the profile
about the x and y axis to create
the frame.
Rotation –The Rotation option will
rotate the frame a specified angle.
Offsets –The Offsets edit field
allows you to specify a distance to
offset the frame in the x and y
directions at the start and end of
the unit.
Applying Cell Assignments
Cell Assignment field selected to expand the lower portion of the
dialog box and display the settings for the cell.
Double Door is assigned to the New Cell Assignment.
The Double Door is applied to the cell at the middle of the unit.
Remaining units are assigned the Sidelight.
The Type and Used In columns allow you to specify where the
element will be used.
Grips of the Door/Window Assembly
In-place Edit of Grid Using Edit
Grid Trigger Grip
In-Place Edit of Fixed Cell Dimension
• Grips of a Fixed Cell Dimension Rules
• Select the Set Fixed Cell Dimension Rules trigger grip
• Opens the Set Fixed Cell Dimension Rules dialog box shown at
In Place Edit of Fixed Number
of Cells
InPlace Edit with Manual Design
Rules of Door/Window Assembly
Transfer to Object Grid Edit
Select a door/window assembly and choose Transfer
to Object from the Design Rules flyout of the Modify
Select a door/window assembly, right-click, and
choose Design Rules>Transfer to Object
Toggles control to the workspace for either editing the
grid defined in the style definition or reverting the grid
to its original definition
When editing is complete, you can save changes back
to the style by selecting Design Rules>Save to Style
(Save Changes dialog box shown at left.)
Select the New button to save the changes to a new
style name.
Modifying the Infill
Cells may be merged or infill assignments overridden
Prior to editing Infill turn ON cell Markers
Cell Markers are displayed in elevation and model views of assembly as shown at p1.
Select the door/window assembly choose Show Infill Markers of the Modify panel
Steps to Creating an Override Assignment
1. View the door/window assembly in elevation or pictorial view.
2. Select the door/window assembly choose Show Infill Markers
3. To create a new infill, select the door/window assembly choose Edit Style from the General
4. Select the Design Rules tab of the Door/Window Assembly Style Properties dialog box.
5. Select Infills in the left pane. Select New Infill from the toolbar of the right pane.
6. Verify the new infill is selected in the upper right pane, edit the properties of the new infill in
the lower right pane.
Steps to Creating an Override
7. To create the Infill Override; select the
door/window assembly, right click and
select Infill>Override Assignment and
respond to the workspace prompts as
shown below.
Select infill to override: (Select a cell
marker as shown at p1 at left.)
Select infill to override: ~EnterKey~
(Press ~EnterKey~ to end selection
and select door, the new infill, in the
drop-down list of the Infill
Assignment Override dialog box as
shown at left.)
Select OK to dismiss the Infill
Assignment Override dialog box,
door infill assigned to center cell as
shown at left.)
Editing the Profile of the Frame or
• The Profile used for the frame or mullion can
be modified in the workspace.
• The Profile can be modified with the
following commands:
– Add Profile
– Edit Profile in Place
– Override Assignment
Add Profile
• Command Access: GridAssemblyAddProfileOverride
• Select the door/window assembly and choose Add
Profile from the Frame /Mullion flyout of the ribbon.
• Select the door/window assembly, right click and
select Frame/Mullion>Add Profile of the shortcut
• Allows you to select another profile from the dropdown list of the Add Frame Profile dialog box.
Steps to Adding a Profile
Select a door/window assembly and choose Add Profile from the Frame/Mullion flyout.
Select a frame or mullion. Select frame as shown at left, the Add Frame Profile dialog box opens as
shown at left. Specify the name of the new profile or use the start from scratch default name. Select
OK to dismiss the Add Frame Profile dialog box and begin in place editing.
Adding a Profile Override-con’t
3. The Edit in Place : Grid
Assembly Profile contextual
tab opens, select Zoom To
from the Profile panel. An
enlarged view of the frame
or mullion is displayed
4. Select the profile choose
commands from the Profile
panel to edit the profile.
5. Choose Finish of the Edits
panel to save the changes.
Steps to Editing a Modified Profile
Using In Place Edit
Select a previously modified
door/window assembly choose Edit
Profile of the Frame/Mullion flyout
menu in the Modify panel.
Select a frame or mullion of the grid
assembly to edit.
The Edit In Place: Grid Assembly
Profile tab is displayed and grips are
displayed on the profile as shown at
Select Zoom To from the Edit In Place
Edit: Grid Assembly Profile tab.
Select the profile to display its grips
and choose commands from the Profile
panel to edit the profile.
Select Finish from the Edits panel of
the Edit in Place: Grid Assembly Profile
to save the changes.
Steps to Creating a Frame Override to
the Edge Assignment
1. Select the door/window
assembly and choose
Override Assignment from
the Frame/Mullion flyout of
the Modify panel.
2. Select the header frame or
an edge to open the Frame
Assignment Override
dialog box.
3. Select a frame definition
from the drop-down list of
the Frame Assignment
Override dialog box.
Steps to Creating a Frame Override
to the Edge Assignment-con’t
4. Select OK to close the Frame
Assignment Override dialog
box. Frame header is
increased as shown at left.
Creating an Override of Division
• The Override allows you to change how the unit is
• The division definition must exist in the style prior to
selecting the Override Assignment.
• Select the door/window assembly and choose
Override Assignment from the Division flyout of the
Modify panel.
• Select the door/window assembly, right click and
select Division>Override Assignment
Steps to Creating an Override of
Division Assignment
Select the
assembly and
choose Override
Assignment from the
Division flyout menu
of the Modify panel.
Select an edge of the
Select a division
definition from the
drop-down list of the
Division Assignment
Override dialog box
as shown at right.
Steps to Creating an Override of
Division Assignment
4. Select OK to close the Division Assignment Override
dialog box. Divisions of the unit are changed 4 equal
divisions as shown below at right.
Creating a Miter
• GridAssemblySetMiterAngles
• Command access:
• Select the door/window assembly and choose
Set Miter Angles command of the Modify
panel in the Door/Window Assembly
contextual tab
• Select the door/window assembly, right click
and select Set Miter Angle
Steps to Creating a Miter
1. Select the door/window
assembly at P1 as shown
at right, and choose Set
Miter Angles command of
the Modify panel.
2. Select the second grid
assembly at P2 as shown
at right.
3. Units are mitered as
shown at right.
Applying Interference Add to the
• The assembly can be trimmed to the
intersection of the Aec object.
• Command: GridAssemblyInterferenceAdd
• Command access:
• Select door/window assembly and choose Add
from the Interference fly-out menu of the
Modify panel
• Or
• Select door/window assembly, right click and
select Interference>Add
Steps to Using Interference Add to Trim the Assembly
1. Select the door/window assembly at P1 as shown below select Add from the Interference flyout of the
Modify panel..
2. (Respond to the workspace prompts as shown below.)
Select AEC objects to add: 1 found (Select a column at P2.)
Select AEC objects to add: ~EnterKey~ (Press the ~EnterKey~ to end selection.)
Apply to infill? [Yes/No] <Yes>: ~EnterKey~ (Press the ~EnterKey~ to apply intersection to the infill.)
Apply to frames? [Yes/No] <Yes>: ~EnterKey~ (Press the ~EnterKey~ to apply intersection to the
Apply to mullions? [Yes/No] <Yes>: ~EnterKey~ (Press the ~EnterKey~ to apply intersection to the 1
object(s) added as interference [1193]
Curtain Wall
• Select Curtain Wall from the Design palette or Wall
flyout of the Build panel of the Home tab.
Curtain Wall Properties
• General
Bound Spaces
Shadow display
Segment type
• Dimensions
A-Base height
D-Start miter
E-End miter
F- Roof line offset from base
– G- Floor line offset from
• Design Tab – Advanced
– Roof/floor line
• Location
– Rotation
– Elevation
Create a Curtain Wall from
• Apply Tool
Properties to>
– Walls
– Layout Grid
– Referenced Base
– Elevation Sketch
– Faces
Curtain Wall Styles
• Curtain
wall Grid
AEC Polygons Applied to
Curtain Walls
• AEC Polygons are
created from closed
• Access AEC
Polygons from the
Stock Tool
Catalog>Helper Tools
• Hatch patterns can be
applied the AEC
• AEC Polygons can be
assigned to an infill