Ch8 Root Locus Techniques 根軌跡法 § 8.1 Introduction and § 8.2 Defining Root Locus Figure 8.1 a. Closed-loop system; • Open-loop transfer function: KG(s)H(s) • Closed-loop transfer function: T(s) = b. equivalent transfer function 又稱 loop gain • Open-loop transfer function: KG(s)H(s) 又稱 loop gain Open-loop poles → 滿足 KG(s)H(s) = 0 之 s 值 K的變化不影響 open-loop poles 的位置 容易求解 Closed-loop poles → 滿足 1 + KG(s)H(s) = 0 之 s 值 K的變化會影響 closed-loop poles 的位置 系統性能由closed-loop poles決定 不容易求解 Example to show Root Loci Figure 8.4 a. CameraMan® Presenter Camera System automatically follows a subject who wears infrared sensors on their front and back (the front sensor is also a microphone); tracking commands and audio are relayed to CameraMan via a radio frequency link from a unit worn by the subject. Courtesy of ParkerVision. 1/2 Table 8.1 for the system of Figure 8.4 closed-loop pole location as a function of gain K 1 + KG(s)H(s) = 0 → Q: How many systems ? Figure 8.5 a. Pole plot from Table 8.1; b. root locus 2/2 • 根軌跡法: 1. 繪圖法 (graphic technique); 用於分析、設計系統的穩定度與暫態反應 (1) 說明系統性質 (qualitative description) Fig. 8.5: K<25 overdamped system K>25 underdamped system (2) 有力的量化工具 (quantitative tool) 說明於次頁 (3) 可執行高階系統的分析與設計 2. 由open-loop poles & zeros 決定所有closed-loop poles 之分佈 ( 當 k = 0 →∞) 說明根軌跡法是有力 的量化工具: 由Closed-loop poles 位置 可繪出系統的 明確反應(量化反應) 數學基礎: 向量的大小和方向 呈現方法 1/3 Figure 8.2 s = + j (s + a) (s + a) (s + 7)|s5 + j2 數學基礎: 函數的大小和方向 2/3 數學基礎: 範例 Ex.8.1 at s =-3+j4 3/3 § 8.3 Properties of Root Locus 1/2 • 屬根軌跡上一點(Closed-loop poles )的判別式: 即滿足 1 + KG(s)H(s) = 0 之 s 值 § 8.3 Properties of Root Locus 2/2 • 根軌跡上一點(Closed-loop poles )的判別式: 即滿足 1 + KG(s)H(s) = 0 之 s 值 KG(s)H(s) = -1 = 1∠(2k+1)180o k= 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, … → ∣KG(s)H(s)∣ = 1 大小判別式(求k值) ∠KG(s)H(s) = (2k+1)180o 角度判別式 (求是否根軌跡上一點) Figure 8.6 1/2 ∣KG(s)H(s)∣ = 1 大小判別式 (求該系統的k值) ∠KG(s)H(s) = (2k+1)180o 角度判別式 (求是否根軌跡上一點) 註: KG(s)H(s) Open-loop transfer function; 又稱 loop gain Figure 8.7 Vector representation of G(s) from Figure 8.6(a) at -2+ j 3 ∠KG(s)H(s) = (2k+1)180o 角度判別式 S = -2+ j 3 不合 S = -2+ j (√3 / 2) 合 (角度判別) K = 0.33 at S = -2+ j (√3 / 2) 重覆前述步驟完成根軌跡的繪製 2/2 § 8.4 Rules for sketching the Root Locus 1/4 1. No. of branches 根軌跡條數 = Closed-loop poles 數目 2. Symmetry 根軌跡對稱於實軸 3. 在實軸上的根軌跡 (由角度判別式鑑定) Figure 8.9 Real-axis segments of the root locus 實軸上、右方有奇數個 poles+zeros 所有點的集合 = 實軸上的根軌跡 § 8.4 Rules for sketching the Root Locus 2/4 § 8.4 Rules for sketching the Root Locus 3/4 Example 8.2 Figure 8.11 4/4 Figure 8.12 Root locus and asymptotes for the system of Figure 8.11 σ0 = - 4/3 θ = π/3; π; 5π/3 Skill-Assessment Exercise 8.3 自修 § 8.5 Refining the Sketch 精確繪圖 1/8 1. Real-Axis Breakaway & Break-in Points 質性說明: Figure 8.13 Root locus example showing real- axis breakaway (-1) and break-in points (2) 量化定義: Figure 8.14 Variation of gain along the real axis for the root locus of Figure 8.13 Breakaway point: (-1) having max. k among root loci where it belong break-in point: (2) having min. k among root loci where it belong § 8.5 Refining the Sketch Real-Axis Breakaway or Break-in Points 求法: 2/8 § 8.5 Refining the Sketch 3/8 § 8.5 Refining the Sketch 4/8 § 8.5 Refining the Sketch 3. Angles of Departure and Arrival i.e. 不在實軸上的open-loop poles and zeros其根軌跡的畫法 Figure 8.15 a. angle of departure, θ1 根軌跡離開出發點角度 由角度判別式求θ1 ∠KG(s)H(s) = (2k+1)180o ε→ 0 ; p1, → p1 5/8 § 8.5 Refining the Sketch Figure 8.15 b. angle of arrival 根軌跡抵達終止點角度 由角度判別式求θ2 ∠KG(s)H(s) = (2k+1)180o ε→ 0 ; 6/8 § 8.5 Refining the Sketch 7/8 § 8.5 Refining the Sketch 8/8 • HW Skill-Assessment Exercise 8.4 1. 手繪求解 2. 利用 MATLAB 軟體求解 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 根軌跡條數 根軌跡對稱於實軸 在實軸上的根軌跡 根軌跡的起點、終點 在無窮遠處之根軌跡(Behavior at Infinity) Real-Axis Breakaway & Break-in Points Jω-axis crossing Angles of Departure and Arrival 求根軌跡關鍵點位置(Calibrating the root locus) § 8.6 An Example HW Skill-Assessment Exercise 8.5 1/3 1.手繪求解 2.利用 MATLAB 軟體求解 § 8.6 An Example 2/3 § 8.6 An Example 3/3 § 8.7 Transient Response Design via Gain Adjustment 藉由調整k → 使高階系統的反應同2階系統 (i.e. 利用2階系統公式求系統反應, 如ts, tr, tp, %OS等) Example 8.8 Figure 8.23 Second- and third-order responses for a. Case 2; b. Case 3 各與其2階系統(2nd-order dominant pair)比較暫態反應 Case 3 is better. •若高階系統無 2nd-order dominant pair, 需以電腦模擬 求其暫態反應 • HW Skill-Assessment Exercise 8.6