Chapter 5 Lecture 8: Force and Motion: II Particles Under a Net Force If an object that can be modeled as a particle experiences an acceleration, there must be a nonzero net force acting on it Model is particle under a net force model Draw a free-body diagram Apply Newton’s Second Law in component form Newton’s Second Law, Example 1a Forces acting on the crate: A tension, acting through the rope, is the magnitude of force T The gravitational force, Fg The normal force, n , exerted by the floor Newton’s Second Law, Example 1b Apply Newton’s Second Law in component form: F Fy x T m ax n Fg 0 n Fg Solve for the unknown(s) If the tension is constant, then a is constant and the kinematic equations can be used to more fully describe the motion of the crate Note About the Normal Force The normal force is not always equal to the gravitational force of the object For example, in this case F y n Fg F 0 a n d n Fg F n may also be less than Fg Inclined Planes Forces acting on the object: The normal force acts perpendicular to the plane The gravitational force acts straight down Choose the coordinate system with x along the incline and y perpendicular to the incline Replace the force of gravity with its components Multiple Objects When two or more objects are connected or in contact, Newton’s laws may be applied to the system as a whole and/or to each individual object Whichever you use to solve the problem, the other approach can be used as a check 5.9: Applying Newton’s Laws Sample problem Figure 5-12 shows a block S (the sliding block) with mass M =3.3 kg. The block is free to move along a horizontal frictionless surface and connected, by a cord that wraps over a frictionless pulley, to a second block H (the hanging block), with mass m 2.1 kg. The cord and pulley have negligible masses compared to the blocks (they are “massless”). The hanging block H falls as the sliding block S accelerates to the right. Find (a) the acceleration of block S, (b) the acceleration of block H, and (c) the tension in the cord. Key Ideas: 1. Forces, masses, and accelerations are involved, and they should suggest Newton’s second law of motion: F m a 2. The expression F m a is a vector equation, so we can write it as three component equations. 3. Identify the forces acting on each of the bodies and draw free body diagrams. 5.9: Applying Newton’s Laws For the sliding block, S, which does not accelerate vertically. Also, for S, in the x direction, there is only one force component, which is T. For the hanging block, because the acceleration is along the y axis, From the free body diagrams, write Newton’s Second LawF m a in the vector form, assuming a direction of acceleration for the whole system. Identify the net forces for the sliding and the hanging blocks: We eliminate the pulley from consideration by assuming its mass to be negligible compared with the masses of the two blocks. With some algebra, Forces of Friction When an object is in motion on a surface or through a viscous medium, there will be a resistance to the motion This is due to the interactions between the object and its environment This resistance is called the force of friction Forces of Friction, cont. Friction is proportional to the normal force ƒs µs n and ƒk= µk n μ is the coefficient of friction These equations relate the magnitudes of the forces, they are not vector equations For static friction, the equals sign is valid only at impeding motion, the surfaces are on the verge of slipping Use the inequality if the surfaces are not on the verge of slipping Forces of Friction, final The coefficient of friction depends on the surfaces in contact The force of static friction is generally greater than the force of kinetic friction The direction of the frictional force is opposite the direction of motion and parallel to the surfaces in contact The coefficients of friction are nearly independent of the area of contact Static Friction Static friction acts to keep the object from moving If F increases, so does ƒ s If F decreases, so does ƒ s ƒs µs n Remember, the equality holds when the surfaces are on the verge of slipping Kinetic Friction The force of kinetic friction acts when the object is in motion Although µk can vary with speed, we shall neglect any such variations ƒk = µk n Explore Forces of Friction Vary the applied force Note the value of the frictional force Compare the values Note what happens when the can starts to move 6.3 Properties of friction Property 1. If the body does not move, then the static frictional force and the component of F that is parallel to the surface balance each other. They are equal in magnitude, and is fs directed opposite that component of F. Property 2. The magnitude of has a maximum value fs,max that is given by where ms is the coefficient of static friction and FN is the magnitude of the normal force on the body from the surface. If the magnitude of the component of F that is parallel to the surface exceeds fs,max, then the body begins to slide along the surface. Property 3. If the body begins to slide along the surface, the magnitude of the frictional force rapidly decreases to a value fk given by where mk is the coefficient of kinetic friction. Thereafter, during the sliding, a kinetic frictional force fk opposes the motion. Friction in Newton’s Laws Problems Friction is a force, so it simply is included in the F in Newton’s Laws The rules of friction allow you to determine the direction and magnitude of the force of friction Friction Example The block is sliding down the plane, so friction acts up the plane This setup can be used to experimentally determine the coefficient of friction µ = tan q For µs, use the angle where the block just slips For µk, use the angle where the block slides down at a constant velocity Friction Example, 2 Uniform Circular Motion, Acceleration A particle moves with a constant speed in a circular path of radius r with an acceleration: ac v 2 r The centripetal acceleration, a c is directed toward the center of the circle The centripetal acceleration is always perpendicular to the velocity Uniform Circular Motion, Force A force, Fr , is associated with the centripetal acceleration The force is also directed toward the center of the circle Applying Newton’s Second Law along the radial direction gives F m ac m v r 2 Uniform Circular Motion, cont A force causing a centripetal acceleration acts toward the center of the circle It causes a change in the direction of the velocity vector If the force vanishes, the object would move in a straight-line path tangent to the circle See various release points in the active figure Motion in a Horizontal Circle The speed at which the object moves depends on the mass of the object and the tension in the cord The centripetal force is supplied by the tension T sin θ = m ac Conical Pendulum The object is in equilibrium in the vertical direction and undergoes uniform circular motion in the horizontal direction ∑Fy = 0 → T cos θ = mg ∑Fx = T sin θ = m ac v is independent of m v L g s in q ta n q Horizontal (Flat) Curve The force of static friction supplies the centripetal force The maximum speed at which the car can negotiate the curve is v s gr Note, this does not depend on the mass of the car