一生緊緊地跟隨主 Follow the Lord 1 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 脚步 Footstep 2 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 祢的脚步带着我的脚步 一步一步都有祝福 每个脚步我要紧紧跟随 走在蒙福的道路 You lead me step by step Every step is with blessings I will follow your step For it is a blessed path 3 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 求给我更多的勇气 给我更多的信心 让我勇敢踏出跟随祢的脚步 grant me more courage grant me more faith So I am determined to follow your footstep 4 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 跟祢行在水面上 跟祢走在旷野地 曲曲折折我也不在乎 May I walk with You on sea. May I walk with You in desert. Be it tough and tumble I won’t mind. 5 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 只要更多信靠祢 只要更多顺服祢 凡是出于祢的我就默然不语 I only want to trust you more only obey your word more I acknowledge whatever is from You 6 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 就算经过黑暗谷 就算遇到暴风雨 在祢手中都将变成祝福 Be it in the deep valley Be it in the stormy sea I know all would turn to blessings in You 7 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 祢的脚步带着我的脚步 一步一步都有祝福 每个脚步我要紧紧跟随 走在蒙福的道路 You lead me step by step Every step is with blessings I will follow your step For it is a blessed path 8 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 求给我更多的勇气 给我更多的信心 让我勇敢踏出跟随祢的脚步 grant me more courage grant me more faith So I am determined to follow your footstep 9 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 跟祢行在水面上 跟祢走在旷野地 曲曲折折我也不在乎 May I walk with You on sea. May I walk with You in desert. Be it tough and tumble I won’t mind. 10 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 只要更多信靠祢 只要更多顺服祢 凡是出于祢的我就默然不语 I only want to trust you more only obey your word more I acknowledge whatever is from You 11 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 就算经过黑暗谷 就算遇到暴风雨 在祢手中都将变成祝福 Be it in the deep valley Be it in the stormy sea I know all would turn to blessings in You 12 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 因你與我同行 Because You Walk with Me 13 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 因你與我同行,我就不會孤寂 歡笑時你同喜,憂傷時你共泣 Because You walk with me, I will not be lonely You will laugh when I laugh, You will cry when I cry 14 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 因你是我力量,我就不會絕望 困乏軟弱中有你賜恩, 我就得剛強 Because You are my strength, I will not be despaired Your grace is sufficient when I am weak, for You make me strong 15 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 經風暴,過黑夜, 度阡陌,越洋海, 有你手牽引我,我就勇往向前 Thru storm and dark night, pass the field, cross the sea With Your hand guiding me, I will walk along with You 16 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 願我所行路徑,願我所歷際遇 處處留下有你同在的恩典痕跡 May the path that I stroll, may the life that I live, Be filled with Your love and grace for as long as I live 17 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 因主與你同行,你就不會孤寂 歡笑時祂同喜,憂傷時祂共泣 Because He walk with you, you will not be lonely He will laugh when you laugh, He will cry when you cry 18 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 因主是你力量,你就不會絕望 困乏軟弱中有祂賜恩, 你就得剛強 Because He is your strength, you will not be despaired His grace is sufficient when you are weak, for He makes you strong 19 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 經風暴,過黑夜, 度阡陌,越洋海, 有主手牽引你,你就勇往向前 Thru storm and dark night, pass the field, cross the sea With His hand guiding you, you walk along with Him 20 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 願你所行路徑,願你所歷際遇 處處留下有主同在的恩典痕跡 May the path that you stroll, may the life that you live, Be filled with His love and grace for as long as you live 21 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 經風暴,過黑夜, 度阡陌,越洋海, 有主手牽引你,你就勇往向前 Thru storm and dark night, pass the field, cross the sea With His hand guiding you, you walk along with Him 22 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 願你所行路徑,願你所歷際遇 處處留下有主同在的恩典痕跡 May the path that you stroll, may the life that you live, Be filled with His love and grace for as long as you live 23 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 你是我生命唯一的執著 You are the only one I seek for 24 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 你是我心中, 我心中唯一的詩歌 我要向你盡情地歌唱, 向你獻上最真誠的愛。 You are my only poetry in my heart I want sing to you from the bottom of my heart and give you my most sincere love 25 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 你是我心中,我心中唯一的切慕 我要一生緊緊地跟隨, 讓你牽我走天路。 You are my only admiration in my heart I want to follow you closely and let you take me to the heaven with your hand 26 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 主啊,唯你知我的軟弱, 你知我最深的意念, God, only you know my weakness and you know my deepest intention 27 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 無論在何時,無論在何處, 你親手領我前行。 Whenever I am and wherever I am, you walk along with me holding my hand 28 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 除你以外,在天我還能有誰, 除你以外,在地也無所求。 In the heaven, I depend on nobody but you; On the earth, I seek for nothing but you. 29 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 哦我心渴望,我靈切慕, 在你榮耀同在中。 I hope for you in my heart l admire you in my soul May I live in your presence 30 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 你是我心中, 我心中唯一的詩歌 我要向你盡情地歌唱, 向你獻上最真誠的愛。 You are my only poetry in my heart I want sing to you from the bottom of my heart and give you my most sincere love 31 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 你是我心中,我心中唯一的切慕 我要一生緊緊地跟隨, 讓你牽我走天路。 You are my only admiration in my heart I want to follow you closely and let you take me to the heaven with your hand 32 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 主啊,唯你知我的軟弱, 你知我最深的意念, God, only you know my weakness and you know my deepest intention 33 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 無論在何時,無論在何處, 你親手領我前行。 Whenever I am and wherever I am, you walk along with me holding my hand 34 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 除你以外,在天我還能有誰, 除你以外,在地也無所求。 In the heaven, I depend on nobody but you; On the earth, I seek for nothing but you. 35 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 哦我心渴望,我靈切慕, 在你榮耀同在中。 I hope for you in my heart l admire you in my soul May I live in your presence 36 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 主啊,唯你知我的軟弱, 你知我最深的意念, God, only you know my weakness and you know my deepest intention 37 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 無論在何時,無論在何處, 你親手領我前行。 Whenever I am and wherever I am, you walk along with me holding my hand 38 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 除你以外,在天我還能有誰, 除你以外,在地也無所求。 In the heaven, I depend on nobody but you; On the earth, I seek for nothing but you. 39 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 哦我心渴望,我靈切慕, 在你榮耀同在中。 I hope for you in my heart l admire you in my soul May I live in your presence 40 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God 哦主,哦主, 你是我生命唯一的執著。 Oh, My Lord You are the only one I am seeking for in my entire life 41 传播亮光 靠主喜乐 称谢主名 Spread the Light Rejoice in the Lord Give thanks to God